Read Record of Extinction Destiny Chapter 164: A pill of elixir can rival the immortality [raw] English - Soverse (2024)


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The next morning, Wuwang Laodao, who had been late falling asleep because he was thinking about where to get the real fire from the Immortal Family last night, got up much later than usual. Even so, he opened the door and murmured He murmured to himself: “I wonder if it is possible to collect the fire caused by the thunder striking the trees? This should not be an ordinary fire.”

Wuwang Lao Dao didn’t know that if the same tree was hit by sky lightning many times and the flame never went out, then the flame at its core would be called sky thunder dazzling fire. Unfortunately, it cannot be produced in the land of the end of law.

As soon as he opened the door and walked to the courtyard of Guanzhong, Old Taoist Wuwang was startled. The wooden basin he was holding fell to the ground with a thud, because there were several people in black lying on the wall in various postures. Two of them died in miserable condition, their skin rotted to the bone, and there were countless small holes half a finger deep on the ground of the yard, so densely packed that they seemed to have lost their appearance.

“Robbers? Assassins?” Wuwu Lao Dao has been concentrating on alchemy in recent years without any distractions. His temperament is relatively ordinary, and he has been tempered well, so he quickly calmed down and speculated on their origins, “Could they be here to deal with them? Those two fellow Taoists? After all, they just came to stay last night, and a man in black came to the door.”

But in the blink of an eye, a lot of doubts arose in him: “The old Taoist didn’t sleep well last night, but he didn’t feel the slightest movement of fighting at all. The martial arts of the two Taoists may have reached the point of being unpredictable. In this case , why didn’t they put the body away, instead of leaving it there for the old people to see, leaving only future trouble?”

A thought flashed through his mind, and Wuwu Lao Dao stepped forward: “Are they here to deal with Lao Tao? The two Taoists happened to meet at the right time, and helped Lao Dao block the disaster, and left the body to warn Lao Dao.”

But he is just a humble and self-sufficient master of Taoism who concentrates on refining elixirs. He really couldn’t imagine who would come to harm him. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to ask him face to face.

Knocked on the door, but no one responded. After knocking several times, Wuwang Lao Dao found that the door was not closed, so he gently pushed it open and found that there was no one inside, and there was a stack of white paper on the old square table.

“They left?” As soon as the thought came to his mind, Master Wuwu heard some movement in the alchemy room and was shocked. He hurriedly turned around and ran over, that was his lifeblood.

Suddenly pushing open the door of the alchemy room, he saw the young man named Shi Xuan operating the alchemy furnace. He stepped on the steps of Yu, controlling the fire with his right hand, and grabbing the herbs and minerals next to him from time to time with his left hand. There is no regular rhythm or size to the flames. Throw it down quickly or slowly, bringing out a strange beauty.

Wuwu Lao Dao was dumbfounded at first sight, this feeling. It is completely natural, and like an antelope hanging its horns, there is no trace to be found. Compared with those who usually make alchemy at home, they may be in a hurry, or put things in together and just look at the size of the flame. It is really different: “Fellow Taoist Shi is a master of alchemy.” ? ”

Mo Jingqiu looked on with a smile and found it quite new. She had been worshiping in Sanxiao Palace since she was a child and was exercising. I never had to worry about medicinal soups or elixirs. Later, when I learned to refine healing elixirs, it was already the stage of entrainment. I relied on magic power and restraint control. I had never experienced such an elixir-making method that relied entirely on myself to control the flames and the sequence of elixirs: “If you don’t supervise yourself, If you have strong control ability, if you refine a hundred furnaces, you will destroy a hundred furnaces.”

With the last bit of ore falling in. A strange fragrance came out of the alchemy furnace. Just smelling it made people feel refreshed and extraordinary.

Wuwu Lao Taoist suddenly became excited: “Elixir! Fellow Taoist Shi is refining the elixir!” He has been refining the elixir for so many years. When the elixir was completed, there were smells, fragrances, smoky smells, and explosions, but this time The taste that didn’t resemble the commonplace never appeared. He rubbed his hands together excitedly, fearing that he would disturb Shi Xuan and spoil the potion of elixir.

This situation is like a dream.

Papa papa, there were nine soft sounds in a row. Shi Xuan stopped and opened the elixir furnace. The fragrance came out, and nine pills of elixir rolled into his palm one by one. The color turned vermilion and the luster flowed. There was even a trace of red mist rising, unlike in the human world.

Old Taoist Wuwu ran over in surprise: “Fellow Taoist Shi, have you mastered the elixir?”

Shi Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: “This is not an elixir. It is harmful to people but not beneficial. It makes people drunk and dream to death.” Without real fire and no magic power, how could Shi Xuan make a real elixir? This elixir has another It is mysterious and does not involve Taoism.

“But…” Mr. Wuwu couldn’t believe that this kind of elixir was not an elixir, but he was a self-possessed person and couldn’t explain it clearly.

Shi Xuan laughed: “Of all the things in the world, the ones that sell best are highly poisonous. Although this elixir is called Shengxian Dan, it is toying with people’s hearts and making them intoxicated with desire, which is contrary to the Dao. “Fellow Taoist, don’t be fooled by its appearance. By the way, I thanked my Taoist for the elixir furnace, herbs, etc., and I left some things in the wing as a repayment. I have important things to do, so I can’t stay for a long time, so I left.”

After finishing speaking, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu left the alchemy room in a flash, regardless of the old man Wuwu’s advice to stay, picked up the horses in the corner of the courtyard, and left leisurely.

Seeing that he couldn’t keep it, Old Taoist Wuwang hurriedly turned back and looked at the alchemy furnace to see if there were any residues. He tried to find some wild animals to try, but the inside of the alchemy furnace was clean and there was no residue at all. It was obvious that there was not a single bit of excess in the herbs and minerals just now, and they were just right to turn into elixirs or breath.

“It’s simply a miraculous skill! No, it’s not a skill at all, it’s almost a Tao.” This kind of weird result has only been seen by Wuwu Lao Taoist in his life. After that, to a greater or lesser extent, there will be residues or residues that cannot be solved by human power.

After being stunned for a moment, Wuwu Lao Dao remembered the things Shi Xuan left in the wing, and quickly turned around and ran over. The things left by such a person must be extraordinary.

Everything in the wing was as usual, except for the stack of white paper that he saw just now, which was placed on the square table and held down with a paperweight. The old man Wuwang curiously took the paperweight away and saw the three words “Gui Zhen Jing” written on the first piece of paper. The word, the handwriting is vague and meaningful.

Wuwang Lao Dao was stunned for a moment: “Could it be a martial arts secret book that allows me to protect myself when facing the men in black in the future?”

Thinking this in my heart, my hands were not slow. I turned over the first page in a blink of an eye and started reading.

This does not matter, Wuwu Lao Tao immediately forgot about the things in the world, and did not wash his face, rinse his mouth, or eat. Holding such a stack of white paper, I looked at it with fascination, and murmured to myself from time to time: “Can such a thing exist in the world?”

“It turns out that the road to Taoism is divided into so many realms. Only when you reach the soul can you live forever.”

“Every word is precious and difficult to describe.”

It was not until noon that his stomach rumbled with hunger, and Old Taoist Wuwu came back to his senses: “This immortal law record has clear realms, and each realm has a method of cultivation and breakthrough. It doesn’t look like a fake, those two People…”

He jumped up suddenly, rushed out of the room with the Guizhen Sutra, and looked at the densely packed holes in the yard. He saw that there were several empty places in the places surrounded by them. They were the same as before, not like gaps. . It’s as if the holes were deliberately avoided.

“Gods, gods!” Old Taoist Wuwu beamed with joy and danced with the Guizhen Sutra. Jiang Liu, who had sneaked over, was shocked when he saw it: “Grandpa Guanzhu, what’s wrong with you?” Are you really crazy?

Wuwu Lao Tao laughed loudly: “God appreciates my sincerity towards Tao, and finally gave Lao Tao a chance to be immortal!”

I rushed out of the gate and looked into the distance, but the trees were hidden and it was quiet. I couldn’t see Shi Xuan or Mo Jingqiu.


On the road, walking side by side, Mo Jingqiu glanced at Shi Xuan and chuckled: “It’s just some medicine. You left a true skill, which is really generous.”

“Shi also believes that the old Taoist Wuwang has a good intention to follow the Tao, so as to prevent him from going astray. We moral people will naturally do something moral.” Shi Xuan replied with a smile, “And this After this time, the Hunyuan Golden Dou will be taken away, and this Dharma-Ending Land will no longer be a Dharma-Ending Land.”

Mo Jingqiu nodded and suddenly remembered something: “Can the skills you left behind be used to cultivate the soul? In these incompletely evolved worlds, although there are no previous two catastrophes, it is still possible to achieve the soul. A little bit possible.”

“Only to the golden elixir. The latter two realms have also been explained, but it is impossible to rely on them to achieve the soul. Jingqiu, why do you ask about this?” The method of the soul in Shi Xuan’s hand is either a sect. The true teachings of the sect are inconvenient to be taught to outsiders, either by heretics or heretics.

Mo Jingqiu smiled and said: “If the first Yuan Shen who has been cultivated is born in Yuji Cauldron, then maybe one more Taoist ancestor will know about this place.”

“What do you mean by this?” Shi Xuan knew that compared to this kind of sect with Taoist ancestors, he was always far behind in knowledge of secrets. After all, Grandma Yu liked to let himself discover and dig out.

Mo Jingqiu pointed to the ground: “In the void universe, everything is derived from the three thousand avenues. In this case, Shi Xuan, which avenue do you think the Profound Passage of Life and Death is the embodiment of?”

“The Avenue of Life and Death.” Shi Xuan suddenly realized that it would be an injustice if he took the initiative to let the Taoist of Life and Death discover this place. And no wonder life and death are acquired, and life and death combined are innate, because the latter also represents The path to transcendence is completely different.

Mo Jingqiu nodded: “It is said that the ancient and mysterious door when you step through the gateway of life and death is half a creation of your own mind, and half is the pattern on the surface of the Book of Life and Death.”


Zhen Xuzi rinsed his mouth with the tea offered by his disciples, spit it out into the copper basin next to him, and then let his concubine wipe his face with a warm handkerchief…

When he woke up in the morning, he felt extremely comfortable. As a real person who was recently favored and trusted more than the national preceptor, Zhen Xuzi had the qualification to enjoy it like this.

He closed his eyes and sighed. He didn’t expect that he was nearly seventy years old and half of his body was buried in the ground. He could still turn around. But if he hadn’t lived so long, why would the emperor believe that his elixir could prolong his life?

“Master, there are two Taoist priests outside the door offering a pill of elixir.” The eldest disciple Gu Hongyu walked in from outside the hall, holding a jade box in his palm. It was smooth and moist, and it was very valuable at first glance.

Zhen Xuzi waved his hand and said with some dissatisfaction: “These wandering Taoist priests are cheating and cheating. They have been coming to them since I was made a real person by the emperor. However, the pills presented are not only ineffective, but also quite harmful.”

Gu Hongyu had a strange expression, as if he was distracted, but also seemed to have a happy face: “Master, this elixir is a real elixir. Just now, after the disciple gave it to the drug-testing dog to taste, he not only did not fall dead, but acted strangely, so he became very excited I had the guts to taste it, the real elixir, the real elixir.” I tossed it around, but I couldn’t tell where it was.

Zhen Xuzi glanced at the guard who followed him, and saw him nodding, indicating that Gu Hongyu had indeed tasted it. He couldn’t help but be curious in his heart. The disciple followed him all over the country. He had never seen anything before, so why was he so fascinated.

So he opened the jade box and saw half a pill of vermilion elixir placed on a piece of black cloth. The mist was lingering and the light was flowing. It was extraordinary at first glance.

Zhen Xuzi picked up the elixir and put it into his mouth curiously. It melted in his mouth.

Then Zhen Xuzi felt as if he was in a state of ecstasy. All worries, disappointments, fears, worries, and pressures disappeared, and there was only extreme comfort, as if flying in the sky, as if he could not imagine it at ordinary times. Sitting upright, as if surrounded by countless fairies…

“I really felt like a **** for a moment.” Zhen Xuzi sniffed and said in a distracted voice.

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Read Record of Extinction Destiny Chapter 164: A pill of elixir can rival the immortality [raw] English - Soverse (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.