Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (2024)

Lesson 1

Problem 1

The six frames show a shape's different positions.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (1)

Describe how the shape moves to get from its position in each frame to the next.

Problem 2

These five frames show a shape's different positions.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (2)

Describe how the shape moves to get from its position in each frame to the next.

Problem 3

Diego started with this shape.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (3)

Diego moves the shape down, turns it 90 degrees clockwise, then moves the shape to the right. Draw the location of the shape after each move.

Lesson 2

Problem 1

Each of the six cards shows a shape.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (4)

  1. Which pair of cards shows a shape and its image after a rotation?
  2. Which pair of cards shows a shape and its image after a reflection?

Problem 2

The five frames show a shape's different positions.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (5)

Describe how the shape moves to get from its position in each frame to the next.

Problem 3 (from Unit 1, Lesson 1)

The rectangle seen in Frame 1 is rotated to a new position, seen in Frame 2.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (6)

Select all the ways the rectangle could have been rotated to get from Frame 1 to Frame 2.

  1. 40 degrees clockwise
  2. 40 degrees counterclockwise
  3. 90 degrees clockwise
  4. 90 degrees counterclockwise
  5. 140 degrees clockwise
  6. 140 degrees counterclockwise

Lesson 3

Problem 1

Apply each transformationdescribed to Figure A. If you get stuck, try using tracing paper.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (7)

  1. A translation which takes $P$ to $P’$
  2. A counterclockwise rotation of A, using center $P$, of 60 degrees
  3. A reflection of A across line $\ell$

Problem 2

Here is triangle $ABC$ drawn on a grid.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (8)

On the grid, draw a rotation of triangle $ABC$, a translation of triangle $ABC$, and a reflection of triangle $ABC$. Describe clearly how each was done.

Problem 3 (from Unit 1, Lesson 2)

  1. Draw the translated image of $ABCDE$ so that vertex $C$ moves to $C’$. Tracing paper may be useful.

    Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (9)

  2. Draw the reflected image of Pentagon $ABCDE$ with line of reflection $\ell$. Tracing paper may be useful.

    Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (10)

  3. Draw the rotation of Pentagon$ABCDE$ around $C$ clockwise by an angle of 150 degrees. Tracing paper and a protractor may be useful.

    Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (11)

Lesson 4

Problem 1

For each pair of polygons, describe a sequence of translations, rotations, and reflections that takes Polygon P to Polygon Q.

  1. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (12)

  2. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (13)

  3. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (14)

Problem 2 (from Unit 1, Lesson 2)

Here is quadrilateral $ABCD$ and line $\ell$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (15)

Draw the image of quadrilateral $ABCD$ after reflecting it across line $\ell$.

Problem 3 (from Unit 1, Lesson 2)

Here is quadrilateral $ABCD$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (16)

Draw the image of quadrilateral $ABCD$ after each rotation using $B$ as center.

  1. 90 degrees clockwise
  2. 120 degrees clockwise
  3. 30 degrees counterclockwise

Lesson 5

Problem 1

  1. Here are some points.

    Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (17)

    What are the coordinates of $A$, $B$, and $C$ after a translation to the right by 4 units and up 1 unit? Plot these points on the grid, and label them $A’$, $B’$ and $C’$.

  2. Here are some points.

    Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (18)

    What are the coordinates of $D$, $E$, and $F$ after a reflection over the $y$ axis? Plot these points on the grid, and label them $D’$, $E’$ and $F’$.

  3. Here are some points.

    Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (19)

    What are the coordinates of $G$, $H$, and $I$ after a rotation about $(0,0)$ by 90 degrees clockwise? Plot these points on the grid, and label them $G’$, $H’$ and $I’$.

Problem 2 (from Unit 1, Lesson 4)

Describe a sequence of transformations that takes trapezoid A to trapezoid B.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (20)

Problem 3 (from Unit 1, Lesson 3)

Reflect polygon $P$ using line $\ell$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (21)

Lesson 6

Problem 1

Here is Trapezoid A in the coordinate plane:

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (22)

  1. Draw Polygon B, the image of A, using the $y$-axis as the line of reflection.
  2. Draw Polygon C, the image of B, using the $x$-axis as the line of reflection.
  3. Draw Polygon D, the image of C, using the $x$-axis as the line of reflection.

Problem 2

The point $(\text{-}4,1)$ is rotated 180 degrees counterclockwise using center $(\text{-}3,0)$. What are the coordinates of the image?

  1. $(\text{-}5,\text{-}2)$
  2. $(\text{-}4,\text{-}1)$
  3. $(\text{-}2,\text{-}1)$
  4. $(4,\text{-}1)$

Problem 3

Describe a sequence of transformations for which Triangle B is the image of Triangle A.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (23)

Problem 4 (from Unit 1, Lesson 2)

Here is quadrilateral $ABCD$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (24)Draw the image of quadrilateral $ABCD$ after each transformation.

  1. The translation that takes $B$ to $D$.
  2. The reflection over segment $BC$.
  3. The rotation about point $A$ by angle $DAB$, counterclockwise.

Lesson 7

Problem 1

Is there a rigid transformation taking Rhombus P to Rhombus Q? Explain how you know.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (25)

Problem 2

Describe a rigid transformation that takes Triangle A to Triangle B.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (26)

Problem 3

Is there a rigid transformation taking Rectangle A to Rectangle B? Explain how you know.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (27)

Problem 4 (from Unit 1, Lesson 4)

For each shape, draw its image after performing the transformation. If you get stuck, consider using tracing paper.

  1. Translate the shape so that $A$ goes to $A’$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (28)

  1. Rotate the shape 180 degrees counterclockwise around $B$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (29)

  1. Reflect the shape over the line shown.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (30)

Lesson 8

Problem 1

For the figure shown here,

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (31)

  1. Rotate segment $CD$ $180^\circ$ around point $D$.
  2. Rotate segment $CD$ $180^\circ$ around point $E$.
  3. Rotate segment $CD$ $180^\circ$ around point $M$.

Problem 2

Here is an isosceles right triangle:

Draw these three rotations of triangle $ABC$ together.

  1. Rotate triangle $ABC$ 90 degrees clockwise around $A$.
  2. Rotate triangle $ABC$ 180 degrees around $A$.
  3. Rotate triangle $ABC$ 270 degrees clockwise around $A$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (32)

Problem 3 (from Unit 1, Lesson 5)

Each graph shows two polygons $ABCD$ and $A’B’C’D’$. In each case, describe a sequence of transformationsthat takes $ABCD$ to $A’B’C’D’$.

  1. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (33)

  2. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (34)

Problem 4 (from Unit 1, Lesson 4)

Lin says that she can map Polygon Ato Polygon Busing only reflections. Do you agree with Lin? Explain your reasoning.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (35)

Lesson 9

Problem 1

  1. Draw parallel lines $AB$ and $CD$.
  2. Pick any point $E$. Rotate $AB$ 90 degrees clockwise around $E$.
  3. Rotate $CD$ 90 degrees clockwise around $E$.
  4. What do you notice?

Problem 2

Use the diagram to find the measures of each angle. Explain your reasoning.

  1. $m{\angle ABC}$
  2. $m{\angle EBD}$
  3. $m{\angle ABE}$

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (36)

Problem 3

Points $P$ and $Q$ are plotted on a line.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (37)

  1. Find a point $R$ so that a 180-degree rotation with center $R$ sends $P$ to $Q$ and $Q$ to $P$.
  2. Is there more than one point $R$ that works for part a?

Problem 4 (from Unit 1, Lesson 7)

In the picture triangle $A’B’C’$ is an image of triangle $ABC$ after a rotation. The center of rotation is $D$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (38)

  1. What is the length of side $B’C’$?Explain how you know.
  2. What is the measure of angle $B$? Explain how you know.
  3. What is the measure of angle $C$? Explain how you know.

Problem 5 (from Unit 1, Lesson 6)

The point $(\text-4,1)$ is rotated 180 degrees counterclockwise using center $(0,0)$. What are the coordinates of the image?

  1. $(\text-1,\text-4)$
  2. $(\text-1,4)$
  3. $(4,1)$
  4. $(4,\text-1)$

Lesson 10

Problem 1

Here is the design for the flag of Trinidad and Tobago.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (39)

Describe a sequence of translations, rotations, and reflections that take the lower left triangle to the upper right triangle.

Problem 2

Here is a picture of an older version of the flag of Great Britain. There is a rigid transformation that takes Triangle 1 to Triangle 2, another that takes Triangle 1 to Triangle 3, and another that takes Triangle 1 to Triangle 4.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (40)

  1. Measure the lengths of the sides in Triangles 1 and 2. What do you notice?
  2. What are the side lengths of Triangle 3? Explain how you know.
  3. Do all eight triangles in the flag have the same area? Explain how you know.

Problem 3 (from Unit 1, Lesson 9)

  1. Which of the lines in the picture is parallel to line $\ell$? Explain how you know.

    Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (41)

  2. Explain how to translate, rotate or reflect line $\ell$ to obtain line $k$.
  3. Explain how to translate, rotate or reflect line $\ell$ to obtain line $p$.

Problem 4 (from Unit 1, Lesson 6)

Point $A$ has coordinates $(3,4)$. After a translation 4 units left, a reflection across the $x$-axis, and a translation 2 units down, what are the coordinates of the image?

Problem 5 (from Unit 1, Lesson 8)

Here is triangle $XYZ$:

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (42)

Draw these three rotations of triangle $XYZ$ together.

  1. Rotate triangle $XYZ$ 90 degrees clockwise around $Z$.
  2. Rotate triangle $XYZ$ 180 degrees around $Z$.
  3. Rotate triangle $XYZ$ 270 degrees clockwise around $Z$.

Lesson 11

Problem 1

If two rectangles have the same perimeter, do they have to be congruent? Explain how you know.

Problem 2

Draw two rectangles that have the same area, but are not congruent.

Problem 3

For each pair of shapes, decidewhether or not it appears that the two shapes are congruent. Explain your reasoning.

  1. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (43)

  2. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (44)

Problem 4

  1. Reflect Quadrilateral A over the $x$-axis. Label the image quadrilateral B. Reflect Quadrilateral B over the $y$-axis. Label the image C.

    Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (45)

  2. Are Quadrilaterals A and C congruent? Explain how you know.

Problem 5 (from Unit 1, Lesson 6)

The point $(\text-2,\text-3)$ is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise using center $(0,0)$. What are the coordinates of the image?

  1. $(\text-3,\text-2)$
  2. $(\text-3,2)$
  3. $(3,\text-2)$
  4. $(3,2)$

Problem 6 (from Unit 1, Lesson 7)

Describe a rigid transformation that takes PolygonA to PolygonB.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (46)

Lesson 12

Problem 1

  1. Show that the two pentagons are congruent.
  2. Find the side lengths of $ABCDE$ and the angle measures of $FGHIJ$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (47)

Problem 2

For each pair of shapes, decide whether or not the two shapes are congruent. Explain your reasoning.

  1. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (48)

  2. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (49)

  3. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (50)

Problem 3 (from Unit 1, Lesson 8)

  1. Draw segment $PQ$.
  2. When $PQ$ is rotated $180^\circ$ around point $R$, the resulting segment is the same as $PQ$. Where could point $R$ be located?

Problem 4 (from Unit 1, Lesson 10)

Here is trapezoid $ABCD$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (51)

Using rigid transformations on the trapezoid, build a pattern. Describe some of the rigid transformations you used.

Lesson 13

Problem 1

Which of these four figures are congruent to the top figure?

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (52)

Problem 2

These two figures are congruent, with corresponding points marked.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (53)

  1. Are angles $ABC$ and $A'B'C'$ congruent? Explain your reasoning.
  2. Measure angles $ABC$ and $A’B’C’$ to check your answer.

Problem 3

Here are two figures.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (54)

Show, using measurement, that these two figures are not congruent.

Problem 4 (from Unit 1, Lesson 3)

Each picture shows two polygons, one labeled Polygon Aand one labeled Polygon B. Describe how to move Polygon Ainto the position of Polygon Busing a transformation.

  1. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (55)

  2. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (56)

  3. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (57)

Lesson 14

Problem 1 (from Unit 1, Lesson 9)

Use the diagram to find the measures of each angle. Explain your reasoning.

  1. $m{\angle ABC}$
  2. $m{\angle EBD}$
  3. $m{\angle ABE}$

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (58)

Problem 2

Lines $k$ and $\ell$ are parallel, and the measure of angle $ABC$ is 19 degrees.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (59)

  1. Explain why the measure of angle $ECF$ is 19 degrees. If you get stuck, consider translating line $\ell$ by moving $B$ to $C$.
  2. What is the measure of angle $BCD$? Explain.

Problem 3

The diagram shows three lines with some marked angle measures.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (60)

Find the missing angle measures marked with question marks.

Problem 4

The two figures are scaled copies of each other.

  1. What are some ways that you can tell they are scaled copies?
  2. What is the scale factor that takes Figure 1 to Figure 2?
  3. What is the scale factor that takes Figure 2 to Figure 1?

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (61)

Lesson 15

Problem 1

In triangle $ABC$, the measure of angle $A$ is $40^\circ$.

  1. Give possible measures for angles $B$ and $C$ if triangle $ABC$ is isosceles.
  2. Give possible measures for angles $B$ and $C$ if triangle $ABC$ is right.

Problem 2

For each set of angles, decideif there is a triangle whose angles have these measures in degrees:

  1. 60, 60, 60
  2. 90, 90, 45
  3. 30, 40, 50
  4. 90, 45, 45
  5. 120, 30, 30

If you get stuck, consider making a line segment. Then use a protractor to measure angles with the first two angle measures.

Problem 3

Angle $A$ in triangle $ABC$ is obtuse. Can angle $B$ or angle $C$ be obtuse? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 4 (from Unit 1, Lesson 3)

For each pair of polygons, describe the transformation that could beapplied to Polygon Ato get Polygon B.

  1. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (62)

  2. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (63)

  3. Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (64)

Problem 5 (from Unit 1, Lesson 14)

On the grid, draw a scaled copy of quadrilateral $ABCD$ using a scale factor of $\frac12$.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (65)

Lesson 16

Problem 1

For each triangle, find the measure of the missing angle.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (66)

Problem 2

Is there a triangle with two right angles? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 3

In this diagram, lines $AB$ and $CD$ are parallel.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (67)

Angle $ABC$ measures $35^\circ$ and angle $BAC$ measures $115^\circ$.

  1. What is $m{\angle ACE}$?
  2. What is $m{\angle DCB}$?
  3. What is $m{\angle ACB}$?

Problem 4 (from Unit 1, Lesson 13)

The two figuresare congruent.

  1. Label the points $A’$, $B’$ and $C’$ that correspond to $A$, $B$, and $C$ in the figure on the right.

    Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (68)

  2. If segment $AB$ measures 2 cm, how long is segment $A’B’$? Explain.
  3. The point $D$ is shown in addition to $A$ and $C$. How can you find the point $D’$ that corresponds to $D$? Explain your reasoning.

    Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (69)

Lesson 17

No practice problems for this lesson.

Grade 8, Unit 1 - Practice Problems (2024)


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.