BDO Crystals Guide: Transfusion Basics (2024)

WON Magic Crystal – ViperAttack Speed +1
Casting Speed +2
All Accuracy +12ViperWON Magic Crystal – HystriaWeight Limit +20 LT
Movement Speed +2
Max Stamina +275HystriaWON Magic Crystal – HarphiaMax HP +50
HP Recovery +10
All Evasion +12Increased EvasionWON Magic Crystal – CobelinusMax HP +100
Weight Limit +50 LT
All Damage Reduction +3CobelinusWON Magic Crystal – CarmaeCritical Hit +1
Attack Speed +2
All AP +3CarmaeWON Magic Crystal – AddisCritical Hit +1
Casting Speed +2
All AP +3AddisWON Glorious Crystal of Honor – Special EvasionSpecial Attack Evasion Rate +10%
Max HP +30Special Attack Evasion RateWON Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Stun ResistanceIgnore Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +10%
All AP +3
Max HP +50Ignore Certain ResistanceWON Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Knockdown ResistanceIgnore Knockdown/Bound Resistance +10%
All AP +3
Max HP +50Ignore Certain ResistanceWON Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Knockback ResistanceIgnore Knockback/Floating Resistance +10%
All AP +3
Max HP +50Ignore Certain ResistanceWON Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Grapple ResistanceIgnore Grapple Resistance +10%
All AP +3
Max HP +50Ignore Certain ResistanceVisionary Crystal of ElkarrAll Accuracy +20
Ignore All Resistance +10%Ignore All ResistanceValtarra Spirit’s CrystalMax HP +150
All AP +5
Extra Damage to Kamasylvian Monsters +3SpiritUltimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod

All AP +3
Max Stamina +30
Ignore All Resistance +2%
Combat EXP +3%- 2 crystal set effect
All AP +5
Max Stamina +100
All Accuracy +4

– 4 crystal set effect
All AP +5
Max Stamina +100
All Accuracy +4
Combat EXP +5%
Ignore All Resistance +3%

Ultimate Macalod – 4Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Hoom

All Accuracy +2
All Damage Reduction +3
All Evasion +5
Max HP +75
All Resistance +1%- 2 crystal set effect
All Damage Reduction +5
Max HP +150
All Evasion +4

– 4 crystal set effect
All Damage Reduction +5
Max HP +150
All Evasion +4
All Accuracy +8
All Resistance +3%

Ultimate Hoom – 4Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Gervish

Combat/Skill EXP +10%
Weight Limit +25 LT- 2 crystal set effect
Critical Hit +1
Movement Speed +1
Weight Limit +75 LT

– 4 crystal set effect
Critical Hit +1
Movement Speed +1
Weight Limit +75 LT
Combat EXP +5%
Skill EXP +3%

Ultimate Gervish – 4Time Spirit’s Crystal – PlunderAll AP +5
Critical Hit Rate +10%
(Arena of Solare)No GroupTime Spirit’s Crystal – PerforationIgnore All Resistance +5%
Attack/Casting Speed +3%
(Arena of Solare)No GroupSpirit CrystalMax HP +50
All AP +3SpiritSecrua’s Flaming CrystalHP Recover +15 when attacking
(Arena of Solare)No GroupResplendent Kydict’s Crystal – AdventureMax HP +50
HP Recovery +5
Combat EXP +20%
Skill EXP +10%No GroupRed Spirit CrystalMax HP +100
All AP +5
Extra Damage to Humans +3SpiritRed Battlefield Crystal: ViperAttack Speed +1
Casting Speed +1
Extra Damage to Humans +10Red Battlefield IRed Battlefield Crystal: SturdinessGrapple Resistance +25%
Knockback/Floating Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IRed Battlefield Crystal: PowerAll AP +5
Extra Damage to Humans +3Red Battlefield IRed Battlefield Crystal: HystriaWeight Limit +20LT
Movement Speed +1
Extra Damage to Humans +7Red Battlefield IIRed Battlefield Crystal: HarphiaMax HP +75
HP Recovery +5
Extra Damage to Humans +5Red Battlefield IIRed Battlefield Crystal: GiantStun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance
+25% Knockdown/Bound Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IRed Battlefield Crystal: Fighting SpiritKnockback/Floating Resistance +25%
Grapple Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IRed Battlefield Crystal: CobelinusMax HP +100
Weight Limit +20LT
Extra Damage to Humans +5Red Battlefield IRed Battlefield Crystal: CarmaeCritical Hit +1
Attack Speed +1
Extra Damage to Humans +8Red Battlefield IIRed Battlefield Crystal: AddisCritical Hit +1
Casting Speed +1
Extra Damage to Humans +8Red Battlefield IIRed Battlefield Crystal: AdamantineKnockdown/Bound Resistance +25% Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IRebellious Spirit CrystalMax HP +175
All AP +5
Extra AP Against Monsters +5
Skill EXP +5%SpiritPilgrim’s Crystal: ProvidenceAll Evasion -10
Max HP -150
Arena of Solare HP Recovery +300
(Arena of Solare)No GroupPilgrim’s Crystal: AsceticMax HP +750
(Arena of Solare)No GroupOlucas’ Crystal – Ignore Stun ResistanceAll Accuracy +3
Extra Damage to Humans +5
Ignore Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +7%OlucasOlucas’ Crystal – Ignore Knockdown ResistanceAll Accuracy +3
Extra Damage to Humans +5
Ignore Knockdown/Bound Resistance +7%OlucasOlucas’ Crystal – Ignore Knockback ResistanceAll Accuracy +3
Extra Damage to Humans +5
Ignore Knockback/Floating Resistance +7%OlucasOlucas’ Crystal – Ignore Grapple ResistanceAll Accuracy +3
Extra Damage to Humans +5
Ignore Grapple Resistance +7%OlucasOlucas CrystalAll Accuracy +3
Extra Damage to Humans +5OlucasMissing Captain’s Crystal – SailAll Resistance +12%
Max Stamina +75
(Arena of Solare)No GroupMissing Captain’s Crystal – NegotiationAll Resistance +5%
Max Stamina +230
(Arena of Solare)No GroupMagical Crystal of Infinity – EnsnareAll Accuracy +8No GroupMagic Crystal of PerfectionLuck +1No GroupMagic Crystal of Infinity – SubmergenceUnderwater Breathing +15 secSubmergenceMagic Crystal of Infinity – Special EvasionSpecial Attack Evasion Rate +10%Special Attack Evasion RateMagic Crystal of Infinity – SkillSkill EXP +10%No GroupMagic Crystal of Infinity – MP RecoveryRecover 1 MP/WP/SP on attackRecovery on AttackMagic Crystal of Infinity – ExperienceCombat EXP +10%No GroupMagic Crystal of Infinity – EnergyMax Energy +10Max EnergyMagic Crystal of Infinity – Down AttackExtra Down Attack Damage +10%Extra DamageMagic Crystal of Infinity – Critical HitCritical Hit Damage +10%Extra DamageMagic Crystal of Infinity – Back AttackExtra Back Attack Damage +10%Extra DamageMagic Crystal of Infinity – ArmorAll Damage Reduction +2No GroupMagic Crystal of Infinity – Air AttackExtra Air Attack Damage +10%Extra DamageMagic Crystal of Infinity – AbsorptionRecover 1 HP on attackRecovery on AttackKydict’s Crystal – GiantMax HP +100
All Damage Reduction +2
Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance 10%Increased Resistance IIKydict’s Crystal – AdventureMax HP +50
HP Recovery +5
Combat EXP +10%No GroupJIN Magic Crystal – ViperAttack Speed +1
Casting Speed +1
All Accuracy +20ViperJIN Magic Crystal – HystriaWeight Limit +30 LT
Movement Speed +1
Max Stamina +300HystriaJIN Magic Crystal – HarphiaMax HP +50
HP Recovery +5
All Evasion +20Increased EvasionJIN Magic Crystal – CobelinusMax HP +100
Weight Limit +20 LT
All Damage Reduction +5CobelinusJIN Magic Crystal – CarmaeCritical Hit +1
Attack Speed +1
All AP +5CarmaeJIN Magic Crystal – AddisCritical Hit +1
Casting Speed +1
All AP +5AddisJIN Glorious Crystal of Honor – Special EvasionSpecial Attack Evasion Rate +10%
Max HP +100Special Attack Evasion RateJIN Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Stun ResistanceIgnore Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +10%
All AP +3
Max HP +100Ignore Certain ResistanceJIN Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Knockdown ResistanceIgnore Knockdown/Bound Resistance +10%
All AP +3
Max HP +100Ignore Certain ResistanceJIN Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Knockback ResistanceIgnore Knockback/Floating Resistance +10%
All AP +3 Max HP +100Ignore Certain ResistanceJIN Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Grapple ResistanceIgnore Grapple Resistance +10%
All AP +3
Max HP +100Ignore Certain ResistanceHAN Combined Magic Crystal – MacalodCombat EXP +1%
Ignore All Resistance +1%
Max Stamina +20
– 2 crystal set effect:
All AP +5
Max Stamina +100
All Accuracy +4
– 4 crystal set effect:
All AP +5
Max Stamina +100
All Accuracy +4
Combat EXP +5%
Ignore All Resistance +3%MacalodHAN Combined Magic Crystal – HoomAll Accuracy +2
All Resistance +1%
Max HP +30
– 2 crystal set effect:
All Damage Reduction +5
Max HP +150
All Evasion +4
– 4 crystal set effect:
All Damage Reduction +5
Max HP +150
All Evasion +4
All Accuracy +8
All Resistance +3%HoomHAN Combined Magic Crystal – GervishCombat/Skill EXP +1%
Weight Limit +15 LT
– 2 crystal set effect:
Critical Hit +1
Movement Speed +1
Weight Limit +75 LT
– 4 crystal set effect:
Critical Hit +1
Movement Speed +1
Weight Limit +75 LT
Combat EXP +5%
Skill EXP +3%GervishHaetae’s TearAll Damage Reduction +10
All Evasion +15
Max HP +200
Max MP/WP/SP +50
Max Stamina +50
HP Recovery +25
Special Attack Evasion Rate +2%
All Resistance +3%Primordial – 1Haetae’s FragmentAll Damage Reduction +10
All Evasion +15Primordial – 1Haetae’s CrystalAll Damage Reduction +10
All Evasion +15
Max HP +200
Max MP/WP/SP +50
Max Stamina +50Primordial – 1Glorious Crystal of Gallantry – OlucasAll Accuracy +3
Extra Damage to Humans +7
Attack and Casting Speed +1%OlucasGlorious Crystal of Gallantry – Ah’kradAll Accuracy +3
Extra Damage to Monsters +7
Attack and Casting Speed +1%Ah’kradGirin’s TearAll Accuracy +3
Extra AP Against Monsters +10
Monster Damage Reduction +10
Max HP +75
Max MP/WP/SP +50
Max Stamina +50
Extra All Special Attack Damage +1%
All Resistance +3%
Combat/Skill EXP +75%
Item Drop Rate +10%Primordial – 1Girin’s FragmentAll Accuracy +3
Extra AP Against Monsters +10
Monster Damage Reduction +10Primordial – 1Girin’s CrystalAll Accuracy +3
Extra AP Against Monsters +10
Monster Damage Reduction +10
Max HP +75
Max MP/WP/SP +50
Max Stamina +50Primordial – 1Dark Red Fang Crystal – ValorCritical Hit +2
All AP +5Dark Red ValorDark Red Fang Crystal – ArmorAll Damage Reduction +7
All Resistance +2%Dark Red ArmorCrystal of Mysterious DarknessAll AP +2
All Accuracy +3
Back Attack Damage +12%Increased Extra DamageCrystal of Frozen BitternessAll Damage Reduction +10
All Evasion +12
Monster Damage Reduction +3BitternessCrystal of ElkarrAll Accuracy +12
Ignore All Resistance +10%Ignore All ResistanceCrystal of ElkarrAll Accuracy +12
Ignore All Resistance +10%Ignore All ResistanceCrystal of Brutal DecimationExtra AP Against Monsters +7
Back Attack Damage +1%DecimationCorrupted Magic CrystalCritical Hit Damage +10%
All AP +2
All Damage Reduction -2
– 2 crystal set effect:
Critical Hit Damage +2%Extra DamageCombined Magic Crystal – Macalod– 2 crystal set effect:
All AP +5
Max Stamina +100
All Accuracy +4
– 4 crystal set effect:
All AP +5
Max Stamina +100
All Accuracy +4
Combat EXP +5%
Ignore All Resistance +3%MacalodCombined Magic Crystal – Hoom– 2 crystal set effect:
All Damage Reduction +5
Max HP +150
All Evasion +4
– 4 crystal set effect:
All Damage Reduction +5
Max HP +150
All Evasion +4
All Accuracy +8
All Resistance +3%HoomCombined Magic Crystal – Gervish– 2 crystal set effect:
Critical Hit +1
Movement Speed +1
Weight Limit +75 LT
– 4 crystal set effect:
Critical Hit +1
Movement Speed +1
Weight Limit +75 LT
Combat EXP +5%
Skill EXP +3%GervishBonghwang’s TearAll AP +4
All Accuracy +5
All Damage Reduction +5
All Evasion +7
Max HP +75
Max MP/WP/SP +50
Max Stamina +50
Extra AP Against Monsters +2
Monster Damage Reduction +2
Extra All Special Attack Damage +0.5%
Special Attack Evasion Rate +0.5%
All Resistance +2%
Ignore All Resistance +2%
Combat/Skill EXP +30%
Item Drop Rate +5%Primordial – 1Bonghwang’s FragmentAll AP +4
All Accuracy +5
All Damage Reduction +5
All Evasion +7Primordial – 1Bonghwang’s CrystalAll AP +4
All Accuracy +5
All Damage Reduction +5
All Evasion +7
Max HP +75
Max MP/WP/SP +50
Max Stamina +50
Extra AP Against Monsters +2
Monster Damage Reduction +2Primordial – 1BON Magic Crystal – ViperAttack Speed +2
Casting Speed +1
All Accuracy +12ViperBON Magic Crystal – HystriaWeight Limit +50 LT
Movement Speed +1
Max Stamina +275HystriaBON Magic Crystal – HarphiaMax HP +75
HP Recovery +5
All Evasion +12Increased EvasionBON Magic Crystal – CobelinusMax HP +150
Weight Limit +20 LT
All Damage Reduction +3CobelinusBON Magic Crystal – CarmaeCritical Hit +2
Attack Speed +1
All AP +3CarmaeBON Magic Crystal – AddisCritical Hit +2
Casting Speed +1
All AP +3AddisBON Glorious Crystal of Honor – Special EvasionSpecial Attack Evasion Rate +10%
Max HP +50Special Attack Evasion RateBON Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Stun ResistanceIgnore Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +10%
All AP +2
Max HP +100Ignore Certain ResistanceBON Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Knockdown ResistanceIgnore Knockdown/Bound Resistance +10%
All AP +2
Max HP +100Ignore Certain ResistanceBON Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Knockback ResistanceIgnore Knockback/Floating Resistance +10%
All AP +2
Max HP +100Ignore Certain ResistanceBON Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Grapple ResistanceIgnore Grapple Resistance +10%
All AP +2
Max HP +100Ignore Certain ResistanceBlack Spirit CrystalMax HP +100
All AP +5SpiritBlack Magic Crystal – ViperAttack Speed +1
Casting Speed +1
All Accuracy +8ViperBlack Magic Crystal – VigorMax HP +50
Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +10%Increased Resistance IIBlack Magic Crystal – ValorCritical Hit +2
Grapple Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IIBlack Magic Crystal – SwiftnessMovement Speed +2
Knockback/Floating Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IIBlack Magic Crystal – SturdinessGrapple Resistance +10%
Knockback/Floating Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IIBlack Magic Crystal – PrecisionAll Accuracy +8
Ignore All Resistance +10%Ignore All ResistanceBlack Magic Crystal – MemoryCasting Speed +2
Knockdown/Bound Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IIBlack Magic Crystal – IntimidationKnockdown/Bound Resistance +10%
Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance 5%Increased Resistance IIBlack Magic Crystal – HystriaWeight Limit +20LT
Movement Speed +1
Max Stamina +275HystriaBlack Magic Crystal – HarphiaMax HP +50
HP Recovery +5
All Evasion +8Increased EvasionBlack Magic Crystal – EnsnareAll Accuracy +8
Grapple Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IIBlack Magic Crystal – DescentFall Damage -15%
Knockback/Floating Resistance +10%Fall Damage ReductionBlack Magic Crystal – CobelinusMax HP +100
Weight Limit +20LT
All Damage Reduction +2CobelinusBlack Magic Crystal – CarmaeCritical Hit +1
Attack Speed +1
All AP +2CarmaeBlack Magic Crystal – AssaultAttack Speed +2
Grapple Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IIBlack Magic Crystal – AscensionJump Height +35
Knockback/Floating Resistance +10%Jump HeightBlack Magic Crystal – ArmorAll Damage Reduction +2 Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +10%Increased Resistance IIBlack Magic Crystal – AgilityAll Evasion +8
Knockdown/Bound Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IIBlack Magic Crystal – AddisCritical Hit +1
Casting Speed +1
All AP +2AddisBlack Magic Crystal – AdamantineKnockback/Floating Resistance +10%
Knockdown/Bound Resistance +5%Increased Resistance IIAwakened Spirit’s CrystalMax HP +150
All AP +5SpiritAncient Spirit’s Crystal – ViperAttack Speed +1
Casting Speed +1Ancient Spirit – 1Ancient Spirit’s Crystal – ValorCritical Hit +1Ancient Spirit – 1Ancient Spirit’s Crystal – SwiftnessMovement Speed +2Ancient Spirit – 1Ancient Magic Crystal – ViperAttack Speed +1
Casting Speed +1No GroupAncient Magic Crystal – HystriaWeight Limit +20LT
Movement Speed +1No GroupAncient Magic Crystal – HarphiaMax HP +50
HP Recovery +5No GroupAncient Magic Crystal – CobelinusMax HP +100
Weight Limit +20LTNo GroupAncient Magic Crystal – CarmaeCritical Hit +1
Attack Speed +1No GroupAncient Magic Crystal – AddisCritical Hit +1
Casting Speed +1No GroupAncient Magic Crystal of Nature – SturdinessGrapple Resistance +25%Increased Resistance IAncient Magic Crystal of Nature – GiantStun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +25%Increased Resistance IAncient Magic Crystal of Nature – Fighting SpiritKnockback/Floating Resistance +25%Increased Resistance IAncient Magic Crystal of Nature – AdamantineKnockdown/Bound Resistance +25%Increased Resistance IAncient Magic Crystal of Enchantment – AgilityAll Evasion +20Increased EvasionAncient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame – PowerAll AP +5No GroupAncient Magic Crystal of Abundance- HealingMax HP +50
HP Recovery +3No GroupAncient Magic Crystal of Abundance – ResonanceMax MP/WP/SP +50
MP/WP/SP Recovery +3No GroupAncient Magic Crystal of Abundance – ArmorAll Damage Reduction +5No GroupAh’krad CrystalAll Accuracy +3
Extra AP Against Monsters +5Ah’krad
BDO Crystals Guide: Transfusion Basics (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.