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Eat Live Run

May 11, 2016 - 7:36 am

I think she's just really miserable with her life and takes it out on her poor kid. Getting a mother's helper is the best decision she's made. If she doesn't want to spend time with her kid, he deserves to spend time with someone else. It's telling that she called her husband a babysitter on Instagram. Some followers took her to task, and she didn't back down either. I don't think she's happy as a SAHM at all, but I have no sympathy because it's 2016, and they have the money for daycare. If you don't want to be home, go get a job.

Also, a date sweetened carrot cake for a toddler's birthday is an asshole move. If my kid were a guest, I'd take him for ice cream on the way home.

May 11, 2016 - 7:46 am

snarkmonster meowed

I think she's just really miserable with her life and takes it out on her poor kid. Getting a mother's helper is the best decision she's made. If she doesn't want to spend time with her kid, he deserves to spend time with someone else. It's telling that she called her husband a babysitter on Instagram. Some followers took her to task, and she didn't back down either. I don't think she's happy as a SAHM at all, but I have no sympathy because it's 2016, and they have the money for daycare. If you don't want to be home, go get a job.

Also, a date sweetened carrot cake for a toddler's birthday is an asshole move. If my kid were a guest, I'd take him for ice cream on the way home.

Yep, most kids I know HATE carrot cake. And it just doesn't say 'birthday' like a chocolate or vanilla cake does. And I won't believe for one second carrot is g's favourite because when does she ever think of him first? She's just trying to impress the parents.

Also, let's not pretend this girl will be a 'mother's helper'. She'll be a live-out nanny with Jenna in the background working out to t25 and snap chatting it and being a #girlboss. I'll bet money she'll ignore Grayson all the more, if that's even possible.

May 11, 2016 - 9:10 am

She just makes me sad. I had my baby at 26 weeks and we spent 3 months in the NICU. Holy dose of perspective that has impacted us as parents – for the better….she has it so, so good and she doesn't seem to enjoy a second of it.

May 11, 2016 - 10:41 am

non jail victory


Meows: 365

Snarking Since:
December 5, 2011

Jenna's being slammed on IG today for demanding that her husband come home from work and "babysit." And then she posted a tremendously b***hy response by saying that her husband was just sitting on the couch watching the monitor. Every day I'm like okay, Jenna can't get possibly any worse, and then SHE DOES! What a c**t.

May 11, 2016 - 10:59 am

sweettooth24 meowed
She just makes me sad. I had my baby at 26 weeks and we spent 3 months in the NICU. Holy dose of perspective that has impacted us as parents – for the better….she has it so, so good and she doesn't seem to enjoy a second of it.

Aww, I'm also a NICU mom. Had my daughter at 31 weeks and spent a month in the NICU.

I salute you and your husband for your 3-month NICU stay. I cannot imagine how difficult that must have been.Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (6)

My daughter is turning 2 this weekend, so same age as Grayson.

I know toddlers are difficult, but they are also so fun and hilarious at this age.

I really feel bad for Grayson when his mother shames him on social media. He actually seems to be pretty mellow and easy to please.

May 11, 2016 - 11:13 am

lilyaldrin meowed
So she's a stay at home mom hiring a nanny because she can't take care of ONE freaking child? Didn't she say they chose to make it work so she could stay home and raise their children (#blessed!), and now she's almost got two kids and is worn out by ONE? Plus the "because pregnant" is BS. Pregnancy isn't a disease, and she's young and healthy so she should be able to handle mothering a toddler like the billions of other people in the world who do. Holy frig, is she ever maddening. And grass-fed, organic mama, y'all! took a stranger's advice and ordered CHICK FIL-A for the party?! She's at home all day, every day with a boy who take three hour naps and she can't make food for a party? I feel so bad for that kid. At least now he'll have someone to play with, and not be publicly shamed on IG all the time. Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (7)Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (8)Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (9)Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (10)

Ugh. I get it, some women just aren't cut out to be SAHM's. I get it. I would probably be one of them. But it wouldn't be so annoying if she didn't have to be so smug about it and try to spin her Beachbody tale about how awesome it is that she can work and stay home with her kids, like you say.

May 11, 2016 - 11:15 am

snarkmonster meowed
I think she's just really miserable with her life and takes it out on her poor kid. Getting a mother's helper is the best decision she's made. If she doesn't want to spend time with her kid, he deserves to spend time with someone else. It's telling that she called her husband a babysitter on Instagram. Some followers took her to task, and she didn't back down either. I don't think she's happy as a SAHM at all, but I have no sympathy because it's 2016, and they have the money for daycare. If you don't want to be home, go get a job.

Also, a date sweetened carrot cake for a toddler's birthday is an asshole move. If my kid were a guest, I'd take him for ice cream on the way home.

Totally. I feel like she just doesn't want to admit she is unhappy and would rather make her videos about Beachbody and being #soblessed even though the way she talks and her body language suggests she feels anything but. For someone who feels the need to spout so many inspirational quotes, she doesn't actually seem to be living them.

May 11, 2016 - 11:15 am

What is her snapchat?

May 11, 2016 - 11:16 am

lilyaldrin meowed

snarkmonster meowed

I think she's just really miserable with her life and takes it out on her poor kid. Getting a mother's helper is the best decision she's made. If she doesn't want to spend time with her kid, he deserves to spend time with someone else. It's telling that she called her husband a babysitter on Instagram. Some followers took her to task, and she didn't back down either. I don't think she's happy as a SAHM at all, but I have no sympathy because it's 2016, and they have the money for daycare. If you don't want to be home, go get a job.

Also, a date sweetened carrot cake for a toddler's birthday is an asshole move. If my kid were a guest, I'd take him for ice cream on the way home.

Yep, most kids I know HATE carrot cake. And it just doesn't say 'birthday' like a chocolate or vanilla cake does. And I won't believe for one second carrot is g's favourite because when does she ever think of him first? She's just trying to impress the parents.

Also, let's not pretend this girl will be a 'mother's helper'. She'll be a live-out nanny with Jenna in the background working out to t25 and snap chatting it and being a #girlboss. I'll bet money she'll ignore Grayson all the more, if that's even possible.

So true. I got sent home from a Mother's Day BBQ with some AMAZING carrot cake that completely horrifies my two year old. Poor kid! I can kind of relate since my daughter was born 12 days before my son's second birthday and I totally dialed it in for his party. But you can dial it in and still show them a wonderful time! I booked a local ice cream parlor for a couple hours (this one rents their space out for ice cream parties before their official noon opening time), brought a tray of sandwhiches for the grownups, and then let the kids go to the park to run off the sugar. DONE.

I do think there's no shame in getting a mother's helper and that it will be a good move once the next baby is here. It's really hard to establish breastfeeding, etc… with a tiny delicate baby while a two year old is climbing all over both of you. I know lots of people get by without it, but I think that since she has the means, at least she's directing that money at something that will help her kids and not just at overpriced clothes and wraps. (Because seriously, they are accessories when you have more than a couple.)

May 11, 2016 - 11:53 am

In that snap about the mother's helper, she said the MH goes to University of Alabama. Jenna then says that was her alma mater….Didn't she go to College of Charleston????
Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (11)

May 11, 2016 - 12:02 pm


Count de Meowmy

Meows: 630

Snarking Since:
March 3, 2013

dogsandmovies meowed
In that snap about the mother's helper, she said the MH goes to University of Alabama. Jenna then says that was her alma mater….Didn't she go to College of Charleston????
Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (12)

I was confused by that, too. Although, I think Jenna also says that she's a graduate of some school in Paris. And she was there for two weeks. So who knows.

Everything this girl does anymore is a contradiction. She bakes special healthy cakes for her kids, then late-night binges on sugar. She forces us to watch her working out every day, then she hires a mother's helper because she's "too tired and too pregnant" to play with her child. She proclaims that it was her family's choice to get her to stay at home so she could be with her family, then she outsources the two major components of staying at home (feeding and playing with your children) to others.

I dunno. But I do love the comment on her Instagram of someone asking something like, "Must be any day now!" when she has 10 more weeks. Good luck with that, Jenna.

May 11, 2016 - 12:27 pm

hold down the fork


Meows: 118

Snarking Since:
March 4, 2014

dogsandmovies meowed
In that snap about the mother's helper, she said the MH goes to University of Alabama. Jenna then says that was her alma mater….Didn't she go to College of Charleston????
Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (13)

I think she went to University of Alabama her freshman year and then transferred to College of Charleston. Not sure exactly how she thinks that makes Alabama her alma mater. Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (14)

May 11, 2016 - 12:32 pm

Daisy Steiner

wallybones meowed

Turtle Dub meowed

WHY DO I FOLLOW HER ON SNAPCHAT??! I swear, my blood pressure soars everytime I see her face yammer on about being pregnant, talk about using dates to sweeten her two year old's birthday carrot cake (wtf?!), jump around in embarrassing Beachbody workouts but be "too pregnant" to play with her son in the yard, etc. omg. She maybe actually is The Absolute Worst.

yes!! Why do we?? I find it amusing. She's so clueless and Adam is a dumbass. I was just listening to her latest and greatest SC where omg best decision ever as a stay at home is to hire a helper. Haha. She's royally going to be f**ked with 2. Anyway my husband heard and he was like wtf is at? I told him so brainless chicks SC. He's like obviously if she named her kid Grayson. Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (15)

Holy hell, that was the worst series of snaps yet. She has graduated to official c**t status for me. I really just can't believe nobody close to her has yet to call her out and ask her if she needs to talk to someone professionally. There's overwhelmed from shouldering all parental responsibilities which I get, but then there's Jenna's with her continuous display of her severe disconnect/ lack of interest in her kid. I guess time will tell with this "mother's helper" (is that a new age term btw? Sounds sister-wifey and creepy) so I really do hope it helps for the sake of G and the new bundle of inconvenience.

Also, to whoever previously suggested Jenna might think she's funny with these snaps might be right. Girl, just no. Eat Live Run | Page 507 | Healthy Living Bloggers | Old Forums (16)


Old ForumsHealthy Living BloggersEat Live Run

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