Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory · Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory The Pierre Auger Collaboration1 1Pierre Auger Observatory, Av - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory· Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory The Pierre Auger Collaboration1 1Pierre Auger Observatory, Av


Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory The Pierre Auger Collaboration 1 1 Pierre Auger Observatory, Av. San Mart´ ın Norte 304, 5613 Malarg¨ ue, Argentina Author names and affiliations appear at the end of this paper. Correspondence*: auger [emailprotected] ABSTRACT An overview of the multi-messenger capabilities of the Pierre Auger Observatory is presented. The techniques and performance of searching for Ultra-High Energy neutrinos, photons and neutrons are described. Some of the most relevant results are reviewed, such as stringent upper bounds that were placed to a flux of diffuse cosmogenic neutrinos and photons, bounds placed on neutrinos emitted from compact binary mergers that were detected by LIGO and Virgo during their first and second observing runs, as well as searches for high energy photons and neutrons from the Galactic center that constrain the properties of the putative Galactic PeVatron, observed by the H.E.S.S. collaboration. The observation of directional correlations between ultra-high energy cosmic rays and either high energy astrophysical neutrinos or specific source populations, weighted by their electromagnetic radiation, are also discussed. They constitute additional multi-messenger approaches aimed at identifying the sources of high energy cosmic rays. KEYWORDS: UHECR, high energy neutrinos, high energy photons, high energy neutrons, multi-messenger astrophysics, compact binary mergers 1 INTRODUCTION With the discovery of neutrinos from SN1987A [1, 2] arriving four hours before the light detected by conventional telescopes it became clear that there was a lot to learn from examining any type of particles and radiation coming from astrophysical objects, and that neutrino detectors could give early alerts that would facilitate the observation of the evolution of such transients from the earliest stages. Besides the different wavelengths of traditional astronomy, neutrinos, cosmic rays, very high energy gamma rays, and gravitational waves provide complementary information to study the most energetic objects of the Universe. While the SN1987A event might be said to mark the onset of multi-messenger astronomy, the term was only introduced in the late 1990s (see, e.g. [3, 4]), and the final boost to the field took place quite recently with the emergence of both neutrino [5] and gravitational-wave astronomy [6]. Indeed the discovery of gravitational waves from the merging of a neutron star binary system by LIGO and Virgo [7] triggered a spectacular series of observations in the full electromagnetic spectrum from radio to the very high energy gamma rays [8] and searches for neutrino fluxes with ANTARES, IceCube, and the Pierre Auger Observatory [9]. The combined effort marks an unprecedented leap forward in astrophysics 1 arXiv:1904.11918v1 [astro-ph.HE] 26 Apr 2019

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Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory· Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory The Pierre Auger Collaboration1 1Pierre Auger Observatory, Av - [PDF Document] (3)

Multi-Messenger Physics with the PierreAuger ObservatoryThe Pierre Auger Collaboration 1

1Pierre Auger Observatory, Av. San Martın Norte 304, 5613 Malargue, ArgentinaAuthor names and affiliations appear at the end of this paper.


auger [emailprotected]


An overview of the multi-messenger capabilities of the Pierre Auger Observatory is presented.The techniques and performance of searching for Ultra-High Energy neutrinos, photons andneutrons are described. Some of the most relevant results are reviewed, such as stringentupper bounds that were placed to a flux of diffuse cosmogenic neutrinos and photons, boundsplaced on neutrinos emitted from compact binary mergers that were detected by LIGO and Virgoduring their first and second observing runs, as well as searches for high energy photons andneutrons from the Galactic center that constrain the properties of the putative Galactic PeVatron,observed by the H.E.S.S. collaboration. The observation of directional correlations betweenultra-high energy cosmic rays and either high energy astrophysical neutrinos or specific sourcepopulations, weighted by their electromagnetic radiation, are also discussed. They constituteadditional multi-messenger approaches aimed at identifying the sources of high energy cosmicrays.


UHECR, high energy neutrinos, high energy photons, high energy neutrons, multi-messenger astrophysics, compact binary mergers


With the discovery of neutrinos from SN1987A [1, 2] arriving four hours before the light detected byconventional telescopes it became clear that there was a lot to learn from examining any type of particlesand radiation coming from astrophysical objects, and that neutrino detectors could give early alerts thatwould facilitate the observation of the evolution of such transients from the earliest stages. Besides thedifferent wavelengths of traditional astronomy, neutrinos, cosmic rays, very high energy gamma rays,and gravitational waves provide complementary information to study the most energetic objects of theUniverse. While the SN1987A event might be said to mark the onset of multi-messenger astronomy, theterm was only introduced in the late 1990s (see, e.g. [3, 4]), and the final boost to the field took placequite recently with the emergence of both neutrino [5] and gravitational-wave astronomy [6]. Indeed thediscovery of gravitational waves from the merging of a neutron star binary system by LIGO and Virgo[7] triggered a spectacular series of observations in the full electromagnetic spectrum from radio to thevery high energy gamma rays [8] and searches for neutrino fluxes with ANTARES, IceCube, and thePierre Auger Observatory [9]. The combined effort marks an unprecedented leap forward in astrophysics















Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory· Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory The Pierre Auger Collaboration1 1Pierre Auger Observatory, Av - [PDF Document] (4)

A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory

revealing many aspects of the Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) induced by the merger and its subsequent kilonova.More recently an energetic neutrino candidate was detected in IceCube in coincidence with the powerfulblazar TXS-0506+056 during a flare in the very-high-energy gamma-ray band, incompatible with a chancecorrelation at the 3σ-level [10]. After scanning archival data, possible evidence for enhanced neutrinoemission (quantified at 3.5σ-level) was also found from this direction, during an independent 5-monthperiod between September 2014 and March 2015 [11]. It is now quite clear that there is much potential inthe combined analysis of data from different experiments and multi-messenger astronomy has excellentprospects of making many more significant contributions in the near future.

The Pierre Auger Observatory is the largest and most precise detector of ultra-high energy air showers,such as those regularly induced by cosmic rays. While cosmic rays are expected to have curved trajectoriesin their path to Earth and thus lose time correlation with light emission, at the highest energies they couldstill keep directional information on the as-yet unidentified sources where they are produced. The study ofthe arrival directions of these particles has revealed deviations from isotropy [12, 13] that, combined withother particle searches, could be of relevance for multi-messenger astronomy. Indeed spatial correlationshave been searched for between the arrival directions of the highest energy cosmic rays and classes ofobjects that have been proposed as sources in the very high-energy regime such as Active Galactic Nuclei(AGN) and Starburst Galaxies (SBG) [14]. Notably, it has also been shown that it is possible to detectneutral particles of sufficiently high energy with the Pierre Auger Observatory. By looking at the depthdevelopment of the showers, it is relatively easy to identify neutrinos which interact in the lower layers ofthe atmosphere. Photons can also be discerned from the background of cosmic rays because the producedshowers have a reduced number of muons and they develop deeper than cosmic rays in the atmosphere.Finally, there is no known possibility to separate neutron-induced showers from the charged cosmic rayson the basis of the shower development but, since neutrons are directional, it is in principle possible toidentify sources of nearby neutrons by looking at an excess from given directions or to exploit potentialtime and directional correlations. This procedure could also be applied to any type of neutral particles thatinduce a shower in the atmosphere such as photons.

In this article, we review the capability of the Observatory to search for signals of such particles anddiscuss the contributions that have been made.


The Pierre Auger Observatory is designed to detect extensive air showers produced by primary cosmicrays above 0.1 EeV. It is located near the city of Malarge, Argentina, at a latitude of 35.2◦S, a longitude of69.2◦W and at an approximate altitude of 1400 m above sea level, or equivalently an atmospheric depthXground = 880 g cm−2. It comprises a surface detector (SD) array of 1660 water-Cherenkov stationsdeployed over a triangular grid of 1.5 km spacing and a system of 27 telescopes grouped in four sitesforming the fluorescence detector (FD). The telescopes are erected at the periphery of the Observatory toobserve the atmosphere over the full area of 3000 km2 covered by the SD array. The SD stations sample thedensity of the secondary particles of the air shower at the ground and are sensitive to the electromagnetic,muonic and hadronic components. The FD observes the longitudinal development of the air shower bydetecting the fluorescence and Cherenkov light emitted during the passage of the secondary particles of theshower in the atmosphere. Unlike the SD, the fluorescence telescopes are operated only during clear andmoonless nights, for an average duty cycle of about 14 %. The hybrid feature of the Auger Observatorycombining these two well-established techniques has proved to be extremely rewarding in making it themost precise instrument to reconstruct the energy, mass, and direction of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic

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A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory

Rays (UHECRs). Details about the different detector components and their performances can be found in[15, 16].

Besides its general hybrid capabilities, a feature that makes the Pierre Auger Observatory a very versatileand powerful multi-messenger observatory is the specific design of the SD stations. They are constructedas cylinders of 3.6 m diameter and 1.2 m height filled with 12 tonnes of purified water, each. Chargedparticles entering a station induce emission of Cherenkov light which is reflected at the walls by a diffusiveTyvek liner, and collected by three 9-inch photomultiplier tubes (PMT) at the top surface and in opticalcontact with the water. The PMT signals are sampled by flash analog-to-digital converters (FADC) witha time resolution of 25 ns [16]1. This provides good discrimination of electrons and muons entering thedetector station from the top, a feature which is important to identify muon-poor air showers induced byphotons, not only with the FD but also with the SD. Moreover, the detector stations also provide a largecross section for inclined and up-going air showers, a feature that is of key-importance for the detection ofneutrino-induced air showers. Both of these aspects will be discussed in more detail below.

The modular structure of the surface detector array and fluorescence telescopes allowed the data takingto start in 2004 in a partial configuration. In 2008 the detector was completed and since then data havebeen taken, practically without interruption. Once installed, the local stations work practically withoutexternal intervention. There are two types of trigger conditions: a local trigger at the level of an individualstation (second order or T2 trigger), and a global trigger (third order or T3 trigger) to register events. TheT2 trigger condition is satisfied when either the signal exceeds the equivalent of 3.2 Vertical EquivalentMuons (VEM) in at least one time bin of the signal trace in the FADC – the so-called “threshold trigger” –or when it exceeds a much lower threshold (0.2 VEM) in at least 13 bins within a 3 µs time window (i.e.,120 bins) – the so-called Time-over-threshold (ToT) trigger. The ToT condition was designed to triggeron signals broad in time, characteristic of the electromagnetic component dominant over the first 1000 gcm−2 of the extensive air shower, and it is crucial for neutrino identification as explained below. Thedata acquisition system receives the local T2 triggers and builds a global T3 trigger requiring a relativelycompact configuration of at least three local stations compatible in time, each satisfying the ToT trigger,or four triggered stations within a time window slightly larger than light travel time with any type of T2trigger [15]. With the completed array, the global T3 trigger rate is about two events per minute, one thirdbeing showers with energies above 3× 1017 eV.


Neutrinos can travel in straight paths from the confines of the Universe, are capable of going through largematter depths without absorption, and are excellent messengers from extragalactic sources, where protonsor nuclei are thought to be accelerated to high energies. Neutrinos are also produced from cosmic-rayinteractions with the cosmic microwave background. Besides pointing to the position of their sources, theycan also provide valuable information concerning hadronic acceleration processes, composition, the localenvironment at the sources, and their evolution with redshift [17].

The idea of using inclined showers to search for neutrino interactions is old [18], and the large potentialof the Pierre Auger Observatory for neutrino detection was already recognized in its design stages [19].Inclined showers induced by cosmic rays were observed in Haverah Park [20], in the early days of extensiveair shower arrays. It was at the beginning of the 2000s when the muon patterns of the showers at groundlevel were sufficiently understood to allow shower reconstruction [21] (see also [22]). These showers

1 The recorded sequence of signals every 25 ns is referred to as the signal trace.

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A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory

traverse large atmospheric depths, and their electromagnetic component gets almost completely absorbedbefore the shower particles reach ground level. As a result, for zenith angles exceeding ∼ 60◦, the showerfront reaching the SD detector stations consists mainly of muons that typically have energies between20 and 200 GeV and travel tens of km without decaying. These muons are little affected by interactions,except for continuous energy loss and deflections in the Earth’s magnetic field [21]. As their radius ofcurvature is a few thousands km, they do not deviate much from their initial trajectories, keeping the timingof the shower front sharp.

As opposed to cosmic rays, inclined neutrinos can interact deep in the atmosphere because their interactionlength exceeds the matter depth of the atmosphere for any zenith angle, θ. The resulting “young” showersare rich in electrons and photons at ground level. These showers induce signals typically spread over muchwider time intervals than cosmic rays with the same θ because of multiple scattering of the electrons andphotons in the shower front. The broader digitized signal traces recorded at the particle detectors of the SDarray resemble those produced by vertical air showers and it is thus relatively easy to single them out fromthe sharply arriving fronts produced by inclined protons or nuclei. Tau neutrinos interact in the Earth justbelow the surface and produce tau leptons that escape into the atmosphere, decaying in flight and producingup-going air showers [23, 24]. For neutrino energies exceeding 100 PeV, the combined conversion and exitprobability is maximal for nearly horizontal (“Earth-skimming”) directions that exit with an elevation anglebetween 1◦ and 2◦ above the horizontal direction [25]. These showers develop close and almost parallel tothe ground. As the shower particles, particularly electrons and photons, spread laterally they can reach theSD stations, inducing characteristic signals which are also easily identified because of their broader timespread.

3.1 Selection and identification

The event selection, the neutrino identification, and the exposure calculations are performed separatelyfor Earth-skimming (ES) and down-going (DG) showers [26]. To select ES showers, all triggered eventsinvolving at least three stations are considered. The ellipsoidal signal pattern at the ground is requiredto have a large eccentricity (characterized by a ratio of major and minor axes greater than 5), and thedirection of the major axis indicates the azimuthal angle of the event. The apparent speed of the signal atthe ground, measured for each pair of stations and averaged over all of the pairs, must be in the interval[0.967, 1.034]c 2, and the r.m.s. spread must be less than 0.267c 3. For the DG selection [27] a minimumof four triggered stations is required to reduce noise from random triggers, and two zenith angle groupsare made:“Low” (DGL) and “High” (DGH) respectively for 60◦ < θ < 75◦ and 75◦ < θ < 90◦. Theselection of DGL showers is just made requiring the reconstructed zenith angle to be in the 58.5◦-76.5◦

range allowing for uncertainties. It is obtained fitting a plane to the positions of the triggered stations andthe start time of the signals. For the selection of DGH showers, the reconstructed θ must exceed 75◦, theapparent average speed of the signal at the ground must be smaller than 1.044c 4, its spread must be smallerthan 0.08c, and the eccentricity must exceed a value of 3.

The ES (DG) neutrino identification has been optimized using extensive shower simulations for differentenergies, arrival directions, decay (interaction) depths, and impact parameters, with standard software suchas AIRES [28] and CORSIKA [29] and including the SD response of the individual detector stations usingspecific software [15, 30] based on GEANT4 [31]. A single variable has been chosen for the identification

2 Actual values used are [0.29, 0.31] m ns−1

3 0.08 m ns−1

4 0.313 m ns−1

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A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory

Fisher value10− 5− 0 5 10 15








Fisher > 3.28

Data up to 31 Mar 17

Neutrino MC

[deg]δSource declination 80− 60− 40− 20− 0 20 40 60 80






eV c




. lim

it -






Single flavour = 1 : 1 : 1τν : µν : eν

eV15 < 10ν eV < E1210

eV17 < 10ν eV < E1410

Southern sky Northern sky

eV14 < 10νE

eV19 < 2 x 10ν eV < E1710

IceCube 2014

ANTARES 2014ANTARES+IceCube 2015

Auger (1 Jan 04 - 31 Mar 17)Auger - Earth-skimming

< 90 deg θAuger DGH - 75 < < 75 degθAuger DGL - 60 <

Figure 1. Left: Distribution of the Fisher variable for the DGH search (see text) for simulations comparedto a small fraction of the data and assumed to be due to cosmic rays. The cut is made at a value of theFisher variable of 3.28. Right: Limits to the point source fluxes as a function of equatorial declinationobtained from the non-observation of ES and DGH neutrino candidates up to March 31st 2017 (from [33]).

procedure in both searches. Its distribution for neutrino simulations is compared to that of regular showersobtained from a small sample of the data assumed to be exclusively cosmic rays. To select neutrinocandidates, a cut is made on this variable at a value that would just yield one cosmic-ray in 50 yearsaccording to the extrapolated background distribution. For instance, in the ES case, this variable is theaverage area over peak (AoP ) value of the signal traces of each event. The area is the integrated chargeof the signal trace and the peak is its maximum value, both normalized to one for vertical throughgoingmuons used for on-line calibration. The cut obtained is AoP > 1.83, ensuring sufficient time spread inthe signal to reject cosmic-ray showers [26]. Events with just three stations are further required to haveAoP exceeding 1.4. For DG showers, a Fisher discriminant approach combines several variables basedon the AoP of a few selected stations. For the DGH case, the multivariate Fisher method [32] uses ninevariables obtained with the AoP values of the four earliest stations and a tenth variable accounting for theasymmetry in the time distribution of the earliest and latest stations of the event. For the DGL case, theFisher variable combines five or six variables obtained from the AoP of the four or five stations closest tothe shower core and their product. For DGL showers, 75% of the triggers are also required to be of special“ToT” kind [26]. For optimization purposes of DG neutrinos, further subdivisions have been made usingthe number of triggered stations for the DGH set and the reconstructed θ for the DGL set. The conditionfor a neutrino candidate is slightly different in each subset.

3.2 Efficiency and Aperture

The effective aperture of the detector (aperture from now on) is defined so that when it is multiplied bythe neutrino spectral flux, it gives the energy distribution of the detection rate. For point sources in the DGcase, this aperture is simply calculated integrating the interaction and detection probabilities over the SDarea. Three separate apertures are calculated according to interaction type and neutrino flavor: 1) neutralcurrent for all flavors and charged current muon neutrinos, where the shower is produced by the nucleardebris (typically carrying about 20% of the neutrino energy); 2) charged current for electron neutrinoswhere all the energy is converted to the air shower (80% induced by the electron and the rest by nuclearfragments); 3) charged current for tau neutrinos where the shower can be produced either by the nucleardebris (20% of the energy) or, deeper in the atmosphere, by the tau decay (80% of the energy). The three

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A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory

apertures can be added under the assumption of equal fluxes for each neutrino flavor, as expected becauseof neutrino flavor oscillations in the characteristic long baselines provided by extragalactic distances toplausible sources [34, 35].

On the other hand, only tau neutrinos can be efficiently detected in the ES mode. When muon neutrinosconvert to high energy muons that exit the Earth, practically all of them also exit the atmosphere withoutdecaying because of their longer lifetime and when electron neutrinos convert to electrons the showerdevelops rapidly in the Earth before exiting. In the ES case, the aperture is calculated as an integral overthe Earth’s area (transverse to the flux direction), weighted by the probability of a tau neutrino interactingand producing a tau which subsequently exits the Earth, decays in the atmosphere and induces a showerthat triggers the SD and is effectively selected and identified. This is done in two steps. The differentialprobability of a tau lepton of given energy exiting the Earth has been calculated as a function of θ usingsimulations of tau neutrino interactions in rock that include regeneration [36]. The tau-exit probabilitymust be integrated over decay distance weighted by the survival probability, the decay probability perunit distance and the probability of detection with the SD. The detection probability for both DG and ESshowers includes trigger, selection and identification and it is also obtained from the simulations.

The exit and detection probabilities in the aperture calculation depend strongly on θ. A given sourcelocated at right ascension α, and declination δ in equatorial coordinates, is observed with a zenith anglethat oscillates with time according to:

cos θ(t) = sinλ sin δ + cosλ cos δ sin(2πt/T − α). (1)

Here λ = −35.2◦ is the latitude of the detector, t is the sidereal time, and T the duration of a sidereal day.Naturally, the aperture is strongly dependent on source position and time. At any given instant the field ofview of the Observatory for each of the ES, DGH and DGL channels is limited to the bands correspondingto the zenith angle range of the channel, as displayed in Figs. 2 (left) and 3 for specific examples discussedbelow.

Typically, the search for neutrinos from point sources is performed on a pre-selected time interval chosento match plausible emission times according to theoretical models describing the mechanisms acting withinthe sources. The expected event rate at the detector is calculated by integrating the aperture over theneutrino flux and, if no candidate events are found in a given time interval, a 90% C.L. upper limit to theflux normalization is obtained matching the expected number of detected events over the time interval to2.39 [37]. An assumption about the energy spectrum of the flux has to be made. It is customary to againassume a canonical E−2ν . In this case, 90% of the detected events at the Observatory are between 100 PeVand 25 EeV [26]. The most effective channel for neutrino detection is ES because the target mass providedby the Earth is large compared to the atmosphere and also because the threshold energy is low. For the ESchannel algorithms have been found to identify events with just three triggered stations. It has been shownthat Earth-skimming events can only be observed for zenith angles between 90◦ and 95◦, corresponding todeclination angles −55◦ < δ < 60◦. The exposure is maximal for δ ' −53◦ and δ ' 55◦. The aperturesprovided by the DGH and DGL are progressively smaller because, as the zenith angle decreases, theatmosphere offers less target mass in which the neutrinos can interact and be identified. As the search iseffectively performed only for θ between 60◦ and 95◦, the field of view of the Observatory for neutrinos islimited to equatorial declinations between ∼ −85◦ and ∼ 60◦.

When the pre-selected time interval is short, much less than a day, the aperture can be very differentdepending on the source position and the observation time. The instantaneous aperture reaches its maximum

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A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory

2h 4h 6h 8h 10h 12h 14h 16h 18h 20h 22h









GW150914~90% CL contour GW150914 LIGO & VirgoAuger fov: [90o, 95o] at UTC of GW150914Auger fov: [75o, 90o]Auger fov: [60o, 75o]

90 75 60 45 30 15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90Declination (deg)









tral f


ce (G

eV c

m2 )

Single flavor e : : = 1 : 1 : 1

Northern skySouthern sky

Pierre Auger fluence limit90% CL declination GW150914

Figure 2. Left: Field of view of the Observatory exemplified at the instant of detection of the black holecoalescence event GW150914 by Advanced LIGO [41]. The band limits from top to bottom correspond tolines of zenith angles 95◦, 90◦, 75◦ and 60◦, used to separate the neutrino search into ES, DGH and DGLchannels. The black contours give the 90% C.L. region of the reconstructed position of the BH mergeras obtained by LIGO observations. Right: Upper limit at 90% C.L. to the neutrino spectral fluence in the100 PeV to 25 EeV range as a function of declination (see text), for the detection of black hole mergerGW150914. The blue band is the 90% C.L. of the reconstructed source declination, illustrating the limitedprecision level achieved using just detections at two LIGO sites.

if the source position is just below the horizon with θ between 90◦ and 95◦. While the source is in the ESfield of view, the instantaneous aperture for neutrinos of energies above 100 PeV exceeds that of otherneutrino telescopes. Also, depending on declination, the source can be inside the ES field of view fordifferent lengths of time. For δ = 0◦ there are two transit periods per day into the ES field of view of about25 minutes each. For the optimal declination positions (δ ' −53◦ and δ ' 55◦), near the extremes indeclination of the ES band, the total transit time per day is more than four hours, as can be seen in Figs. 2(left) and 3.

The selection and identification procedures have been applied to the data registered by the Observatory.As no neutrino candidates have been found, upper limits to the ultra-high energy (UHE) neutrino fluxeshave been obtained. Upper limits to the diffuse flux with important implications for some models ofUHECR production were first obtained in the ES channel [16, 38] and subsequently extended to includethe DGH [39] and the DGL [26] channels. Upper limits to point source fluxes were obtained for the ESand DGH channels [40]. Upper limits on neutrino fluxes from point sources are shown in Fig.1 (right) as afunction of declination for the search period up to 31 March 2017. Articles with further updates and detailson both diffuse and point source searches are to appear soon.

3.3 Correlated searches of neutrinos

The detection of gravitational waves from the merging of binary systems has marked the birth ofgravitational wave astronomy. The first signals from the merging of two Black Hole (BH) systemsGW150914 [6] and GW151226 [42] were reported in 2016. The luminosity distances of the two eventswere deduced to be 410+160

−180 and 440+180−190 Mpc and the radiated energies 3.0+0.5

−0.5 and 1.0+0.1−0.2 solar masses

respectively. They triggered the search for the emission of electromagnetic radiation and neutrinos [43, 44],even though the black hole systems are not expected to emit any other type of radiation unless matter debris

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A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory

2h 4h 6h 8h 10h 12h 14h 16h 18h 20h 22h









GW17081790% CL contour GW170817 LIGO & VirgoNGC 4993Auger fov: [90o, 95o] at UTC of GW170817Auger fov: [75o, 90o]Auger fov: [60o, 75o]

Figure 3. Field of view of the Observatory in Earth-skimming and down-going channels at the instantof the detection of neutron star merger GW170817. The small red contour marks the event localizationobtained by the Ligo-Virgo collaborations [41] and the black cross is the position of NGC 4993, latercorrelated to the event by optical telescopes [52].

and magnetic fields can be found in their neighbourhood, possibly remaining from the BH progenitors [45,46].

Neutrinos were searched for with the Pierre Auger Observatory in two periods of time: ±500 s aroundthe UTC times at which the mergers were observed and one day following their occurrence [44]. Theseintervals were motivated by the association of the merging of compact objects to Gamma-Ray Bursts(GRBs) [47–49]. Neutrinos have been postulated to be produced by accelerated cosmic rays interactingwith the GRB photons in the prompt phase and with the lower energy photons of the afterglow. The 1000 stime window is an upper bound of the duration of the prompt GRB phase [50, 51] while the 1-day windowis a conservative bound of the duration of the afterglow [49].

No neutrino candidates were observed in coincidence with these events in either of the time windows.Assuming a flux kGWE−2ν , where kGW is a normalization constant, 90% C.L. limits on the neutrinoemission in the EeV from these events were reported as fluence limits. The spectral fluence is definedas E2

νφ(Eν)∆t. Here φ is the spectral flux and ∆t is the chosen time interval over which the emission isassumed to take place and during which it is also assumed to be constant. In these conditions the spectralfluence is related to the total energy emitted in neutrinos. For the assumed spectrum it is trivial to convertthe spectral fluence to an upper limit for the total energy emitted in neutrinos in a given energy band, whichcan be compared to the energy radiated in gravitational waves. The reported limits were obtained for aone-day period. Due to the poor localization of these events the upper limits, shown in Fig.2 (left) forGW150914, are reported as a function of declination. A similar limit was obtained for GW151226 sincethe distances to both mergers are quite similar. The most restrictive limit assuming emission during a singleday for GW150914 (GW151226) is obtained for δ = −53◦ (δ = 55◦) and would correspond to a totalenergy radiated in UHE neutrinos smaller than 7.7× 1053 (9.7× 1053) erg when integrated from 100 PeVto 25 EeV. This corresponds to 14.3% (44.1%) of the radiated energy in gravitational waves. The limitsfound by IceCube and ANTARES apply to lower neutrino energies and give more restrictive limits on thetotal energy radiated in these neutrinos [43].

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A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory

Figure 4. Upper limits at 90% C.L. on the neutrino spectral fluence from GW170817 for a 1000 s periodcentered at (14 day after) the time of the event in the top (bottom) panel. The bounds in the top panelare compared to predictions of models of prompt and extended emission (EE) [51] in the case of exactalignment of the line of sight to the rotation axis and for selected off-axis viewing angles. The boundsobtained for a 14-day period on the bottom panel are compared to models of longer lived emission [53].All models have been scaled to 40 Mpc, the distance to the host galaxy NGC 4993. (Modified from [9]).

Models have been proposed where black hole mergers accelerate UHECR [46], and the energy budget ofthese collapsing events could account for all of the UHECR with a modest fraction of the gravitationalwave energy (of order 3%) going to UHECR acceleration. Assuming that a similar fraction goes into UHEneutrinos, about 0.5 events could have been expected at the Observatory in coincidence with GW150914 inthe most optimistic scenario. The upper limits were obtained averaging the instantaneous aperture overa day. If the emission time was shorter than one day, more stringent limits would be obtained providedthe source was in the neutrino field of view during the neutrino emission, especially if it was in the ESfield of view. Due to the poor localization of both events, it is not possible to know if the events were inthe neutrino field of view at the detection time. Given the 90% C.L. contour of GW151226 (GW150917)the overlap with the field of view of the neutrino search is 68.9% (13%) for a time window of 1000 s. Theoverlap over a whole sidereal day is 100% in both cases. The detection of black hole mergers closer to usand with more directional precision could provide more stringent constraints for such models.

The observation of a neutron star merger GW170817 by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration [54] less thantwo seconds before the short GRB 170817A detected by Fermi-LAT [55, 56] from a coincident direction,

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has had outstanding implications. The succesful alert systems triggered observations and detection inpractically all bands of the electromagnetic spectrum in an unprecedented way, marking the onset of a newera of Multimessenger Astronomy [8]. Early optical observations allowed a precise localization slightlyoff-centered in the galaxy NGC 4993 at equatorial coordinates α(J2000.0) = 13h09m48s, δ(J2000.0) =−23◦22′53.′′343 [52]. Searches for neutrino events were also performed at neutrino telescopes and atthe Pierre Auger Observatory [9]. At the time of the GW detection, the source was located at a zenithangle of 91.9◦ at the Observatory site, just below the horizon and extremely close to the sweet-spot forEarth-skimming neutrinos, see Fig. 3. When considered in a time interval of ±500 s about the detection(93.3◦ < θ < 90.4◦), the EeV exposure is larger than that of dedicated neutrino telescopes and providesthe most stringent upper limit to the neutrino fluence at 90% C.L. in the 100 PeV to 25 EeV interval [9],complementary to IceCube and ANTARES, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The analysis was also made for alonger time window of 14 days matching predictions from longer-lived emission processes [57, 58] andalso displayed in Fig. 4. Neutrino bounds obtained with the Pierre Auger Observatory and other neutrinotelescopes are within the range predicted in some models of GRB from neutron star mergers. IceCubebounds allowed constraints to be placed on the orientation angle relative to the jet axis (assumed to becoincident to the rotation axis) for one of the most optimistic models.

Acceleration of hadrons in astrophysical objects inevitably leads to photon and neutrino production withsimilar energy fluences. On September 17th of 2017, a 290 TeV neutrino was detected at the IceCubetelescope [59] in Antarctica and subsequent correlated gamma-ray observations pointed for the first time toa powerful blazar in a flaring state, TXS 0506+056, as a candidate source of the neutrino [10]. This resultwas further supported by a neutrino burst from the same direction of the sky obtained in a time window ofabout 158 days when searching for time correlations from the same direction [11]. A search for possiblecoincident signals at the Auger Observatory was also performed when the results were made public. Thissource is 21% of the sidereal day in the field of view of the neutrino search but it was not in the field ofview at the exact time of the neutrino detection. No neutrinos were found [60]. The details of this searchand the bounds obtained are to be reported in a separate article.


4.1 Photon identification

Ultra-high energy (UHE) photons are among the possible particles contributing to the flux of cosmicrays and may arise from a number of processes. Firstly, UHE photons are expected from the GZK-processjust like UHE neutrinos and can be used to probe the parameter space of UHECR sources. Secondly,they may be produced by hadronic interactions of cosmic rays within the sources or within their localenvironment. In these cases, the photons are produced on average with around 10 % of the energy of theprimary incident proton. Thirdly, a large flux of UHE photons has been predicted in top-down models withUHECR originating from the decay of supermassive particles such as topological defects or Super HeavyDark Matter (SHDM) particles (see e.g. [61, 62]).

As opposed to neutrinos, photons undergo interactions with the extragalactic background light (EBL)inducing electromagnetic cascades. This process makes photons sensitive to the extragalactic environment(e.g. EBL and magnetic fields) but it also limits the volume from which EeV photons may be detected. It issmall compared to the GZK-sphere, but large enough to encompass the Milky Way, the Local Group ofgalaxies, and possibly Centaurus A, given an attenuation length of about 4.5 Mpc at EeV energies [63].The secondary electrons and positrons created by pair production in the photon fields can again interact

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BDT response0.4− 0.2− 0 0.2 0.4 0.6











0.18Photon (training) Photon (test sample)

Proton (training) Proton (test sample) eV)18 > 10γdata (EMedian cut

[eV]0E1810 1910 2010

] -

1 y




[ km

0 >










1GZK proton I GZK proton II

Hy 2011

+syst.Hy 2016

Y 2010

TA 2015

SD 2015

upper limits 95% CL

HP 2000A 2002


upper limits 95% CL

Figure 5. Left: Photon identification with a Boosted Decision Tree for signal (photon, blue), background(proton, red) and data (black). For simulations, both the training and the test samples are shown. The cut atthe median of the photon distribution is indicated by the dashed line. QGSJET-II-04 is used as high-energyhadronic interaction model. Right: Compilation of upper limits on the integral photon fluxes from [72].Blue arrows: Integral photon upper limits from the nine year hybrid data sample assuming a photon fluxfollowing E−2 and with no background subtraction. The limits obtained when the detector systematicuncertainties are taken into account are shown as horizontal segments (light blue) delimiting a dashed-filledbox at each energy threshold; Black arrows: Nine year SD data sample [73]. Previous data from Auger aswell as data from TA, AGASA, Yakutsk, and Haverah Park are included for comparison. The lines andshaded regions give the predictions for top-down models and GZK photon fluxes, respectively, assumingdifferent parameters (references can be found in [72]).

with background photons via inverse-Compton scattering, resulting in an electromagnetic cascade thatends at GeVTeV energies. Comparing these expected diffuse GeV-TeV fluxes measured with instrumentssensitive in this energy range provides another important cross-link to γ-astronomy (see e.g. [64]).

The search for UHE photon primaries is based on the different development and particle content ofelectromagnetic and hadronic air showers. The induced electromagnetic cascades develop slower thanhadronic ones so that the shower maximum Xmax is reached closer to the ground. Proton and photonsimulated showers have average Xmax values that differ by about 200 g cm−2 in the EeV energy range.This difference is enhanced at energies above 10 EeV because of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM)effect [65, 66]. Above 50 EeV, photons also have a non-negligible probability to convert in the geomagneticfield [67–69] producing a bunch of low-energy electromagnetic particles, called pre-shower, enteringthe atmosphere. The Xmax of the pre-showered cascades is smaller than for non-converted ones and theseparation between the average Xmax for photons and proton correspondingly reduced. The fluorescencedetector (FD) with its high resolution of about 15 g cm−2 and systematic uncertainties of less than about8 g cm−2 for Xmax [70, 71] is an ideal instrument to discriminate photon- from hadron-induced air showerswith high sensitivity even in single events. Thus the FD is able to provide strong constraints on the photonfraction of UHECR.

It is also possible to search for photon showers using the SD because the shower development and natureof the primary cosmic ray affect the content and the shape of the distribution of particles at the groundas a function of the distance from the shower axis (Lateral Distribution Function, LDF). Photon-inducedshowers generally are expected to have a steeper LDF compared to hadron primaries because of the sub-dominant role played by the flatter muonic component. The high-energy effects (LPM and pre-showering)affect the average muon content of air showers by typically less than 20-50 % dependent on zenith angle,

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which is small compared to the factor 5 to 8 difference in muons with regards to hadronic showers [69, 74].However, the different stage of shower development at the ground (relative to Xmax) leads to a modificationof the observed LDF. Given the steeper LDF and the muon-driven SD triggers, the footprint at the ground,and consequently the number of triggered stations, Nstat, is typically smaller for electromagnetic showers[39]. These features can be combined into a single observable Sb, that discriminates the photon- andhadron-induced air showers [75]. Discrimination on a shower by shower basis is less efficient comparedto the FD, but given the much larger statistics of the SD, strong constraints on the photon fluxes can beprovided. For hybrid observations, the discriminating observables Xmax, Sb, and Nstat are injected into aBoosted Decision Tree (BDT) algorithm that takes into account also the energy and angular dependenciesof the discriminating observables. To identify photons, a cut is defined at the median of the BDT responsedistribution for simulated photons, as depicted in Fig. 5 (left). We note that the discrepancy between thedata and the proton simulations is in agreement with the current experimental indications of a compositionvarying from light to heavier in the EeV range [76] and with the muon deficit observed in simulationswith respect to the Auger data [75, 77]. Applying the cut in this conservative way, the signal efficiencyremains constant independently of the composition and hadronic model assumptions. Events having aBDT response larger than the median cut are selected as photon candidates. This yields a backgroundcontamination of ∼ 0.14 % for proton showers using QGSJET-II-04. This background level overestimatesthe one expected in data because the composition is generally heavier than that of pure protons and becausethe interaction models underestimate the muon number in EAS, making the showers look more photon-like.If the multivariate analysis is performed with a mixture of 50 % proton and 50 % iron as input to thetraining phase, the background contamination reduces to∼ 0.04 % with the main contribution coming fromthe smaller values of the simulated Xmax. At present, such probabilities are to be considered systematicuncertainty to the background of potential photon candidates, i.e. such background events would dilute thephoton limits.

4.2 Photon searches

Figure 5 (right) shows, as a result, the upper limits on the integral photon flux derived from nine years (Jan.2005 - Dec. 2013) of hybrid and SD data compared to results from other experiments [72]. Eight candidateswere found in the first two energy intervals. These events are close to the applied photon cut and detailedsimulations of hadronic showers will need to be performed to judge the probability that they are causedby UHECR rather than by photons. For now, they are conservatively considered background rather thansignal so that the upper limits of the first two energy bins become less stringent. The differential flux limitbetween 10-30 EeV is found to be 6.80 · 10−11 GeV cm−2 s−1 sr−1 at 90 % C.L. Some top-down scenariosproposed to explain the origin of trans-GZK cosmic rays (dashed lines) are illustrated and rejected byprevious bounds on the photon flux. A recent super-heavy dark matter proposal (SHDM II) developed in thecontext of an inflationary theory is shown as a long-dashed line [62]. Constraints on the lifetime-and-massparameter space of SHDM particle will be imposed by current and future limits on the photon flux, asobtained for example in [78].

A prime interest in the search for photons is to identify the first UHE photon point sources or – in caseof non-observations – to provide relevant upper limits thereby constraining the source characteristics. Asalready mentioned, the horizon is limited to only a few Mpc which reaches out to Cen A but not muchfarther [79]. If the energy spectra of TeV γ sources measured by atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes [80]extend to EeV energies, it is plausible that photons and neutrons from these sources are detectable also bythe Auger Observatory. Sources that produce particle fluxes according to an E−2 energy spectrum injectequal energy into each decade. Thus, a measured energy flux of 1 eV cm−2 s−1 in the TeV decade, as is

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E [TeV]-110 1 10 210 310 410 510 610 710

]-1 s-2

x flu

x [Te

V cm

2 E







H.E.S.S. measurement confidence band of the best-fit spectraσ1

Auger photon GC limit

= 2.0 EeV)cut=2.32 and EΓH.E.S.S. extrapolation ( 0.11)±=2.32 ΓH.E.S.S. extrapolation ( 0.11)±=2.32 (Γ

Figure 6. Gamma-ray spectrum from the Galactic center region as measured by the H.E.S.S. collaboration(red points) [81]. The measured photon flux is extrapolated into the EeV range, given the quoted spectralindex and its uncertainties (blue shaded region). The Auger limit [79] is indicated by a green line (the greenband reflects again the spectral uncertainties of the gamma-ray spectrum). A spectral index with cutoffenergy Ecut = 2.0 · 106 TeV is indicated by the dashed line.

found for a number of Galactic sources, would result in the same energy flux in the EeV decade if thespectrum continues to such high energies and energy losses during propagation are negligible. A source ofspecific interest is the galactic center for which the H.E.S.S.-collaboration measured a gamma-ray flux upto about 50 TeV without any observation of a cutoff or a spectral break, suggesting that the Galactic centerhosts a peta-electron volt accelerator, called PeVatron [81].

It is still debated whether these photons are produced in hadronic processes. An interesting test for this isprovided by a search for neutrons from this direction, because neutrons would necessarily be producedin charge exchange interactions of protons at the source. This will be discussed in section 5. The ratiobetween photon and neutron emissivities from pp collisions at the same primary proton energy dependsprimarily on the spectral index of the protons at the source. Assuming a continuation of the parent protonspectrum with a spectral index Γp . 2.4 well beyond the energies observed in the photon spectrum, thephoton emissivities are expected to dominate over those of neutrons [82].

To search for photons from a list of predefined target sources [79], more relaxed cuts are applied tothe observed events [83]. For each candidate source direction an optimized cut in the multivariate outputdistribution is determined which depends on the expected number of isotropic background events in thatdirection. This number is calculated by applying a scrambling technique that takes into account detectorefficiencies and aperture features. For each target direction, a top-hat counting region of 1◦ is assumed[83]. Averaging over all considered target directions, the multivariate cut is expected to retain 81.4 % ofphotons while rejecting 95.2 % of background hadrons. In none of the sources and source classes could EeVphotons be detected. As an example, the result for the Galactic center is illustrated in Fig. 6. Conservatively,the extrapolation of the H.E.S.S. data to EeV energies does not take into account the increase of the ppcross-section by about 40 % relative to TeV energies. The current upper limit of 0.044 eV cm−2 s−1 (95% C.L., Γ = 2) at energies above 0.2 EeV can already constrain the allowed parameter space for a fluxcontinuation to EeV energies.

The observation of photon fluxes from individual sources or from stacked sets of targets would haveproved that EeV protons are being accelerated at those considered sources within the galaxy or its

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neighborhood. However, the null results leave open the possibility that protons observed at EeV energiesare of extragalactic origin. This is in fact suggested by the large scale anisotropies observed with the AugerObservatory [12]. Moreover, the absence of detectable photon fluxes, as reported here, does not exclude theproduction of EeV protons within the Galaxy because the derived flux limits are time-averaged values. EeVphotons might be produced in transient sources, such as gamma-ray bursts or supernovae, or be aligned injets not pointing to us. Extending the searches to bursting sources of EHE photons is a goal of ongoingmulti-messenger analyses within Auger, briefly addressed in Section 7.


Like photons and neutrinos, neutrons travel in straight lines, undeflected by magnetic fields. They produceair showers that are indistinguishable from those produced by protons. Thus, a flux of neutrons from adiscrete source would cause an excess of cosmic-ray events around the direction to the source, clusteredwithin the angular resolution of the Observatory. Since free neutrons undergo β-decay with a mean lifetimeof about 880 s at rest, the mean travel distance for relativistic neutrons is 9.2 kpc×En/EeV. The distancefrom Earth to the Galactic center is about 8.3 kpc, and the radius of the Galaxy is approximately 15 kpc.Thus, sources in part of the Galactic disk, including the Galactic center, should be detectable via neutronsabove 1 EeV. Above 2 EeV, the volume for detectable neutron emitters includes most of the Galaxy.

Neutron production is governed by charge exchange interactions of high energy cosmic-ray protons withambient photons, protons, or nuclei leading to the creation of a π+-meson. The π+ takes the positive chargeof the proton and a leading neutron emerges with most of the energy that the proton had. The productionof neutrons via creation of π+-mesons is necessarily accompanied by photons originating from decay ofsimilarly produced neutral pions. However, photons resulting from the decay of neutral pions acquire onlya small fraction of the proton energy, so that the production of neutrons exceeds the hadronic productionof photons of the same energy, provided the accelerated proton spectrum falls approximately like 1/E2

or more steeply with energy. This makes searches of high energy neutrons a highly relevant and sensitiveprobe for Galactic hadronic cosmic ray accelerators.

Similarly to the targeted search of EeV photon sources, discussed in Section 4, a flux of neutrons fromastrophysical sources in the Galaxy can be detected in the Pierre Auger Observatory as an excess ofcosmic-ray air showers arriving from the direction of the sources. To avoid the statistical penalty for makingmany trials, classes of objects were tested in combinations as target sets. Those target sets include msecpulsars (PSR), pulsar wind nebulae (PWN), microquasars, and magnetars (the full list of targets can befound in [84]). In addition, a search for a neutron flux from the Galactic center and from the Galactic planewas performed. Within a target set, each candidate source is weighted in proportion to its electromagneticflux, its exposure to the Auger Observatory, and its flux attenuation factor due to neutron decay.

None of the searches provided evidence for a neutron flux from any class of candidate sources. Basedon the first nine years of data (Jan. 1, 2004 to Oct. 31, 2013), the upper limits on the energy flux fromthese candidate sources, including the Galactic center, are mostly at a value of 0.10-0.15 eV cm−2 s−1

[84], which is about a factor of 10 below the energy fluxes detected from TeV gamma-ray sources in theGalaxy [80] and at about the level of sensitivity reached with the targeted photon searches, discussedabove. If those sources were accelerating protons in the same environment to EeV energies with the 1/E2

dependence expected for Fermi acceleration, then the energy flux of neutrons in the EeV energy decadewould even exceed the energy flux in TeV gamma rays.

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Similarly, the energy flux of neutrons from the Galactic plane could be derived to less than0.56 eV cm−2 s−1 (95 % C.L.). This provides a stringent constraint on models for continuous production ofEeV protons in the Galaxy because the injection rate of protons into the Galactic disk must be sufficientlystrong to balance their escape from the Galaxy. The concomitant neutron emission rate is model dependent.It could exceed the proton emission rate if protons are magnetically bound to the sources and only theproduced neutrons escape, yielding EeV protons by their later decays. More likely, however, the neutronluminosity at any fixed energy is less than the proton luminosity. Based on an estimate of the protonemission rate, the limits on the neutron flux from the Galactic plane could be used to derive an upper limiton the ratio η = neutron luminosity/proton luminosity. It was found to be ηUL ' 0.006 [84], which is asignificant constraint on models for continuous production of EeV protons in the Galaxy.


Even the most energetic cosmic rays can be subject to significant deflection and corresponding energy-dependent time delays. The strength and properties of the extragalactic magnetic field (EGMF) causingthese effects remain largely unknown, and UHECR observed from bursting and continuous sources havealready helped to provide constraints to the EGMF (see e.g. [85–87]). In section 3.3 we have discussed thetime-correlated observation of neutrinos from merging binary systems. In fact, black hole mergers are alsoexpected to produce UHECR and may provide sufficient luminosity to power the UHECR acceleration upto the highest energies [46]. On the other hand, 100 EeV protons from an extragalactic bursting sourcelocated at a distance of 30 Mpc are expected to arrive with time delays relative to photons and neutrinos byO(1− 1000) yrs [85] and may even reach out to 106 yrs in extreme cases, so that UHECR could not beincluded in those combined directional and temporal searches in a straightforward way.

6.1 Search for UHECR-Neutrino Correlations

Purely directional correlations between high-energy neutrinos and UHECR still provide an interestingtarget of opportunity because UHECRs accelerated in astrophysical sources are naturally expected toproduce high-energy photons and neutrinos in interactions with the ambient matter and radiation. Ifneutrinos result from the decays of pions produced in pγ or pp processes, they would carry about 35 %of the proton energy. Hence, neutrinos observed with energies of 30 TeV to 2 PeV, such as observed byIceCube, would have been produced by protons with energies in the 1 – 100 PeV range. These energiesare much smaller than those registered by the Auger Observatory, and it is possible that the sources thatproduce the PeV neutrinos do not accelerate CRs up to ultra-high energies. In that case no correlationswould be expected. On the other hand, the sources that produce the UHECR can also be expected toproduce lower energy CRs. If the observed neutrinos come from the same sources as the UHECR, somedegree of correlation in the arrival directions of the highest energy cosmic rays and the observed neutrinoscould be expected depending on composition and on the strength of magnetic fields. It should also be notedthat neutrinos can reach us from cosmological distances while the UHECR horizon is limited to only a few100 Mpc. Thus, only a small fraction of the detected neutrinos could be expected to have originated fromvisible UHECR sources so that correlations, if they were found, cannot be very prominent.

After some initial cross-correlation efforts by the ANTARES collaboration [88, 89] different analysisstrategies have been devised in an intercollaborative effort of IceCube and Auger [90] that were morerecently joined also by the ANTARES and Telescope Array (TA) collaborations [91, 92].

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In a classical cross-correlation method, the number of observed UHECR-neutrino pairs is counted asa function of the maximal angular separation and then compared to the averaged background, which iscalculated once for an isotropic neutrino flux and once for an isotropic UHECR flux. Applying this analysisto the latest combined Auger+TA UHECR and IceCube neutrino data sets, it was found that a maximumdeparture from the expectation for an isotropic CR flux, keeping the arrival directions of the neutrinos fixed,occurs at an angular distance of 1◦ for tracks and 22◦ for cascades, with post-trial p-values of 0.48 and5.4 · 10−3, respectively [92]. In parallel, an unbinned likelihood method was used. It is based on a stackingpoint-source analysis applied to the UHECRs, where the neutrino arrival directions are smeared with asymmetric 2D-Gaussian and stacked as the signal template. The width of the Gaussian is the quadratic sumof the UHECR reconstruction uncertainty and the magnitude of the magnetic deflection, which is assumedto be described by σMD = 6◦/ECR[100 EeV]. Again, the analysis is applied to track- and cascade-likehigh-energy neutrino candidates separately. Assuming an isotropic flux of neutrinos, the smallest post-trialp-values are found to be 2.2 · 10−2 and 1.7 · 10−2 for the track- and cascade-like events, respectively.

These results are interesting, but the level of correlation is still too small to arrive at a conclusion. It willbe interesting to see how the signal evolves as more data are accumulated by the neutrino and UHECRobservatories involved. In addition, new improved analysis strategies are being developed making, forexample, better use of the measured UHECR composition and energy so that deflections in the EGMF andGalactic magnetic field can be more appropriately accounted for.

6.2 Association of UHECR with Source Populations

A related multi-messenger approach aimed at identifying the sources of UHECR from their directionalinformation is to search for correlations with catalogue based astronomical objects. The basic concept isrelated to the studies presented in the previous section, only that the tracers are specific source populationsrather than samples of high energy neutrinos. A set of source candidates that was studied in [14] includesnearby radio-loud AGNs and SBGs5, selected as possible sources to accelerate CRs to the highestenergies [95, 96]. Individual objects found within a given catalogue are expected to contribute differentlyto the total UHECR flux observed at Earth. Since the CR luminosity of individual sources is not known, wehave chosen their observed electromagnetic emission as a proxy. In case of the 17 radio loud γAGN foundwithin 250 Mpc in the 2FHL catalogue from Fermi-LAT [97], the measured integral γ-flux from 50 GeV to2 TeV was used as a proxy for the UHECR flux. Similarly, 23 (out of a total of 63) SBGs within 250 Mpcand with a flux larger than 0.3 Jy were taken from [98] and weighted with their continuum radio emissionat 1.4 GHz. In both cases, attenuation of UHECRs from distant objects in the photon background fieldswas accounted for using a data-driven scenario that reproduces the composition and spectral constraintsobtained by the Observatory [99]. Within this Ansatz, the relative contributions of NGC 4945, NGC 253,and M83 are expected to be about 38, 33, 13 % of the total UHECR flux from SBGs observed at the AugerObservatory. The relative contributions seen at the Observatory from the γAGN would be dominated bythe Cen A Core (75 %), followed by M87 (15 %) and Mkn 421 (8 %).

To test these models against the observed UHECR sky maps, a maximum-likelihood analysis wasperformed with two free parameters aimed at maximizing the degree of correlations of the model mapswith UHECR events: a) the fraction of an isotropic component contributing to the total UHECR flux inaddition to the source population being tested, and b) the width of a 2D Gaussian smearing around theposition of the source candidates. The first free parameter can be interpreted as the contribution from moredistant or less luminous sources, and the second parameter effectively accounts for the random scattering of

5 We note that the potential of SGBs to accelerate particles to the highest energies has been questioned, recently [93, 94].

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Figure 7. Top row: observed excess maps for ECR > 39 EeV and ECR > 60 EeV. Bottom row: modelexcess maps for the SGB (left) and γAGN model (right) at the same energy thresholds as above. The colorscales indicate the number of events per smearing beam (see inset). The model flux map corresponds to auniform full-sky exposure. The supergalactic plane is shown as a solid gray line. An orange dashed linedelimits the field of view of the array. (From [14]).

UHECR in the EGMF. This analysis is repeated for a sequence of energy thresholds applied to the UHECRevents and the test statistic (TS) as a function of the two parameters is analyzed. The results are shown inFig. 7. It was found that the SBG-Model rejects the hypothesis of an isotropic sky best at ECR > 39 EeVand yields a post-trial significance of 4.0σ. Here, the SBGs contribute about 10 % to the total flux, andthe smearing angle is 12.9◦. In the case of the γAGN model, the best rejection of isotropy is reached atECR > 60 EeV at a level of 2.7σ with a γAGN fraction to the total flux of about 7 % and a smearingangle 6.9◦. Interestingly, the smearing angle decreases with increasing energy as expected from the largerrigidities of the UHECR in the γAGN model.

The results are very promising and demonstrate departures from a pure isotropic sky with more andmore structure becoming visible, starting at above 8 EeV with the observation of a large-scale dipole [12],indications of higher order moments above 16 EeV, [13], blurry spots above 40 EeV, and hints of sharperspots above 60 EeV. There are indications that both SGB and AGN, as well as a mixture of both or similarpopulations could play a significant role in the production of UHECR. However, it is still too early toconclude about this long standing problem. Future analyses, possibly profiting from full-sky observationswith TA, may involve a better modelling of the Galactic magnetic field, account for the change of thecomposition as a function of energy, and possibly introduce better proxies for the unknown UHECRluminosities, so that 5σ detections are well within reach.

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A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory


The Pierre Auger Observatory was designed as a multi-purpose observatory for the high-energy Universewith multi-messenger observations being foreseen from the beginning. In this review, we have summarizeda few prominent examples that demonstrate the unprecedented sensitivities to UHE photons, neutrinos,and neutrons. Observations of photons in the so far dark Universe at Eγ & 1017 eV or of a neutrino atthese energies would be a major breakthrough by itself. However, the non-observation of point sourcesand diffuse fluxes of photons and neutrinos allowed the derivation of upper bounds that constrain modelsvery effectively. The bounds to diffuse photon and neutrino fluxes have ruled out the top-down models ofUHECRs origin motivated by particle physics and also started to constrain the GZK-effect as a dominantprocess for explaining the observed flux suppression of the most energetic UHECR [33]. Many TeVγ-sources are observed at energy fluxes of the order of 1 eV cm−2 s−1. Such sources would be visibleto the Auger Observatory as strong photon and Galactic neutron sources if their energy spectrum wouldcontinue with a Fermi-like energy distribution up to about 1017 eV. Again, their absence suggests that theirmaximum source energy does not reach out to the threshold energy of the Observatory and/or that theirspectrum is significantly softer than dJ/dE ∝ E−2.

Point source searches now routinely include also mergers of compact binaries alerted by gravitationalwave interferometers. The most spectacular event so far was the neutron star merger GW170817 at adistance of about 40 Mpc. Within the predefined ±500 s search window, the Auger Observatory reacheda neutrino flux sensitivity above 100 PeV that was over an order of magnitude higher than of any otherneutrino observatory presently operated. Again, the absence of neutrinos at Auger, IceCube and ANTARESallowed constraining the jet properties of the neutron star merger. The third observation run O3 is about tostart with many more events being expected in the near future. To accommodate for this, mechanisms areset up to automatically react to GW or other astrophysical alerts and search for neutrinos and photons.

While receiving alerts from a worldwide network of observatories, it is also possible to send alerts from theObservatory. The Auger Observatory is both a triggering and a follow-up partner in the Astrophysical Multi-messenger Observatory Network (AMON) [100], which establishes and distributes alerts for immediatefollow-up by subscribed observatories with private or Gamma-Ray Coordinates Network6 notices. AMONregisters all vertical (θ ≤ 60◦), high-quality, Auger SD events, with energy above 3 EeV with a cadenceof at most a few minutes. AMON establishes clusters of two or more Auger events received correlated intime and arrival direction as alerts. These are excesses of events expected from neutral (photon or neutron)UHECRs as discussed in Section 4 and Section 5. Unlike the aforementioned neutron and photon searches,this alert channel is sensitive to ultra-high energy neutral transient emission which is less well constrainedin the time-integrated searches. For each Auger alert, AMON also receives and transmits the backgroundrate, in other words, the significance of each of the alerts, which depends on the energy and declinationof each event. Thus high-significance alerts can be preferentially followed-up. To improve the overallsignificance of alerts and to enhance future photon and neutrino searches in general, additional improvedhardware triggers have been implemented to the existing surface detector array of the Observatory. Besidesenhancing the sensitivity to photons and neutrinos, they allow reducing their detection thresholds. Thus,photon alerts for individual ultra-high energy photon candidates from a selection of events which utilizesobservables based on the new triggers will be transmitted in near-real time and available for immediatefollow-up using the AMON infrastructure. Finally, the infilled array, covering an area of 23.5 km2 witha 750 m detector spacing, will provide acceptance for neutrinos and photons below the present detection


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A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory

threshold, though with reduced total exposure. It may also be used to generate specific alerts and there areplans to extend the neutrino search to the FD [101].

Presently, the Pierre Auger Observatory is being upgraded to AugerPrime primarily to improve the masscomposition measurements and particle physics capabilities with the surface detector array [102–104]. Forthis purpose, 3.8 m2 plastic scintillation detectors will be installed on each of the existing surface detectorstations and the current readout electronics will be replaced by a faster and more powerful one. The newelectronics will facilitate three times faster sampling of the signals (120 MHz instead of 40 MHz), willhave more monitoring features implemented, and will have more sensitive triggers installed for low-energyshowers and those initiated by photons and neutrinos. Moreover, the infilled array will be furnished withlarge area underground muon detectors [105, 106] and each surface detector station will be amended by aradio antenna to provide improved shower information for inclined air showers [107]. AugerPrime will beoperated into 2025 and will improve the statistics for composition information and composition enhancedastronomy by about a factor of 10. Clearly, all of these features will open up many new possibilitiesfor improved searches of photons and neutrinos. This suit of enhancements will further strengthen theprominent role of the Pierre Auger Observatory as a multi-messenger observatory for the next decade.


The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financialrelationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


All authors contributed to the original material and writing of the manuscript. KHK and EZ coordinatedthis review.


The successful installation, commissioning, and operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory would nothave been possible without the strong commitment and effort from the technical and administrative staff inMalargue. We are very grateful to the following agencies and organizations for financial support:

Argentina – Comision Nacional de Energıa Atomica; Agencia Nacional de Promocion Cientıficay Tecnologica (ANPCyT); Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientıficas y Tecnicas (CONICET);Gobierno de la Provincia de Mendoza; Municipalidad de Malargue; NDM Holdings and Valle Las Lenas;in gratitude for their continuing cooperation over land access; Australia – the Australian Research Council;Brazil – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientıfico e Tecnologico (CNPq); Financiadora deEstudos e Projetos (FINEP); Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ);Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Grants No. 2010/07359-6 and No. 1999/05404-3; Ministerioda Ciencia, Tecnologia, Inovacoes e Comunicacoes (MCTIC); Czech Republic – Grant No. MSMTCR LTT18004, LO1305, LM2015038 and CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 013/0001402; France – Centre deCalcul IN2P3/CNRS; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Conseil Regional Ile-de-France; Departement Physique Nucleaire et Corpusculaire (PNC-IN2P3/CNRS); Departement Sciences del’Univers (SDU-INSU/CNRS); Institut Lagrange de Paris (ILP) Grant No. LABEX ANR-10-LABX-63 within the Investissem*nts d’Avenir Programme Grant No. ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02; Germany –Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung (BMBF); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG);

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Finanzministerium Baden-Wurttemberg; Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics (HAP); Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren (HGF); Ministerium fur Innovation, Wissenschaft undForschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen; Ministerium fur Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst desLandes Baden-Wurttemberg; Italy – Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Istituto Nazionaledi Astrofisica (INAF); Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universita e della Ricerca (MIUR); CETEMPSCenter of Excellence; Ministero degli Affari Esteri (MAE); Mexico – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia yTecnologıa (CONACYT) No. 167733; Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM); PAPIITDGAPA-UNAM; The Netherlands – Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; Netherlands Organisationfor Scientific Research (NWO); Dutch national e-infrastructure with the support of SURF Cooperative;Poland – National Centre for Research and Development, Grant No. ERA-NET-ASPERA/02/11; NationalScience Centre, Grants No. 2013/08/M/ST9/00322, No. 2016/23/B/ST9/01635 and No. HARMONIA5–2013/10/M/ST9/00062, UMO-2016/22/M/ST9/00198; Portugal – Portuguese national funds and FEDERfunds within Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade through Fundacao para a Ciencia e aTecnologia (COMPETE); Romania – Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation CNCS/CCCDI-UESFISCDI, projects PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0839/19PCCDI/2018, PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1922,PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1659 and PN18090102 within PNCDI III; Slovenia – Slovenian ResearchAgency; Spain – Ministerio de Economıa, Industria y Competitividad (FPA2017-85114-P and FPA2017-85197-P), Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2017/07), ¿ Junta de Andalucıa (SOMM17/6104/UGR), FederFunds, RENATA Red Nacional Tematica de Astropartıculas (FPA2015-68783-REDT) and ¿ Marıa deMaeztu Unit of Excellence (MDM-2016-0692); USA – Department of Energy, Contracts No. DE-AC02-07CH11359, No. DE-FR02-04ER41300, No. DE-FG02-99ER41107 and No. DE-SC0011689; NationalScience Foundation, Grant No. 0450696; The Grainger Foundation; Marie Curie-IRSES/EPLANET;European Particle Physics Latin American Network; European Union 7th Framework Program, GrantNo. PIRSES-2009-GA-246806; and UNESCO.

Full author list and affiliations

A. Aab75, P. Abreu67, M. Aglietta50,49, I.F.M. Albuquerque19, J.M. Albury12, I. Allekotte1, A. Almela8,11, J. Alvarez Castillo63, J. Alvarez-Muniz74,

G.A. Anastasi42,43, L. Anchordoqui82, B. Andrada8, S. Andringa67, C. Aramo47, H. Asorey1,28, P. Assis67, G. Avila9,10, A.M. Badescu70, A. Bakalova30,

A. Balaceanu68, F. Barbato56,47, R.J. Barreira Luz67, S. Baur37, K.H. Becker35, J.A. Bellido12, C. Berat34, M.E. Bertaina58,49, X. Bertou1, P.L. Biermannb,

J. Biteau32, S.G. Blaess12, A. Blanco67, J. Blazek30, C. Bleve52,45, M. Bohacova30, D. Boncioli42,43, C. Bonifazi24, N. Borodai64, A.M. Botti8,37,

J. Bracke, T. Bretz39, A. Bridgeman36, F.L. Briechle39, P. Buchholz41, A. Bueno73, S. Buitink14, M. Buscemi54,44, K.S. Caballero-Mora62, L. Caccianiga55,

L. Calcagni4, A. Cancio11,8, F. Canfora75,77, J.M. Carceller73, R. Caruso54,44, A. Castellina50,49, F. Catalani17, G. Cataldi45, L. Cazon67, M. Cerda9,

J.A. Chinellato20, J. Chudoba30, L. Chytka31, R.W. Clay12, A.C. Cobos Cerutti7, R. Colalillo56,47, A. Coleman86, M.R. Coluccia52,45, R. Conceicao67,

A. Condorelli42,43, G. Consolati46,51, F. Contreras9,10, F. Convenga52,45, M.J. Cooper12, S. Coutu86, C.E. Covault80, B. Daniel20, S. Dasso5,3,

K. Daumiller37, B.R. Dawson12, J.A. Day12, R.M. de Almeida26, S.J. de Jong75,77, G. De Mauro75,77, J.R.T. de Mello Neto24,25, I. De Mitri42,43,

J. de Oliveira26, F.O. de Oliveira Salles15, V. de Souza18, J. Debatin36, M. del Rıo10, O. Deligny32, N. Dhital64, M.L. Dıaz Castro20, F. Diogo67,

C. Dobrigkeit20, J.C. D’Olivo63, Q. Dorosti41, R.C. dos Anjos23, M.T. Dova4, A. Dundovic40, J. Ebr30, R. Engel36,37, M. Erdmann39, C.O. Escobarc,

A. Etchegoyen8,11, H. Falcke75,78,77, J. Farmer87, G. Farrar85, A.C. Fauth20, N. Fazzinic, F. Feldbusch38, F. Fenu58,49, L.P. Ferreyro8, J.M. Figueira8,

A. Filipcic72,71, M.M. Freire6, T. Fujii87,f , A. Fuster8,11, B. Garcıa7, H. Gemmeke38, A. Gherghel-Lascu68, P.L. Ghia32, U. Giaccari15, M. Giammarchi46,

M. Giller65, D. Głas66, J. Glombitza39, F. Gobbi9, G. Golup1, M. Gomez Berisso1, P.F. Gomez Vitale9,10, J.P. Gongora9, N. Gonzalez8, I. Goos1,37,

D. Gora64, A. Gorgi50,49, M. Gottowik35, T.D. Grubb12, F. Guarino56,47, G.P. Guedes21, E. Guido49,58, R. Halliday80, M.R. Hampel8, P. Hansen4,

D. Harari1, T.A. Harrison12, V.M. Harvey12, A. Haungs37, T. Hebbeker39, D. Heck37, P. Heimann41, G.C. Hill12, C. Hojvatc, E.M. Holt36,8, P. hom*ola64,

J.R. Horandel75,77, P. Horvath31, M. Hrabovsky31, T. Huege37,14, J. Hulsman8,37, A. Insolia54,44, P.G. Isar69, I. Jandt35, J.A. Johnsen81, M. Josebachuili8,

J. Jurysek30, A. Kaapa35, K.H. Kampert35, B. Keilhauer37, N. Kemmerich19, J. Kemp39, H.O. Klages37, M. Kleifges38, J. Kleinfeller9, R. Krause39,

D. Kuempel35, G. Kukec Mezek71, A. Kuotb Awad36, B.L. Lago16, D. LaHurd80, R.G. Lang18, R. Legumina65, M.A. Leigui de Oliveira22, V. Lenok37,

A. Letessier-Selvon33, I. Lhenry-Yvon32, O.C. Lippmann15, D. Lo Presti54,44, L. Lopes67, R. Lopez59, A. Lopez Casado74, R. Lorek80, Q. Luce32,

A. Lucero8, M. Malacari87, G. Mancarella52,45, D. Mandat30, B.C. Manning12, P. Mantschc, A.G. Mariazzi4, I.C. Maris13, G. Marsella52,45, D. Martello52,45,

H. Martinez60, O. Martınez Bravo59, M. Mastrodicasa53,43, H.J. Mathes37, S. Mathys35, J. Matthews83, G. Matthiae57,48, E. Mayotte35, P.O. Mazurc,

G. Medina-Tanco63, D. Melo8, A. Menshikov38, K.-D. Merenda81, S. Michal31, M.I. Micheletti6, L. Middendorf39, L. Miramonti55,46, B. Mitrica68,

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D. Mockler36, S. Mollerach1, F. Montanet34, C. Morello50,49, G. Morlino42,43, M. Mostafa86, A.L. Muller8,37, M.A. Muller20,d, S. Muller36,8, R. Mussa49,

L. Nellen63, P.H. Nguyen12, M. Niculescu-Oglinzanu68, M. Niechciol41, D. Nitz84,g , D. Nosek29, V. Novotny29, L. Nozka31, A Nucita52,45, L.A. Nunez28,

F. Oikonomou86,i, A. Olinto87, M. Palatka30, J. Pallotta2, M.P. Panetta52,45, P. Papenbreer35, G. Parente74, A. Parra59, M. Pech30, F. Pedreira74, J. Pekala64,

R. Pelayo61, J. Pena-Rodriguez28, L.A.S. Pereira20, M. Perlin8, L. Perrone52,45, C. Peters39, S. Petrera42,43, J. Phuntsok86, T. Pierog37, M. Pimenta67,

V. Pirronello54,44, M. Platino8, J. Poh87, B. Pont75, C. Porowski64, R.R. Prado18, P. Privitera87, M. Prouza30, A. Puyleart84, S. Querchfeld35, S. Quinn80,

R. Ramos-Pollan28, J. Rautenberg35, D. Ravignani8, M. Reininghaus37, J. Ridky30, F. Riehn67, M. Risse41, P. Ristori2, V. Rizi53,43, W. Rodrigues

de Carvalho19, J. Rodriguez Rojo9, M.J. Roncoroni8, M. Roth37, E. Roulet1, A.C. Rovero5, P. Ruehl41, S.J. Saffi12, A. Saftoiu68, F. Salamida53,43,

H. Salazar59, G. Salina48, J.D. Sanabria Gomez28, F. Sanchez8, E.M. Santos19, E. Santos30, F. Sarazin81, R. Sarmento67, C. Sarmiento-Cano8, R. Sato9,

P. Savina52,45, M. Schauer35, V. Scherini45, H. Schieler37, M. Schimassek36, M. Schimp35, F. Schluter37, D. Schmidt36, O. Scholten76,14, P. Schovanek30,

F.G. Schroder88,37, S. Schroder35, J. Schumacher39, S.J. Sciutto4, M. Scornavacche8, R.C. Shellard15, G. Sigl40, G. Silli8,37, O. Sima68,h, R. Smıda87,

G.R. Snow89, P. Sommers86, J.F. Soriano82, J. Souchard34, R. Squartini9, D. Stanca68, S. Stanic71, J. Stasielak64, P. Stassi34, M. Stolpovskiy34, A. Streich36,

F. Suarez8,11, M. Suarez-Duran28, T. Sudholz12, T. Suomijarvi32, A.D. Supanitsky8, J. Supık31, Z. Szadkowski66, A. Taboada37, O.A. Taborda1, A. Tapia27,

C. Timmermans77,75, C.J. Todero Peixoto17, B. Tome67, G. Torralba Elipe74, A. Travaini9, P. Travnicek30, M. Trini71, M. Tueros4, R. Ulrich37, M. Unger37,

M. Urban39, J.F. Valdes Galicia63, I. Valino42,43, L. Valore56,47, P. van Bodegom12, A.M. van den Berg76, A. van Vliet75, E. Varela59, B. Vargas Cardenas63,

D. Veberic37, C. Ventura25, I.D. Vergara Quispe4, V. Verzi48, J. Vicha30, L. Villasenor59, J. Vink79, S. Vorobiov71, H. Wahlberg4, A.A. Watsona, M. Weber38,

A. Weindl37, M. Wiedenski66, L. Wiencke81, H. Wilczynski64, T. Winchen14, M. Wirtz39, D. Wittkowski35, B. Wundheiler8, L. Yang71, A. Yushkov30,

E. Zas74, D. Zavrtanik71,72, M. Zavrtanik72,71, L. Zehrer71, A. Zepeda60, B. Zimmermann37, M. Ziolkowski41, Z. Zong32, F. Zuccarello54,44

1 Centro Atomico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro (CNEA-UNCuyo-CONICET), San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina2 Centro de Investigaciones en Laseres y Aplicaciones, CITEDEF and CONICET, Villa Martelli, Argentina3 Departamento de Fısica and Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmosfera y los Oceanos, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires and CONICET, Buenos Aires,

Argentina4 IFLP, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET, La Plata, Argentina5 Instituto de Astronomıa y Fısica del Espacio (IAFE, CONICET-UBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina6 Instituto de Fısica de Rosario (IFIR) – CONICET/U.N.R. and Facultad de Ciencias Bioquımicas y Farmaceuticas U.N.R., Rosario, Argentina7 Instituto de Tecnologıas en Deteccion y Astropartıculas (CNEA, CONICET, UNSAM), and Universidad Tecnologica Nacional – Facultad Regional Mendoza

(CONICET/CNEA), Mendoza, Argentina8 Instituto de Tecnologıas en Deteccion y Astropartıculas (CNEA, CONICET, UNSAM), Buenos Aires, Argentina9 Observatorio Pierre Auger, Malargue, Argentina

10 Observatorio Pierre Auger and Comision Nacional de Energıa Atomica, Malargue, Argentina11 Universidad Tecnologica Nacional – Facultad Regional Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina12 University of Adelaide, Adelaide, S.A., Australia13 Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium14 Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Brussels, Belgium15 Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil16 Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica Celso Suckow da Fonseca, Nova Friburgo, Brazil17 Universidade de Sao Paulo, Escola de Engenharia de Lorena, Lorena, SP, Brazil18 Universidade de Sao Paulo, Instituto de Fısica de Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil19 Universidade de Sao Paulo, Instituto de Fısica, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil20 Universidade Estadual de Campinas, IFGW, Campinas, SP, Brazil21 Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Feira de Santana, Brazil22 Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo Andre, SP, Brazil23 Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor Palotina, Palotina, Brazil24 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Fısica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil25 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Observatorio do Valongo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil26 Universidade Federal Fluminense, EEIMVR, Volta Redonda, RJ, Brazil27 Universidad de Medellın, Medellın, Colombia28 Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia29 Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Prague, Czech Republic30 Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic31 Palacky University, RCPTM, Olomouc, Czech Republic32 Institut de Physique Nucleaire d’Orsay (IPNO), Universite Paris-Sud, Univ. Paris/Saclay, CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay, France33 Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire et de Hautes Energies (LPNHE), Universites Paris 6 et Paris 7, CNRS-IN2P3, Paris, France34 Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble Institute of Engineering Univ. Grenoble Alpes, LPSC-IN2P3, 38000 Grenoble, France, France35 Bergische Universitat Wuppertal, Department of Physics, Wuppertal, Germany

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36 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Experimental Particle Physics (ETP), Karlsruhe, Germany37 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institut fur Kernphysik, Karlsruhe, Germany38 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institut fur Prozessdatenverarbeitung und Elektronik, Karlsruhe, Germany39 RWTH Aachen University, III. Physikalisches Institut A, Aachen, Germany40 Universitat Hamburg, II. Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Hamburg, Germany41 Universitat Siegen, Fachbereich 7 Physik – Experimentelle Teilchenphysik, Siegen, Germany42 Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, Italy43 INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi (L’Aquila), Italy44 INFN, Sezione di Catania, Catania, Italy45 INFN, Sezione di Lecce, Lecce, Italy46 INFN, Sezione di Milano, Milano, Italy47 INFN, Sezione di Napoli, Napoli, Italy48 INFN, Sezione di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Roma, Italy49 INFN, Sezione di Torino, Torino, Italy50 Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino (INAF), Torino, Italy51 Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali , Milano, Italy52 Universita del Salento, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica “E. De Giorgi”, Lecce, Italy53 Universita dell’Aquila, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche, L’Aquila, Italy54 Universita di Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Catania, Italy55 Universita di Milano, Dipartimento di Fisica, Milano, Italy56 Universita di Napoli “Federico II”, Dipartimento di Fisica “Ettore Pancini”, Napoli, Italy57 Universita di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Dipartimento di Fisica, Roma, Italy58 Universita Torino, Dipartimento di Fisica, Torino, Italy59 Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico60 Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV), Mexico, D.F., Mexico61 Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria en Ingenierıa y Tecnologıas Avanzadas del Instituto Politecnico Nacional (UPIITA-IPN), Mexico, D.F., Mexico62 Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico63 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F., Mexico64 Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland65 University of Łodz, Faculty of Astrophysics, Łodz, Poland66 University of Łodz, Faculty of High-Energy Astrophysics,Łodz, Poland67 Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fısica Experimental de Partıculas – LIP and Instituto Superior Tecnico – IST, Universidade de Lisboa – UL, Lisboa, Portugal68 “Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania69 Institute of Space Science, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania70 University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania71 Center for Astrophysics and Cosmology (CAC), University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia72 Experimental Particle Physics Department, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia73 Universidad de Granada and C.A.F.P.E., Granada, Spain74 Instituto Galego de Fısica de Altas Enerxıas (I.G.F.A.E.), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain75 IMAPP, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands76 KVI – Center for Advanced Radiation Technology, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands77 Nationaal Instituut voor Kernfysica en Hoge Energie Fysica (NIKHEF), Science Park, Amsterdam, The Netherlands78 Stichting Astronomisch Onderzoek in Nederland (ASTRON), Dwingeloo, The Netherlands79 Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands80 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA81 Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA82 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lehman College, City University of New York, Bronx, NY, USA83 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA84 Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA85 New York University, New York, NY, USA86 Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA87 University of Chicago, Enrico Fermi Institute, Chicago, IL, USA88 University of Delaware, Bartol Research Institute, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Newark, USA89 University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA

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A. Aab et al. Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory

—–a School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdomb Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germanyc Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USAd also at Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Pocos de Caldas, Brazile Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USAf now at the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research and Graduate School of Science at Kyoto Universityg also at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germanyh also at University of Bucharest, Physics Department, Bucharest, Romaniai now at European Southern Observatory, Garching bei Munchen, Germany


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Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory· 2012. 12. 20.· Key words: Pierre Auger Observatory, UHECR, cosmic rays 1 Introduction and Status of the Ob-servatory The Pierre

The rapid atmospheric monitoring system of the Pierre ...· The Pierre Auger collaboration E-mail:[emailprotected] ABSTRACT: The Pierre Auger Observatory is a facility

Study of the UHECR Arrival Directions with the Pierre Auger Observatory

Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory · Multi-Messenger Physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory The Pierre Auger Collaboration1 1Pierre Auger Observatory, Av - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.