Read Ask the Mirror Chapter 200: Taiyuan should turn into a bright moon and shine in the shadow (Part 2) [raw] English - Soverse (2024)


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This chapter has 7,000 words, so I’m a little late. Please forgive me


The “Sacred Scripture” and the “Taiyuan Heavenly Demon Fundamental Scripture” in the abyss of the earth’s core are always connected with the Yuanshi Demon Lord in the depths of the endless starry sky. Ya Lao looks directly at the Holy Scripture, which certainly shows that he has a high level of cultivation. Not without some suppression, my eyes hurt slightly.

At this time, he saw that above the “Holy Scripture”, the name of the infinite **** of the void, who was occupying the high position, received the precious light, transformed into magic patterns, and flew suddenly, becoming more and more powerful, and the great Brahma next to him responded. May the light of the Demon King be dimmed, even a little shaken.


Once the Infinite Void God Lord succeeds in imbuing the Witch God with magic, it is expected that his cultivation level will increase greatly.

However, this situation in the “Holy Scripture” was beyond Yao Lao’s expectation.

The branding power mixed with the true name of the Infinite Void God Lord, deep and dark, and like blood flowing…

Afraid that he had misunderstood, he turned his eyes again and found the real name of Emperor Tianluo among the billions of names in the holy scripture, and compared it with:

The feeling of true meaning is exactly the same!

The Demon Lord of Yuanshi…fundamental blessing!

Yulao Mu stood on the spot, feeling a little dizzy in his head. Inexplicably, extremely ridiculous emotions rushed over him, making him want to laugh:

The Infinite Void God Lord…fundamental blessing?

If that guy can also get the fundamental blessing, will he want to find a job as a personal guard with the Yuanshi Demon Lord?

There was a low noise in his throat, but he finally held it back, knowing that before the supreme power of the Primordial Demon Lord, he could never have these indulgent emotions again.

But at this moment, Di Tianluo’s calm voice sounded:

“Old Crow, look here…”


Lao Ya turned his attention away.

At this moment, on top of the Holy Scripture, a name that was originally ranked outside the tenth place suddenly emitted brilliance, and invisible waves emerged from it, like a heavy hammer hitting the Holy Scripture.

This “blow” was sudden and heavy, and because of the special hitting point, right in front of Ya Lao’s eyes, it triggered a shock that spread to the entire Demon Sect system.

The ripples spread out at an incredible speed.

In an instant, the hundreds of millions of demon monks in the true world, the countless demons and heretics in the vast starry sky outside the realm, all felt the connection in their hearts, not to mention the Yao Lao who was so close at hand.

Before the sudden explosion of power, he couldn’t help but take a step back. When he looked at the name again, it was no longer a simple shape of magic text. Through the dark color, his sight seemed to be through After passing the void barrier, even going back in time, you cut into a strange scene.

At this moment, Yao Lao saw a familiar figure, a little thin and unattractive in appearance, but always calm and calm.

“At this time”, under the guidance of the priest, he was offering sacrifices to the statue of the Lord of the Immeasurable Void on the altar in order, and finally knelt down in obeisance.

On the statue of the Lord of the Infinite Void, layers of halos appeared, which were so mysterious that the monks participating in the ceremony all around were eclipsed.

Only that thin man, his movements and movements were in sync with the rhythm, referencing and resonating with the Qi movement on the statue of the Lord of the Infinite Void, never straying away from anything.

It just makes people feel that no matter how respectful and humble he is, he has a calm and unhurried demeanor and a sense of measure in his heart.

Although one is a **** and the other is a sacrifice, there is no distinction between the two.

Ghost Lingzi!

The scene is now a bit blurry, with layers of magic patterns nested in it, showing the evolution of mysterious and unpredictable laws, and a huge amount of information is presented one by one.

As a powerful person in the level of the free demon, Yao Lao can naturally understand it.

The evolution of these laws is probably equivalent to a “legal explanation” of the previous scene, and it is also a proclamation to reveal the magic sect.

The core of everything is Gui Lingzi.

His plans, his actions, and the legal principles he relied on were all listed one by one without any concealment.

From here, people can know that Gui Lingzi reached an agreement with Lunjianxuan long ago. After completing the “Zizai Tianmo Soul Capturing Sutra” in Donghua Mountain, they immediately joined forces and set up a bureau outside the territory. The demon dyed Su Shuanghe, and This cuts into Xiyu Lake and touches the water world.

Afterwards, we advanced step by step and took various measures. Finally, through the layout of the Rakshasa Ghost King, the Witch God was put on the altar and sacrificed to the Lord of the Infinite Void.

During this period, every step Gui Lingzi took was integrated into the “holy path” of the Yuanshi Demon Lord.

In fact, it is in a way that is in line with the Dao of Heavenly Demon, eliminating sectarian views, no distinction between inside and outside the domain, everything is for my own use, closely following the fundamental method of “other transformation”, and making no secret of the desire for “freedom”. Climbing on the road of “pulling out” can be said to be the supreme method of the brilliant demon.

Because of this, when the layout is completed, everything is complete, and there is great joy, which naturally resonates with the heavenly demon system derived from the Yuanshi Demon Lord, and is fundamentally blessed by the Yuanshi Demon Lord…

And that’s not all yet.

Looking at it from another perspective, the Lord of the Infinite Void is the attendant of the Yuanshi Demon Lord. He has “digested” the Witch God, and he is upright, in line with the “rules”, and echoes the “holy way”, which represents this gain, and is also Enjoyed by the Yuanshi Demon Lord.

As the mastermind of everything, Gui Lingzi first “achieved” and secondly “showed merit”. His realm and achievements soared simultaneously, and his status in the Demon Sect system was also the one who jumped to the top. At one level, a qualitative change has occurred.

The strange scene shattered, and the true form of the “Holy Scripture” was revealed.

At this moment, Yalao saw that next to the two names of the God Lord of the Infinite Void and the Demon King of the Great Brahma’s Wish, new writing appeared, burning like fire:

Tai Yuan should transform into the Demon King!


The “Heavenly Demon Heart Drum” that has been enshrined in the main hall of the Infinite Earth Fire Demon Palace started to sound without being struck. The monks in the palace, who had no idea what had happened, were all jumping up and down, and they all gathered in the main hall square according to the ritual requirements. above.

Then, these monks were lucky enough to witness a spectacle that had never been seen in more than ten kalpas!

In the main hall, on the side of the memorial tablet of the First Demon Lord is the statue of the Infinite Void God. As for the other Brahma’s wish-fulfilling demon king, it was not included in the list because it is the “Blood Hell Department”.

But at this moment, in the empty area to the left of the Yuanshi Demon Lord, a new statue of the **** was formed.

Its appearance is quite familiar to many people.

“…Ghost Lingzi!”

“The Lord is above!”

The devil’s heart drum sounds again, and through this drum sound that shakes the world and points directly to people’s hearts, simple and shocking news is spread all over the world.

Gui Lingzi, the leader of the East Branch of the Demon Sect, sacrificed to the witch god, stained the world with demons, freed himself, and achieved the title of Demon Lord!

There are two characters “Taiyuan” in his title, which can be said to be “respected”.

Of course, he can also continue his previous name and call him “Ghost Bell Demon Lord”.

But these are just trivial details. The devil’s heart beat loudly, and the whole world heard about it, and spread this incredible news with an astonishing speed.

After dozens of kalpas since the Infinite Void God Lord, a new threatening demon lord has been born in the true world.

There is no doubt that as the pattern of the Demon Sect changes and the real world changes, there are new variables.

As for the inside of the Demon Sect, no matter how complicated the mood is, sects such as the Earth Fire Demon Palace, Ice and Snow Demon Palace, Jiuxuan Demon Sect, West Branch of the Demon Sect, etc. all have to offer sacrifices and pray.

In just a few dozen breaths, the demonic energy from the north surged into the sky, roaring loudly, and complementing the heart drum of the demon.

Under the abyss of the earth’s core, Old Crow retracted his clenched fists into his sleeves and swallowed the mouthful of blood that was about to spurt out.

The moment the demon’s heart drum vibrated, Gui Lingzi, who was still hiding in the sea outside Haihai Mountain, the Infinite Void God Lord who was still washing the Jade Lake, and of course the “Sacred Scripture”, “Taiyuan Demon Fundamental Sutra”, and even those around him The Emperor Tianluo resonates with its Qi.

Only leaving aside Ya Lao, the meaning is self-explanatory.

In an instant, Ya Lao suffered a backlash – perhaps this was the admonition of the Yuanshi Demon Lord. It would not take the initiative to punish someone, but it had already formed a complete operating mechanism of the demon system, so it naturally had the power to counterattack.

At this moment, because the Infinite Void God Lord, the Supreme Ancestor, and the Crow Elder have been trying to make moves over the years, the binding force of the True Realm Demon Sect system has reached a very low level.

Some people want to jump out, and others want to jump in. What Gui Lingzi thinks is unknown now, but he entered at the most appropriate time, maximized the use and catalyzed the system. Counter force, reach the sky in one step!

At this moment, the Infinite Void God Lord also jumped back into the cage, while Ji Ancestor and Ya Lao, who wanted to escape, became the stepping stones for Gui Lingzi and the East Branch of the Demon Sect to take off.

Fortunately for Ji Zu, he has already stepped into the ultimate realm. Even now, he is more than one step ahead of Gui Lingzi, who has just stepped into the demon lord realm. He has the power to break the situation and is not afraid of backlash.

Yao Lao lost all his energy in an instant. He knew that in this life, he would never be qualified to jump out again!

Billions of miles away, slightly south of the Sky Rift Valley war zone, Liu Guan, who had only one arm left, laughed loudly when he just “heard” the message from the Demonic Heart Drum.

Before, his arm was cut off by the Xingtian Magic Sword and Gengen was seriously injured. It was Shenluo Lina who helped him recover.

But injuries that damage the foundation are not so easy to recover from. What Shen Luo Lina gave was actually the medicine of tiger and wolf, which allowed him to get out as soon as possible and escape for his life.

But Liu Guan is not annoyed at all. No, here comes the real benefit!

Of course he knew about Gui Lingzi’s plan, and he also participated in it and tried his best.

Now that the layout has come to an end, Gui Lingzi has not only become a free demon in one fell swoop, but has also become a demon lord who is on par with the infinite void god. The gains are so great that he never thought of them beforehand!

Now, it’s time to reap the benefits.

His wild laughter was clearly synchronized with the vibration frequency of the Demonic Heart Drum, entering a strange resonance state. In the dark, endless darkness enveloped him, which was also endless power.

This is a gift from an old friend, and it is also the care of the Yuanshi Demon Lord.

He opened his arms, dispersed his form, truly turned into a shadow, and merged with the darkness. However, his realm level soared all the way, and in the blink of an eye he broke through the realm barrier that was already as thin as a piece of paper.

It stands to reason that the heavenly calamity should be unleashed now, but the situation at this time is completely different.

Because of his layout and plans, Gui Lingzi became the “Taiyuan Yinghua Heavenly Demon King”. As the key link of the Infinite Void God Lord, he naturally resonated with the Holy Way of the Origin in the Demon Sect system and received enhanced treatment.

This is not the most important thing. What really scares everyone in the real world is that after enjoying the sacrifice of the Witch God, the monstrous evil spirit cut into it and was completely broken, and was torn apart by the Rakshasa Ghost King. system of laws.

Until this moment, the monks from all sides were completely awakened from the shock of the news of “Tai Yuan Ying Hua Tian Demon King”, and suddenly remembered:

In terms of Gui Lingzi’s “little credit”, there is clearly a saying that “the devil dyes the world”. Doesn’t it echo this?

In fact, with the ability of the Demon Sect, there has always been a place in the system of laws of the true world. The laws of the true world generally will not hinder them, but they are just on tight guard against the demons in the outer realm.

But now, the situation is completely different. The Infinite Void God Lord is the highest-status Demon Lord in the real world, and he naturally has the responsibility of “blessing” the monks of various demon sects.

Once his demonic influence is infiltrated, it will pervade the fundamental laws of the true world and all derived laws. Although the laws themselves are unlikely to mutate, they are like hidden poisons. For all creatures composed of the laws of the true world, the crisis of demon dyeing will come from the outside to the inside, pointing directly to the root.

At that time, any demon monk may only need to pay a small “sacrifice” to attract the inner demon of a powerful enemy.

Once successful, the consequences will be disastrous… In fact, it has already been successful,

Since the God Lord of the Infinite Void has “swallowed” the Witch God, he has taken over the entire system of laws of the true world, and everything is a matter of course.

The “Black Tide” of demonic intent spreads wantonly, and even the broken system is closely related to everyone.

Think about it, from this moment on, all the “external demons” can turn into “inner demons” at any time, how amazing is this!

For a time, all sects and sects in the true world, including hundreds of millions of casual cultivators, were in shock.

“It’s a mess, it’s a mess…”

“Madam, what should we do?”

“Flying Soul City is gone!”

In Fuqiu City, through the communication array in the Three-Yuan Secret Array, Mrs. , Feihun City’s defensive formations and important facilities established based on relevant laws have begun to collapse.

More importantly, because the Witch God has been possessed by the Lord of the Infinite Void – to be more precise, he should have been devoured by the “True Seed”, the foundation of spiritual practice of the people in the Witch Sect has been eroded by the devil, regardless of their cultivation level. High and low, everyone has no master.

A group of people stood in the square that was not affected by the collapsed building. Everyone was injured, looked depressed, and was at a loss. ,

The Witch God is finished! Once the true seed is lost, there is no possibility of recovery.

The system of laws of the true world has also become the prison of the Infinite Void God Lord.

These people in the witch sect are like abandoned street children, or “born prisoners”, controlled by a shackles called “demon dye”, with no hope of liberation.

Mrs. Xia, You Rui, and Murong Qingyan were also among them.

However, among them, You Rui’s condition is definitely the best. Although she was injured due to the incident with the Witch God and Demon Ran, she is not suffering from the demon dye for the time being. The root cause is nothing more than Yuanxu. Because of God’s blessing.

Comparing the two, Mrs. Xia suddenly felt very tired. She did not want to mention some of the remarks she had prepared, and only said:

“Let Yourui tell you…”

After that, he ignored those people and no matter how hard You Rui encouraged Yuanxu Tianjun, he left the coverage of the communication circle and went to the outside.

Murong Qingyan was sitting cross-legged on the ground and had just wiped away the blood from the corners of her lips with a handkerchief.

At this time, this stunning beauty, who was known as the “Washing Jade and Flying Smoke”, had green hair all over her head and turned gray, which was obviously a sign that her vitality was about to be exhausted.


“Qingyan, why don’t you also learn from A Rui and vote for Yuanxu Tianjun? If you can ‘transfer the spiritual pivot’, you will no longer be limited by the shaman’s longevity…Lingsha, what’s the point now? ?”

“Who made me, a mixed-race outsider, become a spiritual witch?”


There was a strange smile on Murong Qingyan’s face:

“Godmother, you know for sure that because of your mixed race, your daughter’s qualifications in spiritual witchcraft are actually very poor. The reason why you are satisfied is that she was inspired by Mrs. Huang Quan by chance… Her point Hua, well, Tianjun Yuanxu must be the most taboo. I’m afraid he has a headache now, so my daughter won’t think about it.”


Murong Qingyan seemed to want to reveal the sharpness that she had hidden for decades, she said calmly:

“Instead of lamenting here, godmother, why not think carefully about how to overcome the difficulties in front of you? Some things cannot be solved by worshiping people.”

Mrs. Xia was immediately alert: “What do you mean?”

“Whether the Witch God is in the world or sleeping, he is the only barrier to the true world. Now that Ling Mei has been lost, the system has been taken over by the Infinite Void God Lord. Although that person is also the first-class powerful, it is impossible To replace the duties of the Witch God, so…”


Mrs. Xia gradually understood, and her tired and pale face lost all color.

At that moment, a thunderous sound swept across the world, but the sound did not fall from the sky, but came from the lake and the ground beneath her feet.

The house where the communication circle relied suddenly collapsed, and You Rui rushed out from inside, looking very miserable and disgraced.

However, she no longer cared about her appearance, so she shouted when she went out: “Over there in Feihun City…”

The words suddenly stopped, and she, along with Madam Xia and Murong Qingyan, stared blankly at Fuqiu City, one of the core hubs of Xiyu Lake, being torn apart by dozens of deep and wide cracks. The planned building collapsed, and countless monks flew up to avoid falling rocks and rubble.

However, at this moment, it is not just a simple “earthquake”, but a shaking of the earth!

At least 90% of the monks were carried away by the completely chaotic geomagnetic force not long after they took off. Their whole bodies seemed to be a hundred times heavier. At that moment, they fell down like dumplings, each with their own meat and vegetables. Some even vomited blood and were seriously injured on the spot.

For a while, Fuqiu City was filled with howls.

Murong Qingyan said softly: “If the Witch God does not exist, the true laws of the outside world will naturally be completely covered. Under the true laws, the huge void world with a length of 500 million miles from east to west and 300 million miles from north to south is the natural universe. “How has it ever happened before?”

You Rui looked at her blankly, smiling when she saw her shaking.

“When the laws of reality are covered, the structure of the real world cannot bear its own weight at all, and the sky will collapse and the earth will fall apart, right before our eyes. No matter whether it is Yuanxu Tianjun or Bajing Palace, there is no other choice… So I said , Ari, you just wasted your words. By now, people in the entire real world will have only one way to go!”

The words just fell out,

On Fuqiu City, green light shone all around, and the visions of the sky and the earth shaking gradually stopped.

In the sky, Shao Tianzun received the blessing from the Eight Views Palace from Zhongtian with one hand, and connected the Three-Yuan Secret Formation with the other hand,

Beside him was a senior member of the Xiyu League with a complicated look on his face,

At this time, the millions of monks in Fuqiu City cheered loudly, no matter how “complicated” it was, filled with the joy of escaping the catastrophe.

However, his thoughts were as clear as Yourui’s, but he suddenly realized:

“To preserve the place of existence for the creatures in this world, we must replace the original system of laws of the true world as soon as possible. However, the Xuanmen system on which Shangqing and Eight Views rely is different from the previous…”

“Come from the same source.”

Murong Qingyan smiled slightly: “So, I am afraid that the Lord of the Boundless Void has been waiting for a long time.”

Under the natural disaster, the monks in this world definitely do not have the leisure time of Murong Qingyan.

At this moment, anyone with a little bit of insight in each sect knows what to do:

The true world law system is about to collapse. There is no way to stay here. If you want to survive, you can only ask for the protection of the relatively complete Xuanmen system, whether it is the Eight Scenery or the Supreme Purity, it will work!

There are still a large number of ordinary people in this world who have no experience, but they have long been frightened by the vision in the sky. Under the drastic changes, most of them pray devoutly, which can also attract the blessing and coverage of the Taoist system.

There is no choice near Linggang Mountain, except for the “seven sacrifices and five pillars” system. In fact, due to the early “separation” here, it is currently the calmest area.

After the sudden turmoil, this world seems to be regaining stability.

But only a few people know that Bajing Palace and Yuanxu Tianjun are facing a fatal choice at this time.

As Murong Qingyan said, the God of the Infinite Void, who had just been infected by the Witch God and took over the law system of the true world, was waiting for them in his spare time:

“Do you want to integrate? Do you want my help?”


The high degree of overlap between the Xuanmen system and the true world law system is doomed. At this moment, anyone can get around it, but they cannot get around the Infinite Void God Lord.

Unless the relatively independent architecture of Shangqing and Eight Views and Thirty-Six Heavens are completely disconnected from the “outside” Taoist system, the current system coverage around Yunzhong Mountain and around Xiyu Lake…

How is this possible?

From this point of view, Bajing Palace is actually prescient. They have already tried to separate the Xuanmen system from the True World system, but “first” is not enough. It is like a man who is breaking out of his cocoon. The moth that came out was half broken and had no strength left.

At this moment, above the sky, the battle that was originally in full swing suddenly fell silent.

Sage Xiao held the bell and meditated.

Whether it was the Rakshasa Ghost King or Shenluo Lina, they all stopped to see what Saint Xiao would decide.

However, they didn’t let them wait too long when a hoarse and casual voice came from the void and sang:

“It’s just a joke, but it’s a devil to speak again. I lower my head and think about me in silence. How can I be relieved when the deadline comes…”

During the song, Xiao Shengren felt sad at first, and then stopped laughing, and rang the bell in response:

“Bees are busy for flowers, moths are dying for lamps, and they are just lost in the past and forget about worries about the future. Sighing about personal affairs, Zhuang Zhou is dreaming of butterflies, and butterflies are dreaming of Zhuang Zhou.”

Just when the song echoed, the Xuanmen system was mixed, and it actively reconnected with the original system. The two phases blended, and the monstrous demonic power burst out, creating a catastrophe!

This is a demonic calamity aimed at Saint Xiao, who is the hub of the Xuanmen system, and of course, Xin Yi.

Knocking on the heart, the bell rings, the Eight Scenes and Thirty-Six Heavens support with all their strength, the earthly immortals in the palace each occupy their respective positions, and the pure and empty sky outside the clouds suppresses them in the middle, forcing back the overwhelming demonic will, but this Rakshasa Ghost King comes back with a smile. , hundreds of millions of miles away, Shenluo Li was also turning his sword light, attacking with all his strength.

As the most efficient person in the transport system, Xiao Shengren, with an unchanging expression and the use of his supreme magical powers, fought against the three powerful men alone, and immediately composed a song and said:

“Zhan Zhan is clear, innate and innate, and only a few qi are mixed in the dark. Xi Yili, this round of bright moon, there is no missing or surplus.”

Hearing the word “bright moon”, Yu Ci, who was in front of the Ten Thousand Demon Pond and didn’t know how to start, suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart.

He has been grasping the direction of the situation. The calculations of Gui Lingzi and the Infinite Void God Lord are in line with the Holy Way of the Origin. In fact, they also vaguely resonate with certain elements in the Ten Thousand Demon Pond, which makes his understanding of his intention to transform demons deeper. .

For this reason, he discovered that these two were different from ji*zu, Shenluo Lina, and the Rakshasa Ghost King.

The pursuit and goals of the great powers of all walks of life are simply the pursuit of the ultimate, the mysterious and mysterious spiritual changes.

But in the case of Gui Lingzi and the Infinite Void God Lord, or in other words, in terms of the fundamental legal principles of the Yuanshi Demon Lord, Ling Mei is always the mirror flower and the moon in the water.

One is reality and the other is shadow.

The “shadows” stir the heartstrings and shake the water. Some of them find their origins and put them back together, while others get lost in them. Apparently they have forgotten what is real and what is shadow.

So we need to look for it from the “real” point.

Yu Ci suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the Ten Thousand Demon Pond remained motionless for a long time.

What he wants to overcome is the calamity of his heart… To be more precise, the Pond of Ten Thousand Demons is his calamity of inner demons.

In the past, those who were greedy for convenience and threw them into the Pond of Ten Thousand Demons must now face their existence.

What we are experiencing now is destined to come, and we cannot avoid it.

Just like what Xiao Shengren and Xin Yi did.

How can you know your face if you don’t take a photo?

Since you are taking photos, you must distinguish the true from the false.

Now, which one belongs to him and which one does not?

In an instant, beside the bright moon in the sky, the shadows receded and the moonlight hung.

Where the light is, there is purity; where there is shadow under the light, there is magic.

The two are interdependent and it is impossible to get rid of them.

Because the original demon lord has been hiding in people’s hearts since the beginning, and is the source of inner demons,

In other words, the projection of the inner demon formed the Original Demon Lord.

When everyone reaches the realm of Dao Zun, the Yuanshi Demon Lord will truly die;

Or maybe everyone has been cut off from the path of progress by demonic thoughts, and the original demon lord will form a world of death without spirituality. In this extreme environment, he can find a way forward.

Even if Yu Ci had the help of the Taixiao Divine Court, the method of mental imagery, and the purest and most pure Xuanmen supreme magical power, it would be impossible to kill the existence of the Yuanshi Demon Lord.

Similarly, there is Saint Xiao.

So, it is an attitude for Saint Xiao to welcome the evil calamity calmly.

All he, and all the enlightened ones before him, could do was:

The moon returns to the moon, and the shadow returns to the shadow,

You and the heart of the pond are fluctuating, and I am extremely clear from the middle of the sky!

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Read Ask the Mirror Chapter 200: Taiyuan should turn into a bright moon and shine in the shadow (Part 2) [raw] English - Soverse (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.