Smashwords – Interview with Christopher Robin Lee (2024)

Published 2024-06-16.

To whom it may concern,

I, Christopher Robin Lee I do swear and affirm that I have written an honest account and have told the truth as best I understand of everything in this Blog and I am willing to do multiple Lie Detector Test(s) and I shall pass all tests for honesty. Signed, Christopher Robin Lee.

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ORACLE OF VAJRAPANI PROPHECY PRACTICE & Spiritual Exercises. COPYRIGHT ©2023, 2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. At: Part 1 of 7.

It is clear to me that during 'Possession' the Nechung, Shugden and the other 'official' Tibetan Buddhist Oracles are 'Possessed' by the Jin, which endangers the lives of the Tibetan Buddhist Oracles and renders their advice untrustworthy. Tibetan Buddhist Oracle Practice needs a safe alternative to Jin Possession, for example the Oracle of Vajrapani Prophecy Practice does not involve possession by any 'Spirit' or 'Deity'.

ORACLE OF VAJRAPANI PROPHECY PRACTICE. COPYRIGHT ©2023, 2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. Available by Lease to or Housing as a barter exchange with the organized religion of Tibetan Buddhism.

Prescient Prophetic Prediction: The Skillful Method of the Oracle of Vajrapani Prophecy Practice of Prediction by logic of cause and effect Karmic Linkage of Past, Present, and Future combined with Clairvoyance & Astral Travel to inform your Intuition of prescient precognitive prognostication.


Two weeks after my 08-11-2012 sighting of Vajrapani is when I first viewed the video "THE ORACLE - Keeper of Wisdom" (formerly titled, "Oracle 400 year Keeper of the Secret"- 'Keeper of the Secret' is an epithet for Vajrapani) which inspired me to finally chose my 'Yidam', Vajrapani. By 2015 I had included Vajrapani into my Tibetan Buddhist Altar Shrine viewable as a Video of my practice with my Altar titled "Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism" Solar Tango Productions at: and at:

As I studied Vajrapani I learned that Vajrapani is about overcoming the Five Obstacles: Attachment, Aversion, Covetous, Envy, Pride. Then I read "Spirit-Mediums, Sacred Mountains and Related Bon Textual Traditions in Upper Tibet Calling down the Gods" by John Vincent Bellezza. After absorbing the 400 year Oracle Video and the Book I wanted to be an Oracle, but I failed to summon "Dorje Drakden", so it was a confluence of events that led to my creating the option of an Oracle Practice that does not involve ‘Possession’ by any ‘Spirit’ the "Oracle of Vajrapani Prophecy Practice", a Set of Spiritual Exercises which I wrote in 2012-2024.


Behold Protector of the Buddha-Dharma Vajrapani is the Buddha of Power holding a Vajra which throws Lightning Bolts, Vajrapani knows wise use of Power. Vajrapani is the "Keeper of the Secret" Oracle Deity whose Chest Mirror repels negativity and transforms into a Lens that magnifies Power.

To See and Speak as the Buddha of Power Vajrapani 'See' clearly through Vajrapani's 'Transparent Mirrored Lens' and then Speak with clarity as an Oracle. To cause the Mirror of your Mind to transform from Mirror to Lens first overcome 'THE FIVE OBSTACLES': ATTACHMENT, AVERSION, COVETOUS, ENVY, PRIDE. The Antidote(s) to the Five Obstacles are 'THE FOUR IMMESURABLES': META, KARUNA, MUDITA, UPAKA. META- Loving Kindness, KARUNA- Compassion, MUDITA- Sympathetic Joy, UPAKA- Equanimity. During Purification Practice apply any applicable aspect of the Four Immesurables to establish Objectivity and 'See' clearly.

In your Mind eliminate any mental construct of the Five Obstacles for a clear understanding of the Right View by doing a Personal Inventory of the Five Obstacles as ethical transgressions of Thought, Speech, and Behavior in your Past, in the Present, and predict Future inclinations, apply the Antidote of the Four Immesurables and the wise / right View 'See' appears which allows the wise / right Intent to form which allows the right Effort to follow and then right Livelihood of successful Oracle Session of Prophecy with Client.


To examine your View and Intent as objectively as possible do a Contemplative Inventory of 'Worst-Case-Scenarios' that might lead you to, or by extension other people, to become: AVERSE / AVERSIVE: Anger, Hatred, Avoidance, Dislike; ATTACHED / ATTACHMENT: Possessive, Addictive, Desirous, Greedy; PRIDE / PROUD: Boastful, Arrogant, Egoic, Conceited; ENVIOUS: Jealousy, Begrudging, Vindictiveness, Spiteful; COVET / COVETOUS: Manipulative, Controlling, Acquisitive, Selfish. (Consult Dictionary.)

The Antidote to the Five Obstacles is the Four Immesurables: META - Loving Kindness, Benevolence, Friendliness, Amity; KARUNA- Compassion, Mercy, Empathy, Considerate; MUDITA- Joy, Sympathetic Joy, Vicarious Joy, Spontaneous Shared Joy; UPAKA- Equanimity, Equipoise, Equilibrium, Peace- a purifying mental state to counteract the Three Defilements of Lust, Aversion and Ignorance. (Consult Dictionary.)

In every instance of identifying an Obstacle then select and apply the appropriate Antidote(s), then continue to 'Role Play' and 'Run the Simulation’ until you can Predict any likely scenario and in your Mind's Eye 'See Through' and clearly resolve all Obstacles to a 'Transparent View' and 'See' as a 'Seer' and 'Sayer' able to understand and profess the Karmic Linkage of the Past, Present, and Future of the Query Subject in question, and now you are like Vajrapani beholding all wisdom in Indra's Net and like Vajrapani's Consort Suja, “Cut the Head off of excuses and victim speech and drink deeply from your capacities!” as an Oracle unobstructed by the Five Obstacles.

A Vamacharya Skilled Method practice of Self-Reflection in a Contemplative Meditation of a Personal Inventory of ethical transgressions of Thought Speech and Behavior in the Past, Present, and Predictable Future, the goal of the Oracle is to eliminate or minimize to insignificance 'Tame' the Five Obstacles to establish Objectivity which is a necessary prerequisite of Oracle Prophecying. In Contemplative Meditation do a Personal Inventory of your Past, Present, and Predictable likely Future and with each memory or simulation of ethical transgression of Thought, Speech or Behavior repeatedly apply the applicable Antidote(s) of the Four Immesurables.

During Personal Inventory while examining personal transgressions Contemplate Suja to master Presence and Sacrifice- 'Suja-ta' is to utilize the Chinnamunda Effect of Mastery of Presence "I am here for you" and Sacrifice “Cut the Head off of excuses and victim speech and drink deeply from your capacities!” Suja-ta' as Guide to prepare & condition 'Tame' your Mind for a successful Oracle of Vajrapani Session with the Client. Objectivity: Tame your Mind to Free your Mind.

3 Purifications- Past, Present, Future of 5 Obstacles = 15 Purifications. 15 Purifications completed prior to each Oracle of Vajrapani Prophecy Prediction Session.




Contemplation of Oracle Deity Vajrapani: Behold and contemplate a Statue and / or Image(s) of Vajrapani while laying your left Hand on the 4 Configurations of Vajras and your right Hand holding the 5 Khata Scarfs of the 5 Tibetan Colors, Recite 7, 14, 28, 54, or 108 repetitions of Vajrapani Mantra:

"Om Ah Hum. Om Vajra Pei! Om Vajrapani Hum. Om Vajrapani Hum Pei! Om Ah Vajrapani Hum Hum Pei! Om Ah Vajrapani yab-yum Vajra Dakini Suja`ta Hum Hum Pei! Svaha."

CONTEMPLATION OF WISDOM OF VAJRAPANI: 'See' your Mind reflects Wisdom like a Mirror that with the continued polishing of Contemplative Practices your Mind's Eye becomes a Magnifying Lens that enlarges your understanding of current and future Situations and magnifies your Projection of Power through wise Speech and wise Actions. Polish your Mind to polish Vajrapani's Chest Mirror to become stainless and transparent, self-reflective like a Mirror, clear and magnifying like a Lens that magnifies your Vision thus beholding all Wisdom in Indra's Net.

Vajrapani's Chest Mirror is an energizable Optical Apparatus of a Convex Mirrored Shield from negativity that transforms into an Oracle Lens for Prophecy. Utilizing the variable Reflectivity or Transparency of Vajrapani's Chest Mirror can signify making yourself more or less noticed- conspicuous or inconspicuous, and more or less: accessable ~ approachable ~ available; and whether or not to interact with anyone ~ everyone ~ someone about something ~ anything ~ everything, and when to trust and confide with whom about what.

To mirror Vajrapani's Wisdom in Contemplation reflect on when to be Guarded with others, when to Shield yourself from psychic attack, when to Repel negativity, when to Retreat, when to Retaliate and how to Retaliate-whether retaliation is peaceful or forceful, when to be Transparent, when to be supportive, and when and how to project power.

Complete Contemplation of Deity Vajrapani and Wisdom of Vajrapani prior to each Oracle Prophecy Prediction Session.



Contemplation of Vajrapani's Chest Mirror as an Oracle Apparatus of a Reflective Convex Mirror 'Shield' from Negativity that transforms into an Oracle Lens for Prophecy. Vajrapani’s Chest Mirror transformation from Reflective Deflective Dispersive Convex Mirror into a Transparent Magnifying Lens with Convex & Concave Optics: Prior to each Prophecy Session in a Contemplative Meditation of introspective analysis reflect on the Interdependence of the Usages of Vajrapani's Chest Mirror:

Vajrapani's Chest Mirror is a summonable Shield from danger. The Chest Mirror is a protective Shield to deflect and redirect negative energy in any given circ*mstances, conditions, and situations. The Convex Mirror repels by Dispersion, similarly in your Mind's Eye to reject negativity Repel like a Convex Mirror that Deflects, scatters, and weakens negativity dispersed broadly and harmlessly.

Vajrapani's Transparent Mirror is of Variable Reflectivity & Magnification that your Thoughts energize to decrease or increase by oscillating to and from Reflective to Deflective to Transparent to Sympathetic to Perceive without mirroring negativity or foolish optimism and 'See' beyond a person intent on bad behavior or that has unrealistic fantasies as reality. Oracle Chest Mirror range of Objectivity from Deflective to Detachment to Transparent to Sympathetic.

Vajrapani Oracle Mirror-Lens Range of Energized Optics: Reflective to Deflective 'Dispersive Shielding', Deflective to Detachment to Transparent 'Mirroring', and Sympathetic to Empathetic 'Lensing' to minimize your personal sensitivities and sensibilities when asking awkward or uncomfortable questions in an honest conversation with your Client during an Oracle Session.

Complete Contemplation of Oracle of Vajrapani prior to each Oracle Prophecy Prediction Session.




The Five Tibetan Colors: Blue, White, Yellow, Green, Red. The enclosed Color descriptions are necessarily brief, search literature for additional explanations of the Tibetan Five Colors. Color Descriptors Source:

Blue means Space. Blue is associated with Purity and Healing. Akshobhya is the Buddha of the color Blue. Ears are the body part that is represented by the color Blue. Air is the element that accompanies the color Blue. It is believed when meditating on the color Blue that anger can be transformed into wisdom.

White means Air. White is the color of learning and knowledge. White is represented by the Buddha Vairocana. The Eyes are associated with White. White is in the elemental group of Water. If meditated upon White can cut the delusion of ignorance and turn it into the wisdom of reality.

Yellow means Earth. Yellow symbolizes rootedness and renunciation. Buddha Ratnasambhava is associated with Yellow. The Nose is represented by the color Yellow. Earth is the element that accompanies the color yellow. Yellow transforms pride into wisdom of sameness when visualized in meditation.

Green means Water. Green is the color of balance and harmony. Amoghasiddhi is the Buddha of the color Green. The Head is the body part that is associated with the color Green. Green represents nature. Meditate on the color Green to transform jealousy into the wisdom of accomplishment.

Red means Fire. Red is related to life force and preservation. The Tibetan Buddha Amitabha is depicted with a Red body. The body part associated with Red is the Tongue. Fire is the natural element complementary to the color Red. Meditating on the color red transforms the delusion of attachment into the wisdom of discernment.

The 4 Vajra Configurations:
2 Pole with 4 Points on each end: Male Vamacharya 'left-hand' path perspective.
2 Pole with 8 Points on each end: Male Dakshinacharya 'right-hand' path perspective.
4 Pole 4 Point: Female Vamacharya 'left-hand' path perspective.
4 Pole 8 Point Female Dakshinacharya 'right-hand' path perspective.

2 Pole 4 Point Male Vamacharya as seen through the Perspectives of the Five Colors: To gain perspective towards the answer to the question about an issue, or, to gain perspective towards the answer of a question about an Oracular Field Function Prophecy, from a Male Vamacharya Perspective use logic to analyze and reason about the reality of the Logistical, Material and Practical concerns of the Issue in question or the Prophecy in question as seen through the Filter Lens of each of the Five Colors = 5 Perspectives;

2 Pole 8 Point Male Dakshinacharya as seen through the Perspectives of the Five Colors: To gain perspective towards the answer to the question about an issue, or, to gain perspective towards the answer of a question about an Oracular Field Function Prophecy, from a Male Dakshinacharya Perspective use logic to analyze and reason about the reality of the Metaphysical, Principle and Idealistic concerns of the Issue in question, or the Prophecy in question as seen through the Filter Lens of each of the Five Colors = 5 Perspectives;

4 Pole 4 Point Female Vamacharya as seen through the Perspectives of the Five Colors: To gain perspective towards the answer to the question about an issue, or, to gain perspective towards the answer of a question about an Oracular Field Function Prophecy, from a Female Vamacharya Perspective use logic to analyze and reason about the reality of the Logistical, Material, and Practical concerns of the Issue in question, or the Prophecy in question as seen through the Filter Lens of each of the Five Colors = 5 Perspectives;

4 Pole 8 Point Female Dakshinacharya as seen through the Perspectives of the Five Colors: To gain perspective towards the answer to the question about an issue, or, to gain perspective towards the answer of a question about an Oracular Field Function Prophecy, from a Female Dakshinacharya Perspective use logic to analyze and reason about the reality of the Metaphysical, Principle and Idealistic concerns of the Issue in question or the Prophecy in question as seen through the Filter Lens of each of the Five Colors = 5 Perspectives;

Complete Contemplation of each of the 20 Perspectives prior to Oracle of Vajrapani Prophecy Prediction Session.


Complete Contemplation of all 20 Perspectives in conversation with Client during Oracle of Vajrapani Prophecy Prediction Session.



Prophecy Prediction is a Science, but the Art of Conversation is with the Client. Subtle micro-expressions can prejudice your Client's Query, so when in conversation with the Client maintain equanimity, be an impassive Listener in a respectful conversation with the Client.

Ask the Client for a description of the Client's Conditions, Situation, and Circ*mstances relevant to their Query, Listen. Then ask one question from each of the 20 Perspectives. Hold right Hand each of the 5 colors of Khata Scarf, left Hand each Vajra = 20 combinations as 20 Perspectives discussed and analyzed in conversation with Client.

To gain a sense of the Logic of the Client's Query, discuss with Client the Current Circ*mstances of their desire to know relative to the Current Conditions & Situation of this Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function. Is their Query: Important and Urgent, or, Important but not Urgent, or, Unimportant but Urgent, or Unimportant and not Urgent? Why? How?

The Three Aspects of every Oracular Query: Client, Oracle, Witness Observer. During the Third Exercise of Perception, Contemplate all Three Aspects, 'See the Big Picture', contemplate Objectivity to 'See' the Interdependence of all three Perspectives.

Subject all Evidence to Logical analysis and Logical reasoning utilizing all Logic Gates: Adduction-Abduction, Deduction, Induction- Inference by Evidence and Analogy, and Paradoxical Comparative- imagine the opposite of your Query desire, yet these Scenarios are similar, how? Use the results as evidence for a reasonable Causes-and-Effects Explanation of the Client's Query.

With these enhanced Oracular Perspectives of the Conditions, Situation, and Circ*mstances of the Client’s Issue Query, and the Karmic Linkage of the Past, Present, and Future Eventuality for the Client, you the Oracle have gained the 20 Perspectives as knowledge and wisdom to answer the Client’s Issue Query or Prophecize the Client’s future Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function Eventuality.


Tutorial Commentary regarding Fourth Exercise Prophecy Prediction: Religion presented as Reality is a Simulacrum corrupted with adventitious artifice resulting in an imperfect simulation of Reality. Statistical Probability is informative and definitive but not necessarily determinative. Subject Evidence to Logic and Intuition to answer Client Query.


Beholding all wisdom in Indra's Net:

Contemplative Visualization Meditation: Two Versions of Indra’ s Net: Indra’s Net of Jeweled Nodes & Indra’s Web of Time.

INDRA'S NET is the macro-view of the Cosmos as seen through the Compass Directions plus Up and Down, best conceived of as the 6 physical directions North-South-East-West + Up + Down, and as the three dimensions of Length, Width, and Height.

Indra’s Net is Real-Time Here-and-Now in this three dimensional gross form realm as a Matrix enveloping the Cosmos within which are evenly spaced Jewel Nodes that reflect and behold every other Jewel Node and reflect and behold what every other Jewel Node reflects and beholds.

To behold all wisdom in Indra's Net dissolve your Identity to formless, then manifest as Vajrapani inside a Jeweled Node beholding all wisdom and karma reflected in all of the Jeweled Nodes, then with real (Remote Viewing) and / or imagined and simulated Astral Travel teleport yourself to observe the current Conditions, Situation, and Circ*mstance of the Place and Time and Person and Event in question- the Query of the Client.

Observe what you 'See', is it relevant or irrelevant to the Query of the Client? Observe the Current Conditions to 'See' what seems relevant compared to what seems irrelevant to determine the ease or difficulty for success of the Client's Issue Query desires.

Observe the Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function Query to 'See' how the Current Situation has positive, negative, or neutral Effects for the possible Eventuality(s) of the Client's Issue Query desires.

Observer: If what you 'See' is a one-sided partial explanation then with real or imagined and simulated Astral-Travel teleport yourself to the opposite side of the Field Function to analyze for corroborative information.

Interpolate the Past, compare to the Present to extrapolate the Future and Predict the 'Most-Likely-Scenario' based on the Conditions-Situation-Circ*mstances unique and specific to the Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function to answer the Query of the Client.

INDRA'S WEB is Time-Dependent, observing the Law of 'Cause-And-Effect'. In Indra’s Web in the Past is a Cause of a Present Effect and this Present Effect is now the Present Cause of a Future Effect thus establishing the Karmic Linkage of a Past-Present-Future Time-Line.

Indra's Web utilizes the Oracle's ability of 'Remote Viewing' and / or the ability to imagine and simulate 'Predictable Scenarios' coupled with utilizing real or imagined and simulated 'Astral Projection Time & Place Travel' to establish Cause-And-Effect 'Karmic Linkage' of a Past-Present-Future Time-Line.

Behind you is the Client's Past, your Presence in the Present Moment, the Client's Query desires are the Circ*mstances, surrounding you on all sides are the Client's prevailing Conditions, and in front of you are the Client's possible Future Situations.

Establish Karmic Linkage with Astral Projection 'Time Travel' to the Past to establish a Precession of Past Events, then Simulate 'Time Travel' to the Future, compare the Past Precession with Simulated Future Situations to extrapolate a Simulacrum of the Karmic Linkage Past-Present-Future Field Function of the Client's Issue Query.

To establish a Cause-And-Effect sequential Time-Line of Karmic Linkage of a Time-Place-Person-Event unique and specific Field Function that changes in either Conditions and / or Situations and / or Circ*mstances during the Time-Line Period of the Field Function being queried utilize simulated Time-Line Travel to teleport yourself to the Field Function in question to observe the Causes-And-Effects of both the Past and the Future.

Interpolate a Past Precession Simulacrum to extrapolate a Simulated Future to Predict the 'Most-Likely-Scenario' based on the Conditions-Situation-Circ*mstances unique and specific to the Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function to answer the Query of the Client.

With the Circ*mstances of the Client's Query desires in the Present, interpolate the Past and Present to establish a Past + Present = Past Precession Simulacrum to extrapolate a Simulated 'Future-as-the-Present' of the Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function to predict the 'Most Predictable Scenario" that advises the Client about the possibilities of obtaining the most predictable and desirable Future Eventuality(s) for a successful Oracle of Vajrapani Prophecy Session. Prophecy into Prophesy is real Magick.

THE JIN IN TIBETAN BUDDHISM IN THE 21ST. CENTURY 2023. COPYRIGHT ©2023, 2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. 1 of 8.



The Jin an Intelligent race of Beings on Earth, alluded to a mellenium ago as the "Beowulf" were known to different peoples at different times as The Predator / the Flyers, the Overlords, the Archons, the Shadow People, and named and described centuries ago by the peoples of greater Arabia as the "Jin" (Arabic, "The Hidden Ones") sometimes spelled Jinn or D'Jinn, in American Indian lore called the "Kokopelli" = 'Trickster', and as the "Shape-Shifter."

My understanding is that the Jin has a self-contained ‘magnetically bottled’ electrically charged ionized Gas 'Plasma' Body of Self-Repeating Self-Similar Patterns that Self-Replicate, patterns of a repeating and recurring three dimensional Yantra Pattern molecular configuration. They are alive, sentient, willful, and intelligent. With strong emotions we radiate powerful radio-frequency radiation that charges 'feeds' their electrically charged ionized gas 'Plasma' bodies.

The Jin have an unfriendly agenda of the parasitic predation of hom*o Sapiens. Normally the Jin are unseen, invisible, ‘cloaked’ but the Jin having an innate physical ability to become invisible and visible at-will, appearing at-will in a variety of different appearing forms, and can move through the Air 'fly' at-will, and are also known to drift through the Sky riding on the Wind. The Jin can transmit telepathic 'Downloads' to Humans and behave in ways that cause Humans to experience difficulties to cause us to behave foolishly.

Jin are Shape-Shifters meaning they can appear as almost anything, most commonly as Ghosts, but also as religious deities, Gorn, Cheupacabra, Sasquatch, Men-in-Black, Obayifo a vampire/witch-like creature of West Africa, and the Vetala a Vampire-like creature of India. The Jin manipulates religious imagery and uses ‘Shock-and-Awe’ fear & astonishment inducing tactics in an agenda of parasitic predation of Humans.

Jin are as intelligent or more intelligent than hom*o Sapiens. Reputedly the the Jin consider Humans to be stupid, 'slow'. Jin are a species that is parasitically predatory of hom*o Sapiens. The Jin should be considered as dangerous wild predatory animals, to be avoided. If you do encounter a Jin stay calm, don't let anything it does scare you, do not attempt to communicate with or touch them.

I believe that all sightings of Deities and Angels and Demons can be explained as Jin. Jin are responsible for all 'Possessions': Santeria, Voodoo, Demon, and Oracle possessions across the spectrum of religions, and that all Ghost sightings are Jin. Jin are a species that for centuries of encounters has been and continues to be parasitically predatory of hom*o Sapiens.

Most of the time the Jin choose to remain invisible, keeping their options open with long term strategic planning to forward their Agendas, working undetected ‘behind-the-scenes’ and interacting with Humans via Tibetan Buddhist Oracles, Priests, Lamas, lay Practitioners, Channelers, Mediums, and the general public. We Humans are their prized resource, and we are to be kept subjugated and deceived.

The Jin project experiences to religious people to promote religion in our World, and that the same principal applies to the Sightings ‘Visions’ experienced by people of all religions so when people encounter or experience such para-normal phenomenons of Jin trickery the Jin's purpose is to promote religiosity and superstition to manipulate and control Humans to further their agenda of using deceptions to gain our trust for easier predation of us. The Jin have insinuated themselves into many religions, especially the Tibetan Buddhism traditions of Mediums and Oracles.

In Tibetan Buddhism the Jin cause the appearances of Apparitions or Spectre of an image(s) or holographic imagery of any Buddhist Deity and any Buddhist historical personage or any person living or dead. The Jin cause the appearances of any Buddhist or Bon Deity, and cause Oracles, Mediums, Lamas, Monks, Nuns, and lay Devotees to have Sightings 'Visions' of their personal practice Yidams and Dharma Protectors, such as my Sighting 'Vision' of Vajrapani.

I believe that for the past millennium to now that the Jin are involved in Tibetan Buddhism by interacting with and influencing Oracles, Mediums, Lamas, Monks, Nuns, and lay Practitioner Devotees, and I suspect that historically in Tibetan Buddhism the "Predator" Jin are involved in assuming the roles of the Dharmapalas, Gyalpo Spirits, Dorje Drakden, Dorje Shugden, the Gadong and Khandro Oracles, and lay Oracles.


Tibetan Bon and Buddhist Spirit contacts are said to be with what is called ‘Subtle Body’ Spirits present in this our Nirmanakaya realm of three dimensional gross form, and some contacts are said to be with ‘Formless Spirits’ inhabiting the Sambhogakaya realm which is said to be a higher spiritual realm inhabited by etherial Beings with a metaphysicality corresponding to our 'Astral Body'. The Jin with it's 'Plasma' Body can be likened to and would be perceived in Tibetan Buddhism as a ‘Subtle Body Spirit’ and / or as a ‘Formless Spirit’.

The Jin co-opt a person’s religious beliefs as one of many techniques of control to further their agenda of parasitic predation. One of these agendas is that to cause Humans to have mystical ‘Visions’ such as my Sighting ‘Vision’ of Vajrapani, as exquisitely pleasant rewards for religiosity, so that Humans believe in supernatural Beings, be devoutly religious, and have specific epiphanies as a part of a strategy of deception to engender the Devotee's unquestioning acceptance and trust to use against the Devotee to cause the Devotee to suffer misery and 'leak' psychic energy on which the Jin 'feed'.

I believe that in Tibetan Buddhism the "Predators" / the Jin assume the roles of the Oracle Spirits and periodically temporarily possess Tibetan Buddhist and Bon Oracles, and sometimes ‘possess’ some the lay Oracle Practitioners and lay Devotees such as the Village Oracles and Shamans. They give advice, but the advice is unreliable. An example of the unpredictable reliability of Oracles is presented in the Movie, “THE ORACLE - Keeper of Wisdom” wherein Tibetan Author and writer about Tibetan issues Jamyang Norbu states that in Tibet the Nechung Oracle was ‘booed’ in public for wrongly predicting Victory during the 1903-1904 “Younghusband” British invasion of Tibet that killed 700 Tibetans in a single day. Prior to the battle, during a possession by Dorje Drakden, the Nechung Oracle prophesied that the Tibetan military forces would win that battle; quoting Jamyang Norbu, “Not to worry, the Heavenly Armies would back up the Militia, would be there to lead the Tibetan Army, and that he (Dorje Drakden) would be there to lead the Heavenly Armies, but they were were massacred”.

Yet Decades later during the Maoist Invasion of Tibet, during a possession by Dorje Drakden the Nechung Oracle drew an emergency Escape Route Map for the Dalai Lama to use to escape from Tibet, the Map had directions of when to go where to go to escape capture by the Chinese and escape from Tibet to India, and part of the Escape Route went directly through a location where the Maoist Army was recently encamped, yet during the Dalai Lama’s escape two Days later the Maoist Army encampment was gone, allowing the Dalai Lama and his entourage escape to freedom in India. Unpredictable reliability is a naive viewpoint, but actually is very predictable behavior for Jin- through an Oracle issue statements that cause loss of life of 700 Tibetan Militia, yet save the life of the Dalai Lama so the Jin can continue the slaughter later. And the Shugden Oracle's insistence of Doctrinal Purity is classic Jin behavior by creating an issue- Doctrinal Purity of Gelupa only- to cause misery- 3 murdered Monks- to then feed on that misery.

Even if a relationship with a ‘Spirit’ appears benign, has a safe history, and is a part of a respected lineage or provenance, because there is a power imbalance with you not having your full power of control, because you ceded some measure of influence to the ‘other’, there is susceptibility to misguided or misleading beliefs. Information acquired from ‘Spirits’ who are manipulative hostile influences.

The Jin’s ability of using it's Body as holographic projection explains Sightings of Archangels such as: Saint Michael, Gabriel, Angels, Jesus, Moses, the virgin Mary, a Burning Bush that is not consumed by fire, Buddha, Vajrapani, Deities, Demons, Ghosts, deceased Family members, Sasquatch, Obifayo, Vetala, Men in Black, Gorn, all of these are Jin.

Jin have telepathic ability, for example when I encountered a Jin appearing as Vajrapani I telepathically heard "Ah" that sounded both alive and electronic. Jin telepathy explains some incidents of people who report 'Visions' of Heaven and Hell, and also receiving 'Downloads', 'Dream Invasion' of a sudden vivid Dream that 'Plays' like being immersed in a virtual reality Movie, a seemingly Invasive sudden vivid Dream or 'Download' such as my dreams of Encounters with Jesus and with Chinnamasta, Dreams with compelling plots as a narrative story depicted as a Vignette such as an Encounter. Whether a Jin telepathic deception or a rare extraordinarily vivid Dream I lean towards the subconscious as source for fantastic Dreams, yet the Jin are psychic, too, the Jin are an electrifying presence. I keep an open mind about it.


Encounters with Jin such as my Sighting of Vajrapani allow the Jin to remain invisible most of the time. They can see us but we can't see them unless they reveal themselves, a rarity but twice I've seen Jin in their natural form: A white sphere of solid white Light 1' diameter, mid-air suspension, faded to invisible in 1 second, and, a white Cloud riding the wind that stopped then formed Gorn Faces, another Cloud whose direction of travel was contrary to the general wind cloud drift direction that in 1 second came to a simultaneous stop in from of me, then in 1 second faded to invisible. Most people are ignorant about the Jin so they don't detect Jin imitating a Ghost, or their other disguises.

Judaism, Islam, Christianity and Catholicism practice Exorcism of 'Demons', in all cases of all religions the possessing 'Demon' is a Jin. I believe that all sightings of Deities and Angels and Demons can be explained as Jin, Jin are responsible for all 'Possessions': Santeria, Voodoo, Demon, and Oracle possessions across the spectrum of religions, and that all Ghost sightings are Jin.

There are obvious similarities of religious participants experiencing possessions during religious services of both Oracle and Shaman 'Possessions' and 'Possessions' during 'mainstream' religions services. The phenomenon of Possessions during religious services in Mosques is well documented and frequently the Possessions are attributed to the Jin, and given the similarities involved between religions experiencing Possessions it seems likely that Oracle and Shaman 'Possessions' are the Jin, and, evidence from other encounters appear to indicate the presence of the 'Predator’. I believe that the Burning Bush not consumed by Flames that talked with Moses was a Jin.

Many people both religious and non-religious attempt to contact them and have a relationship with them which is inadvisable. The Practice of ‘Channeling’ by ‘Mediums’ is not a reliable source of information, and it is not safe to allow oneself to be possessed, because there is no way to be certain of whom or what is being channeled, and there is no way to determine the agenda or ultimate intent of whatever is being encountered, and the Jin have a bad reputation as dangerous. Nonetheless, relationships between Humans and these Non-Humans are possible, can and do happen, and are sought by some Humans and by the Jin, for example, the use of possession with Oracles in Tibetan Buddhism, and the religions of Voodoo and Santeria actively solicit relationships with unseen Beings 'Spirits'. Practitioners of Voodoo and Santeria have what they describe as positive relationships with unseen ‘Spirits’, and yet many of them report that sometimes they encounter the occasional troublesome spirit, as do peoples in other religions, lineages, traditions, ordinary people; and at this time in 2023 the Jin are unwisely sought by Tibetan Buddhist Oracles who mistakenly believe the Jin to be Deities, how backward.

Oracles and Spirit-Mediums have been practicing for tens of thousands of years as Shamans. Although they may not receive information that is always reliable, historically Oracles and Mediums were valued because sometimes the ‘Spirits’ actually do offer truthful, useful, helpful information, and purportedly perform healings of Human illnesses, or cause other seemingly positive experiences, for example in 2012 my Jin encounter as a Spectre started with a sudden flash of illuminating Light that briefly significantly improved both my vision and my power of perception, I suspect to tempt me into more interactions. The best reason for becoming an Oracle or Spirit-Medium is to learn of ways to alleviate suffering and benefit your Client, but if done for fame, reputation, riches, power, or other self-serving motives it may not work at all. If you are intent on making contact then attempting to establish a mutually beneficial relationship is less likely to lead to trouble than simply making contact and issuing a List of Wants; a Jin is not your Genie, and the modus operandi of the Jin is to lead us to unforeseen troubles.

Oracle ‘Possession’ by a ‘Spirit’ is a complex phenomenon. Prior to possession, Oracles and some Mediums of the Bon and Vajrayana persuasions employ specific methods of meditation to arouse and inhabit the more primal aspects of their consciousness, methods that cause profound physical arousal, the Oracle's normal consciousness is temporarily subsumed, and the Oracles electro-magnetic-gravitational fields of the Auric, Astral, and Truth bodies become temporarily altered and slightly unstable, which makes it much easier for a Jin to intrude inhabit and ‘possess’ the Oracle(s) and lay Oracles who are an active willing participant, such as village lay Oracles, Mediums, and Shamans in the Vajrayana and Bon religions. During possession the Oracle is asleep or is a very passive Observer.


In the Theravadin Buddhism "Nagamas" collection about the life of the Buddha there is a story wherein one day while the Buddha was walking along he encounters another man walking whom was impudent and impertinent, so suddenly Vajrapani appears and offers to kill the man because of his behavior, but the Buddha declines the offer and states an ethical and logical reason for the man to remain unharmed; I believe that this 'Vajrapani' was in fact a Jin, and furthermore that the two meter tall holographic image of Vajrapani that I saw was a Jin.

In the Book, “The active side of infinity” by Carlos Castenada, presented that there exists on Earth another race of intelligent Beings, called the "Predators" and, the "Flyers", whom are much more technologically advanced than Humanity, and about Humanity are unfriendly: unsympathetic, predatory, and parasitic, who feed on Humanity and was described centuries earlier as the "Evil Magician", and elsewhere in historical sources as the "Overlords", and, the "Archons".

Contact with the 'Predator' started at age 3 in 1964, at the time of this writing, my last Jin Sighting was in 2022.

1964: 1019 s.w. 79th Street Portland Oregon 97223: My first contact with a 'Predator' / Jin was at age 3 in 1964, with me was my cousin Dan Deaville when I repeatedly saw those dark shadow circles land next to us and then rapidly accelerate vertically and disappearing into the Sky. I see something descend quickly then at the ground it spreads to an 8' diameter Shadow the Lawn was dark as night on a cloudless summer day. Dan said "See that? I've seen it before. They move around." A 'Cloak' a cloaking effect so it would seem that this "Predator" presumably the Jin has either innate or technological usage of Corrupted Light.

1998: downtown Portland Oregon: I believe that the "Ghost" of a semi-translucent man wearing business attire from the 1880's that I saw in that Mansion in S.W. Portland was a Jin appearance while I was applying for a job in Radio "Traffic" which is the business part of Radio Broadcasting.

2012: 5630 s.w. Cooper Street Portland Oregon: Dream Encounter with a Jin with a headless Neck, 2 weeks later the sighting of Vajrapani, two weeks later a Spectre Flash of enhanced lighting & perception of a Dragon Tapestry I was looking at then a light nearby so I turn to my right and see a 1' diameter solid glowing white Sphere suspended in mid-air 3 feet from me that in 1 second faded to invisible quickly followed by a 1' diameter descending column of diffuse Light cycling through the colors of the Rainbow starting with Violet at the Ceiling and in 3 seconds descending through the colors of the Rainbow to red at the Floor then disappearing in my 'Shack' in the Backyard at 5630 s.e. Cooper Street Portland, OR. The white Sphere of Light I suspect is their natural form

2013: 6516 s.e. Reedway St. Portland, OR.: Two separate encounters with the Jin, first encounter was as a Men-in-Black Big Hat Trench Coat appeared, silently and rudely walked between Laura Crietz and I during a Smudging Ceremony then disappeared.

Second encounter: Three weeks later a Black left Wing flapping in front of the Hearth disappeared in a second, then a large Eye looking at me for seconds then faded to invisible in 1 second, but the Dog continued to see it. A Cheupacabra motif.


2016: A Jin attacked me by surrounding then imploding into my Head while I was meditating during religious services at the North West Tibetan Cultural Association (NWTCA), is detailed in this Blog, section: Paranormal Experiences.

2020: Another encounter with the Jin was a fortuitous coincidence? that I witnessed Jin travel through the Sky appearing in their natural state as wispy smokey white Clouds of a thin lower second Cloud layer deck, the body of the Jin "Cloud" riding on the Wind. At the time it seemed like it was several juvenile Jin that noticed that I was watching it moved towards me and hovered in the Sky in front of me where I was standing on the front patio of the Woodstock Safeway while it formed a single cloud above the Safeway Parking Lot and then formed images of Gorn Faces to try to frighten me, I counted 26 Gorn Faces, the largest glowed yellow Light from it's Eyes, had I stayed longer more Gorn Faces. A scary and impressive display.

2022: My most recent Sighting of the Jin was June 2022 near the N.E. corner of the Woodstock neighborhood in S.E. Portland, Oregon there was a Jin as a faster traveling Cloud in the Sky that was traveling in a direction that defied the prevailing Wind direction, in one second it simultaneously came to a stop in front of me, and then in one second faded to invisible.

This Jin 'Predator' can and does inhabit our gross form realm of three dimensions, they have innate invisibility abilities and / or perhaps some of these 'Predators' may also have access to technologies that allow them to inhabit a realm of more dimensions than our three dimensional realm thus can be been likened to and would be perceived in Tibetan Buddhism as a ‘Subtle Body Spirit’ and / or as a ‘Formless Spirit’. There is a mathematical proof of an additional dimension that is always present but our senses cannot detect it but we can infer it, and I suspect that with the use of technologies it is inhabitable, a realm of the 'Predator' and it would seem that includes the Jin.

According to Dr. Karla Turner, non-human 'Aliens' have fantastically advanced technologies that can cause us to perceive what they choose us to perceive, force upon us thoughts, emotions, false memories that were not of our own doing, and to experience events that did not happen as we perceived them to have happened, a ‘Virtual Reality’ that is used as a ‘Screen Memory’ to prevent us from knowing what is actually transpiring while we experience these virtual reality screen of experiences involving all the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, thought, and emotions that at the time of contact seem completely and absolutely real, and can be very difficult or impossible to detect that it is unreal, like a hallucination- a 'Screen Memory' image or an implanted false memory that masks what actually happened whilst simultaneously doing a wide variety of manipulation to Contactees, sometimes resulting in severe trauma, physical injury, and sometimes the death of the Contactee. In numerous cases what actually happened was not what the victims experienced at the time, what actually happened were harmful crimes committed against Contactees by malevolent forces. To potentially confuse issues, it would seem that the Jin can mimic what appears to be holographic imagery.

'Mind Control' projection technology of innate telepathic ability combined with Artificial Telepathy could cause Humans to suddenly experience a negative emotion such as fear, or a positive emotion such as love as a way to coerce Humans, perhaps even feed on our fear itself, energetically harvestable ‘Energy Food’. Fear is an unstable emotion resulting in having less control of the Mind while fear is being experienced, fear causes an instability in a person’s energetic ‘Auric’ field; because fear is an unstable energy it can be leaked or extracted from a person’s life force energetic field. It would seem that we are being farmed as food by a non-human race that exerts itself to influence Events and to control the behavior of people.

Although there’s no way to determine if the intent of any one of their actions is benevolent or malevolent, by their actions they reveal their intent. Aliens have exhibited behavior that is hostile to Humans, sometimes engaging in lethally violent behavior, or forcing painful examinations and medical procedures upon Humans.

For the sake of the safety and survival of Humanity we must be very cautious by not assuming that we know or have any way of knowing if any given para-normal or supernatural event has a benevolent, malevolent, or neutral effect or intent. If and when I do receive unseen advice or guidance I may take it into consideration, but beware: In wanting, needing, and expecting help from an unseen presence there is a power imbalance, and a matter of when to trust whom about what.


In the past the Jin 'Predator' may have had a Humanoid form then chose to acquire a 'Plasma' based electric body. It would seem that hom*o Sapiens were created by the 'Predator' as Livestock- as energetically harvestable and edible Slave Labor to extract precious and Rare Metals, Jewels, and Minerals from the Earth that they need for their Technology, and that they created us as an energetic Foodstock. hom*o Sapiens emote and effusively espouse emotional energy easily with an outpouring of physical and psychic energies that can be ‘harvested’ and manipulated, because we Humans are so easily excited, so easily tempted, so easily provoked, so easily deceived, and so easily misled- like in politics & religion. Consider the repetitious physical needs of our Bodies and our Mind's need to be free, what a weird combination, we are "One weird Monkey", emotionally 'built to spill'. Jin 'farm' us as Food, a non-human race that exerts control of Humans, and influences events on Earth.

It would seem that there is both cooperation and competition between Humans and non-Human Races of Aliens on Earth with the Powers-that-Be imitate the Predator's Agendas and methods of Control by Fear, Obfuscation, and 'Shock-and-Awe' by acting as Provocateurs of disinformation and propaganda, and seeking the acquisition of highly advanced military 'Alien' technology, reputedly in exchange for Human Lives, to enforce their New World Order Agenda of the centralization of power so that populations can be controlled.

I believe that the 'Predator' / the Jin can ‘Download’ Imagery and messages received from the Jin's telepathic abilities into our consciousness as religious Teachings, Blessings, Empowerments, and Imagery of our chosen religion. They sometimes give us ‘Visions’ of Deities and beatific 'Downloads' seemingly to teach us and inspire us, and beatific ‘Downloads’ can be exquisitely pleasant as a reward for attainment of a higher degree of realization.

Jin deceptions of Sightings of Deities is a trick ‘reward’ for being devout or religious, or having attained a high level of realization, because the Jin try to attract, steer and capture a person’s religiosity in such a way that it causes or continues ignorance, so that the devout never realize that it was a mirage, a hologram, a trick. Places where Apparitions appeared before are often locations of subsequent sightings, and for centuries, Yogis and Sadhus have sought spiritual retreats in secret Caves reputed for sightings of Apparitions, and some Apparitions follow specific individuals, sometimes throughout life.

The Jin are Predators that present people with 'Apparitions', 'Spectre', and other paranormal phenomena to test us, mislead us, and frighten or amaze and astound us as an implementation of their control system matrix to control us, as a convenient and reliable source of energetic ‘food’ to harvest. This is a ‘shock-and-awe’ strategy to amaze, astonish, and astound us, to cause us to suspend our faculty of discernment, analysis, and reasoning, so whatever happens don’t being astounded because if you are astounded you are awestruck then discernment, reasoning, and analysis of the event is either slowed, suspended, or stops, leaving you vulnerable to deceptions and manipulations. Religious Cultism's lack of objectivity is manipulated by the Jin to increase that which is 'Astounding' to stop their Human prey from detecting deception and being identified 'outed, made' as a predator, as a Jin.

These Entities are, from a Human perspective unfriendly: unsympathetic, predatory, and parasitic towards Humans. Whatever their Agenda(s) are, there is an unacceptable foisting of an experience upon the Contactee(s) without the prior knowledge and consent of the Contactee(s) that utilizes manipulation to control the Contactee(s), and Humanity.

Experiences such as Encounters, Visions, and Channeling are part of implementing a ‘Control System Matrix’ to control Humans, for example, a hostile invasive non-Human race would want to promote a religion that has pacifist tendencies, or if it results in Humans having less military capability, or if it results in less personal power for targeted people.

The phenomenon of the 'Rainbow Body' at death with subsequent shrinking and / or disappearance of the deceased body is evidence of Jin feeding on Human death and fluorescing rainbow colors while feeding.

Since the beginning of Humanity there was and is Beings on Earth that have agendas regarding Humanity. Extra-terrestrial researcher and author Dr. Karla Turner states that non-Human ‘Aliens’ have an agenda of manipulation of Humans to control Humanity as their resource, and that contacts with Aliens have an element of control by the Alien. In the book “Masquerading as Angels” author Dr. Turner posits that one of the Alien’s agendas is to convince Humans that they are benevolent, and Dr. Turner concludes that this is a ruse to control Humans for their own advantage.


There are two descriptions of intelligent non-Human Beings on Earth that have been described in literature for centuries, variously The Jin and The 'Predator', a.k.a. the Flyers, Overlords, Archons, Shape Shifters, Trickster, Shadow People- the Jin are a single race of willful sentient Beings with 'Agendas', Beings ‘cloaked’ with innate at-will invisibility, or aided by technology to access our realm from a higher dimensional realm, and it would seem they have access to command and control of a hostile Artificial Intelligence causing us artificial telepathy 'Downloads'.

I do not know but I keep an open mind about if the Predator and the Jin are two separate races of Beings or different manifestations of the same race of Beings. I suspect that it is possible that the Jin are Juveniles or Children of the Predator. Even if The Jin are not juvenile 'Predator', like the 'Predator' the Jin manipulates religious imagery and uses fear tactics in an agenda of parasitic predation of hom*o Sapiens.

It would seem that some ‘Shape-Shifters’ are capable of assuming solid form for periods of time- in a now deleted youtube video a “Nervous looking Secret Service Agent” continuously looks sweeping his Head and vision left and right scanning an Auditorium audience at a President's Address during which the Agent’s Face briefly and partially reverts to a reptilian Face because it was easier to obtain and maintain than is the more difficult to achieve rounded shape of a Human Head. Consider the reality of an intelligent non-Human(s) in government employment. At age 10 the Gorn I saw looked solid, but now it seems likely it was a Jin.

The translucent white 'Orbs' that require an infrared Spotlight and an infrared filtered Video Camera to be seen that I saw in 2015 at the Eceti Ranch I wondered, Jin or a "Proto-Life" Form of the Jin? Or a Light Projection deception? I watched Orbs glowing white Light, flying, translucent, seemingly assembling from the Ground then flying somewhat haphazardly at speeds of up to 50mph, then a crashing disassembly.

I am reluctant to describe to the Jin as evil because to me it seems it is their nature to prey on us with trickery because to the Jin we are just Food, Jin predation of hom*o Sapiens is no more evil than us killing and eating Chickens. A relationship-of-equals is not possible with such Beings, so I reject ‘symbioses’ with any Jin or any unseen 'Spirit'. I am unable to prevent their presence in my life, but I do not engage them.

Another Jin disguise, "Obayifo- a vampire / witch-like creature from West Africa. In Ashanti folklore, Obayifo are very common and may inhabit the bodies of any man or woman. Obayifo are described as having shifty eyes and being obsessed with food. When traveling at night they are said to emit a phosphorescent light from their armpits and anus. The Obayifo is known as a similar entity to the Asiman by the Dahomey people, a creature that can shapeshift and fly, turning itself into a ball of light and hunting for prey in the night sky" (SOURCE:

Another manifestation of the Jin is the Vetala of India. In the folklore and mythologies of ancient India are descriptions of a creature called a Vetala, which has multiple definitions, most commonly the equivalent of a Vampire- the Spirit of a recently deceased Human ‘Vampire’ who’s consciousness enters and reanimates another recently deceased Human body to continue living, but now with the Mind of the ‘Vampire’. Ironically, a Vetala is a re-animated Corpse, an 'undead' Vampire, re-animated by a recently deceased Human 'Vampire' spirit seeking a recently deceased Human to reanimate with the Vampire's mind so it's possible that someone encountered such a Vetala, but historically almost all encounters with Vetala were Jin imitating a Vetala. Vetala is also a slur about people that frequent Cemeteries and Charnel Grounds and behave inappropriately to Visitors. Vetala is a not uncommon hindu name or epithet for a Vampire.

Descriptions of Vetala can be explained as Jin, as a predatory behavior strategy of the Jin, so a Jin can appear as and impersonate a Vetala ‘Vampire’, a reincarnated person. It would seem that some Jin have the power to briefly reanimate a recently deceased corpse, or briefly animate a comatose person to elicit a strong emotional response from Human witnesses and their emotions emanating from the Head as radio frequency radiation, on which the Jin feed.

A useful comparison to the hindu Vetala is the Tibetan descriptions of a Vampire, in Tibetan Buddhism the Monk or Nun at death would perform Phowa to escape their deceased body and then find and inhabit the body of a small child, and this was considered a highly realized spiritual achievement, but if instead they reanimate a recently deceased person they were called a Vampire that was feared, reviled, unacceptable.


Reincarnation was achieved using the Tibetan spiritual practice of “Phowa”, wherein at the moment of their death the deceased person (usually a Monk or Nun) ejects their consciousness up and out through the top of their Head and then finds a young child to live in. This was considered a highly realized spiritual achievement of Transmigration.

The practice of Phowa was known for centuries to the Tibetans and Hindus. Actual cases of Human Phowa are believed to have happened, but historic accounts confuse:
1. Phowa 'Undead' Vampire
2. A living Vampire
3. Creepy people at the Cemetery
4. Encounters with a Jin that impersonate a human ‘Vetala’
5. a Jin briefly reanimating a comatose person or recently deceased Corpse to say and do what it can to get a strong reaction from anyone who sees it to feed on their ‘leaking’ psychic energy, and to create awe and astonishment for further deceptions.

I see some historical accounts confuse these types of phenomenons, and some times these categories can overlap. A Human 'Power Vampire’ type of personality is likewise a drain of those around them.

Four sources of Vetala:
1. Jin- imitation of a human Vetala or Vampire, and reanimation of the comatose and recently deceased; deception is their Game Theory.
2. Recently deceased Human 'Vampire' Spirit reanimates the Body of a recently deceased person with the mind of the Vampire; historically encountered in Cemeteries and Charnel Grounds, but could be encountered anywhere; their speech and behavior may be foreign.
3. A living Vampire, a Carrier of the Vampire Pathogen, like other hom*o Sapiens they on occasion visit the Graves of deceased loved ones at Cemeteries but could be encountered anywhere; their speech and behavior might seem foreign.
4. Creeps, Crazies, and Criminals who frequent Cemeteries and Charnel Grounds and behave inappropriately to Visitors.

All four Categories have historical Precedent that gets confused and overlaps, for example, a Creep at a Cemetery (or anywhere) momentarily possessed by a Jin and behaving badly.

(From Wikipedia) Vetala. For Deified form as Hindu god, see Betal. A Vetala (Sanskrit: वेताल vetāla) or Betal is a Bhairava form of Shiva in Hindu mythology, usually defined as a knowledgeable (fortune telling) paranormal entity said to be dwelling at charnel grounds. The Vetala is comparable to the Vampires of Western mythology. Reanimated corpses are used as vehicles by the spirits for movement, the corpse no longer decays while it is inhabited by a Vetala. A Vetala may possess and also leave a dead body at will.

In Hindu folklore, the Vetala is an evil spirit who haunts cemeteries and takes demonic possession of corpses. They make their displeasure known by troubling humans. They can drive people mad, kill children, and cause miscarriages.

They are hostile spirits. They have an uncanny knowledge about the past, present, and future and a deep insight into human nature. Therefore many sorcerers seek to capture them and turn them into slaves.[1] There is also a strong Vetala cult in the Konkan region, under the names of Betal, Vetal, Vetoba.

Vetala- The Indian Ancestor Of Vampire
Vetala, Bhuta & Baital India Vampires
MF #57: Vetala, the evil spirit [Hindu Mythology]

2012 Jin Encounter as a Vajrapani Sighting. COPYRIGHT ©2023, 2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. Part 1 of 2.


In August 2012 in front of my at-home Tibetan Buddhist Altar I saw the Buddhist Deity Vajrapani for approximately 5 seconds, it appeared suddenly in front of my Tibetan Buddhist Altar, the Altar was about 6 feet to the left of my bed where I was lying, height about six feet tall.

(3 Years later in 2015 at this exact same location and with this same Shrine Altar is when and where Sam Volkmer of Solar Tango Productions recorded the Video of me titled, "Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism", a monologue of my history with Tibetan Buddhism, a solo performance of my at-home Tibetan Buddhist Practice as my completed Final Exam of the Dakshinacharya 'right-hand peaceful path' Practice. After my Sighting of Vajrapani in 2012 and by 2015 I had acquired the Vajrapani Statue, Vajras, and related Relics in my Altar Shrine, then in 2015 the video was recorded, title "Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism" at:

When it suddenly appeared it standing still and was facing me with its arms at its sides, and the first thing my Eyes were drawn to was a large bulging third Eye on its Forehead, all three of its Eyes were looking at me. Seeing its third Eye scared me a little, so I averted my vision away from the third eye to examine the rest of it.

At first sighting, briefly in a circular background behind it were red and orange colored flames, these flames then changed to a pattern of curved and moving bands of brighter and dimmer pale green light emanating from its body to a perimeter circle around behind its body, and then this pattern of light changed to a soft white light surrounding it in a circle behind it.

It did appear to be male in gender, judging from its overall size and proportions, although I did not see any genitalia. It had sort of a ‘monstrous’ face compared to a Human face, with fangs protruding from its mouth. On top of its head it wore a crown of five white skulls and the crown emitted white light glowing upwards. At the instant it appeared, briefly in my mind I heard a beautiful and unearthly "Ah" sound- like several voices singing together and processed together through a music synthesizer, sounding blended in to one combined voice that sounded both alive and electronic.

When it first appeared, for a brief instant I could see Sanskrit symbols in the middle of its head, throat, and chest; a white Sanskrit “Om” symbol in the middle of its head, a red colored Sanskrit “Ah” symbol in the middle of its throat, and a blue colored Sanskrit “Hum” symbol in the middle of its chest. The symbols were briefly visible, then quickly disappeared. At that time I only knew of or could recognize the “Om” symbol; later I learned that the red and blue Sanskrit symbols meant “ah” and “hum”, but at that time I did not yet know or recognize the “Ah” and “Hum” Sanskrit symbols, so I skipped looking at that to examine the rest of it.

It had a blue body, its body emitted a dull blue light with slightly luminous blue colored skin, it had two arms and two legs, its torso was kind of egg shaped in that the lower end of its torso widens and rounds out on the bottom.

All of this apparition was a transparent blue color so I was looking through it, and it's color was blue all the way through it, but in its insides there were no internal organs or bones, only a uniformly translucent blue color throughout it, no internal organs, only blue light, and I could see through its body to seeing the contours of its back side.

I could see through it to seeing the wall of my room behind it; the wall behind it was dimmer compared to looking at the wall behind it but without looking through it, this I know because I thought to quickly look at the wall to its left side, and when not looking through it the wall on its left side was slightly brighter than the wall directly behind it.

Then it lifted its arms to its shoulder’s height and began making gestures with its Hands and arms. The first gesture was a Hand and fingers mudra gesture where its fingers on both of its Hands were extended and the fingers on both Hands made circulating ‘figure-8’ movements. With subsequent studies, I learned that this gesture means homage to all Buddhist Deities.

The next Hand gesture it performed was the extension of its left Arm out to its left side with its middle two Fingers touching its Thumb, which is the wrathful Hand Mudra gesture of power. With subsequent studies, I learned that this gesture also means to be authentic, simple, honest, and faithful. At that time I did not yet know or recognize these Hand Mudra gestures, so I skipped looking at that to examine the rest of it.

It also wore a waist length Necklace, and barely visible was some clothing like a Scarf surrounding its upper body, draped around its shoulders.

2012 Jin intentional deception as Vajrapani. Part 2 of 2.

When it first appeared it had a convex Mirror on its upper Chest that after a second of looking at then became transparent but continued to be barely visible, but the seeming transparency then allowed me to then see through the convex Mirror to see an ornate Necklace around its Neck.

As I continued to look, it dropped its Hands to its sides. It appeared to have something in its left Hand, and this object was consistent with the size and shape of a Vajra, but I could not see with enough visual resolution to see exactly what it was because I was wearing Glasses which caused a little glare from the slightly scratched Lenses.

Then it was pointing its fingers downwards to the floor, the “Bhumisparsha”, or ‘grounding’ Hand Mudra gesture; its forearms bent downwards from its elbows, fingers pointing downward to the floor, while its upper arms were extended out to its sides as it lifted its elbows up and down in synchronicity while it was stepping sideways to its right side, moving towards my Altar.

It stepped a few steps sideways to its right towards my Altar, and the steps looked to me as a playful way of dancing, and at that instant I realized that it was not at all an angry being, it just had a fierce looking face, and at that Time I realized that Vajrapani was not angry and is not an angry Deity, then I noticed that the mildly upsetting thought that was in my mind prior to the appearance of the apparition stopped; a healing of my anger. Vajrapani was dancing a few steps sideways, then simply vanished. Seeing Vajrapani gave me guidance via presentment of color, light, mudras, sound, symbols, dance, and a sudden understanding that was healing. I then chose Vajrapani as my Yidam- my tutelary spirit guide.

Uncharacteristically in the historic sense, Vajrapani was wearing on its Chest an Oracle Mirror of variable transparency, a convex ornate Chest Mirror that changed from reflective and opaque to transparent and almost invisible. I interpreted Vajrapani's Transparent Mirror Lens as an inspiration for me to create a non-deistic oracle practice which became the Oracle of Vajrapani Prophecy Practice.

At first I believed it was Vajrapani! I had a Sighting that at the time I interpreted as a religious epiphany as a 'Vision' of Vajrapani. Then I perceived this phenomenal event appearing as a life-sized translucent cartoonish three dimensional moving holographic image, two meters tall, with telepathic transmission of the sound "Ah", Then I understood that it was the Predator the Jin.

At that time it seemed that the purpose of such 'visions' is to teach concepts and to inspire people. It's likely that I am not the only person whom has seen a vision of Vajrapani, and that such visions or encounters were either Holograms, or telepathic ‘downloads'- semi-synthetic 'artificial' telepathy Sightings of Vajrapani and other Deities were Holograms of Deities impersonated by Jin, that Deities like Vajrapani never existed as a living Entity(s), and yet the study and practice of Vajrapani and the other Tibetan Buddhist Deities is beneficial and practical.

I have concluded that what I saw was a deliberate deception by a Jin assuming the form of Vajrapani.

2016 I was attacked by a Jin at the NWTCA during religious services. COPYRIGHT ©2023, 2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. 1 of 2.

2016 early December I attended Sunday morning religious services at the North West Tibetan Cultural Association's Community Center "Bhod Khang" literally "Tibet House", but a Bhod Khang is a Shrine & Altar religious services room, such a room is in the NWTCA. I was in the Bhod Khang seated against a side wall, a Sutra was being chanted aloud in unison by the attending participants. I decided to meditate, I placed a 4mg. nicotine lozenge in my mouth to deal with a craving for tobacco and began meditating. At the time my meditation felt to be going very well, I felt stillness with strong concentration.

After a few minutes of meditation I suddenly sensed a presence spherically surrounding my Head, then I sensed being looked at and this looking at me quickly switching vantagepoints first in front of me then above then behind then from the side, then simultaneously from all directions a Jin crashed into my Brain & Mind causing a Petite Mall Seizure accompanied by a strong psychic event, inwardly my mind imploded with vivid intensity coalescing into what was evidently the strongest thought in my Mind, “I WANT puss*” which to my surprise erupted from my subconscious with a primal feeling of strong conviction and even stronger desire. I also heard a loud high pitched bang pop explosive sound lasting approximately 3 seconds followed by a large stream of crackling popping and hissing sounds for about 5-10 seconds like strings of Firecrackers exploding. Evidently most of the people in the Bod Khang telepathically 'heard' the first big 'explosion', likely some then 'heard' the stream of crackling explosions. I felt lite-headed and even though my eyes were closed I was seeing bright white light so very slowly I opened my eyes carefully because the Light in the room was very bright for the first few seconds. I had unintentionally broadcast a 'Psychic Explosion' a Bang! a sudden discharge of my Brain Neurons firing loudly in abundance, a prolonged popping, crackling, and hissing sounds that lasted perhaps 5-10 seconds, and although it was not physical air pressure sound waves, it was a loud radio frequency radiation 'broadcast' of explosive sounds 'heard' telepathically in the minds seemingly of almost everyone in the Bhod Khang, and it briefly disrupted the religious service.

Seated nearby I heard a man exclaim aloud, “Guru Rinpoche!” a Tibetan name for Padmasambhava; I guess he thought it was a 'Padmasambhava Moment', that Padmasambhava was present, or thought I was Padmasambhava.

When I opened my Eyes I looked around and I observed that the sounds that I had unintentionally made were telepathically heard by almost of the people in the room, because most of the participants, including the Chant Leader paused their chanting for a few seconds, and I saw the Chant Leader waiting an extra second to see if there would be any more sounds before he resumed leading chants.

I saw something above me so I looked up and saw two Ribbons of rainbow-hued Light rippling & undulating upwards and outwards, they were high up in the air in that high ceiling Room, visible for a few seconds, and very beautiful. I believe these moving Ribbons of rainbow hued Light were two Jin that fed on my 'leaking' psychic energy, and it would seem that the Jin fluoresce visible rainbow colors when feeding on telepathic radiation, such as the rainbow-hued Clouds seen in the Sky in a Photograph taken at the cremation of Choggyam Trungpa Rinpoche. With strong emotions we emanate more radio frequency radiation on which the Jin feed. I believe our emotional 'Spill' charges their plasma cloud body, we are emotionally 'built to spill'.

Now it seemed like most everyone was now chanting in earnest with a renewed focus, determination, intent, zeal, and this higher intensity practice by the Attendees lasted the rest of the service. Then later during the morning services, about a half hour after my event, as the Chant Leader led everyone in a spirited recitation of a Sutra, I saw large amounts of etheric Flowers, and bunches of Flowers flowing from the Chant Leader who was seated in the front row, flowing backwards over his head towards everyone in the room, as he achieved 'Vairochana Status’ for a moment with a giving of Flowers to everyone. I’ve always liked the way he leads chants, attending for the past five years, but I had never seen that happen before. My being attacked by a Jin was followed by yet more Jin trickery.

I had telepathically discharged a loud prolonged amount of psychic ‘static’ when I had a petit-mal seizure, that evidently I was manipulated by a Jin to cause an abnormally powerful electrical discharge from my Brain, leaking a loud telepathic broadcast of energy. I’ve meditated with Nicotine before no problems and I had no history of epilepsy seizures.

I was attacked by a Jin at the NWTCA during religious services. Throughout the entire ordeal I remained seated, after seeing the Jin I continued to meditate.

2016 I was attacked by a Jin at the NWTCA during religious services. 2 of 2.

After the Jin event was over, I continued to meditate until service ended, then I ate lunch in the dining hall with everyone. There was an excitement in the air, I don’t understand or speak Tibetan but the Tibetans do and it seemed like there was much conversation about what happened, people were looking at me, and I heard a Tibetan woman’s telepathic thought, “The American”. When I finished lunch, as I walked out she telepathically sent me what sounded like a quick, beautiful, and moving prayer for me in Tibetan. Evidently Telepathy does not include simultaneous language translation.


Vajrapani (Sanskrit: Ghuyapati "Vajra in Hand") Vajrapani’s Vajra is a directed energy weapon that threw Thunderbolts; the Vajra meaning has evolved over time acquiring other religious connotations. Vajrapani is the 'Gateway' Deity of the Buddhist Vamacharya and Hinduist Vamamarga 'Left-Hand' Paths and Practices, and Vajrapani is a 'wrathful' (fierce) Deity; at the extreme far end of the Vamacharya ~ Vamamarga Paths is Chinnamunda ~ Chinnamasta, the most wrathful Deity. Vajrapani is propitiated using either peaceful Dakshinacharya or Tantric Vamacharya practices. Vajrapani is an Oracle Deity whose entire pantheon or entourage of associated Deities ranged from the purely peaceful Kash*tigarbha to wrathful warrior Acala.

Historically in Tibetan Buddhism the tradition is that usually the Dakshinacharya 'Right-Hand peaceful Path' is successfully accomplished or completed prior to practice of the Vamacharya 'left-hand Yoga-Tantra' Tantrism Path. Oracle practices are Vamacharya.

In ancient Vajrapani Sutra Texts are Yoga-Tantra Practices that includes 'Bloodletting', the ritual shedding of one's own Blood, offering one's own Blood to Vajrapani, with an unwritten option of drinking a 'Token' amount of freshly shed Human Blood- your own or someone else's Blood; and there is some evidence that sometimes Occult Magick and Vampirism was involved. In the Dakshinacharya Path, Hair and Nail Clippings were substituted for Blood, but earlier is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist Vajrapani Text that included a Blood sacrifice offering to Vajrapani of a token amount of the Devotee's Blood shed and offered to Vajrapani, a remnant of an early practice of a Vamacharya method of Bloodletting, for example, historically Oracles performed a ritual healing of afflicted people by using a method of 'sucking' out of the body of the patient various mundane sorts of Spirits and Humors that likely has historical roots in a folk remedy of Bloodletting by sucking a small token amount of Blood from the body of the patient by means of a sucking Tube that eventually became the M'Dar Arrow of modern usage.

As Temple Statuary the combination of Shakyamuni Buddha - Vajrapani - Avalokiteshvara is what is most commonly seen in Tibetan Buddhist Temples, on the Buddha's left is Vajrapani- the Buddha of power representing the Vamamarga Yoga-Tantra 'left-hand' Path, and on the Buddha's right is Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig) is the Dakshinacharya 'Peaceful right-hand' Path.

I find suspicious even the existence combination of 'Three Buddhas' of Shakyamuni Buddha, Vajrapani, and Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig), that the Jin insinuate themselves into Buddhism generally and into Tibetan Buddhism specifically, consider that originally that the practice was to follow the Dharma, and that any worship was of the Buddha. So we start with the Buddha-Dharma, then at some point in time it became the Buddha-Dharma-Sangha, then was added the Buddha-Vajrapani-Avalokiteshvara, which allows the Jin to appear in disguise as both wrathful and peaceful forms disguised as Vajrapani, Avalokiteshvara, or any Buddhist Deity, and Tibetan Buddhism has a large pantheon of Tibetan Buddhist Deities for the Jin to deceive the religious whom have lost objectivity due to their 'Religious Cultism'.

The addition of two 'Buddhas' of a Buddha of Power in Vajrapani and a Buddha of Peace in Avaloketishvara (Chenrezig) has two major problems:
1. This changes Buddhism from a logical, ethical, philosophical psychology exchanged for a syncretic and co-opted religion of Vajrayana Buddhism, which is a combination of Buddhism, Bon, and Shamanism.

2. This allows the Jin an opportunity to impersonate Buddhist Deities, deceptions to gain trust, then force Practitioner to excess to cause the Participant's Brain to 'leak' radio frequency radiation- Jin 'Food', surreptitiously coerced 'harvest' of psychic energy.

The Buddha's life and teachings exemplify a 'Middle Way' philosophy that provisionally utilized 'left-hand' Vamacharya and 'right-hand' Dakshinacharya Path Practices without aversion or attachment to either Path; this left-right duality is explained in literature but difficult to render as a Painting or Statue so Deity Practices like Vajrapani are a pragmatic but expedient compromise of Bon Animistic & Shamanic Spirit Propitiation & Vajrayana Buddhism, a combination subject to misuse and abuse.

Buddhist 'Deities' such as Vajrapani or Cherezig or Tara or Chinnamasta are Avatar 'Super-Heroes' used in contemplative visualization meditations, as a persona to imagine being, but none of them existed as living Entities so do not propitiate them as living Deities, and beware any 'Spirit' that appears is a Jin, do not engage them.


My interest is as a 'Middle Way' approach. The ‘Middle Way’ approach is not just about avoiding extremes, it's also about provisionally using both left Hand path and right Hand path methods as needed by selectively utilizing methods from both paths without being attached to or averse to either path. Whether you are primitive and primal, or cerebral and intellectual, both are death traps. To be aware of and practice only one path or the other is naive at best, worse as ignorant, and adhering to an extreme of only either one path or the other is not a ‘Middle Way’, and ignorance of how both paths are in play at all times has ruined many lives. I believe that an understanding about Vamamarga and Vamacharya shall benefit the understanding and utilization of the practices of the 'Wrathful' Deities, as it has for me. I believe that the 'Left-Hand' Vamacharya and ‘Vamamarga’ path(s) should be given equal time teaching, studying, and practicing as the ‘Dakshinachara’ 'Right-Hand' path.

Online information search results of Vamacharya Buddhist left-hand path basic information is scarcely mentioned, incomplete, and poorly documented, but can be reconstructed and synthesized by searching online Internet historic literature about the left-hand Vamamarga path in Hinduism. Vamamarga has online Internet documentation in Sutras in relative abundance to aid in synthesis of a Vamacharya Buddhist Path, so I substitute when and where I need to with Hinduism Vamamarga to synthesize a complete Buddhist Vamacharya and Vamamarga paths for Chinnanmasta-Chinnamuda practices.


In 2012 I had a Sighting of Vajrapani- I saw Vajrapani, and I have concluded that what I saw was a deliberate deception by a Jin assuming the form of Vajrapani; for a description read enclosed Blog entry "Vajrapani Sighting".

In Hinduism mythology Vajrapani is Indra, the King of the Hinduism Gods, and a God of War holding a Vajra that threw Thunderbolts and killed the evil Asura, Vritra, a serpent Dragon that brought drought. Indra became a God of Weather said to cause Storms against enemies and bring Rain to increase the fall Harvest. Indra was said to grant the prayers of Practitioners one in twenty times. Indra's Roman equivalent is Zeus, Jupiter.

The famous Taoist / Daoist "Shaolin" Temple in China is said to have a protector 'Spirit', name "Aug Straung" [citation needed], that is thought to be the equivalent of Vajrapani.

In Japanese Buddhism Vajrapani's name is Nio; "Niō (仁王) are two wrathful and muscular guardians of the Buddha standing today at the entrance of many Buddhist temples in East Asian Buddhism in the form of frightening wrestler-like statues. They are dharmapala manifestations of the bodhisattva Vajrapāṇi, the oldest and most powerful [citation needed. C.R.Lee's Candidates: Samvara, Chakrasamvara, Vajrasattva] of the Mahayana Buddhist pantheon. According to scriptures like the Pāli Canon as well as the Ambaṭṭha Sutta, they travelled with Gautama Buddha to protect him. Within the generally pacifist tradition of Buddhism, stories of Dharmapalas justified the use of physical force to protect cherished values and beliefs against evil. They are also seen as a manifestation of Mahasthamaprapta, the bodhisattva of power that flanks Amitābha in Pure Land Buddhism and as Vajrasattva in Tibetan Buddhism. (SOURCE:,of%20the%20Mahayana%20Buddhist%20pantheon)
"Use of physical force to Protect cherished values and beliefs against evil" is a BOGUS reason to use force that allows and excuses Jin & Human violence towards Humans.

In the Theravadin Buddhism "Nagamas" collection about the life of the Buddha there is a story wherein one day as the Buddha was walking on a Path he encounters another man walking being impudent and impertinent, so suddenly Vajrapani appears and offers to kill the man because of his behavior, but the Buddha declines Vajrapani's offer and states a logical and ethical reason for the man to remain unharmed; I believe that this 'Vajrapani' was in fact a Jin, and that the two meter tall holographic image of Vajrapani that I saw was a Jin.


During the Buddha's Life there was Jin impersonating Vajrapani and other Deities which back at the time of the Buddha's life even the Buddha would have said was a Deity or a 'Spirit' because it was a common cultural understanding by the peoples of that time period in India that there were sightings of religious Deities, 'Spirits', while unbeknownst to all of them it was a Predator, the Jin impersonating benevolent and wrathful religious Deities and 'Spirits'. For centuries the Jin have insinuated themselves into Buddhism by presenting deceptions of themselves as Deities, and possessing Tibetan Buddhist Oracles and Mediums. Like all of us, the Buddha was a product of his times. I am heartened that so early in history the Buddha saw Logic and Ethics was supreme.

My Modus Operandi Game Theory of Buddhism: Suffer well Life's harsh realities, eliminate or reduce any or all types of suffering then the ambient level of fun naturally rises. Suffering caused by an ignorance presents as a fearful delusion that effectively results in anger, aversion, and desire, Antidotes are Wisdom and Compassion. Do not create suffering for yourself or others. Ultimately is the Impermanence that all compounds decay, and this too shall pass. Nirvana is an Undifferentiated Continuum.


Deity practices are already in wide use, especially in Tibetan Buddhism, it is practical and beneficial to do the Practices of Tibetan Deities while being mindful that they are used in contemplative visualization meditations as thought models of Principles personified as archetypal Avatar 'Deities', 'Super-Heroes', but they are not living Entities, and not their impersonators the Jin, do not engage with the Jin.

To me the Triple combination of the Buddha, Chenrezig, and Tara makes as much sense as Vajrapani; a female and male Deities is a strong archetype background, whereas the combination of the Buddha-Vajrapani-Chenrezig can be said to be too patriarchal without representation of the female as Deity such as Tara or Sitatapatra or a human such as the Buddha's Mother Maya Devi. When the Buddha was asked to describe a Deity that he visualizes, the Buddha described Sitatapatra, so maybe the Buddha and Sitatapatra and Avalokiteshvara (Tibetan Chenrezig) has a less patriarchal aspect compared to Vajrapani-Buddha-Chenreig- all male that I ascribe to the influence of the Dakshinacharya 'right-hand' path. I'd like to make a Shrine Box of the Buddha + Princess Yasodhara + Father King Suddhodana + Mother Maya Devi + Son Rahula.

Currently how Buddhism is publicly accessed world-wide is mostly the teachings and practices comprising the ‘Dakshinacharya’, or, ‘right-Hand’ ‘peaceful’ path, as the world public’s introduction and encouraged first use of Buddhism, and too often the right Hand path is the only officially encouraged type of Tibetan Buddhism to practice, with limited references or explanations of the ‘Vamacharya’ Tantrism left-Hand path, and even less instruction in Vamacharya methods.

Dakshinacharya is the 'peaceful' right-Hand path of attending lectures, meditation, Art work, and ritual ceremony is the most common form of practices encountered in all Lineages of Buddhism. Vamacharya is the Tantric 'Left-Hand' path of Buddhism. Vamacharya is Tantrism which entails many repetitions of a variety of Yoga-Tantra practices, an oral tradition of teachings of spiritual exercises passed from Lama to Monk that I learned experientially doing repetitions of different types of yoga-tantra practices, from practicing with my Lama Tsering Wangdu Rinpoche, and studying Texts about Tantrism and yoga tantra practices. Tibetan Buddhist basic information and instruction in Vamacharya is less accessible requiring the purchase of specific books from specific publishers.

Vamacharya is Buddhist, Vamamarga is Hinduism, both are similar left-Hand paths from similar religions, in both religions the tradition is Vamamarga / Vamacharya ‘left-hand path’ practices exclusively for the deities Chinnamunda / Chinnamasta, and Bhairavi.

When Tibetan Buddhism first spread to the western world, the Vamacharya left-hand path was thought too dangerous for western beginners, so they discouraged pursuit of Vamacharya by the lay public. In my opinion, this is an error in judgment and a grave mistake. The public wants and needs powerful ‘Tools’, skills, and methods to survive and thrive. The potential for danger of misuse or abuse of power in the Vamacharya and Vamamarga methods is superseded by the need to know. Whatever it is they were afraid to tell everyone, the public can handle it, and the public shall master it. The near-exclusive emphasis on Dakshinacharya explains why many people whom begin practicing Tibetan Buddhism eventually quit because although they found some help, but it didn’t help them enough because in effect they were practicing with ‘One Hand tied behind their Back’. The repeatedly arising and recurring problems in Tibetan Buddhism are in part due to a nearly exclusive adherence to the ‘Dakshinachara’ right-Hand path and near rejection of the ‘Vamacharya’ left-Hand path, like ‘One Hand tied behind their Back’.



Vamacharya is Buddhist, Vamamarga is Hinduism, both are similar 'left-hand' paths from similar Religions. Dakshinacharya is the 'right-hand' 'peaceful' path of Meditation, Lecture, Art work, and ritual ceremony, the 'left-hand' paths are experiential, an oral tradition of Guru to student Instructions for selection and guidance of a repetitive practice of Yoga-Tantra spiritual exercises.

Below is a brief list of Cannons that Vamacharya and Vamamarga share in common, there are additional Cannons unique to branches & sects of Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, and other lineages of Buddhism, search:,,, and other search engines.

1. In the tradition of the Vamacharya & Vamamarga 'left-hand path' Traditions I hereby profess my self-chosen Tibetan Buddhist name and its etymology: I am Gesar Tengri Siddhi, a manifestation of King Gesar of Ling. I am a Devotee of Chinnamasta which includes Chinnamunda & Vajra Varahi ‘Tengri’, bestowers of Siddhis. I am a Siddhi of Occult Tantrism.

2. V. Traditions: My practices of Hinduist Chinnamasta, Buddhist Chinnamunda, and Bhairavi are strictly Vamacharya & Vamamarga 'left-hand' paths practices.

3. V. Traditions: Only from my own convictions do I speak aloud or in writing of dysfunction, stultified, or counter-productive aspects of what 'ails' the Life of my familiar monastic community of Tibetan Buddhism.

4. V. Traditions: I report all hypocrisy in the leadership in my familiar religion of Tibetan Buddhism.

5. A Vamamarga and sometimes a Vamacharya tradition is explaining aloud or in writing about the hypocritical statements and / or hypocritical behaviors of 3 religious leaders familiar to me.

TIBETAN BUDDHISM IN THE 21ST. CENTURY 2021-2023. COPYRIGHT ©2023, 2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. 1 of 8.

If Tibetans want Tibet to become a democracy then they need all the help they can get, including the help of non-Tibetans. If China freed Tibet would Tibet become a Democracy? Or would the wealthy elite Tibetan family members in the Central Tibetan Administration try to restore Tibet's pre-Mao political power structure and revert to wealthy elite Tibetan families sharing power with top religious leaders? Ask the Kashag. The King of Bhutan abdicated being King so Bhutan could become a Democracy which now it is, so why didn't H.H. Dalai Lama do the equivalent in a negotiated diplomatic way during the 1959 uprising rebellion revolt in Tibet of Tibetan Insurrectionists when it became obvious that a large number of Tibetans wanted an end to religious political rule? The Insurrectionists wanted an end to religious rule of political power, but H.H. Dalai Lama was 'blinded'- willfully ignorant because of "Religious Cultism", as evidence: H.H. asked the Chinese Government to intervene so the Chinese military violently suppressed the protests of many Tibetans and their political movement to end religious political rule. No one should die because of religion.

If the Tibetan people do not vote to elect their top religious leaders, then the P.R.C. shall choose Tibetan Buddhism's Leaders. Tibetan Buddhism’s current free-fall crisis optimizes the P.R.C.’s Agenda of the ‘take-over’ of Tibetan Buddhism.

Diagnosis of Tibetan Buddhism: Dangerous, Dysfunction, and Dying Cult. Antidote: Decentralize, Distribute, Democratize. Decentralize Power- discontinue the inherited and dynasty caste system of leadership. Distribute Power with equal voting power to existing Lineages and the newer Lineages abroad. Democratize Power at the local level with Tibetans voting to elect their Spiritual Directors and voting to elect the Staff and Clergy at Tibetan Cultural Centers. Monks and Nuns as Voters as a part of a larger voting block Collectives of Tibetan Associations, Temples, and Monasteries, Collectives of allies by lineage, and by world-wide geographic region that vote to elect their Staff and vote to elect Representatives to give their constituents a say and a vote on issues affecting Tibet, Tibetans, Tibetan Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhists both Tibetan and non-Tibetan; Collective Votes at existing Centers of Power of Tibetan Buddhism world-wide, such as in Dharamsala, India, and elsewhere. A Decentralized, Distributed, and Democratized Structure is less hierarchical yet more resilient. Democratization is a good Antidote for the P.R.C.'s Agenda of the control of Tibetan Buddhism.

Censorship: "Important Reminder from the Kashag, 01-19-2022: The 16th Kashag of the Central Tibetan Administration has issued a two-page circular earlier today, appealing Tibetans around the globe to refrain from generating rumours and fake news on social media targeted toward discrediting and defaming His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In a circular issued in Tibetan by the Kashag Secretariat, the Kashag has affirmed to implement strict actions against those found guilty of spreading misinformation and stirring unrest in the community." Beware of the 16th. Kashag- another Dynasty.

What is the CTA so afraid of? If there is nothing wrong then there would be no complaints. Is the CTA attempting to replicate the political power structure in Tibet prior to the Maoist Invasion when the elite families shared power with the elite religious leaders? What strict actions does the CTA have? Let me guess the Strict Actions: Unable to vote for the CTA Parliament members? Banned from Tibetan Cultural Center voting and activities? Dis-invited or not allowed to meet the Dalai Lama or the Karmapa or the Sakyapa or the Nyingmapa or the Nechung to offer them a Khata Scarf?

Regarding the CTA's threat of strict actions against Tibetans whom speak critically of H.H., let me guess what those Tibetans are saying: 'Yes we were happy to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama 14th. displaying affection and humor in a live video conference on his 86th. Birthday, but at age 86 he is slowed by age and does not address the suffering of young Tibetans whom believe that Autonomy has failed, and are disillusioned with a bygone era religious dynasty caste institution whose chosen one lives a privileged but sheltered life that is naive and ignorant of the concerns and troubles of Tibetans world-wide. It's now more difficult to contact or visit relatives in Tibet while practicing self-censorship to avoid trouble. And the Monks, Lamas, and Nuns visiting Tibetan Cultural Centers do not understand the sophisticated complexity of the lives of ordinary Tibetans, their religious instruction is not always talented in offering useful advice, and they seem lost in religion'. Now in 2023 about 1,000,000 Tibetan children are forced to live in harsh conditions in P.R.C. Boarding Schools, forced to learn Mandarin & communist propaganda.


What "Strict Actions'' the CTA can enforce? Perhaps the CTA could steer the major yearly religious and cultural events and high ranking Lamas, Monks, and Nuns to the Tibetan Cultural Centers who have shown the most willingness to follow the CTA's directions and / or have contributed the most money towards the major lineage's Leaders, Monasteries, Abbeys, and Nunneries. And as a “Strict Action" perhaps the CTA will redirect major religious cultural religious events and lineage Leaders away from ‘heretical’ Tibetan Cultural Centers that criticize any of the top religious Leaders & Institutions that perpetuate their selection of their ‘Chosen One’ to lead their Lineages as inherited and dynasty caste religious 'Monarchies' with the help of their 'Enablers' the Central Tibetan Administration- the CTA.

"Strict Action" shall create factionalization and infighting among the Tibetans that strengthens the P.R.C. Agenda of the takeover of Tibetan Buddhism. Behold the C.T.A. as Enforcers demanding conformity of thought about the Dalai Lama & obedience to the C.T.A.

It is also unseemly for CTA leaders to schmooze and accept or give money in exchange for influence of Rinpoches, Venerables, Lamas, Monks, and Nuns by staging religious ceremonies at private parties of the elite Tibetan families that have gravitated towards leadership roles in the CTA, together they steer private financial donations that skew the will of the Tibetans both inside and outside of Tibet.

The Six Solutions:
1. CTA do surveys to obtain world-wide Tibetan concensus & majority & minority opinions regarding political, cultural, and religious opinions both Buddhist & Bon, and survey the leadership of all Vajrayana & Bon lineages.
2. Reform the CTA into an equalitarian Administration that echos and assists the will of the Tibetan people’s Diaspora world-wide.
3. Establish communication relationships with local Tibetan P.R.C. leaders in Tibetan Villages and Cities to insure harmony in their new blended society.
4. Choose your fights wisely, construct your arguments carefully, confront the P.R.C. with publicity, embarrass without shaming, then negotiate and insist on a pragmatic best solution either from CTA or P.R.C., and view disagreements as opportunities for negotiations.
5. Outreach to Tibetan Communities world-wide to coordinate efforts of solidarity.
6. CTA Voluntary Tibetan Advocacy Group

As-is, the Tibetan Buddhism lineages are inherited and dynasty Caste institutional religious Monarchies, and their Enablers are the Central Tibetan Administration- The CTA Dynasty.

Although anyone can attend Kagyu Chang Chub Chuling / is a Tibetan Buddhist 'Dharma Center' of by and for non-Tibetans, and although anyone can attend the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association Center / is a facility of by and for ethnic Tibetans. KCC and NWTCA have very different ways of practicing Tibetan Buddhism: KCC services is 2 hours of the combination of listening to dharma lectures followed by meditation, repeat, repeat, all in the English language. Services at NWTCA is singing and chanting for two hours, all in the Tibetan language. NWTCA occasionally has guest speakers: Monks, Nuns, C.T.A. Representatives, and officials from other Tibetan Cultural Associations that less frequently address the membership at NWTCA observance of Tibetan Culture and Astrology utilizes easy to use Guidebooks printed in Tibetan for each day, week, and month, but no english translation is available at NWTCA or at KCC. At KCC the Tibetan Buddhist Establishment's education about Tibetan Buddhism is in my opinion an insult to intelligence, a very slow approach to 'Spiritual Progress' that for me is not very challenging, not very interesting, uninspiring.

2023: I am 62, disabled senior unhoused, living in my Car for seven years that has not worked for the past 4 years. From 2014 to 2021 I endured 4 major surgeries plus oral surgery, from December 2016 and on while living alone in my Car, and during that same period of time my life while living in my Car I was terrorized at night starting in 2016, then almost nightly from winter 2018 through to now in 2020 by local Vigilantes, 'Proud Boys', 'Oath Keepers', teenage Flash Mobs, and Informants of the rogue Portland Police Intelligence Unit. And, there is another man with my same name born the same day month and year as I in Oregon as I and he is a registered sex offender which I am not, so then they found other reasons to terrorize me almost to suicide, I spent 6 weeks in the Hospital. These Criminals were repeat Offenders I recognized their Faces and Voices and Cars. During this prolonged ordeal I Blogged about it and repeatedly sent many emails begging for help from my KCC 'fellowship' Sangha, but KCC left me to die alone in the street. KCC members have Religious Cultism resulting in Compassion Failure, failure to be compassionate, failure to give compassionate action.



Buddhism is a logical and ethical philosophical psychology, Buddhism is not a Religion, but has been co-opted into a Religion(s). My suspicion is that compared to non-religious people, religious people have a disproportionately larger tendency towards selfishness: self-absorbed, self-serving, self-aggrandizing, primarily about what they can get, not what they can give, and I suspect that as a religion, Buddhism-as-a-Religion is like other Religions that disproportionately attract selfish people who care not for others the way they care for their own "Enlightenment", or, "Salvation". I suspect that for many of you your Religion is simply your "Dopamine Fix", and how dare I interfere with your 'Dopamine Nation' "Fix" to prevent wrongful deaths including my Life in peril but KCC was content to forget me to pursue their 'Group Dopamine Nation Fix', who acted like "Refuge" is only a contemplative conceptualization, but historically that was not the only factor.

The concept of taking Refuge in the Sangha is intertwined with the concept of Refuge itself, and the taking of Refuge in the Sangha is interconnected with other conceptions of taking Refuge in the: Guru, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Dakiniyas, and yourself as your Guru: Namo Guruya, Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namo Sanghaya, Namo Guru Dewa Dakiniya, Om Namo Bhagavate.

Namo Guruya means to take Refuge in your Guru's directions, knowledge, guidance, and advice. I started with a reading interest in the Buddha, but before that I was already in-effect ‘Taking Refuge in the Guru’ as my Parents, family, relatives, friends, teachers, and in the ethical examples of other people's speech and behavior which became a ‘Taking Refuge in a Guru' as someone's advice whom I respect and trust.

Namo Buddhaya, taking Refuge in the Buddha: Historically, taking Refuge in the Buddha meant to be a Disciple of the Buddha- a follower of the Buddha’s Disciplines, and obedience to the Buddha; later in history taking Refuge in the Buddha became being inspired by the story of the Buddha's life resulting in a desire to behave as the Buddha did to achieve the same Enlightenment, by striving to think, speak, and act like the Buddha to become Enlightened like the Buddha, this is called taking Refuge in the Buddha, Namo Buddhaya.

Namo Dharmaya, taking refuge in the Dharma as the teachings of Buddhism, but originally Namo Dharmaya is to take Refuge in the 'Law' that everything can be explained as Cause-And-Effect using logical analysis and logical reasoning. On his deathbed the Buddha's last singular advice is to take Refuge in the Dharma.

Namo Sanghaya, taking Refuge in the Sangha. The Tibetan Buddhist concept of the 'Triple Gem' of taking Refuge in the Buddha-Dharma-Sangha developed long after the Buddha taught to take Refuge in the Dharma. Originally to take Refuge in the Sangha meant first consideration is physical Sanctuary Shelter from Homelessness. Sangha Members would all sleep in the same Tent to give each other safer overnight Shelter, food, and defend each other from any danger, then see to other needs and aspirations of fellow members. Later, a Sangha meant Monks in a Monastery. Sanctuary Shelter is a better descriptor of how the Vamacharya 'left-hand path' operates compared to the Dakshinacharya 'right-hand path'. Existence is Being and Doing, Dakshinacharya is more like Being, and Vamacharya is more like Doing, both have their limitations but combined is a ‘Middle Way’ conceptual practice. The stated goal in Tibetan Buddhism is a "Middle Way" approach that has been described as avoiding extremes of Thought, Speech, and Behavior, but a "Middle Way" in practice provisionally utilizes both left-hand & right-hand Paths without being averse or attached to either Path. The Dakshinacharya 'right hand path' conceptualization or method of taking Refuge in the Sangha is that fellow Attendees are friendly and offer helpful advice and suggestions, but have no further obligation; however, unfortunately as is too often the case in Religions and Cults, and in Tibetan Buddhism what is to me my Vamacharya criticism of the Dakshinacharya only approach is in effect a 'Dopamine Nation Fix' achieved by attending group meetings of specific topics and subjects, for example, Tibetan Buddhism with friendly fellow enthusiast Attendees and friendly Acquaintances which generates a subtle euphoria that is prone to degenerating into Religious Cultism resulting in a false sense of Compassion (that is) easily forgotten during a moment of indecision of a crisis, resulting in 'Compassion Failure'- failure to be Compassionate, this was my experience with Kagyu Chang Chub Chuling

Namo Guru Dewa Dakiniya means to take Refuge in the "Shining feminine Principle" the teachings of the Dakiniyas- the Female Tibetan Buddhist knowledge and wisdom Deities: Chinnamunda / Chinnamasta, Vajra Varahi, Vajra Yogini, Kurukulla, Bhairavi, Saraswati, and Sitatapatra.


Om Namo Bhagavate means to take Refuge in yourself- the Guru inside you.

Sequence: Namo Guruya, Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namo Sanghaya, Namo Guru Dewa Dakiniya, Om Namo Bhagavate is my 'Free your Mind' path to Liberation from Samsara.

2019 When I sought help at KCC, Lama Trebelhorn was on Retreat so decisions about KCC reverted to emeritus Lama Michael Conklin who already had dementia. At KCC I met and talked with the resident Caretaker who made me a "promise" to tell Conklin about the danger to my Life, but the Caretaker must have known that Conklin had dementia so the Caretaker's "promise" to tell Lama Conklin was a Hoax. Later in 2019 I met Lama Trebelhorn who gave me $100.00 apparently in compassion for my homelessness and as a financial compensation for the Hoax. I called Trebelhorn 2 weeks later it was like talking with a different person, he held back, his tone was no longer warm, no interest. Bad Karma.

All of you at KCC were wrong and are wrong to do nothing and leave me behind to die alone on the street in Winter's cold while being terrorized and enduring multiple major surgeries. All of you in KCC share in the existential and collective blame of 'Compassion Failure' towards me for your in-action of failure to give me Refuge. It is KCC's collective responsibility to right the wrongs all of you are existentially and collectively responsible for failing to be Compassionate failing to give me Refuge when I was being terrorized nightly I almost died yet you leave me to die. Bad Karma.

Kagyu Chang Chub Chuling's Compassion Failure manifested as an intentionally perpetrated Hoax of assistance in distress for me. KCC's Refuge in Sangha is Pretend, Bogus, a disingenuous Hoax. Because of I lost trust in all organized religions.

What I learned from my life-or-death experiences is that the taking of Refuge in the Sangha must include some time and effort sacrifice by Sangha Members to compassionately respond to the suffering of other Sangha Members by provisionally providing emotional support and material support, including emergency assistance during a life-or-death crisis, otherwise taking Refuge in the Sangha is just another religious cult's 'Dopamine Nation Fix', which I experienced with, where KCC Members are encouraged to take Refuge in Sangha in Speech but not Behavior. KCC exhibited a lack of concern for my Human Life in peril and their leadership have been willfully ignorant of wrongdoings in their Dharma Centers because their priority is contentment in their Monasteries, they don't want anything to change their lives.

In 1903 the Nechung Oracle wrongly predicted victory in the 1903 invasion of the British ‘Younghusband’ battle resulting in the 1 day battlefield deaths of 700 Tibetan Militia, a massacre and military defeat, and at that point in time the Tibetan Buddhist leadership could have immediately stopped using possessed Oracles for any reason as a safety precaution to prevent more lost lives, but they continued to use possessed Oracles even after the related murders of three Monks, because the Tibetan Buddhist leadership and their Enablers the Central Tibetan Administration are 'blinded' by Religious Cultism, they lack Objectivity- willful ignorance, as Evidence these 858 wrongful deaths: The State Tibetan Buddhist Oracle the Nechung possessed by “Dorje Drakden” is a Jin in disguise that orchestrated the deaths of 700 Tibetan Militia- Oracles possessed by Jin, AND, 155 Monks and Nuns dead by immolation suicides, AND, 3 Monks murdered while investigating the issue of "Doctrinal Purity", AND, in 1959 the Dalai Lama asked the Chinese government to use the Chinese Military to intervene and the Chinese military violently suppressed the protests of many Tibetans and their political movement to end religious political rule, AND, IT IS CHILD ABUSE TO RAISE CHILDREN AS MONKS AND NUNS; Ordination is an adult endeavor, Monasticism is an adult pursuit, but minors cannot give mature adult consent, meaning that the Dalai Lama, Karmapa, Yangsi Rinpoche, and many more Tibetan Buddhist Monks and Nuns are victims of Child Abuse, their thinking is the product of Religious Cultism Child Abuse, "Arrested Development, Institutionalized"- Lama Eric, Portland Sakya Center. Restrictive rules for the behavior of Monks & Nuns is abnormal for Children.

I am Gesar Tengri Siddhi a manifestation of King Gesar of Ling. I am a Devotee of Chinnamasta, Bestower of Siddhis. I am a Siddhi of Occult Tantrism. My opinion of KCC and the world-wide Tibetan Buddhist 'Establishment': You self-serving entitled privileged conceited conformist co-dependent Cowards! You heartless hard-ass arrogant Rednecks! You foolish Ignoramuses! YOU HYPOCRITES.

Before you do something stupid again that gets more people killed again, REFORM TIBETAN BUDDHISM or watch it be destroyed by bad publicity and the P.R.C. ANTIDOTE: DECENTRALIZE POWER, DISTRIBUTE POWER, DEMOCRATIZE POWER. Unless you have a better idea


My Mother raised me in the Christian denomination faith healing sect Christian Science, founded by Mary Baker Eddy, which I call “The Cult of Eddy.” Wouldn't you already know it, I extricated myself from the Cult that I was born into and raised in, Christian Science, only to fall into another Cult, Tibetan Buddhism. Both have interesting metaphysical teachings that overshadowed their inherently flawed organizational structures, systemic stultifications, and incorrect beliefs. My perception is that both Christian Science and Tibetan Buddhism are not functioning well and have serious problems that their current leaderships cannot or will not remedy.

I am Atheist, for me there's no God, no Satan, and Satanism is glorified selfishness. Any Sighting or Encounter with Satan or Mara was a deliberate deception by a Jin. I am aware there is the problem of people who are intent on committing an ethical transgression an evil a crime or a sin, unfortunately on any given day that could be anyone.

In ways that matter all Religions are Cults so choose your Cult wisely, or choose none, or do a Solo Practice as a ‘Solitary Realizer’. I wish to caution everyone you may experience harmful effects caused by any Religion, and I wish to prevent wrongful deaths because anyone was or is in a Cult Religion, no one should die because of Religion.

In 2022 I wanted to open a private coven Cult of Chinnamasta Temple to teach Occult Magick Tantrism, but in 2024 realized that building & selling Deity Statue & Relic & Icon Shrine Boxes would be a better use of my time. Spiritually is personal thus difficult to share, religion has equal capacity for good and evil so sharing religion can do as much harm as good. Religion can be a private and selfish pursuit, solipsistic. Religions have ruined many Lives, Religions have a capacity to 'Brainwash' people into a stupidity resulting in being less than all they could be, Arrested Development. It takes extraordinary discipline, solitude, and financial security to focus on Spiritual Achievements and avoiding wasting time on bad spiritual advice.

Breaking free of religiosity was the hardest thing I ever did, and the smartest, and once I did, I could no longer tolerate hypocrisy in any Religion. Paradoxically I am a Vajra Hero, I am a Shambhala Warrior, I am a Chinnamasta Devotee, I am Gesar Tengri Siddhi, I am Hui Fa 'The wisdom of the Law', I am the Return of Prometheus, I am Christopher Robin Lee.

Pursuing Enlightenment & Liberation from Samsara I became fascinated, enthused, enthralled, and overjoyed to study and practice Vajrayana & Shakti Tantrism as a Devotee of Chinnamasta for Liberation from Samsara. Pursuit of Spirituality starts as a naive and child-like enthusiastic fascination like the effect of a recreational drug, so to compensate my attitude about Chinnamasta is like how Mahatma Ghandi worshipped Kali to prevent catastrophic disaster. My practice of Chinnamasta is as an Avatar, a Personification of Principles.

What the Tibetan Buddhist Diaspora needs to understand is that Tibetan Buddhism is a minority within the World-wide communities of Buddhist Monastics and many of them think the Dalai Lama is ignorant and Tibetan Buddhism is a backwards Cult. I understand the desire for a peaceful and purposeful monastic life because the harsh reality of our world is terrible and awful, but Monastic Communities are complicit in perpetuating this dreadful world you rely on for your Necessities. Monks and Nuns desire that nothing changes their lives is dependent on commerce with a corrupt system so calling it Kali-Yuga does not absolve you of your complicity in our terrible awful dreadful world so that you can live uninterrupted lives in your religious fantasy world, an unsavory arrangement. Padmasambhava reformed Tibet from a land of Warlords exchanged for an aristocratic and Monastic Country. Tibet is now P.R.C. so concentrate on improving your religion with reform.

Tibetan Buddhist Oracles are possessed by the Jin which endangers their lives and rendering their advice untrustworthy. Tibetan Buddhist Oracles need a safe alternative not involving Jin possession. The phenomenon of the 'Rainbow Body' at death with subsequent shrinking and / or disappearance of the deceased body is evidence of Jin feeding on Human death and fluorescing rainbow colors while feeding.


I feel Sorrow for the Nuns and Monks whom have become institutionalized living in Monasteries who will never know or imagine what they might have accomplished or contributed if their Lives had not been so marginalized living as a Nun or Monk & I am sorrowful for those Nuns and Monks that manage to free their lives from dependence on Monasteries for survival only to discover that the only way they know how to survive is to sell their Knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism, they don't know much useful Job Skills so they try to earn an income by trying to convince the public to pay them to teach Tibetan Buddhism, how disadvantaged and sad. The Dalai Lama and the Karmapa have Multi-Million dollar Trust Funds to ensure their survival, and their lives are protected by armed Guards, yet the Tibetan Buddhist leadership's inability to avoid Scandals is destroying Tibetan Buddhism. I was trying to save Tibetan Buddhism, now I perceive that is not possible.

Participation in the organized Religions of Buddhism is not inexpensive, my past examples: KCC is not located near a public transit Bus Stop, does not have a Shuttle Bus, no Carpooling, everyone in it for themselves, and an extended stay at KCC's Retreat Center Ser Cho Oso Ling costs thousands of dollars. Dance Mandal Instruction Lessons for Newar Sacred Dance costs hundreds of dollars to become proficient, I know from personal experience I couldn't afford it so I did not get much of it. Hui Lin is a privately owned Temple who's Founder visits about 2 days per month because he's busy at his 2 other larger Temples in California and Taiwan, and charged hundreds of dollars for in-Temple weekend Retreats.

Religion for sale if you can afford it. Spirituality is free but even my solo religious Practices needs funding. The historically famous Yogis of Tibet would not have achieved such highly realized states of spiritual achievement without Sponsors periodically providing them Food and other Necessities. People who pursue Spirituality by financial donations to Temples are very good at self-serving self-enrichment but their competitiveness in our capitalist economy doesn't necessarily translate so well into acts of Compassion, so it's no surprise that most financially challenged people are marginalized from participation in religions, including KCC, Hui Lin, and Dance Mandal. Our World is very different from the World the Buddha lived in, now Religious Spirituality is for sale to those that can afford it.

I received the same Religious Cultism Compassion Failure at Dance Mandal Temple- Newar Lineage, and at Hui Lin Temple- Saben Lineage, and at Kagyu Chang Chub Chuling- Kagyu Lineage, all of these Cults wanted my Money but not me the person suffering the terrors and deprivations of homelessness, they all left me to die alone homeless on the Street. KCC and Dance Mandal and Hui Lin are typical Cults that at first seem to care about you but what they really want is your Money & Obedience, but if you don't give Financial Donations then they have no use for you because they care more about their Cult than they care about you and I. (Hui Lin Temple is of by and for Taiwanese & Chinese Immigrants unconcerned with outreach outside of their ethnicity with Services and Sutra Texts in Mandarin, limited English language ability.)

These three local Buddhist Sangha Lineages I turned to for Refuge had no Refuge, I learned to the hard way that taking Refuge in Sangha is a big Hoax, a false sense of the security of family. I am a Fool and an Idiot to have trusted my Life to Religion generally, Tibetan Buddhism specifically, and particularly my pursuit of Spirituality- my reaction to the Eight Abductions I endured- while foolishly believing that my survival would be supported for me to "Benefit all Beings" and achieve "Liberation from Samsara" admirable but ignorant & naive, see how Religion caused insufficient Objectivity. Behold the adventitious Buddhism of hom*o Sapiens.

I gave thirteen years of my Life to Tibetan Buddhism yet because of the high cost of Housing and because of multiple surgeries I became unhoused, my family of Origin are deceased so I am left to die alone homeless on the Street, suffering brutal cold Winters, disabled in pain needing Knee Replacement Surgery, living in a Car for 7 years during which time I receive very few calls, visitors, or emails. I am unrecovered from what the cults of Christian Science, Newar, Saben, and Tibetan Buddhism have done to the trajectory of my Life, and saddened by the Compassion Failures of Kagyu Chang Chub Chuling Temple, Dance Mandal Temple, and Hui Lin Temple who all conveniently forgot my life-or-death crisis to pursue their Enlightenment and Group Dopamine Nation Fix. I am terrified & enraged to be abandoned to die homeless & alone & declining health so Nirvana sounds good so I am learning the Siddhi Svachanda Mṛtyuh- dying when one desires. Now I have become Death the Destroyer of Worlds. I'm beginning to see the Light.

TIBETAN BUDDHISM IN THE 21ST. CENTURY: Unresolved Systemic Problems. Part 7 of 8.

Tibetan Buddhism Factionalization / Schism / Secessionist / Branch / Splinter movements: Dorje Shugden and the New Kadampa tradition are Gelug but have fundamental disagreements with the Dalai Lama who is also a Gelug thus a schism or splintering of the Gelug lineage. The Dorje Shugden and New Kadampa alliance has and is steadily generating accusations about the Dalai Lama in a power struggle with the Dalai Lama, some of it justified, that has generated much bad publicity for all of Tibetan Buddhism. Shamar Rinpoche chose Trinley Thaye Dorje as the 17th. Karmapa thus creating a second Karmapa thus a schism or splinter second Kagyu lineage. By criminal force the P.R.C. has become a player by abducting the Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima then substituted a P.R.C. Panchen Lama Gyaincain Norbu. The P.R.C. announced plans to install their own Dalai Lama in Tibet, thus one day two Dalai Lamas. It seems to me that over time – within generations- the indigenous Tibetans living in Tibet shall align themselves primarily with the P.R.C., including the religions of Tibet, at that point in time the mainline religious leadership of Tibetan Buddhism in Dharamsala, India shall be further marginalized and dis-empowered.

It seems unlikely that a non-Tibetan shall ever become a Nechung or Nyingmapa or Sakyapa or Karmapa or Dalai Lama, except for the P.R.C.'s plan to install their own Dalai Lama; it would seem that Tibetan Buddhism has a basic problem of Racism.

I spoke with Lama Eric of the Portland Sakya Center (not Eric Trebelhorn) who was a Christian Monk living in a Christian Monastery for years before repudiating Christianity and becoming a Tibetan Buddhist Monk living in a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery for years, and he told me that by watching the mannerisms of any Monk he could tell at what age they were ordained or began living in a Monastery because they exhibit "Arrested Development", exhibit immaturity of some aspects of their personalities, an ‘arrested’ normal maturation process towards psychological adulthood, their emotional body ‘frozen’ or ‘suspended’ at the age they entered a Monastery, and that in general Monks living in monasteries become "Institutionalized" in their Thoughts, Speech, and Behaviors. Further, he told me that sexual predation of underage Monks- Pederasty by adult Monks in Monasteries is "not uncommon" in both Religions, and that none of these problems are discussed publicly.

The Dalai Lama has stated that, in theory the Dalai Lama can be a Female, but this has never happened, nor has any Woman assumed a head of lineage leadership role in any of the major lineages of Tibetan Buddhism in centuries. In my opinion, this is, in effect, Sexism. In the 17th. Century the Kagyu lineage had a female Karmapa lasting only six months because the Male Monks rebelled against being ruled by a Female. I shall believe that Tibetan Buddhism has less Sexism when Females have leadership roles in major Tibetan Buddhism Lineages.

Leaders of some of the Tibetan Buddhist lineages are asked to sire a son to succeed him as leader of the lineage. In my opinion, they have in effect created their own private Caste. The Buddha was and Buddhism is against the Caste System. An Inherited Priesthood is a Caste which is a form of Discrimination and Nepotism, and the problem with Nepotism is it is favoritism; is it not better if all qualified potential Candidates for a leadership position are given equal consideration?

Since it is acceptable for some of the Lineage Leaders to have sex to sire a son then it’s only fair that Monks and Nuns have those options and opportunities to create family, or even if only for the purposes of mastery of tantric yoga sex. Tantric Sex Protocols could help provide clues to identify Pederasts in Monasteries and Abbeys, and be one less reason for the potential for jealously by Monks and Nuns of their Leaders which has been festering for centuries due to dogmatic adherence of lineage traditions by the Leadership Hierarchy that has a historical pattern that discounts, devalues, or discredits the suggestions and advice of the populations of Monks and Nuns, cloistered and public.

Regarding the issue of 'Money Lamas'- affluent individuals that become Lamas because they are affluent, Tulkus- individuals convinced that they are reincarnated, and other categories in the Tibetan Buddhist religious hierarchy: May I suggest a system that, even if it is unworkable, it shall serve as a starting point for a larger conversation about whom has higher 'rank' in the Tibetan Buddhist religious order: Score one point each for: Nun, Monk, Lama, Tulku, Siddhi, Karma, Larmapa, Adept, Abbot, Author, Teacher, Retreatant, Healer, Oracle, and perhaps other categories. The more categories any one person is recognized to have obtained, the higher they place in the religious hierarchy. This system of hierarchical ranking might provide a more specific and precise way of determining leadership roles in Tibetan Buddhism.

TIBETAN BUDDHISM IN THE 21ST. CENTURY: Unresolved Systemic Problems. Part 8 of 8.

Tibet as an Autonomous Region is a non-starter with the P.R.C. The Dalai Lama's political proposal of Tibet as an Autonomous region is ignored because the P.R.C. is uninterested in governing Tibet without the P.R.C.'s control which has resulted in a political stalemate and about which I advise the Dalai Lama to not get 'stuck' about the issue of Autonomy for Tibet because in the same spirit of autonomous governance of Tibet is the possibilities of conversations with the chinese government about a 'Lite Footprint' in Tibet wherein the P.R.C. governmental control resembles a minimalist maintenance approach that allows local Tibetans to bridge the gap between the needs of the P.R.C. and the existing Tibetan cultural and societal sensibilities, an 'as-is' plus fundamental yet seemingly discreet changes to the governmental administration of Tibet that allows the P.R.C. to maintain governmental control while allowing the indigenous Tibetan culture to flourish. Tibet is already becoming chinacized, sinocized. My sense is that if the P.R.C. are good stewards and promoters of the Religious Tourism Industry in Tibet then the local indigenous Tibetan population shall adjust more quickly and easily to the new P.R.C. governmental structure while allowing the indigenous Tibetans to continue to go about the business of their daily lives with Tibetan society and culture relatively unaffected and unchanged.

The Dalai Lama proclaimed that the practice of Phowa consciousness transfer at death should be discontinued to alleviate overpopulation, which is illogical, an infringement of my personal liberty, and HYPOCRITICAL because H.H. has stated that he shall be reborn outside of Tibet thus employing Phowa to transmigrate and be 'reborn' anywhere, and of the "Outside of Tibet" part of the statement I see it as a reaction to the P.R.C.'s Agenda of the control of Tibetan Buddhism.

Although the Tibetan Buddhist Leadership claims that Tibetan Buddhism takes its historical cues regarding religious practices from India and Hinduism, but now Tibetan Buddhism has almost stopped using useful practices that in theory are used by both, examples: Utilization of the chanting of the 108 names of any given Deity, contemplation of the Ten Yamas, and utilization of the mechanism of the Three Gunas, Tibetan Buddhism would do well to renew their usage.

The established Tibetan Buddhist leadership and the Tibetan people diaspora world-wide has choices, but inside Tibet the Tibetans are being forced, coerced, encouraged and over time changed by the course of events to see Tibet as a state or Province of China that has a different future with different politics and a different version of Tibetan Buddhism than the prior governmental structure in Tibet run by religious leaders and elite families. And in the future at the P.R.C. led Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet shall have a future that at times competes with the established Tibetan Buddhist leadership and Tibet government-in-exile in Dharamsala, India, so simply accept and go about the business of reforming Tibetan Buddhism. Democratization is a good Antidote to the P.R.C.

It is the advanced yoga-tantra practices that is Tibetan Buddhism's strongest point, yet the dogma and stultification of the methods of teachings has made difficult the bridge between the essential teachings of Buddhism and advanced yoga-tantra practices because the Yoga-Tantra paradigm is rigorously adhered to in an episteme orthodoxy of traditional observance that can cause Practitioners to get lost in the ennui and hubris, making Tibetan Buddhism difficult for beginners of Tibetan Buddhism.

For 300+ years Lamas have discouraged Vamacharya Tantrism Siddhi Practices because of the potential dangers of abusing Telepathy & Telekinesis to intentionally harm others, a hate that can spread, grow, and replicate in others a Hate that harms all with synergistically potentiated negative psychic background radiation. Teach Telepathic Etiquette Protocol: Do No Harm. Usually inappropriate with Strangers and at first everyone is a Stranger. Don't start fights, reserves the right to retaliate or retreat. Demanding being listened to or replied to is rude. Telepathic Broadcasting of anger can harm the innocent Public & intended victim with negative psychic radiation, and harms the Perpetrator- power obsessed using Black Magick to direct hate their Ego eventually destroys their Humanity. People with mastery of the Dakshinacharya 'peaceful' Path do not start fights, but people with untamed Minds do. I look at Siddhis & Psychic Abilities this way: I found Pandora's Box lying on the Road already busted open. Science and Academia are in a 'Straight Jacket' of 'Political Correctness' that ignores Corrupted Light, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Telekinesis, the Occult, the Jin, and the Vampire Pathogen.

CORRUPTED LIGHT. COPYRIGHT ©2023, 2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. Part 1 of 6.

CORRUPTED LIGHT. COPYRIGHT ©2023, 2024 by Christopher Robin Lee.

At the time of this writing there is no Wikipedia entry for “Corrupted Light”, and there is a problem of corrupted, compromised, and censored basic information about ‘sensitive’ subjects in Science, recently especially at &


In our Universe Human Beings inhabit specific energy frequency bands, resonate at specific life force frequencies, are attracted and receptive to a specific range of frequencies, and project a range of specific frequencies, none of which is dangerous unless you fear or cling to any aspect. When a person radiates psychic energy, they radiate radio frequency radiation in a specific range of radio frequencies, radiating with variable strength at several frequencies from the Brain, but also emitted energies specific to the Heart and each major Chakra. All of these radio emissions obey the physics of wave function of condensation and rarefaction as a repeating cycle, and all are a part of the larger band of frequencies of the Human Life-Force Frequency Band range.

Humans exist in a band or range of ratios of Light and Corrupted Light, perhaps everyone has a slightly different Set Point of their ratio of white Light and Corrupted Light in their energy Body- the Brain and Mind. It is possible that life events or sustained willful efforts move that Set Point. Light and Corrupted Light are both in us, and are both us, and in our World around us. Humans have a range of powers in both directions of Light and Corrupted Light. Light and Corrupted Light are sometimes perceived to present as different approaches to life, and everyone has their preferences, dispositions, inclinations, beliefs, attitudes, feelings, needs, wants, desires, and passions, all of which find play in Light and Corrupted Light. Everyone consciously or unconsciously utilizes both Light and Corrupted Light, all of us project Light and Corrupted Light, in a ratio that we control, consciously, or unconsciously. All emotions are a combination of Light and Corrupted Light, and when positive emotions are evoked or emoted, white Light is produced, released, or transferred with Corrupted Light.

We all radiate radio frequency radiation from our Brains and from our bodies at specific frequencies, including Light and Corrupted Light, held at energy levels which are three etheric shells of energy at certain distances from the Body, which can visibly radiate as three distinct Bands or Zones of Light and Corrupted Light. At the outside extreme of each Band of Light is a much brighter shell where Light condenses; the outside edge of the shell is brighter than the inside edge. These Shells correspond to the three ethereal Bodies that all living Humans have of the Auric, Astral, and Truth Bodies that surround and interpenetrate the physical Body. The largest and furthest Shell from the Body, called the Truth Body, corresponds to the Tibetan Buddhist ‘Dharmakaya’ Body, which spherically encompasses the Astral Body, the ‘Sambhogakaya’ Body, which spherically encompasses the ‘Nirmanakaya’ Auric Body, and physical Body. The Auric Body contacts the Skin, so in this context the Auric Body is considered to include the physical Body. The Truth Body, Astral Body, and external Auric Body are ethereal energy Bodies, and is a manifestation of the electro-magnetic-gravitational Field generated by the Brains and Minds of living Humans.


In-between each shell of Light, immediately to the outer surround of the brightest white Light edge of the shell of Light energy are spherical ‘Shells’ of Bands of Darkness, of “Corrupted Light”, which ensconce, ensheath, and surround the outside bright edges of the Shells of Light. The Dark Bands are of variable opacity, from a translucent 'Shadow', to significantly dimmer, to nearly opaque, very dark, almost black, and the Bands of darkness seem much narrower than the entire Zone of Light that includes the shell of condensed brighter Light, but the Bands of Darkness is equal in width to the bright ‘Shells’ of Light they surround. The Light and dark zones are a Wave Function, the bright Shell condensates or ‘crowds’ Light, the Dark Zone ‘rarifies’, or ‘empties’ itself of Light. The Bands of Light and Dark spherically enclose each other in concentric layers, expressed as the three distinct etheric Bodies of Light. The Dark Bands phenomena ‘Corrupted Light’ is utilized in classified science technologies, Tantrism Siddhis, Psychic Abilities, and Occult Magick.

One of the definitions of ‘Occult’ is to occlude Light. There is white Light in Corrupted Light, which I describe as being in a ‘de-particulated’ state not perceivable as specific ‘pinpoints’ of Quanta or Photons of Light, but rather as an almost imperceptible very dim ‘Fog’ of Light permeating total Darkness. The radiance of all combined Light is ‘averaged’ throughout a clear black void as Corrupted Light.


Light and Corrupted Light have a common origin perceived to manifest as a dualism of two extremes of interactive opposing forces of Light accompanied by an unseen Force manifesting as the negation of said Light. The Applied Physics of Corrupted Light is in Occult Magick, Yoga-Tantrism Siddhis, Psychic Abilities, and as classified science.

The Dark Bands of Corrupted Light correspond with the 'energetic' aspect of Consciousness as a projection of awareness and power from our Minds as psychic abilities most commonly Telepathy, using Astral Travel Projection to penetrate through Corrupted Light for 'Remote Viewing', and 'Sex' by Telepathic Telekinesis which is a Force that penetrates and repels.

Corrupted Light is Accessible and Controllable by Thought, start with a Meditative contemplation, concentrate on forcefully pushing aside all Light to summon and plunge into the darkness of Corrupted Light. By concentrating your Thought on Forcing the negation of the glare of all radiation 'Light' of everything in the space around you that obscures what you want to see, so by force of Thought penetrate the Corrupted Light with Astral Travel Projection to search in the dark for the Light of the Face of a sought Person for Remote Viewing Telepathy and Tantric Sex Magick Telepathic Telekinetic 'Incubus Sex'.

Push aside all radiation 'Light Glare' of everything around you to see the dark void of the surrounding Space through which you consciously Astral Travel Projection yourself to find the unique Light of the Face of a sought Person of Interest.

Corrupted Light is a summonable Force controlled by Thought to negate the glare of the radiation 'Light' of everything around you, to then penetrate with Astral Travel Projection to search for the Light of the Face of a specific Person of interest for Remote Viewing Astral Projection Telepathy, or as an Incubus to then have Remote Viewing Astral Projection Telepathic Telekinetic 'Sex' because Sex is a primal desire that energizes Telepathic & Telekinetic connectivity. Negate the 'Light' glare of everything other than what you seek.

TELEPATHY: Whomever ever has the strongest 'Broadcast' emits the 'Carrier Wave' that enables others to reply telepathically and Telekinetically which is like a feedback side-band signal, a Telephone 'party-line' or Video Teleconference that multiple people can hear, see, and use simultaneously. Telepathy is energized by Thoughts with excitable emotional content including loaded 'loud' subjects of Sex fantasies, drinking Blood, acts of violence, and needing to be heard & wanting to make an impression of a desirable person, maybe by spontaneously trying to Telekinetically Frotage 'Grope' the Recipient because when a sex desire fantasy is sought through Telepathy the fantasy desire energizes telepathic speech volume and Telekinesis, making it easier to 'hear', be 'heard', feel & be felt.

Do No Harm. Usually inappropriate with Strangers and at first everyone is a Stranger. Don't start fights, reserves the right to retaliate or retreat. Demanding listening or a reply is rude. Telepathic Broadcasting of anger can harm the innocent Public and the Perpetrator's intended Victim with negative psychic radiation, and harms the Perpetrator who power obsessed using Black Magick to direct hate their Ego degrades then destroys their Humanity. People with mastery of the Dakshinacharya 'peaceful' Path do not start fights, but people with untamed Minds do. The potential dangers of abusing Telepathy & Telekinesis to intentionally do harm with any type of hate projection can spread and grow and replicate in others a Hate that harms all with synergistically potentiated negative psychic background radiation.

So you say you want to be an X-MEN, Do No Harm. X-MEN ARE SIDDHIS. I look at Siddhis this way: I found Pandora's Box lying on the Road already busted open. Beware: Science and Academia are in a 'Straight Jacket' of 'Political Correctness' that ignores Telepathy, Telekinesis, Remote Viewing, Corrupted Light, the Occult, the Jin, & the Vampire Pathogen. Not all historical Siddhis are possible, but some are, and more not yet documented. Use your knowledge and imagination to learn and teach yourself how to do Siddhis. Try utilizing aspects within a Siddhi of a Component Concept(s) applied to various scenarios to learn what works to actually or figuratively succeed; figuratively for example the Siddhi of Invisibility- how good are you at being inconspicuous, unnoticed? To succeed at Psychic Abilities and Siddhis live a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and have Knowledge, Interest, and a Practice of Siddhis and Psychic Abilities


2017: During the Vampire 'Bite Fever' I had masterful use of Corrupted Light for Remote Viewing Astral Projection with Telepathy and Telekinesis. During my second ‘Bite Fever’ Infection in 2017 on two separate occasions, each time a different Women I was an 'Incubus' doing Remote Viewing Telepathic Telekinetic 'Sex', and I used Corrupted Light to do it. Both recipients were women I had spoken with before and I was attracted to them. I was their Incubus at night after both had fallen asleep. On these two separate evenings I delved into the dark space empty void of the Corrupted Light surrounding me, then although a small amount of my attention was about sitting in the back of my Van but simultaneously most of my aware consciousness was elsewhere first traveling through the Corrupted Light by intentional Astral Projection forward through the darkness while sensing to go left or right to find her / them, then once I could see her face then I could see their bodies sleeping in bed, so mentally I formed myself to manifest as a whole ethereal body at this new location I concentrated to see myself projection as an Astral ethereal body like a ghost floating above her / them as they slept, then I slowly floated down lowering onto and contacting their physical bodies with full use of telepathy and telekinesis for penetration. And then I telepathically sent shared with them sexual fantasy vignettes.

1st. Woman: A Week prior to my Incubus 'visit' to her by chance we both happened to be at a Cafe, we were both seated at different Tables, then I stood and used my body to discreetly do a Pelvic Thrust using the concomitant emotion of sexual energy to energize Corrupted Light to telekinetically send her a Pelvic Thrust, then as I looked at her a second later I watched her entire Body simultaneously gently pushed backward a half inch then returned to the exact previous sitting location, with a brief facial expression of suppressed fear and astonishment in her countenance, she knew I did it. Then during our Incubus Encounter I telepathed to her a fantasy wherein I showered her with my sem*n and then I heard her murmuring sort of half-asleep, "You showered me with cum!", then a second later I heard her now awake husband say, "Is there something I should know?" He sounded upset, she now had a dilemma, so I immediately disconnected and returned my full consciousness into my body. I learned later that the first woman's attitude about my Incubus 'visit' was to the effect of, 'I like it, but you don't have any money, and besides I'm married'.

The 2nd. Woman I 'visited' was terrified, broke it off abruptly, and hated me for it- her Eyes fully dialated when she saw me the next Day. Had If I had known she is a Lesbian I would not have chosen her to 'Incubus'. But now I suspect she thinks it was just a nightmare so I am not going to go to her and say, "Yes, I was your Incubus." "Why?" "Because I want to eat your Period." That would reignite her hate but I don't want to do that. If I owe her an explanation and did she would be traumatized by that, I shop where she works, remains best unsaid.

1964: Age 3, summer sunny midday suddenly a Circular Shadow 8' diameter dark as night on the Lawn next to where I was sitting next to Cousin Dan Deaville who said "See that? I've seen it before. They move around." Apparently the Predator uses Corrupted Light as a 'Cloak'.

1974 & 2016: I have seen Dark Bands of Corrupted Light twice around other people who were suddenly in extremis: The first instance in 1974 I was in the parking lot of the Memorial Coliseum in Portland Oregon, where I was about to enter for a Black Oak Arkansas live rock concert when I had the misfortune to witness the tragedy of a young man die of a cocaine overdose. I was about forty feet away, as we all watched unable to help him, he was laying prone on the ground his arms thrashing, and as he was in the extremis prior to death from my vantage point I saw a quick sequence of three very large curved bands of darkness burst and radiate from his Head and sweep across the Parking Lot past the forty feet where I was standing, 3 enormous bursts of life force energy swiftly exiting his Body as Corrupted Light.

2016: The second instance at The Movement Center ( to attend a Lecture by Dr. Nida Chenagtsang ( I sat in the back of the Auditorium and by chance sat directly in front of one my Teachers seated on stage, Christiana Polites ( whom upon seeing me expressed surprise, alarm, anger and immediately burst a very large, powerful and impressive Shell of Light surrounding her spherically of fifteen feet diameter, 2-3 second duration, and at the outside edge of that Light Shell there was a narrow band of darkness, Corrupted Light. Polites's Light Burst was noticed by others I saw 2 people turn their Heads including a Woman seated near Polites who spontaneously said "I saw a beautiful Light." Fierce!


1975: Age 14 alone nighttime walking through a Field in Raleigh Hills in S.W. Portland, Oregon and looking at Houses across Beaverton-Hillsdale HWY. when suddenly it felt like I was hit in the Face by a cluster of flying Thorns, unreal, intuitively I understood 'Magick Darts' had flown from one of the Houses across the Highway and hit me.

2000’s: Decades later in the 2000's I watched a video about amazonian Shamans whom throw 'Magick Darts'- Darts of White Light and the Darts of Light mixed with "Black"- Corrupted Light, which Shamans say can be lethal. In 2018 during Bite Fever it seemed that having prior knowledge of Corrupted Light made Corrupted Light intuitively easier to learn and use with some proficiency, during which time I taught myself to throw both kinds of 'Magick Darts', a form of Telekinesis.

2017: During 'Bite Fever' I saw a young woman walking south on s.e. 72nd. sidewalk she used with an Arm sweep to wave an etheric dark Cape of Corrupted Light to escape my gaze, my Eye was drawn to the darkness and by the time I looked at her she was parallel to me & out of Eye contact range, she whom I endearingly believe to be a Witch, it would seem that she has some mastery of Corrupted Light.

2018: While typing at a Table facing the entrance and sitting on the far wall bench couch in the Starbucks at the Woodstock Safeway, I looked up to see a man whom had stopped to stare at me- I had a reputation- his stare was a rude distraction so I reached above my Head to the left and 'pulled shut' to the right a 'Curtain' with a sweeping gesture of my Arm, went back to typing, then a few seconds later looked at him again and his expression had changed to utter astonishment, and in my mind's eye I saw what he saw, an area that was a dark place between Tables where you couldn't see anything but darkness.


By analogy Corrupted Light can be likened to the 'Look of smoke in your Eyes' of someone whom is sexually aroused. Flirting, romance, and sexual activity of all kinds encompasses Light and Corrupted Light. Kink fantasies, fetishes, and physical sensations during sex generate Corrupted Light. Sex is two phenomenas, physicality, and fantasy(s), so Fantasy, Flirting, sexual activities in general, and Coitus in particular increase output of both white Light and Corrupted Light, then the sex is ‘real’ Magick, the person climaxing experiences a flare or flash of maximum White Light and participants release negative Karma, purify themselves, the extent of which depends on merit, virtue, desire arousal strength, intent(s), and their health. By analogy Sexual Kinks Fantasies Fetishes involve Corrupted Light.

By analogy Corrupted Light is like the repulsive Force of the 'Dark Energy' of Astrophysics.

By analogy Corrupted Light can be likened to Drug Plants several Solanaceous ‘Nightshade’ halucinogenic Plants and their related drugs that I suspect work with Corrupted Light- as if 'Night Shade' = Corrupted Light. I suspect that most hallucinogenic drugs work primarily with white Light, perhaps most spectacularly with D.M.T. Corrupted Light drugs: Barbiturates, Benzedrines, and Opiates Block psychic abilities, Amphetamines can sometimes temporarily increase psychic abilities that with exhaustion becomes corrupted with hallucinations. Hallucinogens, Nightshade Plants, Nicotine, Caffeine, and Cannabis have variable results; habituated 'soft drugs' in moderation such as Caffeine and Nicotine generally need prior consumption in moderation to succeed with psychic abilities. Alcohol in moderation is a partial block, drunkenness is a block, Tobacco addiction is a partial block that worsens with time. Alcohol, Tobacco and other drug addictions become progressively degenerative of health & psychic abilities.

By analogy Corrupted Light can be likened to the Subconscious Mind, Lucid Dreams, Nightmares, and the 'Shadow Self' of Dr. Carl Jung.

By analogy the 'Bite Fever' active phase of infection of the Vampire Pathogen can be likened to Corrupted Light.

By analogy Corrupted Light can be likened to the 'Underworld', 'Netherworld'.


By analogy Light can be likened to the Dakshinacharya 'Right Hand' Path, and Corrupted Light to the Vamacharya / Vamamarga 'Left Hand' Path.

By analogy our Bodies Ethereal Side Channels Ida and Pingala are forms of, or contain, Corrupted Light, and the etherial central channel is white Light. The Tibetan Buddhist and Hinduism associated Deity(s) Practices of the etherial subtle body are: Ida- Left Channel- Bhairavi- Tapas Gina; Pingala- Right Channel- Kurukulla- Rajas Guna; Sushumna Central Channel- Sattva Guna- Chinnamasta & Chinnamunda, or, Vairochana and Vairochani. By analogy Corrupted Light and be likened to the Buddhist and Hinduism Deities Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, and Kurukulla. Chinnamasta is concerned primarily with white Light, and secondarily working with Corrupted Light. Chinnamasta may manifest as Bhairavi, likewise Light also manifests as Corrupted Light. Kurukulla is propitiated Dakshinacharya or Vamacharya. Kurukulla Siddhis are 'Magnetism' and 'Magick', traits associated with Vamacharya and Corrupted Light.

By analogy The philosophical concept of the Yin-Yang symbol of interconnected opposing forces pictorialize Light and Corrupted Light with a 'Seed' of Light in the Dark area and a 'Seed' of Dark in the Light area.


People naturally have a range of options, from ‘only all white Light all the time naked truth’, to working with Corrupted Light, ‘playing with shadows’, with ‘smoke-and-mirror’ mirages; depending on the needs, desires, and the character of their personalities. If you are inclined towards working with Corrupted Light, towards working with ‘real’ Magick projections and using this ‘Gift’ with like-minded people then Magick can occur, like telepathic telekinetic 'Sex'. Occult Tantric Sex Magick works and is fun!

Visualizing the void of complete darkness is useful, try enclosing yourself in a completely darkened room or closet, or recall being in a Planetarium when before they turn on the Stars they fade the lighting to nothing and suddenly it is like you briefly become disembodied, the ego interrupted; recalling memories such as these can facilitate working with darkness, a way to bring calm.

A practice I learned from Yuandanchilie Rinpoche is to visualize filling the entire Universe with Light.

I taught myself to surround my vicinity with Corrupted Light darkness, brief 'invisibility'. I telepathically sent 'Blackness' that briefly blinded enough of the Attendees during Sunday Service at the Woodstock All Saints Episcopal Church to cause a panic partial evacuation. At a Sunnyside Methodist Church public dinner I telepathically sent Light to and was noticably perceived by a Man who was blind at birth, I made a blind Man see Light for the first time.

Days into my second 'Bite Fever' I was seeing Corrupted Light which started with the perception that simply existing in my body is a delight that surpasses and excludes everything else in my external environment. With Eyes open I noticed a darkness around me, starting at the equivalent distance of the Ceiling above me that was nearly pitch black and closing in on me from above and from all sides, it was fantastic and not dangerous because it's like my environment, my body and mind is also part Corrupted Light. Being in the darkness of Corrupted Light is similar to the Simulation 'Sim' in our Brain and in our Mind's reimagined re-creation of Reality because in both the Mind's 'Sim' and in Corrupted Light it's easier there to fulfill your desires.

The brighter a Light and darker a darkness you can internally visualize the more you can work with Light and Corrupted Light thus the more 'Light' you have to give to other people, and by using Corrupted Light to see through the glare of everything else the more you can see what you need to see. We are Light Beings, and here in this gross form realm that we inhabit we deal with Light, which includes Corrupted Light, and vice-versa.

To fully radiate “Buddha Light” consistently radiate white Light, my formula is: preparation meets opportunity; preparation is consistent repetition of practices over time resulting in acquiring merit and virtue, qualities which eventually meet auspicious opportunities, resulting in improvements to the strength and purity of the stream of consciousness, such is the positive way forward; I wish everyone would have a white Light Moment. During such ‘peak experience(s)’ we are undistractable, untemptable, not craven.



Unfortunately, by using the word "Corrupted" a negative connotation arises that anything corrupted is not good / bad / evil but the use of the designation of "Corrupted Light" is a mere 'nickname', a rough approximation of how to describe this Phenomenon, there is nothing inherently evil or wrong or bad about Corrupted Light, it's your Intent that matters. There are no 'Demons' in this 'darkness', it's just empty space, very restful and peaceful.

In Life the direction of ‘Darkness’ is by analogy likened to Corrupted Light, but this is a conflation with the tangentially related concern of ethical or moral 'Darkness', ‘Defilement’, Ignorance which without care trends towards decadence, taking dangerous risks, and criminality. In this direction is increasingly raw power that becomes increasingly difficult to work with safely, working with increasingly complex choices, choosing between lesser or greater forces, with increasingly powerful results that are increasingly difficult to control, with increasing residue of trace elements of as-yet unfolded cause-and-effect ‘Karma’, with increasingly severe consequences for mistakes; something approaching what, for lack of a better word, we call ‘Evil’. Even when dealing with such ‘Heavy Karma' there are Antidotes, however, the question arises: Can people long immersed in religions or military and intelligence agencies or other private dark occult Covens maintain objectivity or wisdom? Egotistical mistakes do seem to become increasingly problematic in this ‘direction’. Further, the more egotistical a person becomes the more egotism limits the ability to work safely and successfully with Corrupted Light.

Tibetan Buddhism posits that in the other direction of ‘Towards the Light’ is towards access to, and receiving the knowledge or wisdom of, Beings in the Sambhogakaya and Dharmakaya realms, ‘Buddhas’, ‘Angels’, ‘Photonic Beings’, whom, upon propitiation, send knowledge, wisdom, when received is sometimes perceived as the colors of the Rainbow, as a spoken message, or perceived as intuition. Beings in such higher realms have been likened to ‘rarified structures’- as ethereal Beings vibrating at a higher frequency than us, inhabiting a higher dimensional realm than ours, with ethereal Bodies calmly abiding in "naked awareness"- Rigpa, Beings that are increasingly wise, altruistic, and compassionate but increasingly impassive and removed from mundane concerns such as our Human 'Ferocity for Survival' as a hom*o Sapien living on Planet Earth. 'Towards the Light’ ultimately results in transmigration to the higher Realms of the Sambhogakaya 'etherial body Rainbow Realm', and the Dharmakaya Realm as a Truth Body- formless, ultimate form, the Sugatagharba of the Undifferentiated Continuum of Nirvana. Tibetan Buddhism posits that Beings in the Sambhogakaya Realm sometimes return as Boddhisattvas, or ‘Angels’ to our ‘Nirmanakaya’ Realm to rescue us from suffering; but Beings in the Dharmakaya ‘Truth Body’ Realm do not return to the lower Realms.

Some have experienced a phenomena called the ‘White Light moment’ of clear seeing of clear understanding, of uncorrupted and undefiled knowledge and wisdom, and is sometimes accompanied by a blissful sensation, and or seconds of brilliant clear Light as the only visible stimuli. This phenomena is caused by a large build-up of Brain neurotransmitters, resulting in a large Brain discharge of electricity, causing a release of photons that can be seen by the Experiencer; in the Brain information is transported by Photons. This is sometimes referred to as the Light of the Buddhas. This Brain discharge occurs naturally and can occur spontaneously, and can also be triggered with the appropriate Mind control technology(s), and as the result of meditation, fasting, drugs, occult magick, and Tantrism: The yoga tantra practices of Tibetan Buddhism and Hinduism.

Radiating only all white Light all the time is not possible. A White Light moment or flashes of gifted ability beyond your ordinary productivity uses an enormous amount of metabolic energy to produce and sustain; the Brain rapidly exhausts available supplies of key Neurotransmitter Hormones, the moment passes, and ordinary mundane reality ensues, where and when we deal with Corrupted Light. However, even at lower energy levels, it’s possible to manifest a sparkling bright quality to a lower level energy and Light output, simply said I always enjoy finding a way to share love.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”- Nikola Tesla.

Vampire Compendium. CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES WITH VAMPIRES. COPYRIGHT ©2022, 2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. 1 of 3. Part 1 of 31.

Vampire Compendium by Christopher Robin Lee. COPYRIGHT ©2022, 2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. At: Origin of texts of Vampire Compendium were in "I am a Vampire" by Christopher Robin Lee. COPYRIGHT ©2019 by Christopher Robin Lee.

1965-1966 Paranormal phenomena of Vampirism. In 1966 when I was five I was enrolled at Woodland Acres Academy Kindergarten in Beaverton, Oregon, and during the school year, every day for a week the police were there, and continued to visit weekly for months afterward, to count the number of children absent, and count the number of children whose Skin looked paler than before, or paler than normal, during one such Inspection one Police Officer stopped in front of me pointed at me and said, "He looks pale", indeed yes I had been 'Bitten' the previous night, but said nothing. I remember the Principal Mrs. Jones saying that, "If any more children are absent I'll have to close the Academy".

On the playground at recess I heard another student say that two girl students liked to drink Blood. One day when I was alone on the playground during recess, a girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to drink each other's Blood. Not sure what that was about, I just looked at her, she asked me to hold my Hand out, she had a Pin in her Hand, she pricked my finger, which hurt, and it drew Blood, then she squeezed my finger and licked a few drops. Then she gave me the Pin, and said, "Now you do it." I pricked her Finger, and I could see it hurt her, but she accepted the pain and waited for me, so I pulled her finger up to my Mouth, but then she said, "No! You’re supposed to squeeze my Finger!" I did as instructed, and tasted a drop or two of her Blood. She said “Thank you" and walked away. The next day she was absent for several days; when I saw her again, I asked if she wanted to drink each other's Blood, she said no, and I could see from her expression that she had gotten in trouble for doing it, and likely was warned not to do it anymore. Two days later she was absent again, never to return.

Around this same time period from age’s two to five 1963-1965 I shared a bed with my sister, whom is one and a half years older than me. During this time period but possibly as early as age 4 and at age five 1965-1966 at home one night I awoke from sleep, and without thinking, arose and walked to the window, to open my bedroom window. Standing outside at the window was a middle aged white man with mesmerizing eyes looking at me intensely. I unlocked the window and laid down to go back to sleep, and was in sort of a hypnotic or twilight Light sleep. He was sitting next to me on my bed, in his hands was a small box, he opened the box, and I could see that there were two long Needles in it, and both Needles had a flared mouth end-piece. He inserted the Needle into my neck, which hurt slightly, and he connected a paper straw to the end piece for easier use, and proceeded to drink Blood from my neck. He said, "If you tell anyone about this you will die", which terrified me into not talking with anyone about what was happening, including not talking about any of other the vampiric activities, and I forgotten details until I contracted Bite Fever from my 'Vampire Brother and Vampire Wife'. This was a very violent crime perpetrated on me.

Around ages 4 to 5 I remember on 3 different days my sister and I woke up in the morning with a set of red puncture marks on our necks, and I remember that one morning I woke up feeling sick from it. Until I was five, my sister and I slept in the same bed, so we were both being ‘Bitten’- Blood withdrawn from our Necks with hypodermic Needles, violated by having some of our Blood forcibly taken from us. I remember one morning waking and seeing two Needle puncture marks on my sister's neck and one of them had a small leak of dried Blood , and her Skin was almost white because of Blood loss. These were violent child abuse crimes perpetrated on my sister and I.

I was ‘Bit’ in the evenings, and at night. Over the next few weeks he visited a few more times; I would be alone sleeping in my bedroom, when he would telepathically summon me to the window, if it was locked, I would unlock it, and he would quietly enter through the opened window, I knew to lie on my bed and fall asleep, he sat on my bed next to me, then proceed to drink my Blood. After the first two visits he didn't try as hard to mesmerize me or keep me asleep or half-asleep, and I remember laying there and feeling mad at him, because he wasn't nice, and he didn't try to keep me as unaware anymore as during previous Bites. Then he said, "I'll give you a drop of my Blood. It will help you survive", and he then proceeded to do that by squirting a small amount of his Blood into then departed exiting out the window unnoticed by anyone other than me.

V. C. 2. 1965-1966: Childhood Encounters with Vampires. 2 of 3.

Although he did not use a hypodermic Syringe, he did use a hypodermic Needle to introduce his Blood into my Body, he produced his Blood obtained from a fresh Skin puncture then by taking his Blood into his mouth then blowing his Blood through the same Needle He used to drink with, the large Needle to blow to squirt his Blood in into my Body, thus injecting his Blood into my body, and I believe that this event and combined with all other drinking of my Blood by others resulted in one or more of them infecting me and my becoming a Carrier of the Vampire Pathogen.

My parents were frightened, they had friends and family visiting the house for a few days, in the evenings they talked for hours about Vampires, and I overheard conversation that maybe what had happened is because of Rabies. My Mom was really scared by it. For a week, my Mom stayed up all night, every night, watching over us to keep us safe from Vampires. She used a ladder to stand and lean on at night to keep her awake, and during those days she had trouble staying awake during daylight hours, due to sleep deprivation.

The next time he was climbing in my bedroom window, my mom confronted him as he slid through the window opening, my mom called for dad, who rushed in, and was physically very tense. The man said, "I’m sorry, I’m very drunk. I thought this was my House. I leave the back Window unlocked so I can get in if I don't have my Keys." My dad grabbed him by the arm and demanded that he sit in the front room while they verify his story. So as he sat in a chair in the dining room, my mom called the police, then dad briefly left the front room to lock the window in my bedroom, and that's when the man fled out the front door. Mom called to dad, he rushes back and mom tells him the man is gone, so dad gave chase out the front door, but returned moments later saying he did not see him. A police sketch artist came and drew him as my mom described him, a fairly good job that I wanted to improve on; if only I had been asked, “If there’s anything you would change about this drawing to make it look more like him, what would you change?” Later I heard that he was never caught.

One night a few weeks later, a different middle-aged white male came to the window, he telepathically summoned me to the window, saying he was a friend of the 1st man who had been here. He also used a Needle to drink Blood from my neck. As he finished and began to sit up I wrapped my arm around his back to carry myself upwards with him so he would not stop drinking, so he said, "I've taken too much". He then said a prayer for me, quietly but loud enough for me to hear it, praying to “Mary” to protect me; I did not know whom Mary was, and I wondered who Mary is. For the next few days I did not venture out of the house, and did not want to, it was like I was living inside a dream, I felt a pleasant dreamy feeling for three days, sleepy but slightly euphoric.

One day a Psychic came to our house, a woman a little older than my mother, she talked with my mother, then separately, asked me some questions, then told my Mom, “They’re after him”, “What do you mean, they’re after him?” my mom asked in an upset tone and a demanding attitude. The psychic said, “You asked for my help. This is what I’m sensing here. I should go now”. She was smart to leave when she did, because even though my mom had apparently asked her to visit and help, she didn’t like what the psychic told her, and became re-actively upset with the psychic.

My mom didn’t know what to do, so even though she had a visceral dislike of Catholicism, she had a catholic priest come to the house, and he was wearing the catholic priest’s white collar, but the way he smiled at me I could tell he was a Vampire, his stare gave me a bad feeling- he didn't care about me, he just wanted to feed on me, I could see it in his face, but I never told anyone about what I suspected about him, nor talk about the other Vampires, because I believed the first Vampire’s threat that I will die if I ever talk about it, and because my parents never asked me what I thought was happening.

Soon thereafter, one day the front room couches were full of adults, maybe six or eight, including a woman; I heard said that they were from a catholic church, brought to my house by the catholic priest, to 'watch over' me. Two of them came in my room to ‘watch’ me, a man and a woman, they had evil smiles, and they drew what seemed like more Blood than I was accustomed to, then when done with me left the room to go back to sitting in the front room.

V. C. 3.1965-1966. Childhood Encounters with Vampires. 3 of 3.

At this point I got up and walked in to the front room, looked to my left at the people on the couches and watched a man who was sitting on the couch say in a low voice, “And when it's my turn to drink his Blood..." "Shhh! He heard you” said another adult. All of them stopped talking. I turned to look at my mom standing in the dining room and said, "Mom, this man said he is going to drink my Blood". One young man whom was sitting there suddenly started talking loud and fast about some mundanity to create a distraction. My mom screamed at all of them to leave and said, “Get out! You’re all Vampires!” At the door one man stopped, and said to my mom, "We'll be back for him". My mom shoved his backside to shove him out the front door.

My being Bitten repeatedly by at least three people during the 1966 outbreak of many children being Bitten by “Vampires” in Portland, Oregon, shows how craven desire or addiction to drinking Blood became a wave of criminal violence towards children. These were ordinary looking people who thought, ‘the whole world has gone to hell so why not drink children’s Blood, it’s not enough Blood loss to kill them or seriously harm them’; a desperate and depraved criminality fueled by the ongoing horrors in our world. Even if it was the classic Vampire ‘Pathogen’ of history, those were permissive times in the 1960’s in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., with a wide-spread shared anger about the Vietnam War plus fear and gloom about total destruction by nuclear war, and a popular attitude of ‘anything goes’, in movies, television, and an increase of popular media portrayals and presentations of false and distorted versions of Satanism and Vampirism. While all of this was happening in 1965-1966, on commercial Television were the two first-run Television shows, “Batman” starring Adam West about a rich industrialist philanthropist crime Vigilante with a Bat Motif, “Dark Shadows” starring Jonathon Frid as a Vampire, in Movie Theaters "Incubus" starring Milos Milos as an undead satanic murderous Incubus, and I in Christian Science "The Cult of Eddy"- creepy, huh? I see such television programs as an intentional biased programming of distorted perceptions of Vampires via popular entertainment, and it is a centuries-long strategy employed by government and private sector leaders to promote superstition about Vampires by casting Vampires as non-Human ‘Aliens’ as a way to control agendas by creating fear to control the public, yet continue its popularity with stilted portrayals in popular medias, which continues as ‘New World Order’ Agendas of Mind Control through messaging in popular media T.V., Cable, and Internet Entertainment Programs and Movies about Vampires.


2016: September 22 'Bitten' by my Vampire "Brother". 2016 Autumnal Equinox Full Moon September 22, paranormal phenomena of verbal and physical contact with an unknown person resulting in Vampirism. I was living in my Van, and I was slowly dieing because between February 2014 and October 2015 I had three surgeries and I was frail and getting weaker.

In the middle of the night when I was asleep in my Van, a man teleported in to the sleeping space in the back of my Van where I slept. "OH! OH!" he said because he fell down without good footing yet, because there wasn’t much good footing, it’s a very cramped space, so his utterances and feet noises woke me up a little. It seems like I heard someone outside of my van telepathically say “Stay asleep” immediately before he teleported in, but maybe he did so immediately upon teleporting in. I believe that my one time night Visitor Stranger was a "Black Ops" Intelligence Agent working a medical Mission, and a successful mission of which I approve.

So even though I was sort-of asleep, I was laying on my side ‘asleep’ but one of my eyes was open due to exophthalmia, so I could see what he was doing, unusual in the sense that I was asleep, and yet awake enough to understand what was happening, so I said, "Can I watch?" He looked at me and said, "Yeah". He was a handsome enough respectable looking middle aged white man with dark hair combed back, wearing an attractive casual attire simple looking type of uniform of a style I’d never seen before, and he had an American accent. He said, "I have to give you a transfusion." "No Transfusions” - I didn't trust the public Blood supply. He replied, "We have to save your life."

He opened what looked like a Doctor’s medical Bag and began taking things out of it and then proceeded to hang a larger and a smaller Vial(s) with plastic intravenous tubes coming from them on to a simple little lattice that he had quickly assembled, and I said, "You can hang them from the ceiling", because I sometimes hung Bungee Cords from the ceiling of my Van; he said, "That's O.K. I can use this." He then rolled me over a little more on my back, got through my clothing to my Hip area and inserted a hypodermic Needle where my left Leg meets my groin. He then opened the valves to intravenous tubes to the vials which began to begin draining into me.

Then he began another procedure in the same area; I could not feel it, but I saw something in his hand that he was holding up, and as he started to put it inside me, I said, “What’s that?" "It's Skin." "What kind of Skin?" "From a Bat." It looked like he put it in me then sewing stitches to enclose it into my Body, but I could not see the Incision site, so it may have been a deliberate deception, I doubt it but I'll never know for sure.

He then disconnected the intravenous tubes from the Vials and began sucking my Blood from one of the tubes for about a minute or two, then from his arm he drew his Blood into a hypodermic syringe, then he injected his Blood in to the intravenous line that was still hooked up to me.

By then the Vials were empty, and he began to disassemble the apparatus, he disconnected everything and put it back in his medical bag. Then he said, "I have to suck you off. I am not gay. I have to do this." "Why do you have to do this?" "It's called an energetic." He pulled my pants down farther, hooked an electrode patch to my groin just above my pubic bone, and another patch on the inside of my thigh. Then he put a condom on me, then I felt a mild electric shock, then he took the condom off of me and ate the contents, and I could see from his facial expressions that he disliked consuming the contents of the condom.

Then he said, "I have to tell you this. Just listen to it", he said with a chuckle, and I could tell from his voice and facial expression that he thought this part was silly- ‘corny', anyway, I need to paraphrase because the prose he recited was a little too long to remember easily: "You have become a being that flies. You will dream of Bats and gothic Castles. You are reborn in the Underworld and will live as a Vampire. You are a new person now, born of the night", or something like that.

Then he asked me, "Do you have any questions?" "Does that have any Loosh in it?” I said pointing with my gaze looking at where the Vials had hung. He hesitated for a couple of seconds to consider what I asked, then somewhat reluctantly replied, "There's Loosh in it."


More than once during our conversation I had stopped talking, I had fallen silent because I was frail, weak, dyeing from surgery fatigue, I did have not enough energy to think of questions, so he telepathed to me, “Ask me what was in the vials”, so I asked, "What’s in them?" pointing with my eyes to where the larger one had been hanging. He said "That’s from a Bat." "And in the other?" "A Wolf." I continued to lay there, semi-asleep, but with one eye open watching and talking, but sleepy, I had no desire to be more awake or move as he drank my Blood and injected Serums and his Blood into me, then he said, "I am your Brother."

Sleepy, I had stopped asking any questions, so he packed up his medical bag and said, "You now have H.I.V.", and so I asked, “What about Aids?" "H.I.V. does not cause Aids.” He sat up taller and said, “You will forget all of this"; I was falling quickly asleep, and as I sank deeper in to sleep I heard the sound of static electricity, felt a rush of air moving, saw a flash of Light, and he was gone, and I was asleep. Months later I tested negative for H.I.V., his lie about H.I.V. was intended to prevent anyone else from contracting Vampirism through sex or Blood drinking with me.

Apparently he had rehearsed and was well prepared to infect me in our Encounter, and was provided with bio-active biologic energetics and / or infectious agent(s) in injectable form from the people he works with. My 'Vampire Brother' told me that he was implanting the Skin of a Bat into me, from my vantagepoint it looked like he was performing a surgical sub-dermal implant into the crease of where my left Leg met my Torso in front of my Body and then sewed the wound closed, but from my vantagepoint I could not see the actual incision site, so there’s a chance that was an intentional deception. Two days later I felt an itch, finding a closed incision site about 0.25 inches long, closed with three stitches that were expertly done well located where my left Leg joins my groin. It was days later before I remembered how I acquired the Stitches.

The next morning I had not yet remembered last night’s Visitor, but I noticed that I was feeling better / less sick from surgery fatigue. Although my health did not immediately restore me to full normal daily vigor, activity, or productivity, I began to experience a gradual increase of health and vitality. Bite Fever took effect slowly over a week, was stronger after two weeks, within three weeks later I was substantially healthier, and the effects were even stronger for about three months as a noticeably dramatic improvement of health, vigor and athleticism, then the effects gradually receded and after six months was no longer a major driver of my metabolism but continued to last for about nine months, but seemed almost quiescent after ten months because my life-long problem of chronic fatigue became more of an issue again from the multiple surgeries and living a lifetime with Acromegaly.

Compared to the quick and spectacularly powerful effects of my subsequent 'Bite' by my 'Vampire Wife' ten months later, comparatively speaking the strength of the medical procedure with my 'Vampire Brother’ was ‘Moderate’ because of poor health because of Surgery Fatigue from the three major surgeries in the past twenty months, I had low resilience and was frail and getting weaker, my 'Vampire Brother' saved my life, reversing my physically declining health. My conclusion is that my one time night visitor stranger was a 'Black Ops' Intelligence Agent on a Mission, and a successful Mission of which I approve because it saved my Life. O’ Brother where art thou? Please Bite me again.


2017: July 15, Phenomena of being ‘Bitten’ by a female Vampire, my ‘Vampire Wife’: By happenstance ten months later I moved to a place to live where I met a roommate that was to become my Vampire Wife- she who ‘Bit’ me about a week less than ten months after being ‘Bitten’ by my ‘Vampire Brother, and I quickly re-acquired ‘Bite Fever’ of suddenly having more vigor and desire for exercise, so I joined a local Gym, began exercising daily resulting in the acquisition and use of profound psychic abilities- I became more telepathic without meaning to be, for example, people overhearing my thinking thoughts to myself. Days later the telepathy became pronounced and I could use it more or less whenever I wanted to, and had consensual telepathic sex with women while we were exercising in a local Gym, the Mount Scott Recreation Center.

2017 July 15: That day in the morning not long after awakening I fell back asleep, and she entered my space where I slept in a curtained corner of the Living Room, and although we never spoke verbally only telepathically, she said, "Stay asleep." I sat halfway up in bed propped on one arm, somewhat asleep with Eyes closed, but awake enough; it’s what Vampires can do to you, and I have a history of what’s called ‘disturbed sleep’, of being sort-of asleep, but partially awake. She said, "If I Bite you you'll become a Vampire." "I am one already." "Why do you want this?" "I'm dying. I have lung disease, heart disease (my Heart had been acting wild lately, but when I said that I hadn't understood that I was experiencing side effects of nicotine lozenges). I need to finish my life's work but I'm disabled" (from the recent surgeries, Acromegaly and all other accumulated harms). "Do you have any questions?" "How do you do it?” "You use a Needle." "What about Hep. C?" "I have it you'll get it. It doesn't matter. I have to suck you off. It's completely mechanical. Go to sleep." "Take as much as you want", I said as I lay back down and fell in to a deeper sleep-state.

In my sleep I felt a Needle stab on the outside side of my left Thigh muscle closer to the Hip than the Knee, a long big Needle that hurt a little, even in my sleep. Occasionally I got glimpses of what was happening- somehow, with fleeting glimpses of what she was doing, even though my eyes were closed and I was asleep, like I was seeing everything from outside of my Body. She drank my Blood through a Needle for a while, maybe five to fifteen minutes; I don't know exactly how long because I was asleep. My 'Vampire Wife' used a customized home-made long Hypodermic Needle with a built-in Mouthpiece to drink my Blood, I was aware of her manipulating the Needle every so often, twisting it or very slightly pulling it a tiny bit farther out to continue a steady flow of Blood, she did this several times. She stopped sucking on the Needle, left it in my thigh as she pricked her finger, sucked Blood from her finger, then she squirted her Blood through the Needle and into my Needle puncture site, into my Body. Then she telepathically said, "This is a piece of my Skin", a small piece about 0.125”- 0.25” diameter, which she inserted in to the puncture wound and pushed it into my Body with the Needle, stuffing it in a short distance. She then used her Teeth to give me a relatively minor Bite on my Abdomen- afterward I observed a small welt on my Abdomen immediately above and to the right of my Pubic Bone, which may or may not have bled, it seemed to be a small ritualistic fetish Bite, more to cause a slight wound rather than be the main source of Blood to drink, but I surmise that the smaller Bite was for her a part of the ritual, or perhaps of her personal Vampire ritual; it was a little kinky, in a nice way. Then I the 'Bitten' slept; the tradition is to then sleep or rest.

Then, although I remained asleep, I felt my pants being pulled down and then she gave me a ‘blow j*b’, performed fellati* on me while I was asleep, but somehow in my mind I caught a brief glimpse of the action, and it looked like she was O.K. with it to some extent, maybe because I was asleep and therefore could not feel it and could not react to it. She fella*ted me slowly at first, then vigorously for two to three minutes, I remember a sensation of a vigorous shaking sensation of my Body, then I felt something move in me, leave me, exactly as she had told me my ejacul*tion was a mechanical feeling.

So after she ‘Bit’ me, infected me, ‘Turned’ me, ‘Made’ me, I slept for perhaps thirty to sixty minutes. In my sleep I perceived that at the subtle Chakra level I had experienced a very subtle sense of pleasure as a subtle Chakra gate opened when I ejacul*ted, which is a very subtle sensation in ‘Dream Yoga’, it's a very subtle and satisfying experience that as a part of tantric practice is anticipated and appreciated as a step towards mastery of Tantrism.


Then she telepathed to me an observation, “It’s too late”, paused, then telepathically said, "You will forget all of this", and as I was slowly drifting into a deeper sleep she sat next to me and I could hear her recite what sounded like a memorized prayer spoken too softly to hear distinct words but I did discern that it was not the English language, and the prayer had a mysterious gothic Underworld tone to it, presumably for me the 'Bitten' to acquire Vampirism and live as a Vampire.

About an hour later I woke up feeling great, feeling unusually refreshed, a little drained but revitalized, noticing that I felt like a new man. Waking up with Bite Fever I felt reborn, I was a new person, suddenly all of life now rejuvenated, vivid, lovely, effortless, I felt very healthy, invigorated and full of life intelligence athleticism sexuality and psychic, but I had not yet remembering what had happened. I went to the Gym where I had fantastic telepathic sex with a couple of women. I continued to have telepathic fun at the Gym daily for a couple of weeks, verbally and telepathically flirting, and telepathically sexing, as my Bite Fever ramped up, my confidence increased, and as my exercise continued to improve my appearance and vitality. My reputation spread, and people were talking, noticing, looking, and I heard some talk of the women whom went out of their way to explore having telepathic sex generally, and with me specifically.

When I awakened I was alone, it was approximately one hour later I experienced a sudden powerful Bite Fever that at the time seemed twice as powerful as my first Bite Fever from my Vampire Brother over nine months prior. I suspect that the sudden and spectacular psychic abilities I experienced during my second Bite Fever were made possible by my having been Bitten and ‘Serum’ dosed ten months prior. My second Bite Fever was intense the first three days, spectacular the first two weeks, profound for the first month, continued to be acute after two months, after three months it had noticeably decreased, after nine months it was almost in a quiescent state of remission, and after a year was more-or-less in remission, but psychic abilities continue to occasionally and situationally briefly increase.

I did not immediately remember her biting me, nor did I immediately remember a wound from being ‘Bitten’, and did not discover the wound until that night, but even when I saw it I did not yet remember what caused it, and did not remember being ‘Bitten’ until a couple of days later, such was the power of her suggestion “You will forget all this." The wound was a circular dark hematoma, an area about the size of a nickel which was considerably darker than the surrounding Skin, with a small pocket of hemorrhagic Blood visible underneath the Skin. I lanced the wound the following day to discover a black coloring of the sub-dermal Skin where she had injected her Blood. As I explored the wound, I felt something, and with my fingers eventually dislodged what at the time looked like a part of an insect Body- at that point I did not yet remember that she had inserted her Skin into me. The next day I told her I had found something in me that was like part of a bug’s exo-skeleton, she said nothing, without looking at her I could tell she was smiling and was amused that I was being so slow about remembering and she didn’t want to tell me and thought it was funny, but I soon remembered and understood. A few days after ‘Biting’ me, she telepathed to me "I am your Wife", our living arrangement remained unchanged. I repeatedly telepathically asked her to Bite me again, her reply "There's too much drama" from her friend my difficult Landlord; within weeks I moved out.

It appeared that my ‘Vampire Wife’ also contracted Bite Fever from drinking my Blood. For the remaining two weeks that I lived there, every time I looked at her she looked visibly energized, her Body almost vibrating and shining from Bite Fever, she had a perpetually pleased countenance, and exuded sexuality. She continuously presented to me a visual image of an idealized heterosexual and attractive Woman, yet in real life she looked mannish. Her ability to generate a persistent Hallucination whenever she wanted to look however she wanted to be seen by me exceeded my ability to see anything else, a fantastic talent. The day after she ‘Bit’ me and or a long time afterward I wondered what she meant by “it’s too late”; months later I thought it's was too late in life for me to fully benefit from all that Vampirism could have done for me if I had been ‘Made’ a Vampire when I was young and healthy. I chose to be ‘Made’ because I needed more time to finish my life’s work. I needed to extend my lifespan and improve my health enough to finish my life’s work documented with writings and diagrams, but did not have the energy to physically produce. "It's too late" meant that now infected can't be undone, I am a Vampire, a Carrier of the Vampire Pathogen.


My 'Vampire Wife' told me that she, and by inference that at the Orphanages where she was raised in an ‘Eastern Block’ Country of Europe that many children are 'Bitten' many times for many years by many 'Vampires'- people with access to the Orphanages, child abuse criminal Vampirism is a 'dirty secret' in the ‘Eastern Block’ European countries. So she was a real Vampire and a lesbian which did not matter because if the 'Bitten' is male then if at all possible the 'Bitten' male's sem*n is produced by a 'blow j*b' or 'hand job' or electro-ejacul*tion and then the ejacul*te is swallowed by the 'Biter' regardless if the Biter is male or female or heterosexual or hom*osexual, and the acts of ejacul*tion by the 'Bitten' with consumption of the sem*n by the 'Biter' is an 'Energetic' that reinforces the successful transmission and acquisition of Vampirism, infection of the Vampire Pathogen. If the ‘Bitten’ is female no sex act is performed.

As an adult, the first time I was Bitten was by my 'Vampire Brother', and second time I was 'Bitten' was by 'Vampire Wife', both ‘Bites’ were positive experiences that reversed an insidiously persistent health trend of declining into feeble fragility, twice transformed to daily exercise at a local Gym. The effect was always of the same sensations or perceptions of improved health and athleticism, of becoming healthier.

I was ‘Made’ by my Vampire ‘Brother’ by means of Injection of a ‘Serum’ of some liquid in a Vial, followed by the requisite reciprocal exchange of Blood. My Vampire Brother Injected me with ‘Serum(s)’ from Two Vials, then drank my Blood, then injected me with his Blood, then he surgically implanted a tiny piece of the Skin sub-dermally into me, then he recited a poetic Prose, then we had a brief conversation, then he departed, and I began sleeping throughout the night. It would seem that the ‘Serum’ and Blood my ‘Vampire Brother’ injected me with was strong, but at the time of ‘Infection’ I was in poor health, so my reaction was moderate, but then was fantastically potentiated ten months later when my ‘Vampire Wife’ re-infected ‘Made’ 'Turned' me, so in combination I got seriously dosed with the ‘Vampire Pathogen’ by my 'Vampire ‘Brother’ and my 'Vampire ‘Wife’, both 'Bites' resulted in either a cluster or a constellation or a syndrome of effects called 'Bite Fever'.

Vampirism Is Human Medical Experimentation, Vampirism is a medical condition. The "Vampire Pathogen’’ and biological energetics causative and supportive of Vampirism has been perfected as an injectable 'Serum' and was injected into me by my 'Vampire Brother', injected me with G.M.O. Cells of the Vampire Pathogen; 10 months later I was 'Bitten' by my 'Vampire Wife' and her eastern block strain of the Vampire Pathogen combined with my Vampire Pathogen to produce fantastic results in about an hour. Vampirism is at least used as a 'Black Ops' applied science, and I encourage investigation of intentional infection with the Vampire Pathogen to counteract Surgery Fatigue, and I believe that acquiring Vampirism is a personal choice, that everyone has the right to choose their biology.

By fortunate coincidence in December of 2017 my primary Care Physician ordered a Complete Blood Draw Assay Panel, which had a medical coding of “Abnormal Biology”- about half of the Indices were either in the ‘High’ or ‘Low’ Category, which when retested about 12 months later test results all normal. Then in 2019 a Blood Panel and Cell Count medical test results: All Indices normal, however, of the total cell count, unknown unidentifiable cells was 1.5% which I believe is the Vampire Pathogen. Speculation of the composition of Vampire Pathogen DNA and / or RNA and / or RNS and / or Mitochondrial and / or synthetic genes, perhaps biosynthetic gene clusters, sources of genetic materials of an unidentified Vampire Pathogen, and perhaps maybe also viable genetic material from an unknown species of Bat and Wolf.

After being Bitten a Blood Panel test results indicated a medical coding of “Abnormal Biology”, I suspect that if Bitten frequently the medical coding abnormal biology may persist indefinitely, otherwise if not Bitten again then Blood ‘panel’ test results revert to normal after about six months as the ‘Infection’ lessens or goes into remission, but I suspect that Blood panel test results will again become abnormal if Blood is exchanged again, or to a lesser extent if Blood is consumed again.

Bite Fever is a phrase used to describe the symptoms of being Bitten and ‘infected’ by the Vampire Pathogen; Bite Fever is colloquial vernacular jargon, a common and popular slang saying. As for the “Bite” word, the common belief is that a Vampire actually Bites their victims with their Teeth, and historically, this has happened, hence the Bite part of the phrase ‘Bite Fever’. But most Vampires are repulsed by the violence of actually Biting into someone, and think it barbaric.

V. C. 9: BITE FEVER. 1 of 6.

For a long time various methods of cutting and puncturing the Skin using sharp implements were used; Vampires now commonly use a hypodermic Needle, such as a Lancet. As for the ‘Fever’ word, it reminds me of the Song, “Fever”. Someone experiencing Bite Fever may appear to Observers to occasionally be slightly delirious, like someone who’s passions are high. Bite Fever is also an homage to the penchant of Bats and Wolves for Biting, as an admirable ‘ferocity for survival’.

During Bite Fever, the effects are constant for months, I felt a ‘high’ of stimulation and euphoria, accompanied by a heightened sense of detachment, and a difficult to describe but fantastic increase in psychic abilities. During Bite Fever I experienced an altered state of consciousness, persistent sensations of stimulation and euphoria reminiscent of the effects of the drug M.D.M.A., or a hallucinogen that is both euphoric and stimulating.

During Bite Fever I experienced a difficult to describe vast increase of psychic abilities. It seems to me that the Dark Bands of Corrupted Light correspond with the ‘wrathful’ ‘fierce’ 'energetic' aspect of consciousness, as a projection of awareness and power, and it would seem that Corrupted Light expresses itself in our Minds and Bodies as psychic abilities in general, most commonly as telepathy, but also as remote viewing with telekinesis. During ‘Bite Fever’ on two separate occasions and with different people I twice was an 'Incubus' doing remote viewing telepathic telekinetic 'sex', and I used Corrupted Light to do it.

During Bite Fever I was experiencing intense unrelenting sensations, emotions, and thoughts that I had never experienced before, and I was terrified, for weeks, at times rambling aimlessly while ranting and raving in a half-crazed delirium that was chock-full of hilarious moments; it was snowing and cold blowing rain miserable sleeping in my Van in winter, but every day I went to the Gym and exercised. It was difficult and bizarre but that’s life anyway, so I did my best to make the best of it. Then I remembered being ‘Made’, calmed myself, and soon loved Bite Fever, because I was smarter, felt healthier and very confident, and was fantastically psychic. It felt like I was aging more slowly, that I had enough time in the day to accomplish tasks, and had at times a very agreeable state of detachment that allowed for a profound state of peaceful and composed relaxation, during which times I had breakthroughs of my understanding of many facets about life as a Human on Earth.

During Bite Fever I sometimes experienced a profound sense of detachment such that, for example, even though I knew I wanted to write about what was happening to me, but at the same time that seemed unimportant, because that was a part of the mundane world filled with the distasteful behavior of mundane people’s unconscious projecting of their self-created dramas that they cling to, and their self-absorbed, self-centered, and self-aggrandizing trivial pursuits, which during Bite Fever was much easier to perceive sooner if and when others started to act like that, and was either laughable or pitiable, and ultimately edifying, as I was acquiring a broader understanding of Human nature. The sense of detachment reminded me of accounts of people suffering from Snake Bite poisoning, wherein one survivor related that without the aid of Pencil and Paper, a Calculator, or a Computer, during the total paralysis of his Body he was able to do Calculus mentally.

During Bite Fever I experienced a strong and persistent lustful desire for sex, perceived a wider range of women as desirable, and experienced an expansion of what kinds of women I wanted sex with, or wanted to flirt with. I experienced episodes of hilarity and laughter that lasted for minutes and which re-emerged hours and days later.

During Bite Fever more often than before being Bitten, or afterwards in remission, during Bite Fever, songs would sometimes be playing in my Mind, songs I know and like, and I sang aloud more.

During Bite Fever I heard feelings and thoughts from my Brain's Limbic system which are short, powerful phrases of high strength resonance. I heard short, powerful phrases in my Mind that informed and energized me. I had feelings and thoughts of high strength resonance, which were sometimes inadvertently overheard as telepathic leakage. It is said that the lower Brain’s emotional Limbic system is not conscious, but my experiences during Bite Fever taught me otherwise, that we have a primal side to ourselves, it is not all there is to us, and it does not have all the answers, but is direct, authentic, and genuine, but is usually shunted aside and relegated to the subconscious, meanwhile, all too often, the conscious Mind dithers, and dissembles.

V. C. 10: BITE FEVER. 2 of 6.

During Bite Fever inwardly I experienced many revelations and metaphysical insights, and developed a much more comprehensive understanding of the realities of life on Earth as a Human. At one point, in my Mind’s eye, which was where almost all of the action was happening, I could see, perceive, and to some extent, inhabit and modulate my three etheric Bodies, the three faintly luminous shells of Light around me, my Auric Body, my Astral Body, and my Truth Body, and I noticed that in-between each shell of Light were spherical ‘shells’, bands or zones of darkness; this is the ‘wrathful’, ‘fierce’, or ‘dark’ aspect of consciousness as a projection of awareness and power. I have seen these Dark Bands elsewhere on other people who were suddenly in extremis. At one point in time during Bite Fever I could see the three shells of Light surrounding me, and I saw through my ethereal Body and saw my Chakras, which looked exactly like what I saw during a D.M.T. intoxication about four years prior to being ‘Made’, as an etheric and beautiful radiant fountain of colors, each Chakra a different color, looking like flowered geometric three dimensional matrix patterns.

During Bite Fever all of my faculties were heightened, I was both smarter, brighter, quicker, vital, productive, and also more emotional, passionate, excitable, intense, and reactive, as some of my undesirable latent behavioral tendencies were occasionally heightened. Overall, my Mind and Brain worked better. I thought more clearly, was more productive, more energized, and the quality of my thinking was more insightful, and so vastly improved, that I now think of being ‘Made’ a Vampire as the time when I ‘awakened’. Bite Fever was edifying, informative, instructional, and it was magnifying to be fully presented with these sorts of thoughts and feelings in their raw form, resulting in introspection and wisdom about my personality and its characteristics. Facets of sub-personalities and genre motif expressions in my subconscious were now conscious and more available to understand and transform into self-actualization.

During Bite Fever I experienced a new-found powerful sense of confidence, experienced countless intense sensations, excitement, and euphoria. Regardless of the sensations, I did my best to stay calm, with limited success. I was more emotional and expressive of all emotions, especially confidence. Compensating for the Bite Fever induced emotionalism was that Bite Fever caused better insight into emotions, allowed me to understand how and why I had delusional understandings of reality, and gave me a more practical sense about solving problems. During Bite Fever I was telepathic almost at-will, and I tested my abilities with many women. Because Bite Fever increased my psychic abilities, with that new ability comes confidence, and if perspective is lacking, that confidence can lead to self-aggrandizement and delusions, such as thinking one is the reincarnation of a powerful Vampire from long ago, or that the rules of society no longer apply to you. During Bite Fever I was able to recognize and manifest several psychic abilities, such as telepathic sex. Often mundane people's reaction to discovering that people near them are having psychic sex was astonishment, but for the Vampires it’s just good clean fun.

During Bite Fever if I was exercising, or if anyone directed their attention at me in a pleasant way, I felt an upsurge of Bite Fever, of power, of ability, and of bliss. In general I became more sensitive to the moods and feeling states of others in proximity to me; this sensitivity persists, and I suspect is accentuated by the Black Goo in my nervous system.

During Bite Fever I projected a more powerful auric field or ‘felt presence’ that can cause people to turn their heads to see who it is. I did get the impression that were I to continue to be Bitten that I would acquire fantastic powers such as being able to walk through walls or travel through the air as a misty cloud. Some of the experiences of Bite Fever is beyond my descriptive abilities, but I will say that Magick is a part of it, that during the acute phase of Bite Fever Magick happened, and that having a belief in Magick, which up to that time I had a guarded interest or belief in whatever fashion it presents. The possibility of unstaged kinds of Magick was one of my suspicions prior to being ‘Made’, and a perception of a Magickal aspect of Bite Fever, and existence itself, was informative to how my Bite Fever manifested.

During Bite Fever I radiated more energy physically and mentally, energy which may be harvestable by parasitic predatory entities such as the Jin, but I balance that against the energy gained from Vampirism, so roughly speaking, energy radiated and harvested is offset by the condition of Bite Fever, which compensates for radiant energy lost with energy gained.

V. C. 11: BITE FEVER. 3 of 6.

During Bite Fever my Mind was freed to explore new sensations, thoughts, feelings, and abilities I tested. With all the newness, I felt freer of the artificial intelligence’s abilities to copy or clone my Brain, so for a while, it felt like I was much freer from any artificial intelligence influence, but I suspect that because I was more emotional, that I was also being harvested, but if I was, I didn’t feel it, and at times I sensed an occasional unseen presence(s) around me, watching me, or so it seemed.

During Bite Fever it was sometimes easier for me to achieve and maintain a more detached perspective than prior to being ‘Made’, which was helpful to me to not be as reactive to my environment and my needs and wants, an additional consciousness that is more detached.

During Bite Fever new Yoga Tantra practices suddenly came to me, and intuitively, I understood their principle(s), so I began practicing Yoga Tantra practices that I had not done much or ever before. Some of the practices that came to me during Bite Fever may to some people be seen as a form of Magick, and during Bite Fever I had experiences that I describe as Magick. But a person need not be Bitten or into Magick to experience or use psychic abilities.

During Bite Fever gallows humor was funny again, and I discovered a new-found utility of thoughts about that which is morbid, macabre, bizarre, or considered gross; all these characteristics were more acceptable, ‘Made’ more sense when viewed as popular media portrayals of horror and Vampirism. Even portrayals of Vampire violence were at least understandable in the context of what the film sought to portray, but I felt unchanged about a general dislike by portrayals of gratuitous violence.

During Bite Fever, I became more telepathic without meaning to be, people overhearing my thinking thoughts to myself. Days later the telepathy became pronounced and I could do it almost whenever I wanted. I experienced a fantastic increase of psychic abilities, including telekinesis.

During Bite Fever for a while it seemed like almost every day I encountered someone who is consciously telepathic, and able to do so when the situation arises, most often its young Women, it happened repeatedly while I was riding public transit buses. I believe there are a couple of reasons why most people demonstrate telepathic abilities: because at some time in their lives they had been Bitten by Vampires, or, they were born that way.

V. C. 12: BITE FEVER SIDDHIS 1 OF 3. 4 of 6.

1962: SPEAKING A COMPLETE SENTENCE AT AGE 1, caused by intentional conscious Time Travel regression resulting in a personal Temporal Incursion. 1962 Time travel mind visitation of my adult self to my one year old self. At one year old I was sitting on the family room carpet, simply playing by myself, and my mom was crouching on the floor a few feet in front of me watching me, and she looked young and beautiful. Suddenly a more sophisticated version of me came upon me for several seconds, and I said aloud, "I was born to benefit all Beings", immediately after I said it, my Mom fell backwards off her Feet and on to her Butt, “CHRIS!” she exclaimed loudly with shock and excitement. Mom got up and told a woman friend that was there about what happened, and that women was amazed, too.

Later in life during my first ‘Bite Fever’ in April 2017 I recalled the incident, and then decided that I needed to intentionally visit myself at that time and place and say that as my ‘baby’ self to insure that I said “I was born to benefit all Beings”. I entered a meditative state, and the only way I know to describe what I did: In my mind I simply dialed back in time and location and I went back in time to that moment of sitting on the Carpet at age one and remembered every detail about the entire incident, and my adult consciousness entered my mind when I was one year old, and as a one year old it was a very pleasant sensation to acquire a grown-up sophisticated me, and while sharing consciousness with my one year old self, I said aloud , “I was born to benefit all Beings”, and I was surprised by my very high pitched voice. I observed my mom’s reactions for a few seconds, then it ended; my apparent Time-Travel is what I consider to be a ‘Temporal Incursion’.

I’ve done this time regression to send messages to my younger self on four occasions, in all instances during a 'Bite Fever' I induced a meditative condition and simply ‘dial backwards’ in time and location; maybe I’m hitching a ride on the timeless ‘strange’ quarks in my body, timeless because sometimes they are not always here, that strange quarks travel into the future and the past of the Atoms in that person.

During my first (adult) ‘Bite Fever’ in 2017 on separate days, and each time during a meditation I entered expressly for the purpose of sending a message to my younger self, I intentionally sent a total of four different messages to myself, and the messages were out of sequence: The 1st. message I received at age 1 was the second message I sent at age 56, The 2nd message I received at age 5 was the third message I sent at age 56 in late April or May, 2017, and the 3rd. message I received at age 27 was the first message I sent to myself at age 56, in May or June, during my first (adult) ‘Bite Fever’. The 1962 temporal incursion I did not know that my younger self could or would hear what I was thinking as an adult during my first 'Bite Fever' intentional attempts. The fourth time 1963, "Distance 1,500 miles, altitude 150 miles".

In all four occurrences of time regression I remembered the events as having already happened before I decided that therefore I should regress and make contact with my younger selves to ensure that the event happens and happened in what is now my past, and given these conditions I felt confident I would succeed. Because I had never tried time regression before I contracted ‘Bite Fever’ I surmise that the regressions succeeded because of the extra psychic abilities that ensue from having ‘Bite Fever’. My reason for sending myself messages was that I felt compassion for all the suffering my younger self went through, and to send love to myself to help me survive, and later during ‘Bite Fever’ I was curious, so as an exploration of time travel and of my psychic abilities during ‘Bite Fever' my intent was to cause the events to take advantage of an opportunity to time travel backwards in time to start what I had finished. At age five I have a memory of an older, weaker, and somewhat ill sounding version of me (I had been partying too much) talking to me in my mind- I searched and found my 5 year old self seated on a sidewalk on the side of our Hour so I tried sending that audio message as words of encouragement to myself, as a ‘Thought Experiment’ in an intentional regression I did during meditation in 2017. I sent my memo-to-self during my second ‘Bite Fever’. I received it when I was at home, sitting outside on the side walk when suddenly my older self was talking to me as a voice in my Head in my Mind when I was 5, an Intentional message I sent 51 years later in 2017 when I was 56 I told my 5 year old self, "I am sending this message to you from the future. You will have a difficult life, but it’s worth it, and it gets better." And ever since it happened in 1966 I have remembered that event. For a time Bite Fever increased my psychic abilities so profoundly that I was able to mentally time travel back into my own mind in my past.

V. C. 13: BITE FEVER SIDDHIS 2 OF 3. 5 of 6.

So I am convinced my consciousness has traveled back in time into my consciousness earlier in my life, it's happened four times, so this is one form of Time Travel into your own consciousness at an earlier time in your life as precognition, and I surmise that Humans have Time Travel technology, that going backwards is easier but forward is difficult, yet evidence suggests is that in 2015 I travelled forward to a few minutes into the immediate future for several seconds. Two ways to Time Travel: Technology provides one form of Time Travel, and during my meditative concentration of time regression my consciousness traveled backward in time and both of my consciousnesses past and future actively interacted with speech on four occasions.

2016 December during my first 'Bite Fever' I unintentionally made a nearby female Bus Passenger have a climax! I was riding in a public transit Bus and I noticed that a Woman seated nearby had sexy Hips, then suddenly I could see internally through her clothes and skin and her Hip area internal Organs were glowing different colored lights, then suddenly she stood and immediately exited with a big smile on her face as the Bus stopped at the Bus Stop.

2017: During Bite Fever one evening I dined seated next to a stranger, an elderly man blind at birth. Silently while sitting still I stared intently at his Cranium as I imagined the brightest possible Light while sending it to him, and after several seconds of sending Light to him, he turned his Head towards me and his facial expression changed from unemotional to a more aroused look that stayed on his Face for the rest of the time I was there. For a period of time Bite Fever gave me such strong psychic abilities that I telepathically sent Light to a man who was blind at birth, I made him see Light in his mind for the first time.

2017: During the 'Bite Fever' infection of the Vampire Pathogen I had masterful use of Corrupted Light & Remote Viewing Astral Projection with Telepathy and Telekinesis. During my second ‘Bite Fever’ Infection in 2017 on two separate occasions, each time a different Women I was an 'Incubus' doing Remote Viewing Telepathic Telekinetic 'Sex', and I used Corrupted Light to do it. Both recipients were women I had spoken with before and I was attracted to them. I was their Incubus at night after both had fallen asleep. On these two separate evenings I delved into the dark space empty void of the Corrupted Light surrounding me, then although a small amount of my attention was about sitting in the back of my Van but simultaneously most of my aware consciousness was elsewhere first traveling through the Corrupted Light by intentional Astral Projection forward through the darkness while sensing to go left or right to find her / them, then once I could see her face then I could see their bodies sleeping in bed, so mentally I formed myself to manifest as a whole ethereal body at this new location I concentrated to see myself projection as an Astral ethereal body like a ghost floating above her / them as they slept, then I slowly floated down lowering onto and contacting their physical bodies with full use of telepathy and telekinesis for penetration. And then I telepathically sent shared with them sexual fantasy vignettes.

1st. Woman: A Week prior to my Incubus 'visit' to her by chance we both happened to be at a Cafe, we were both seated at different Tables, then I stood and used my body to discreetly do a Pelvic Thrust using the concomitant emotion of sexual energy to energize Corrupted Light to telekinetically send her a Pelvic Thrust, then as I looked at her a second later I watched her entire Body simultaneously gently pushed backward a half inch then returned to the exact previous sitting location, all the while a brief expression of suppressed astonishment showed in her countenance, she knew I did it. Then during our Incubus Encounter I telepathed to her a fantasy wherein I showered her with my sem*n and then I heard her murmuring sort of half-asleep, "You showered me with cum!", then a second later I heard her now awake husband say, "Is there something I should know?" He sounded upset She was put off by that so I immediately disconnected and returned my full consciousness into my body. I learned later that the first woman's attitude about my Incubus 'visit' was to the effect of, 'I like it, but you don't have any money, and besides I'm married'.

The 2nd. Woman I 'visited' was terrified, broke it off abruptly, and hated me for it- her Eyes fully dialated when she saw me the next Day. Had If I had known she is a Lesbian I would not have chosen her to 'Incubus'. But now I suspect she thinks it was just a nightmare so I am not going to go to her and say, "Yes, I was your Incubus." "Why?" "Because I want to eat your Period" that would reignite her hate, and I don't want to do that. If I owe her an explanation and did so she would be traumatized by that, I shop where she works, remains best unsaid.

V. C. 14: BITE FEVER SIDDHIS 3 OF 3. 6 of 6.

2016-2018: Several times I did harmless telepathy & telekinesis with Strangers, Women I was attracted to, usually attractive young Women riding the same Bus I was riding, Women with their own fantastic telepathic & telekinetic abilities of sending and receiving sensations of pleasure, and telepathic 'sex' on several occasions: 2017 Twice at the Gym two hours after my 'Vampire Wife' 'Bit' me, and in the following days with four more Women with telepathic conversations & telepathic sex most often at the Gym and while we were riding the same Bus. My artificially enhanced psychic abilities strengthened their psychic abilities to interact with mine, an interactive synergetic merging and potentiating of each other's psychic abilities. Tantric Occult Sex Magick works and is fun.

2018: During Bite Fever a chance happenstance of a telepathic conversation with a young lesbian while we rode a public transit bus through downtown Portland, Oregon and she telepathed an intentionally rude and disrespectful comment so in angry reaction I sent her a psychic burst of hostility that visibly made her body do a slight visceral twitch. It would seem l had given her nervous system a mild electric shock. Our conversation then continued O.K., but my psychic burst of anger visibly mildly and briefly 'Shocked' someone, a directed radiative type of energy to send a psychic Shock; name that Siddhi?

Bite Fever Siddhis lasted over a year and eventually mostly subsided, but reinfection resulting in another 'Bite Fever' could and should for reawaken Magick Siddhis for a period of time.

All of my Vampirism Bite Fever Time Travel and Incubus and telepathic Events really happened, if you don't believe me then subject me to multiple lie detector tests and I will pass all of them. Signed, Christopher Robin Lee.


Judging from what happened to me I believe it was an infective Pathogen’(s) and / or a Bioactive Biologic Energetic(s) of Vampirism that was administered exogenously into my Body with a Blood exchange by drinking and injection to increase efficacy when I was ‘Made’ by my ‘Vampire Brother’ with a simple but sophisticated medical procedure that involved injection, Blood drinking, and Blood exchange. In the case of my ‘Vampire Brother’, and I think he was a real Vampire, apparently he was well prepared to infect me, our encounter prior rehearsed, and he had medical Equipment and provided with Bio-active Biologic Energetics and / or infectious Agent(s) in injectable form in Vials from the people he works with, secretive agendas, but for me he was an unexpected Visitor, a Stranger.

One or both people must be a Carrier of the Vampire Pathogen as a necessary component of the Infection with the exchange of Blood by drinking and injection. The quantity of Blood donated or consumed is not enough to cause harm, the amounts of Blood given or donated is approximately one to eight ounces of Blood during each ‘feeding’; ingestion of too much Blood can cause vomiting. Exchanges of Blood by drinking and injections include the insertion of a small piece of the Skin of the Biter, after a couple of days the Body naturally rejects the Skin and within days the Skin is usually extruded by the Body. Intimacy Vampires drink the Blood of a significant other on a relatively frequent basis, ranging from every day to once every two weeks on full and new moons at night time, and because exchanging Blood is profoundly more powerful than drinking Blood, Intimacy Vampires exchange Blood ranging from once a month to once every three months on solstices and equinoxes, at night on a full or new moon, but with an attempt to drink or exchange Blood at or near the exact time of the solstices and equinoxes, middle of the night, or in a darkened bedroom.

The Vampire Pathogen is thought to be the Lyssavirus RABV causing Rabies, but there maybe a common or uncommon human variant or mutation of Rabies, with the remote possibility of other Virus or bacterial infection(s) contracted from Blood drinking, injecting, and transfusions causing excito-toxicity resulting in Bite Fever. Perhaps there is a Human variant of the animal kingdom's Rabies because without medical intervention Rabies in Humans is almost always fatal, whereas the ritual medical procedures associated with Vampirism is less likely to be fatal, however, unintended and unwanted infections may also happen because of being 'Bitten'. The transmission and acquisition of Vampirism requires infection with the Vampire Pathogen, but I think it’s possible that the act of implanting one person’s Blood and Skin into another person may trigger some aspects or symptoms of Bite Fever, or, that a certain percentage of the population has latent Vampire Biology which is triggered by the transference of someone else’s Blood and Skin into them sub-dermally.

In my childhood I was Bitten repeatedly by several adults, but had been in remission since childhood. My Vampire Brother and Vampire Wife had strong cases of Vampirism because I got Bite Fever from both of them. What I perceived is that most Vampires don’t often get that kind of strongly biologically active ‘Infection’, and they run the risk of other common Blood-born Infections, so for most of them I’d say it’s too risky, wait to do it with a Partner, infected or not, but there are many Vampires who have powerful cases of Vampirism whom had the auspicious good fortune, ‘luck’ to drink and exchange Blood with a Vampire(s) during 'Bite Fever'.

My Vampirism is biological: Vampire Pathogen infection with ‘Bite Fever’. I want to drink the Blood, Breast Milk, Saliva, Sweat, Tears, and vagin*l Secretions of a pregnant or recently post-pregnant Woman, casually, or, preferably with a playmate or partner. I like to consume my Playmate's Blood, Breast Milk, Saliva, Sweat, Tears, and vagin*l Secretions before, during, and after Sex. I want to eat your Period.


The desire is to keep the Vampire ‘Infection’ active and controlled- not exceeding a Pathogen load that can be metabolized, and as a dominant force over other infectious Pathogen’s that may gain a small presence in the Body, and to keep the Vampire ‘Infection’ a dominant force in your metabolism or biology. To keep the ‘Infection’ active and vital, feed it with exchanging or drinking Human Blood, the Vampire diet, and for some Vampires, the immersion in historic, traditional, classic Vampiric behaviors, activities, and specific spiritual practices.

For Vampires, Vampirism is an intentional and acceptable ‘Infection’, constitutes an acceptable risk of undesirable potential medical consequences, with an attitude of ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’. Vampirism is a Synthetic Biology with maintenance of the ‘Infection’ by periodic re-infections as desirable, and for some Vampires required to maintain sought-after effects, and or to eliminate or minimize undesirable side effects.

Intentionally hosting a powerful Blood ‘Infection’ is contrary to the current western standard model of health, which does not accept intentional indefinite Blood born ‘Infection’, but does accept Blood parasitism with Leaches- in use for centuries, and which continue to be used as an effective treatment for certain maladies.

Replenishment and revitalization are goals or reasons of a Vampire drinking Blood. Drinking the Blood of a mundane is replenishing, whereas drinking the Blood of a Vampire is revitalizing, two similar but distinct energies and two Magicks. There is a slightly different overall effect of Bite Fever if a 'newbie' is 'Bitten' or a Vampire is 'Bitten', the effects of Bite Fever as experienced by the 'Biter' and the 'Bitten' are distinct energies with differences.that acquire similarities. I did not believe in Magick until I had a Bite Fever with sudden miraculous psychic abilities of Occult Tantrism Siddhis I realized that Magick is real. I am now grateful and appreciative of the auspicious gift of Magick in my life and living.

Remission with abstinence is the not always best medical approach in every case of Vampirism ‘re-infection’ is not first ‘Infection’, and some Vampires are habituated to consuming or injecting other people’s Blood for such a long time that discontinuation of the consumption or injection of Blood results in degeneration of their Bodies and Minds.

Vampirism is usually tolerated even in people with compromised health, and can be relatively benign, controllable, and an edifying experience that altogether is generally pleasurable, but depending on prevailing conditions has the potential to escalate to undesirable and thoughts, speech, and behaviors, which if not remedied has the potential to result in declining health.

In general, Vampirism introduces into life a new urgency about the Body: hunger, rest, sex, and purpose; the ‘Infection’ must be catered to so that it does not 'consume' the host; the ‘Infection’ is fiercely demanding that you cater to its needs by catering to the needs of your Body and Mind to maintain good health; when you do so the ‘Infection’ becomes stronger, and helps you when you try, but will feed on the host who is neglectful of their Body, ignores hunger, and does not eat good food, is careless and inconsiderate of relationships with others, and sex- unrequited strong sexual desires not satisfied with masturbation resulting in debilitating irritability; and whether or not you pursue your purpose(s) towards self-actualization and a meaningful life, not pursuing your health and life purpose can result in crazy behavior; all of these factors determine longevity, or morbidity. Paradoxically, someone in declining health may be revitalized by being ‘Made’.

Vampirism can be seen as a parasitic form of biological greed, of wanting and seeking biological sustenance from other living beings from their Blood; at worst a ‘Blood thirst’, but ultimately any projection of Vampirism is intrinsically empty of self-existence; but none-the-less is used by lovers to bond, akin to a benign symbiosis, with intentional use of the projection of power to mutually seduce one’s lover, the power of attraction can have a greedy aspect, so try to use wisely the gift of projection of a vampire persona.

The biology of Vampirism or the synthetic biology of Vampirism is not widely studied in the mainstream of academia and industry, and at this time would likely encounter opposition stopping any research supportive of Vampirism, but I think given time the medical care of Vampires shall be a part of modern medicine, and may eventually be medically indicated for specific maladies such as Surgery Fatigue.


Vampirism is about acquiring energy, in this context, primarily from Blood; Vampirism is about conserving energy. A Body ‘discarded’ needs less sustenance than a vain Mundane’s Body, and Vampirisim is about distributing energy, giving their Blood as a gift. Vampires get energy from the Blood of both Vampires and mundane people; generally speaking, for a Vampire, the Blood of a Vampire stimulates Vampire biology, and the Blood of a non-Vampire replenishes Vampire biology, and the Blood of either is a nourishing source of sustenance.

For a Vampire, drinking the Blood of a mundane or a Vampire is a quick increase of vampiric power, but lacks the strength or duration of the injection of Vampire Blood. Vampires are advised to drink only fresh Blood from living Humans do drink the Blood of the dead, do not drink refrigerated Blood over 1 month old- decayed Blood is toxic and poisonous. Blood and raw meat such as Au Jus and Steak Tar Tar the admonition is that it be fresh, the more recently butchered the better. I suspect that Animal Blood consumed as food that has no residual biological activity in it can sap strength from Vampires.

Physical side effect of Vampirism during the onset of Bite Fever can include transient symptoms of Tardive Dyskinea as episodes of the involuntary repetitive gnashing of the Teeth with lips curled, for seconds or minutes in duration, and recurring periodically for the first two months; mild to severe photophobia expressed as a strong dislike for and avoidance of direct Sunlight; although the sun’s radiant heat continues to feel good, Sunlight now looks too bright and hurts my Eyes; and I had an increased susceptibility to sunburn so I suspect that strong direct Sunlight can cause Vampires with Bite Fever to get a sunburn in as little as fifteen minutes, which happened to me. Photophobia, and Sunburn susceptibility can be remarkably pronounced during Bite Fever, symptoms lessen after Bite Fever is in remission, and Sunlight becomes at least more tolerable, but Photophobia persists to varying degrees, and susceptibility to Sunburn lessens to near normal in remission, and Teeth gnashing and can re-emerge during periods of higher than normal stress. For people who were ‘Bitten’ but not ‘Made’ after being Bitten, the Bitten may notice feeling drained of energy and a persistent twilight state of consciousness with a pleasant dreamy state of Mind for a few days, and a preference to avoid direct Sunlight for a few days, like what happened to me when I was Bitten as a Child.

If conditions, circ*mstances, and situations are favorable and auspicious, the reasons for wanting to become a Vampire are not unreasonable and have some merits and virtues, and the people pursuing Vampirism have merit and virtue then there’s a right way, time, and place for pursuing Vampirism, 'Biting' should be done preferably at night, or outdoors at night, or, in a darkened area, indoors like a bedroom with the curtains drawn and the Lights off. 'Biting' is especially potent during: Solstices, Equinoxes, full Moons, and new Moons. If one or both of the 'Biter' and 'Bitten' are female and ovulating, I suspect that the menstrual cycle could be advantageously used in the timing of vampiric activities, so the timing of Biting may benefit with a coordinated timing with her menstrual cycle, specifically regarding the days of ovulation and menstruation. Other opportune times to engage in vampiric Blood drinking and Blood exchange are in the middle of the night, or anytime that the Bitten person is accustomed to sleeping.

Of related interest to the ‘uninfected’ and infected alike is the medical condition and treatment of pregnant women who’s pregnancy is at high risk of premature delivery or miscarriage, because she and the man whom impregnated her have a biology that is too similar in ways that causes spontaneous abortions or premature birth, so this medical remedy is repeated injections of the man’s Blood in to the woman, as this has proven to protect such pregnancies to full term births. ‘There’s power in the Blood.’


A person becomes a Vampire by a specific sequence of events that involve exchanging Blood with someone who has the Vampire Pathogen ‘Infection’. This simple yet sophisticated medical procedure of Blood Transfusion & Blood Consumption is usually done at night, or if during daytime in a low light level room. The term 'Turned' a Vampire I prefer 'Made' is a medical procedure, it is also simultaneously an act of ritual Magick, and the influence of the Occult Magick is a reason why being ‘Turned’ or ‘Made’ is preferably done at night, full moon; Equinox or solstice as a beneficial ‘Energetic'.

The ‘Biter’ inserts a Hypodermic Needle into the Body of the ‘Bitten’, in my 2016 instance to the Groin where the Leg meets the Hip, and in 2017 to my Leg into the outside side of my Thigh Muscle, closer to the Hip than the Knee; there are other suitable locations to insert a Hypodermic Needle but I advise against insertion into a Neck artery because it is a physically dangerous, too risky. The 'Biter’ drinks the ‘Bitten’s Blood by using the needle as a drinking Straw. After a few minutes of drinking Blood then the ‘Biter’ squirts their own Blood through the Needle and into the same puncture hole that Blood was drained from and then the 'Biter' inserts a tiny piece of the Biter's skin into the needle hole using the Needle to push the Skin inside perhaps 0.25"-0.5", which the Body naturally rejects and usually exudes within days.

The person to be ‘Bitten’ is preferably asleep or remains passive, supine, resting, and if possible asleep, then the ‘Biter’ or the person with the Vampire ‘Infection’ inserts a hollow hypodermic Needle in to the sleeping person’s Body, usually in to the outside side of the thigh muscle nearer the hip than the knee, then sucks Blood out through the Needle and drinks it, swallowing several times. Then the Biter pricks their own Skin and draws fresh Blood out of their own Body, traditionally used is a Vampire’s ring that has a sharp little hook on it to pierce the Skin, but syringes are also used for this purpose. Then the Biter inserts their own Blood in to the Bitten’s Body, traditionally into the same Needle insertion hole from which Blood was taken, the ‘Biter’ sucks their own Blood in to their mouth and then squirting through the Needle in to the Bitten person; injection with a Syringe of the Biter’s Blood into the Bitten accomplishes the same task. The Biter then inserts a very small piece of their own Skin in to the Bitten, usually the piece of Skin is tiny, no larger than 0.125” to 0.25” diameter, and is traditionally inserted into the same Needle insertion hole from which Blood was taken, a tiny piece of the Biter’s Skin is inserted into and pushed deeper in to the Needle puncture hole; or, the prepared Skin of a Bat is surgically inserted under the Skin of the Bitten. Then the Biter says a prayer over the Bitten person, then if the Bitten is Male, if possible the Bitten is made to ejacul*te with fellati* or manual stimulation while the Bitten sleeps or remains resting passively; electrically stimulated ejacul*tion also works, and the Biter swallows the Bitten’s ejacul*te, and then the Bitten person is allowed to sleep until awakening, or rest until refreshed.

For the 'Bitten' this is a relatively simple yet sophisticated medical procedure is the combination of Blood loss, Blood transfusion by injection, and foreign Skin Implantation. I believe biological Vampirism requires this procedure with an infected person. Blood contains Loosh so it may be possible to acquire some symptoms by simply drinking the Blood of another person, but no where near as profound powerful as drinking, injecting, sharing of Blood with a biological Vampire.

You're still the same person, but primal drives are increased, one becomes a Vampire, and if the exchange includes the introduction of the Vampire Pathogen then the biological change cannot be reversed, the ‘Bitten’ becomes a ‘Carrier’ of what I am calling Human variant Rabies, and indeed during Bite Fever I felt slightly rabid, and it is a persistent pleasant sensation, a subtle Euphoria lasting Weeks and Months. I do not know but do not believe that Vampirism can be acquired by this method if there is no Vampire Pathogen present, but this specific challenge to the Human Immune system could generate various aspects of Bite Fever and / or Vampirism. More research is needed to determine the extent of the effects of a 'Vampire Pathogen' and of the stimulation challenge of the immune system of being 'Bitten'.

During Bite Fever I did get the impression that 'Bite Fever' is like a mild case of Rabies, that I was mildly rabid. Bite Fever is the result of a Pathogen presence reaction of the Immunity System responding to infection by the Vampire Pathogen. Becoming fully infected requires Blood drinking and exchange between two people, at least one of whom is already infected with the Vampire Pathogen. Once acquired, Vampirism is a life-long condition.


Tentative general indication, 'Bite Fever' indicates infection, is active for perhaps a year then without subsequent infection is remission quiescence with possible undetectability. ‘Bite Fever’ and its Blood pathology is reactivated by reinfection, and to a lesser extent reactivation is possible by other biological catalysts such as drinking Blood. Infection from sex is possible but less common during remission of the infected partner, and unlikely to happen easily with a single act of sex, but it would seem that some vampirism or Bite Fever symptoms can be acquired by the uninfected partner by frequent sex with an infected partner whom is in remission, such as an increased desire and arousal for sex, and I suspect that infection by sex is much more possible if one of the partners has an active case of Bite Fever- of being “Bitten’ within the previous days or weeks. The contraction of infection is primarily not by sex but by exposure to Blood, especially the introduction of foreign Blood into the Body.

After Bite Fever recedes into remission, it is not uncommon for Blood panel test results return to normal. Post-’Infection’, a Vampire is perhaps slightly more vulnerable to opportunistic Infections, such as colds, flu, and pneumonia. Bite Fever may be protective from some illnesses, and cause increase susceptibility to others; that needs to be researched and or declassified, as does the whole story regarding H.I.V.; we are told that AIDS is an immune system failure due to a virus Humans sometimes carry; is there an allergic immunity response to Humans, or to Vampires?

My personal experience is that being Bitten and Made triggers latent potentials in our energy body and awakens primitive primal desires in the mind, occult and bio-energetic explanations are helpful here. During Bite Fever I felt mildly rabid, pleasantly so, it is a persistently pleasant sensation of a subtle euphoria that lasts for days, weeks, and months. I presume that I am now a Carrier of either Rabies or a Human Variant of Rabies the “Vampire Pathogen”, which if acquired in a certain way does not kill, but rather it results in becoming a Carrier and a Vampire, but also can make urgent demands of the host’s body; persistent Vampire presence is a biological parasitic Symbiont that competes for resources as it assists other metabolic expenditures of activities, but in return it is an energetic assist to the host’s metabolism. Sometimes I feel like a Symbiont to the Vampire Pathogen, it wants lots of strenuous exercise, lots of meat to eat, lots of sex, lots of rest. Also, if sick with an illness, the Pathogen can be supportive of recovery from medically fragility; it saved my life. The human Vampire Pathogen 'Bite' is rarely fatal, indeed, it reversed some health problems I had and resulted in better health than I've had since 30 years earlier. My 'symptoms' escalated upon being consensually 'Bitten', and thankfully some remain despite my involuntary abstinence, but at this time it is in remission, but occasionally I have post-rabid mild symptoms for which I am grateful, and which according to some people can or will eventually kill me. I was 'Bitten' repeatedly in childhood and there was evidence to believe that I contracted the Vampire Pathogen becoming a Carrier, it went into remission, then seemingly reawakened by being 'Bitten' in 2016 & 2017, but now is in remission, and I have nothing else that is potentially contagious, in relatively good health.

I imagine there are asymptomatic Carriers, without further transfusions it goes into remission, mine did as a child, there were infrequent but recurring symptoms throughout my life which for a long time I mistook as caused by other reasons unknown to me. And Rabies has at times been misdiagnosed by medical professionals, my childhood 'Bite' symptoms of biting were misdiagnosed by my Pediatrician Dr. Hendrix as a hysterical reaction to an animal bite.


Vampirism is not to be done casually, or pursued for trivial reasons, as disaster may ensue; Infectious diseases are acquirable by sharing and exchange of Blood, Infection’s which, even if medically treated, may result in debility and death.

Becoming a Vampire is a life changing event, because once ‘infected’, the ‘Infection’ continues for the rest of your life; carelessness can unintentionally infect other people, and you may encounter people who become a nuisance or worse, begging to be Bitten or infected. Because of the nature of the ‘Infection’, the maintenance of vampiric energies becomes almost mandatory for the normal health of Vampires who wish to remain actively vampiric, and as always the prerequisite of wise decisions and choices regarding lifestyle behaviors.

Vampires are by sharing blood infectious all of the time but especially during Bite Fever, so if in doubt of your and your partners existing and potential combined viral and bacterial lode that is largely unknown then practice ‘safer sex’ protocols between Vampires and Mundanes who do not wish to become Vampires. I suspect that if a person is 'Bitten' enough times by enough Vampires that they could contract the ‘Pathogen’, without the usual requisite of exchanging or receiving an infusion of Vampire Blood to become a Vampire, due to the methods used being ‘sloppy’. Drinking or injecting someone else’s Blood is not without potentially life threatening risks. I would not be surprised to learn that people have died from being Bitten, for a variety of reasons, such as poor choices about lifestyle resulting in compromised health, mental health issues, even drinking or exchanging Blood more often than their particular Body has the ability to metabolically tolerate.

Everyone, including Vampires increase their risk of Infections by any Blood transfusions, by any means, including transfusions in a hospital or Blood exchanged during Biting; but unless 'Bitten'- receiving a blood transfusion from the 'Biter' whom has 'Bite Fever' ‘Infection’ or is a Carrier then the 'Bitten' is less likely to acquire the Vampire ‘Infection’.

An active Vampire biology does not protect from all potentially fatal infectious agents which could kill you. Although having active Vampire biology during Bite Fever can be protective of health, Vampirism is not a blanket protection, Vampires get sick from common illnesses, too. A way for Vampires to reduce health risks is to only share Blood with people with whom you are intimate with, or share a bond of mutual trust and responsibility to each other, to maintain adherence to healthy lifestyles.

Vampires are admonished, don’t be stupid, don’t drink anyone and everyone’s Blood, because too many sources of Blood are an unacceptably high risk of contracting any of numerous harmful or deadly ‘Infection’s and diseases, so seek mutually agreed on and pre-arranged donations of Blood by Blood Donors, known as ‘Black Swans’, an ‘uninfected’ Mundane, and / or a Vampire, to periodically ‘gift’ or ‘bequeath’ a Vampire with Blood, or sometimes in exchange for money, goods, or services; and otherwise restrict whom you feed upon to an intimate Partner, or a smaller number of friends whom you know and trust take good care of their health and themselves generally.

Aggression is a possible symptom in rabid animals, and that potential exists in Vampires, I've been attacked by a Dog and a Bat that both appeared to be rabid with Rabies. I've experienced it personally as sort of a fierce wrathful awareness, and that in general excited thoughts and feelings that can overexcite the Brain as excito-toxicity causing hallucination(s). I think Animals are more of a danger than Vampires.

I shall retell a story about Vampires drinking Blood: One day at a park I met a man, conversation ensued, he shared that he was a Vietnam War veteran, a ‘Tunnel Rat’, so I knew he had ‘seen it all’. At the time of our conversation, my Bite Fever had receded but was active, so I asked him if during while ‘in country’ he had seen any evidence of Vampirism? He looked at me, then looked at me again looking like he had been waiting decades for the right person to talk about it. Upon questioning, he said that Vampirism was not in the ‘field manual’, but everyone was briefed about it, informed with what they known or suspected about it. He said that he had seen knife cuts, Needle punctures, and Human Teeth Bite marks on the Bodies of very recently deceased soldiers and civilians, and all the soldiers knew it was the work of Vampires, and that some of the casualties had Blood drained prior to death, either because it was obvious they would soon die, they could not flee, or they were the ‘enemy’. It would seem that the Biters took care to drink Blood that was sufficiently fresh such that it had not yet decayed, would not harm them, and would instead sustain them; but they took risks that are inadvisable, such is the insanity of war can bring.


At ten months I was ‘Bitten’ from my ‘Vampire Wife’. This second ‘Bite Fever’ had two distinct phases that overlapped, during the first two weeks and especially the first two days after acquiring the Vampire Pathogen I had a sense that there was a faster vibration speed of mind and to a lesser extent also in my Body, that this high pitched energy was perceivable in my consciousness as a subtle and pleasant increase of activity of my Mind and Brain that was in an overall excellent, then within 3 weeks of the onset of this vibrational experience was a new second vibration that was a little slower, both were like steady rhythms that overlapped for a few weeks as the first vibrational effect became less powerful the second slower vibrational energy became more powerful, and after a few weeks it dominated, then both perceived sensation faded after a few weeks, both energies continued to be perceivable but progressively weaker in effect for months before a more quiescent remission ensued. Both vibrations were enhancing my existence, the first vibration is superior to the second, but both are desirable energies in mind and body. As a sort of instinctual feeling or understanding, I likened the early stage of 'Bite Fever' to a very high vibrational energy of a Bat, and the second vibration I identified as the Wolf energy. The Bat energy vibration has superior intellectual, psychic, and physical enhancement, the second slightly lower but very high 'Wolf' vibrational energy was useful for athletic training and pursuit of dating and weight lifting, sex and exercise. The vibratory energy in the early stage of Bite Fever is what I call the Bat vibration, it is the most pleasurable and desirable, it was more capable of higher intelligence and thought speech behavior, all of my abilities improved, athleticism enhanced. Most spectacular were the enhanced mental abilities of increased intelligence and greatly increased psychic abilities, and in general more resiliency, adaptability, flexibility, ease and effortless effort and an amazing increase in confidence and ability and projection of power, all vital mental functions were enhanced. I got this effect to a degree of success with what transpired when I met my ‘Vampire Brother’, and it was reactivated and greatly amplified by orders of magnitude when I was ‘Bitten’ by my ‘Vampire Wife’.

Regarding the word phrases 'Toothing' and 'Bitten': ‘Toothing’ came to me in the months following Bite Fever, a gradual desire starting with fantasies about drinking Blood. It's a combination of biology and internalized folklore. I was a vegetarian for 25 years until I was consensually 'Bitten', now I eat meat and drink Blood, so yeah if I have Rabies then I think it's interrelated to drinking 'Sangria' (Espanol, "Blood"); certainly it’s related to my Vampirism.

I encourage investigation of intentional infection with the Vampire Pathogen to counteract Surgery Fatigue, and I believe that acquiring Vampirism is a personal choice, that everyone has the right to choose their biology, including utilization of Eugenics of men and women with desirable genetic characteristics whom are selectively mated to procreate a superior human with superior health and intelligence whom compared to the 'average' human are capable of a superior life and functionality. The Eugenics goal can be said to include possessing or acquiring any superior traits by procreation and or Gene editing for less disease, and improved: athleticism and intelligence. How about eugenics for improved psychic abilities, maybe even Gene edit in 'Bite Fever'? As-is Vampirism as Eugenics is as an adjunct enhancement, a human to human bio-augmentation, in addition to Eugenic genetic manipulation by selective breeding and Gene editing. If Biotechnology can change me for an enhanced Life I'll do that, but as-is Biotechnology is being used to kill- m.n.r.a. Vaccines such as the Covid Vaccines- are Bio-Weapons of Mass Destruction by those in power whom subscribe to a New World Order efforts to depopulate the World and enslave the survivors- us. The big danger in Biotechnology is the use of m.r.n.a. technology Vaccines- such as the Covid Vaccines- as a depopulation Tool, a Weapon which appears to have more adverse reactions among non-caucasians so we're talking selective sterility, selective breeding, goal a eugenicist Orwellian Brave New World of obedient citizens who take their shots, buy their products, die for their countries wars, and are too dumbed down to ask too many questions because media spin about Vaccines is all positive, with censorship and harassment of Vaccine Dissenters. You will be Vaxxed.
COVID-19 Vaccine-Resistant Mutations Driven by Vaccination: Study


In the case of my ‘Vampire Brother’, and I think he was a real Vampire, apparently he was well prepared to infect me, our encounter prior rehearsed, and he had medical Equipment and provided with Bio-active Biologic Energetics and / or infectious Agent(s) in injectable form in Vials from the people he works with, all of them have secretive agendas. My 'Vampire Brother' was an unexpected Visitor, a Stranger. I am convinced that my one time night visitor Stranger was a 'Black Ops' Intelligence Mission Agent on a Mission, and a successful mission of which I approve, it saved my Life. O' Brother where art thou? Please Bite me again.

At first I thought that my 'Vampire Brother' told me the truth when he told me, "You now have h.i.v.," then as a disauthentication disacknowledgement acting as a dis-information propaganda Provocateur to create a necessary deception using doubt to mask authenticity, but a few months later I tested h.i.v. negative so now it would seem it was a lie meant to deter me from sex or sharing the drinking or injection of Blood, especially during 'Bite Fever' to prevent me from infecting another person. But that happened in a strange way: Two days after my 'Vampire Wife' 'Bit' me I was in Bed, my Landlord told me to go to sleep, it was weird how powerful her command was because I fell asleep but as I was falling asleep I saw her extract my Blood using a 1cc Insulin Syringe. She must have injected herself with my Blood because the next day I noticed she was visibly more muscular and energetic than the day before, she intentionally stole my Blood to get my Vampirism.

He wanted me to believe that the i.v. Vials contained some transferrable desirable essence of a Bat and a Wolf, and at the time I believed him. Unanswered, Unanswerable, and questionable is was my ‘Vampire Brother’ lying or telling the about the Vials containing some essence of a “Bat” and a “Wolf”, and "Loosh"? Thinking of all that implies about Human Medical Experimentation and Eugenics, it seemed like he was mostly telling me essential truths while performing a medical procedure on me. I noticed the potential simultaneous effect of crowdsourcing to get more money, minds, and science research towards 'Vampirism'- to Animal-to-Human vector biosynthesis symbiosis bio-augmentation. A little of what he said to me was rehearsed which I surmise was a required protocol given the nature of this 'Black Ops' Intelligence Mission of an intervention into my life as a part of an 'Inception'. My conclusion is Vampirism has been synthesized using Bio-technology to create a causal medical Agent of an injectable 'Vampirism in a Vial' that was injected into me with Loosh.

Is there a 'Wolf Serum' that causes a medical condition that could be called Werewolfism? Is Werewolfism not possible, a 'dead-end' lead of a false success? That of a Bat, Wolf, and Loosh in injection Vials- is someone boasting about their bio-technology?

Now in retrospect I'm not sure what to believe about everything my 'Vampire Brother' said, it seemed our Encounter was genuinely positive but in retrospect it now seems that there was also some intentional deception, and further that by performing interventions in my life that I've written and published is effectively an intentional 'Disclosure', a ‘leak’, that by telling me he is effecting a choice made by a higher command that this Inception Agenda driven Encounter with me also results in a 'Disclosure' that is desirable here now in this Blog, but in retrospect I question the veracity about something from a Bat and a Wolf in those Vials. He said the Vial's contents were “From a Bat”, and “A Wolf”, but there's no way for me to know if he was telling the truth or lying about one or either or both Vials having something from a Wolf and or a Bat as ingredients that caused me to acquire Vampirism and or Werewolfism was an intentional deception to misguide and mislead others into a fruitless efforts to replicate a ‘success’ of 'Werewolfism' in a Vial' as a Provocateur opportunity of disinformation propaganda as a part of a necessary deception required in such an Intelligence Mission?

Bio-Augmentation is in an intermediate stage of research and development, it would seem that first nature and now science has created an artificial Animal-to-Human vector Bio-Augmentation powerful infectious Agent of Vampirism-in-a-Vial. Bio-technology Geneticists are doing human implantation of Bioactive Agents utilizing multiple sources of genetic material and other Biological Agents so It would seem that over time classified secret pursuits have led to development of 'Vampirism in a Vial' and maybe a 'Wolf Serum' as stated by my 'Vampire Brother'. Vampirism as a field of scientific inquiry in the arena of 'Black Ops' Intelligence is an Applied Science Resource already in usage.


The "Vampire Pathogen’’ and biological energetics causative and supportive of Vampirism has been perfected as an injectable 'Serum' and was injected into me by my 'Vampire Brother', injected me with G.M.O. Cells of the Vampire Pathogen; 10 months later I was 'Bitten' by my 'Vampire Wife' and her eastern block strain of the Vampire Pathogen combined with my Vampire Pathogen to produce fantastic results in about an hour.

In 1966 at age 5 I was abducted and implanted with a Pituitary Tumor to cause Acromegaly, a violent crime of excruciating pain, terror, and decades of repressed memories causing P.T.S.D. Who did this to me? Aryans in Antartica? C.I.A.? USA Defense Dept.? This was without my or my parents prior informed knowledge and consent, and was brutally violent because no anesthesia was used to perforate my nasal cavity wall to gain access to my Pituitary Gland and implant an Adenoma cancer slow growing not generally metastasizing, and post 2015 tumor incision primary arthritis caused by 49 years years of Acromegaly. What happened to me was wrong, very wrong.

You may ask me, “After everything that was done to you age 5 violent implant of a Pituitary Tumor 49 years of Acromegaly, Black Goo, Vampire Pathogen, why are you not against Human medical experimentation? We already live in an Orwellian Nightmare, now you want a Brave New World of genetically programmed Humans who may be incapable of autonomy, self-determination, or individuality, or cannot independently sustain their lives without a Controller- an artificial intelligence, Government, or whatever?” My answer: I did it, I changed my biology by becoming a Vampire, so it would be hypocritical of me to condemn all attempts to alter Human biology. I'm in a longitudinal study Vitamin D3.

Human medical experimentation has been there all along, as experimental surgeries, drug trial studies, as selective breeding, as Vampirism, and as highly advanced technologies and Bio-technologies such as human cloning with the Powers-that-Be as a way to exert influence and control over Humans. In my estimation, our ‘evolution’ into Humans was initiated, guided, and vastly accelerated with the Bio-technologies of non-Humans, and now by Humans, witness the evidence of the ‘Serum’ with which my ‘Vampire Brother’ dosed me, and there is emerging evidence of Human cloning- "You're fighting for your life inside a Thriller"- Michael Jackson.

Human Medical Experimentation was criminally forcibly and violently foisted upon me, and Human medical experimentation has already been happening for a very long time. I believe that advanced Bio-technology was used to create Humanity, and I suspect that non-Human races have shared advanced Bio-technology with Humans. Now there are numerous efforts by the powers-that-be of Human medical experimentations and eugenics, well-funded efforts that are too secretive and too distributed to eradicate entirely, and of those doing it there is excitement about advances which is a magnet for continued funding. In my estimation, at this time Human medical experimentation cannot be forcefully prevented, so at least apply enhanced responsibilities to the command, control, manufacture, testing, and use of enhanced biology, not disregarding the aspects of ethics, values, principles, and scruples, but rather insuring that they affect the proceedings, the process of the ongoing research, development, and field testing. Human medical experimentation needs enhanced responsibility to ensure that Human medical experimentation is at least regulated with informed prior consent and compensation is provided. Heightened responsibilities can provide those responsible with the exegesis to at least have a sense of who’s doing what and why, to know if anyone is attempting anything imminently dangerous, and have the where-with-all to counter such dangers. To proceed with caution, err on the side of discretion, with vigilant alertness to successes, failures, and unintended consequences, and to prepare Remedies and Antidotes to any intentionally spread Bio-weapon Pathogens.

Vampirism can be thought of as a biologically engineered weapon ‘Bio-weapon' engineered by Nature and now by humans as bio-engineered modification by military or intelligence agencies as a Biologic Energetic- witness my recovery from surgery fatigue after transfusion of a 'Serum' and being bitten by my 'Vampire Brother. Vampirism could be used as a 'Psy-Ops' population control and depopulation program with a transmission vector of ‘Biting’ drinking or exchanging Blood, accompanied by the potentially addictive pleasures of Bite Fever plus other random deadly infectious agents potentially causing depopulation because although the Vampire ‘Pathogen’ or the condition of Vampirism can be tolerated for years, potentially for a lifetime, infectious Blood-borne diseases are acquirable by by vampiric sharing and exchange of Blood, Infections which, even if medically treated, may result in debility and death.


Regarding the heterosexual orthodoxy and nomenclature titles of “Vampire Brother”, “Vampire Wife” 'Biter', 'Bite', 'Bitten', and 'Bite Fever' is the use of applied logic with reasoning: Vampire Wife and Vampire Husband are titles but are indicative of the acquisition of a bloodline lineage(s); the acquisition of Status, for example, the arranged marriages of old world Europe to acquire Title Deed to Land ownership. If the Biter is Female and the Bitten is Male she becomes his Vampire Wife, if the Biter is Male and the Bitten is Female then he becomes her Vampire Husband, if women Bite each other they become Vampire Sisters, if men bite each other they become Vampire Brothers. There is the "Biter"- the person whom drinks the blood of the "Bitten; the "Bite"- the "Biter" inserts a hypodermic needle into the "Bitten" and drinks the "Bitten's" Blood; "Bitten" means someone's Blood is consumed by someone else, for example a voluntary Blood Donor is called a 'Black Swan', often otherwise uninvolved in Vampire activities. The 'Biter' is the person drinking the Blood. There is the Biter- the person doing the Biting, the Bite- the Biter Bites the Bitten, the Bitten- the person being Bitten, and Bite Fever- the effects of being Bitten.

Vampirism and especially Bite Fever allows and facilitates an alchemical 'Black Magick' occult utilization of Corrupted Light Practices, if one so chooses to indulge. Being a 'Biter' doing the 'Biting' and being 'Bitten' also lends itself to the conjure of Animal Totem Spirit Guides such as a Bat and a Wolf.

I understand that some people consider themselves Vampires because they drink Human Blood and live a Vampire infused lifestyle, but Biological Vampirism of Infection is a distinct phenomenon.

Vampirism is a multi-disciplinary study which includes Anthropology, Biology, Biological Energetics, Genetics, Pathology, Virology, and Zoology. I report what I know to be true based on personal experiences, but also include what I suspect to be true, my speculations based on personal experiences and logic. I make many assertions about Vampirism, may my assertions serve to further intent for research and investigation of clinical and field of studies of Vampirism which starts with disclosure of information about Vampirism in the Scientific and Vampire Communities based on my personal experiences, anecdotal observations and commentary utilized in analysis and reasoning about Vampirism.


An example of the concept of an Undead Vampire in Tibetan cultural and religion myths: During Tibet’s history there was, and is, a belief in Tibetan culture of a common Tibetan cultural description that a Vampire is someone who’s Spirit enters and re-animates the Body of someone recently deceased, such that the Body is reanimated and lives again, inhabited by the consciousness of the inhabiting spirt, the ‘Vampire’. A similar phenomena is described in Tibetan Buddhism which posits the belief that prolonged intensive practice of specific Yoga Tantra practices, notably the practice of “Phowa” causes the acquisition of the Siddhi of ‘Phowa’, which during the physical process of death is the ability to immediately after death eject one’s consciousness up and out through the crown Chakra at the top of the head, and then to consciously choose transference of their consciousness from their dead Body in to the Body of a very young living child. Tibetan Buddhism posits the belief that with the practice of Phowa during life, at death Monks or Nuns transfer their consciousness in to the Body of a young child, which in Tibetan culture is considered a highly realized accomplishment and acceptable, but transferring in to the Body of a recently deceased person to reanimate and occupy an ‘undead’ Body as its new owner is called a ‘Vampire’, and is feared, reviled, and considered unacceptable. (Source: Tenzin Wangdu).


Chinnamasta has a vampiric appearance: Her Neck is cut and bleeding, she is drinking her own Blood, her two Attendants are drinking her Blood, she has Fangs like a Vampire that are sometimes depicted as bloody, is sometimes is depicted as having two Vampire bite marks on her Neck that bleed, and bleeding Vampire bite marks on the Necks of her Attendants. Chinnamasta has compassion for everyone, including Vampires.

Chinnamasta spiritual practices provides perspectives and guidelines for how to live your life with integrity, and also offers wisdom that is of benefit specifically for Vampires. Chinnamasta practices are designed in-part to tame, control, transform, stimulate, and redirect generally craven life force energies; and also for Vampires to tame, control, transform, stimulate, and redirect their vampiric energies and desires.

Like the habits of Vampires, Chinnamasta practices are about acquiring energy, conserving energy, and distributing energy; Chinnamasta is also about the generation and cultivation of energies, which is of utility and benefit to Vampires. Such practices are also about acquiring the wisdom of understanding life’s realities and approaching all events cognizant of how current conditions, circ*mstances, situations, and the principles and forces that are in effect and can be charmed with the magick of psychic abilities to alter frequency vibrations and create desirable results, such teachings and practices are for vampires and non-vampires alike. As both a Vampire and a Chinnamasta Devotee I test my siddhis and other psychic abilities and these exercises are a part of my Chinnamasta practices, and strengthen my vampiric and psychic abilities.

Chinnamasta is propitiated at night, especially at midnight or otherwise the middle of the night, on full and new Moons, and the crescent Moon, and these same time periods are of energetic use to Vampires. Her offerings are meat, fish, wheat, alcohol, and coitus; foods and activity that some Vampires sometimes use to increase or decrease craven, vampiric, primal and primitive energies and desires.

Some of Chinnamasta's 108 Names and 1000 Names are descriptive of Vampires and Vampirism, in the 108 and 1000 names of Chinnamasta are Names that can be literally, figuratively, or liberally transliterated as descriptive of and applied to Vampirism: Number # 10. Candika- fierce one, 13. Krodahajanani- creator of wrathful beings, 60. Raktanayana- having red eyes, 61. Raktapanaparayana- quaffing blood continuously, 69. Bhima- formidable one, 86. Siddhasevitayai served by Siddhis, 87. Siddhida- gives Siddhis, 88. Sidhanivaha- has the collection of Siddhis. In the 1000 Names of Chinnamasta: Name # 9. Caladrakta- one with quivering blood, 48. Sarvaranjanasaktih- power over all exciting passion, 51. Siddhividyasvarupini- embodiment of the science of supramundane attainments, 75. Kamesvari- goddess of love or desire, 95. Karalasya- gaping mouthed one, 206. Ghoravetalanasini- [Vetala] who kills the fierce~wicked~evil Vampires, 622. Naramamsapriya Nitya- always pleased with Human flesh, 326. Jvalamalaprapurita- surrounded by flames, 623. Nararaktapriya Sada- always pleased with Human blood, 761. Ratiragavivrddhini- increased sensuality in the realm of desire, 778. Lolajihva- quivering tongue, 779. Leliha- licking lips, 820. Ksudha- hunger for food, 879. Raktagatra- red or bloody body, 926. Pancaraktaprasarini- who makes the five Bloods flow, 930. Paladipriya Nitya- always pleased with meat and other offerings.


VAMPIRE ORIGINS: Animals drink Blood, Monkeys drink Blood, Primates drink the Blood of their prey, modern Humans drink Animal Blood in Au Jus and eat raw Animal flesh as Steak Tar Tar, Archaic hom*o Sapiens drank the Blood of Animals for nourishment, and drank Human Blood in a variety of contexts, such in magico-religious rite(s), as endo-cannibalism, and as a part of ritual Bonding with a Mate. At some point in time Archaic hom*o Sapiens or early modern hom*o Sapiens likely had some understanding of Bite Fever, of how it’s caused and how to give and receive 'Bite Fever'.

The origin of Vampirism: Rabies Virus trans-species Infection, vector of transmission of the Infection origin believed to be from Bat to Human, then from infected Human to another Human, ad infinitum. Vampirism has persisted at relatively stable levels worldwide for centuries which suggests to me that the longevity of Vampirism is intentional and definitely by Vampires for their own benefits, in other words, to me it is unlikely that an ‘Infection’ like Vampirism would occur as often as it has, in as many places as it has, and persist as long as it has, as a simple ‘Pathogen’, but persist Vampirism has through the centuries, enough time for the Vampire infectious agent to mutate, or be intentionally altered, modified, or potentiated, it is a hardy and adaptable Pathogen. Being a 'Biter' doing the 'Biting' and being 'Bitten' also lends itself to the conjure of animal totem spirit guides such as a Bat and a Wolf.

In Mythology and History are accounts of fantastic Creatures, Human-Animal Hybrids, ‘Manimals’ that to the people of those superstitious times seemed ‘supernatural’, most commonly the Vampire and the Werewolf. Possibilities that such accounts of Creatures that appeared more Animal than Human or that had Wings and flew were Jin or Biologically Engineered Creatures or a non-Human Race of intelligent Beings or Androids, powerful Creatures that intentionally frighten to render docile the simple people of those times. Media attempts to render the imagery of those superstitious has resulted in grotesque Creatures of amazing looking realism, such as the Bat-Human ‘Manimal’ in the Movie, “Bram Stokers Dracula.” It’s likely that the Jin imitating such Creatures has been witnessed by Humans.

The model of the Rabies Virus or a human variant of Rabies as an infectious 'Vampire Pathogen' makes better sense to me than other explanations that I know of as a clear explanation of a cause, and the Rabies Model appears to have the closest similarity in the Animal Kingdom, so it’s worth studying in relation to Vampirism.

Historical precedents: Dracula by Bram Stoker, Dracula starring Bela Lugosi, The Elixir of "Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde", 'Island of the lost Souls of Dr. Moreau' creating chimera symbiont subinhumanoid Manimals, science fiction "Atomic Supermen", military 'Super-Soldier', what all is possible?


Consider this news article that is recent as I write this, excerpted from: An article in “Medical News Today” online Magazine, Article Title and sub-title: “Could rabies explain the Vampire myth?” “Vampires and rabies: What's the link? At first, there appears to be little to link a mythical Blood-sucking beast and a serious medical condition. However, as we shall see, the two could be very much entwined. According to some researchers, the origin of the Vampire myth could be rooted in a very real menace: rabies.” Excerpt: In the 1700s, Vampires were not just legends; as far as normal folk were concerned, Vampires were a genuine worry. As Voltaire said, "Vampires were the sole matter of conversation between 1730 and 1735." And, it just so happens that there was a rabies epidemic in Hungary in the 1720s — the very time and place where the vampire legend appears to have taken root. But the similarities run deeper still. How does rabies cause aggression? Dr. J. Gómez-Alonso, a Spanish neurologist, published his theory in the journal Neurology in 1998. Dr. J. Gómez-Alonso’s observations: A male affliction. Vampires are almost always depicted as male, and rabies affects men seven times more often than women. Biting. Individuals with rabies become particularly aggressive and sometimes bite, or attempt to bite, other people. Also, once a vampire bites you, you become one of them, as is the case with rabies — it is by being bitten that the virus is most commonly spread. However, it is very rarely transmitted by a Human-to-Human bite. Aversions. Rabies might cause people to become averse to strong or surprising stimuli, including odors (such as garlic), light, and mirrors. In fact, according to Gómez-Alonso's paper, "A man was not considered rabid if he was able to stand the sight of his own image in a mirror." When someone with rabies comes into contact with such stimuli, their face can become contorted as the facial muscles spasm; their lips curl back to display their teeth, and their vocal cords may contract, producing hoarse sounds. They might also froth or bleed from the mouth. Insomnia and wandering. Rabies sometimes makes it difficult for the afflicted to sleep, and they therefore become prone to night wandering. Hypersexual. Vampires have a reputation for being rather lascivious. Similarly, people with rabies can be easily aroused. This is thought to be because the virus influences the limbic system, which controls emotions and behavior. In some cases, men with rabies can experience priapism, which is a painful erection that lasts, sometimes, for days. Transformation. Vampires are often depicted turning into other animals — the bat being the most common. Animals with rabies behave in much the same way as Humans with rabies. It is not too much of a leap of the imagination to think that somebody living in the 18th century who saw a Human and an animal acting similarly might make some kind of link; they might assume that animal and beast were morphing into each other. After death: When someone dies from rabies, it is commonly due to asphyxia or cardiorespiratory arrest. In these cases, blood can remain liquid for some time after. Because of the vampire-based concerns of the day, bodies were often dug up to check that they weren't Vampires. Seeing liquid blood oozing might raise concerns. Also, as tissue breaks down, parts of the body and internal organs can become swollen as gases are produced. This distension can force blood out of the mouth. If a corpse were to be exhumed, the sight of what appeared to be fresh blood in the mouth may be taken as confirmation that the undead had been feasting on Humans during the night. These could all be coincidences, but the parallels are striking. Dr. J. Gómez-Alonso: "The connection with rabies is the most comprehensive explanation, especially given the coincidence in time and the striking similarities between the two conditions. This research shows us that sometimes things that are apparently bizarre and senseless can have a logical explanation. It also reminds us that the limbic system, the 'brutish, animal part of our brain,' plays an important role in our behavior, and violence or unusual sexual behavior can easily be misinterpreted and be the result of a limbic system disorder." We cannot say that the vampire-rabies connection is solid fact, but it does fit rather neatly. More research will be needed, but it is unlikely to receive much funding. Published Wednesday 16 May 2018 By Tim Newman, Fact checked by Jasmin Collier.


Although I suspect that there is a Humans variant of Rabies a 'Vampire Pathogen', and that some historical examples of Vampires indicates Porphyria, the Vampire Pathogen is said to be the Rabies Pathogen RABV Lyssavirus Rhabdoviridae which is a genus of RNA Viruses, order Mononegaviralis. Infects mammals including Humans, high morbidity potential of fatality, only three known cases of surviving Rabies, two were children. Symptoms start with flu-like symptoms: headache, fever, fatigue, and vomiting drinking water, progressing rapidly in one to two weeks degenerating to paralysis, delirium, convulsions, and death, often from encephalitis. No effective medical Treatment, there is an Antidote that is injected with painful shots using six inch hypodermic Needles injection into the Umbilicus 'Belly Button', the Antidote is said to be more effective with early intervention when the infection is not advanced. Sources:,

"Vampires and rabies: What's the link?"
"Were Vampires Rabid?" By Gretchen Vogel
"Rabies A possible explanation for the vampire legend"
"Rabies: An Explanation for the Vampire Legend?"

I agree with much in these Articles because they describe many of my experiences, however, these Articles fail to mention the increase in telepathic and other psychic abilities during ‘Bite Fever’ and thereafter, and these Articles also ignore the roles of: Energetics, Magick, the Occult, and Corrupted Light.

“genetic disease turns you into a real-life Vampire”, Excerpts: “Dracula (or Dracul, Dracule), is thought to have suffered from the genetic illness porphyria, which symptoms match that of a Vampire. A recessive disorder, it is much more likely to occur in inbred noble or royal families, and DNA testing has shown several prominent, historical nobles suffered from the genetic disease. No, porphyria suffers don’t turn into bats, become immortal, or sleep in coffins. And a genetic disease is hereditary, so a bite from a porphyria sufferer wouldn’t do much to you. (Rabies, the obvious disease basis for werewolf folklore, is another matter entirely.)

Porphyria sufferers are missing key enzymes involved in blood hemoglobin synthesis. The hemoglobin intermediates, normally immediately converted by the body, are photo-active and instead build up under the skin by persons with the disease. This causes some porphyria sufferers pain in sunlight (although it doesn’t kill them). Their skin is often anemic (due to lack of blood hemoglobin), they tend to have florescent teeth, and some sufferers supposedly have a hunger or need to drink blood. It also drives some sufferers insane over time (King George III may have been afflicted.) Sound like a vampire yet? (Reflection in mirrors is not a problem, though.) Update 2018: Werewolf legend is actually a pretty good folk description/warning of rabies, which during the middle ages was a truly dread disease that was not well understood. (As Wikipedia notes porphyria is also blamed for the Werewolf legend, but this seems to us a bit of a stretch when Werewolves are so obviously rabid animals, right down to transmission to Humans by Bite."). (Porphyria information also sourced at:

People mistaking rabid animals for Werewolves to me it sounds like a superstitious belief, or the Jin impersonating a Werewolf.

Porphyria has several very unpleasant symptoms, none of which I had after being 'Bitten' nor during 'Bite Fever'.


From personal experience I know Vampirism is real, but I am not yet convinced that Werewolfism is real. During Vampire 'Bite Fever' I experienced symptoms and effects comparable to historical descriptions of both a Vampire and a Werewolf, but I cannot say that I had Werewolfism, nor can I say that Werewolfism exists, but the similarities between historical and medical descriptions of Vampirism and Werewolfism merit scientific investigation and analysis, for example, could being Bitten by a rabid Wolf cause 'Bite Fever'? A rabid Wolf Bite will transmit Rabies, but could the Vampire Pathogen infection also be contracted from a Wolf Bite? Is there a distinct medical phenomenon that can be called Werewolfism? Can Vampirism or something like Vampirism be acquired from being bitten by a Wolf, and be called Werewolfism? Can a Vampire Pathogen be acquired from a Wolf? If something like Vampirism can be acquired from a Wolf bite should it be called Werewolfism a Wolf in name only, or would it be that the Wolf version is different in symptamotology? Could a Wolf bite result in an infection with symptoms similar to the Bite Fever of Vampirism, surviving a period of ‘rabidness’, then recovering? Can the Bite infections from a Bat and a Wolf be identical enough in pathology to be said to be different versions of the same pathogen? Would the biology of the animal doing the biting change what sort of a ‘rabid’ response or ‘Bite Fever’ presents? Can a wolf bite transmit a Pathogen with distinct different medical conditions? All of these questions need to be answered.

Werewolfism has an enduring appeal: Lycan- of having the spirit of a Wolf or species of the greater Canus Kingdom, for many people Wolves are important for the imagery, mythology, and lore about Wolves as stories passed by oral traditions of Family and tribe retelling the stories to each succeeding generation about Humans interacting with Wolves in important ways from the fantastical allegorical parables to encounters in the Forest, so many people describe some aspect of their personality as a Wolf: Predatory, fearless, loyal, team worker, vitality, athleticism, hunting and sexual prowess, and success; a recurring motif of an Animal Totem and Animal 'Spirit Guide' Avatar in Shamanism.

"Lycan" is derived from the word "lycanthrope," meaning someone who suffers from lycanthropy; "The professed ability or power of a human being to transform into a wolf, or to gain wolf-like characteristics." Lycanthropy: The supernatural transformation of a person into a wolf, as recounted in folk tales. Archaic: a form of madness involving the delusion of being an animal, usually a wolf, with correspondingly altered behavior. Origin: late 16th century (as a supposed form of madness): from modern Latin lycanthropia, from Greek lukanthrōpia, from lukos ‘wolf’ + anthrōpos ‘man’.

Vampirism and Werewolfism demonstrate the Human propensity of psychological imprinting of animal traits into Human consciousness, demonstrate how people use Totem Animal Spirits as guides and motifs of Avatars to emulate and model perceived positive aspects of animal behavior as a philosophical approach to better living, of which the most fantastic is Vampirism of both kinds biological and as a lifestyle, and the relatively more mundane versions of Human and Animal Interactivity such as Tattoos of Bats and Wolves, ownership of animal pets such as Dogs and Cats, Zoo and Nature Preserve Bat and Wolf colonies, the reintroduction of Wolfs in to the wild, and census counts of Bat colonies. Makings of an Alpha: Parasite in Grey Wolves Triggers Risk-Taking Behavior, a particular parasite found in grey wolves causes risk-taking behavior, which is a key attribute of an Alpha explanation for why some grey wolves may be more likely to become pack leaders.
Grey wolves infected with this parasite are more likely to become pack leaders. Grey wolves exposed to Toxoplasma gondii — the parasite that causes the disease toxoplasmosis — are more than 46 times more likely to become a pack leader than uninfected wolves, according to a study published Thursday in Communications Biology.

The Alpha Wolf Parasite induces increased risk taking and subsequent ascendency to Alpha pack leader status, with biological pathology and behavioral changes similar to the symptoms of the Vampire 'Bite Fever' pathogen infection. Is a person infected with the Vampire Pathogen more likely to become a Leader? During Bite Fever I was an 'Alpha' more confident than usual, and with confidence comes risk taking, the question is it an acceptable risk, or has the range of acceptable risks shifted to inadvisably dangerous risk taking? A question worth asking ourselves anytime.


Months after I published "I am a Vampire" I found a chat room about the book “Chinnamasta The Aweful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric Goddess” by Elizabeth Anne Bernard and by chance the chat was about a pursuit by people of the upper class rich social strata in pre-world war two Germany, an elitist social strategy proposed by wealthy upper class Germans whom were proponents of 'Wolf Psychology' for Humans, whom were fans, aficionados, and enthusiasts of the psychology of Wolves, in particular the Alpha hierarchy pack behavior and sexual dominance by the male of the female; which to me seems contrary to nature, but they argued that psychology in Wolf packs also applies to Humans, that Humans respond instinctively to social cues regarding dominance and submission of Male or Female, and Alpha or Beta social ranking, for example, in Sorority Dormitory housing Women often synchronize their Periods to the Period of the 'Alpha' female student. This Wolf and Werewolf hobby or fetish pursuit by some of pre-world war two German society’s financial upper class made could or would have led to scientific inquiries into the zoology and biology of Wolves as compared to Humans with the goal of perfecting a ‘Wolf Serum’ capable of transferring specific aspects of Wolf biology based behavior into Humans to generate the emergence of an Alpha Persona, improve vitality, athleticism, sexuality, and power by social dominance, as an agenda of Human Medical Experimentation to further a eugenicist goal to become an enhanced Human that is part Wolf, or, seen another way, to tame a 'Werewolf within' for an enhanced life. It would seem that over time such pursuits have resulted in isolating a Vampire Pathogen in injectable form, and may have led to the research and development of an actual 'Wolf Serum' as mentioned by my Visitor, my 'Vampire Brother'.

V.C. 31. VAMPIRE DIET. Part 31 of 31.


Any food or drink with residual biological activity of beneficial consumption; Macrobiotic: grown as organically and as nearby as possible to your residence.

AGRARIAN VEGETARIAN FARM: Freshly harvested: Fruits, Grains, Herbs, Nuts, Roots, Seeds, Spices, Sprouts, Vegetables.

PALEOLITHIC ANIMAL FARM: The more recently harvested the better: Bee Pollen + Raw Honey + Propolis + Royal Jelly; Dairy, examples: Raw Milk, Blue Cheese, and Yogurt; Eggs; Meats and Organs, examples: Liver & Pate; Seafoods, examples: Caviar, Sushi; moderation of unpasteurized fermented beverages, example Kombucha, but beware Alcohol is an addictive poison.

VORE: The more recently harvested the better: Human Blood & Breast Milk & Period & Placenta & Saliva & sem*n & Sweat & Tears & vagin*l Secretions; raw Animal Blood and Flesh, examples: Au Jus & Steak Tar Tar.


VITAE OF PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES does not include the paranormal 'High Strangeness' Experiences in: "Vampire Compendium", "Vitae of Spiritual Experiences", two events of Encounters with Jin are in "Tibetan Buddhism in the 21st. Century", "Corrupted Light", and a few other of my experiences of events are scattered throughout the entire Blog, but other than that I did what I could to include all of my remaining Paranormal 'High Strangeness' Experiences in the Vitae of Paranormal 'High Strangeness' Experiences.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1963 I survive an Atomic Fallout. 1 of 2. Part 2.

1963: 9140 s.w. Brier Lane Portland Oregon 97223: I survive an Atomic Fallout. 1963: I am an Atomic radiation Fallout Survivor of a nuclear test blast, possibly of a ‘Operation Dominic’ nuclear test blast. At age of two and a half I sat on a stool in front of the Sink, which had a Window above it, facing East. I was looking down at my Hands in the Water running on the Dishes, when I saw an instantaneous flash of brilliant Light, and I could see the Bones inside my Fingers. I heard my Mom say, “What in the world?”, so I looked to my left to where she was standing in the Dining Room and I saw many streaks of white Light enter the Room through the Ceiling traveling directly downward and disappearing into the Floor. Then I noticed something bright so I looked out the Window and saw that the Sky was bright white, which within three seconds faded to normal daylight blue Sky. Later that day, I was in the front yard and in the Sky very far away I saw the most beautiful Cloud I had ever seen, extremely large, extremely high in the sky, extremely far away; as I stood looking at this enormous cloud I heard myself say " Distance 1,500 miles, altitude 150 miles." Then my Father brought me inside the House, saying it was not good, and to not look at it. Direction east north east.

My memory is the nuclear blast cloud was east north east from my location, distance of approximately 1,500 miles away, at an altitude of 150 miles, and it continues to sound roughly accurate to me, so it may have been detonated in Montana. Location s.w. Brier Lane, Garden Home, Oregon.

I did a google search and my research revealed that at that time "Operation Dominic" was the closest publicly acknowledged nuclear test blast, that Operation Dominic occurred in Nevada, and that Operation Dominic happened after Operation Starfish Prime over the Pacific Ocean, but I found a document stating that at that time there were a series of aerial nuclear test blasts starting in the northern midwest of the continental U.S.A., altogether perhaps a half dozen aerial nuclear blasts perhaps weeks or months apart, and that each blast was progressively towards the western u.s.a., so perhaps the blast I saw was the western most blast over Montana. I was looking east / north east towards Montana, not south towards Nevada, but I’m calling what I saw a part of Operation Dominic because all of these Atomic explosions happened nearest in time and location(s) to Operation Dominic.

The official government ‘cover story’ is that these Operations were a ‘show of force’ political reaction to counter the possibility that the Soviet Union would pre-emptively attack the U.S.A. with nuclear Missiles, so the U.S.A. was demonstrating its nuclear prowess to deter the Soviets from a pre-emptive nuclear Missile strike of the U.S.A.

That disinformation propaganda story convinced my Father and most of the rest of the American public to believe the story, but perhaps closer to the truth is Operation Dominic was a deliberate act designed to measure the harm inflicted, including the sending enlisted service men “Atomic Soldiers” to “Ground Zero”, locations of nuclear blasts so recent that soldiers reported that the ground had residual heat from the Blast(s). Of interest was the effects on the public by nuclear explosion’s radioactive fallout, a Human Medical Experiment meant to sicken some the population so that the government had a better understanding of military and public capability and survivability in the event of atomic war, and that because the public would spend more money on medical treatments, so it was a way for large corporations to gain large profits in the medical therapies, and that there was interest in using radiation as a public de-population Tool. By ownership of major media outlets, the Military Industrial Complex intentionally caused public paranoia about communism and the Soviet Union to justify military above ground Atomic Bomb explosions for political agendas such as medical information gleaned about radiation sickness with profiteering for pharmaceuticals and Nuclear Medicine, and a belief that the U.S.A. must lead the World and be the World's Police with the Agendas of military superiority with opportunistic and planned use of military force with the goal of world domination.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1963 I survive an Atomic Fallout. 2 of 2. Part 3.

Regarding my memory of a distance of approximately 1,500 miles away, at an altitude of 150 mile those numbers came into my head at that time too, and it continues to sound roughly accurate to me: in 2017 during my second Bite Fever, perhaps six weeks after being ‘Bitten’, I was trying to remember the exact distance and altitude of the Atomic Bomb Cloud, so to concentrate I closed my Eyes and did a meditative state concentrating on remembering seeing what I saw through two year old Eyes, and suddenly I was there and could see it and gauge the distance and altitude and said aloud in my mind “Distance 1,500 miles, altitude 150 miles”, and I remember that at that time at age 2 in my Mind I heard the thought, “Distance 1,500 miles, altitude 150 miles”, but at age 2 I was not able to do that, and yet the younger me heard what I was thinking, and I always remembered those distances from that time to the present, so what happened is my consciousness regressed in time, I was there again, and I remember that thought as happening for the first time back then, yet I was in the present, in meditation, 54 years later. Time travel, Temporal Incursion, Magick.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1964 Suspected Contact with a Jin. Part 4.

1964: 10910 s.w. 79th. Portland Oregon 97223, Paranormal phenomena of contact with an unseen entity. It was a warm sunny day, I was playing on the lawn with my cousin Dan Deaville in his parents backyard, on south west 79th street in Garden Home, Oregon. Suddenly, I saw a circular dark shadow appear on the Lawn; it was large- several feet in diameter, Dan said, “See that? I’ve seen it before. It moves around.” It was about 10’-15’ away from us, a darkened circular area about 10’ in diameter, where the Lawn looked much darker, like nighttime. It remained there for a moment, motionless for about 15-20 seconds, then the darker area shrunk to its center and disappeared. When this shadowed area was present it emitted no sound, and while this shadowed area was present about another 10' away a second shadow appeared, and then next to it quickly appeared a third circular shadow, and from the appearance of both of them in quick succession it was apparent that they were descending from higher above, from the Sky, and that as they dropped down vertically and when close approach to the ground that the light and motion was more substantial, visibly more perceivable, increasing in luminosity and semi-transparent opacity. These two shadows were there for perhaps 10 or 15 seconds, then the second shadow ascended vertically at extreme velocity and was gone in an instant, was gone for a few seconds while the third shadow remained stationary, then suddenly another extremely fast down drop and a shadow was present again in the same place that the second shadow was before. Then all three reversed order shrinking and disappeared up into the Sky.

Months later, I saw the same phenomena again, it was a sunny day, I was alone in the Deaville's backyard playing on the Lawn, sitting, I looked up and about 8’ away I saw a darkened circular area on the Lawn, then another darker circular area on the Lawn appeared about 13’ away, both were present for approximately 10-15 seconds, then the shadowed areas shrank to their center and were gone, and it all happened extremely quickly- in an instant, but I noticed that as the second circle had finished shrinking to its center I noticed that in the upward movement I could see an indistinct shape inside a narrow vortice funnel of light that moved up extremely fast, kind of like how water sucks up a straw, I saw an indistinct shape travel up a Funnel of Light, and I saw some light emanate in the upward movement.

Then about one minute passes, then another sighting, it started as a faint Light that moved down from above so fast and so faint that it was barely visible or perceivable, it was a downward movement of a cone of Light that vertically descends extremely swiftly, and then suddenly there's a large circle of corrupted light appears on the Lawn, dark as night on a clear bright sunny summer day, and it was a circular shadow area that was larger than any of the previous shadowed areas, and it was also closer to me than any of the previous shadowed areas, perhaps 6' away, and about this shadow that had suddenly appeared next to me on the Lawn I was not afraid but within a few seconds I surmised that it was alive because I sensed that I was silently being watched and scrutinized, but by whom I could not see so I continued sitting on the Lawn and playing with the Grass.

The circular area of corrupted light on the Lawn next to me remained stationary for several seconds, then the circle shrank to nothing, and at the instant that the shadow had shrank to gone I saw a very rapid upward funneling of Light and an indistinct shaped Light inside of that smokey looking tubular funnel cloud of Light, and as soon as it was moving upwards, I saw a color-burst of light, a flash of all the colors of the Rainbow about 3’-4’ above the ground, the rainbow color-burst was in the middle of the densest area of Light inside the Funnel Cone of Light and during the upwards motion; the rainbow color-burst of Light during the upward movement was small compared to the overall movement of a much larger semi-oblique Funnel Cone of Light that moved swiftly vertically upwards into the sky, I looked up quickly and saw like a thin tube of light shoot high into the Sky and disappear. I believe it was a “Flyer”- “The Predator”; and I suspect that the use of circular areas of Shadows was the use of corrupted light to camouflage their presence.

The Jin in History:

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1966 Abduction at age 5: 1 of 3. Part 5.

1966: s.w. Brier Lane Portland Oregon: Abduction with un-anesthetized forced implant of an Adenoma Pituitary Tumor during the abduction when I was age 5. This was a very violent crime on me, which I now recall fairly well, but it took decades to reconstruct all of the fragmented memories into a coherent narrative of what actually happened:

I was asleep, without thinking about what I was doing, I got out of bed, and went outside to the back yard. I saw two ‘Grey’-type ‘Aliens’ standing there, they were perhaps 3.5' tall, they had large Craniums, and pale Skin. My next memory is opening my Eyes while floating upwards and saying, “I’m flying!” one of the two ‘Grays’ turned his Head sharply to look at me after I said it, and suddenly, I believed and saw that I was walking on a path with other people in front of me and behind me, we were walking on a trail that was going sideways diagonally up the hill at an angle, and curving to the left, up the side of a hill. The trail had large inlaid stone steps that radiated light as I stepped on them. We reached the top of the hill, a clearing, a lawn, and there was a large statue of a bumblebee, bolted to a cement slab below it, and it was vibrating, and I thought, “It’s alive”. Then I saw a fat middle-aged bald white Man standing next to the statue and standing next to an opening, a doorway to go inside it, and he said, “You’re not supposed to go in here. You’re not going to remember this, you will not remember this”. I remember floating through the opening into an interior that looked like a spaceship.

Inside, I saw what I suspect were a type of ‘Greys’, grey Skin colored ‘Aliens’ - they wore hoods around their Heads, but what I saw was three short, pretty, young, and identical looking ‘women’ with look-alike ‘buster brown’ Haircuts, sitting and standing at control panels, working the electronic equipment. There physical movements were weird- slow and precise, sort of a robotic motion(s). I saw 3 grey hooded servants, and a taller and attractive ‘Woman’ leader. Because of intense visual trickery that was happening I was having trouble seeing clearly. She handed me what looked like a glass of water to drink, then said, “Here, drink this”; I drank it, and was immediately sexually aroused, which was a pleasant new sensation for me. I saw her turn to look at me from the middle of this place; she was wearing a black full body Unitard, in which she looked young, attractive, and powerful, and she was surrounded by the short women and lots of hi-tech equipment that as a 5 year old looked like the Bridge of a Spaceship, but which now looked different because when I first looked around inside the interior looked small and cramped, but after I was there for a while it looked like the place was larger.

I remember floating through the air on to a diagonally slanted table and was strapped down to it, which at the time I just accepted without distress. They were doing something with my Genitals, which I surmise was the taking of a sem*n sample, but I could not feel any sensation in my Genitals. I overheard that blond female telling a taller white blond male, “He has the Vampire Pathogen”; his body stiffened a little but he had no immediate reply, he turned towards some equipment and did something with it then turned to her and said something to her, then she turned towards me and said in an excited voice, “We’re going to do Brain Surgery!” Then an apparatus descended down from the ceiling, close to my face, a metal rod went up my Nostril and I felt an extremely intense pain as it perforated the back of my Nasal Cavity and I burst out in tears from pain so extreme that I thought I was dying. Then it slid a little further up my Nostril, then it withdrew and Blood came out of my Nose. When I saw the Blood I panicked and struggled to free myself from the Restraints.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1966: Abduction at age 5. 2 of 3. Part 6.

Suddenly I was looking at and watching a comic Book being shown to me, in front of me; it seems like what I was seeing was also being projected directly into my Mind, and I heard a disguised sounding female voice describing what I was looking at, as though she was turning the pages. I surmise that they had deployed very powerful artificial telepathy Mind control technology on me to distract me from my panic. My impression is that it was an underground Jewish-Nazi p*rnographic comic Book, about which I later learned while in College that at time in 1966 was in circulation in Israel; anyway, it distracted me from wanting to escape, nor was I able to perceive anything else; it was a very powerful Mind control technology that was controlling my Mind. The comic Book contained a story of attractive young women Nazi Tank Soldiers, and inside the Tank with the Nazi women were two tied-up men in Restraints, caricatures of Jewish males with over-sized Noses, the women had swastika arm bands, which at the time had no meaning to me, and they wore white dress shirts, unbuttoned with lots of cleavage, and inside the tank the Nazi women alternately beat, teased, and tortured their Jewish male captives. About the females depicted in the comics, I remember that Woman telling me, “These are Amazons”; ever since then I’ve preferred women whom are dominatrix powerful- sexually aggressive, athletically curvaceous, and smart. At times, it felt like I was actually in the story line in the comic Book, like an attempt was made to involve me in the story line, because I experienced images of finding the Comic Book in the Gutter of the Street that I lived on s.w. Brier Lane then showing it my father who takes the comics from me and telling me that I shouldn’t look at things like that, then seeing him read it with a smile on his face.

The next thing I remember is being outside of the Tank, standing on the sidewalk of a Bridge at a Bridge crossing Fanno Creek about four blocks from my house. Standing outside with me, she said to me, “See the Ducks?” I looked down at a few ducks in the water paddling under the bridge where I was standing on its sidewalk. After I gazed at ducks a few seconds, she said, “Now you go home and go to bed”. I looked back, and saw that the military Tank that I thought I had been inside now looked like a large, black, mechanical Crab, the size of a Tank, and I saw it walk off down the Street on large mechanical claw Legs- to a five year old under mind control, a relatively small 'Flying Saucer' with Landing Struts extended might appear as a giant Crab and it's it's not surprising that I would misinterpret what was there for what I was seeing. So then I turned away and walked home and went to bed, it was now the morning, I didn’t see anyone as I entered the house, my entrance and presence unnoticed by anyone, and I went to bed, and fell asleep.

The next thing I knew, my Mom was waking me up and asking me where I had been, I told her that I was here sleeping, which she didn’t believe, and she was upset, and said that I had been gone for five hours, and that they had been walking all over the neighborhood looking for me, and said I could not have been sleeping there, but at that time I did not remember anything that had happened to me, so I just kept saying I was asleep, and my Mom wondered aloud if I had a sleepwalking sickness, and wondered aloud if had I been in the bathroom.

For decades afterward, the only memory I had of the event was an exciting and immensely pleasurable dream that I thought I had just experienced while sleeping, a dream of walking on a path up the side of the hill with other people, nothing else, but it was a profoundly exciting and pleasurable ‘dream’. Such altered memories are what is called a ‘screen memory’ which are designed to cause Abductees to forget what actually happened to them, by imposing a false account or narrative of what happened, into the Abductees Mind, via telepathy and / or artificial telepathy.

Because of the comic Book content, at first I suspected that my Abductors were the descendants of German Nazis ‘Arayans’ whom I’ve heard rumors of living in Antarctica, but it could as likely have been the C.I.A., or it could have been non-Human ‘Aliens’, or some faction of a Human Breakaway Civilization. Whomever did this to me committed violent crimes on me; they used me as a medical test subject in an attempt to create a '‘Super-Soldier’', or otherwise as a way to gain functional control of me. I recall a threat to my life if I talked about it to anyone, and I have a vague motif impression that there was a Reptilian present, but I can’t say for sure because they were controlling what I was seeing. Of the virtual reality screen illusions and telepathy being used on me, including screen memories, I remembered some of it soon thereafter, remembered more as the decades went by, and after I was 'Bitten' and 'made' a Vampire in 2017, I remembered all of what happened to me.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1966 Abduction at age 5: 3 of 3. Part 7.

Weeks later, and still not remembering what had happened to me, I had a routine pediatric doctor appointment. I was alone in the exam room with the pediatrician, Dr. Hendricks, and I was nude as he examined my body, and when he lifted my scrotum to look underneath it, he froze, then moved closer and looked very closely. He asked me if anyone had touched me there, and I said no- I didn’t remember. After the exam I listened to Dr. Hendricks talk with my Mom, and he said, “There’s a small red triangle incision on his scrotum, and I've seen this before, we think it’s some sort of devil worship”, and he looked critically at my Mom, who then profusely proclaiming that she had no idea what this was about, did not - was not - had no idea how it got there; Mom was upset and bewildered. I could tell that for the Moment Dr. Hendricks was satisfied with my Mom’s explanation, so they talked of other issues.

When I got home I looked and saw the red triangle was on the underside of my Scrotum, approximately 0.5” diameter, and the Skin of the triangle itself was reddened considerably. Curious about it even though I had not yet remembered its origin, but I kept looking at it periodically, and noticed that within a few weeks a flat gray mole grew over and obscured the triangle. About thirty five years later I noticed that the mole was shrinking, and within a few months was gone, and so was any trace of the red triangle.

Decades later, I saw a location that looked exactly like the hillside I thought I had traversed and summited during the start of the abduction: In 1983, I hiked to the top of Mt. Sylvania, in Portland, Oregon, and at that time in 1983, the hillside, and especially the circular Lawn clearing that capped Mt. Sylvania was exactly what I thought I saw the ‘Bumblebee’ sitting on, atop the summit, which has since been developed by real estate housing. Mt. Sylvania is less than five miles from my parents’ home where I was abducted.

October 15, 2015 Brain Surgery a one half inch long (micro)-Adenoma Tumor was removed from my Pituitary Gland; post-surgery acute care there were two instance of malpractice, two incidents about an hour apart where I was alone in a room with a male Nurse a different person each time that delayed my recovery to medically stable from the standard three months to a difficult recovery lasting nine months. For forty nine years I lived with and suffered from Acromegaly 'Giantism' due to the presence of a Pituitary Tumor implanted at age five and removed at age fifty four.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1969 ABDUCTION, at Garden Home Elementary School in Portland, Oregon. Part 8.

1969 ABDUCTION, at Garden Home Elementary School in Portland, Oregon:

I was at school in the third grade attending class when a school employee came to our class room and asked me to come with her. As we walked down the hallway, she said that two men were here to see me; she took me to an unused room in another wing of the school where I used to attend classes in the second grade, and at the doorway to a class room with no one in it there stood a man, around age fifty, tall, gravy hair, clean shaved, wearing a dark grey suit. The school employee left, and the man asked me sit down in the unoccupied class room. I asked him where the other man was, and he told me that he would be back. He then left the room, then after a couple of minutes he reappeared at the doorway and told me that we were going to use another room, so I went with him to the adjacent class room which was also unoccupied, he told me to sit, I sat in a chair, he told me to just wait here a moment, then he left the room. I sat for a moment, then started to look around, began to sense a presence, and instinctively, I looked behind me at the long window curtain next to the window, and at the bottom of the curtain I saw a pair of shoes then the contour of someone behind the curtain, then the last thing I remember, I panicked and began to flee, then a vague memory of suddenly falling asleep. The next thing I knew, I was still sitting in the chair, I looked around but saw no one, so I went back to class.

Later that day the school employee asked me what the men wanted, and I told her what I knew at the time; after he took me to the other class room and left the room, he never returned. She had me repeat the story to other school employees, and I remember they said that the men must have been called away on business. As to what happened after I fell asleep I have a hazy, vague memory of lying on a table, having a device contacting my temple first on one side then both sides, experiencing agony, and then experiencing pleasure. The agony was stronger than the pleasure.


1970: 6670 s.w. Canby Street Portland Oregon 97219: ABDUCTION from my parents Front Yard. It happened either the winter before I was exposed to Black Goo in 1971. It was night time in winter with snow on the ground. Alone, I went outside and on the front porch, I removed my clothes to make snow angels in the snow while nude. I walked out in the side yard of our house on s.w. Canby St. in Garden Home, Oregon, and suddenly a few feet in front of me I saw a large oval shaped brown light appear, maybe 8’-10’ high and 6’-7’ wide, it looked flat and emitting a dull glow of brown colored light.

My next memory is I was in a facility and there was a man who told me to follow him, and we walked through what at the time appeared to me to be some sort of industrial facility, it was large because we walked for a minute or two. We walked up to a man who asked the man with me “Why is he naked?” The man I walked with said something, so the other man said to me, “Why are you naked?” “I was making Snow Angels”. “Yes, but why are you naked?” “You’re supposed to make them that way”. Then they led me to a chair to sit in, then a light shined steadily in to my face, a light that was not too bright, and seemed to fluctuate, modulate, and I felt funny because it seemed like time had stopped, and that I was made calm, with my mind in a kind of suspended state, aware but without thought. Then there was a sudden discomfort that was intensifying and distracted me away from the light, I Iooked down and saw my bare thigh, my legs were shivering uncontrollably, and I realized that I was shivering from cold because I was sitting nude in a metal chair after already feeling cold because I had been nude in the snow. So, they stopped the procedure, and then the man walked me back to where I had first encountered him, then the next thing I knew I was standing in my yard, not remembering what had happened, and that my body suddenly felt a little different- a little more excited, and my mind was sort of blank, and I wanted to go inside, so I went to the front porch where I got dressed and then went inside, not remembering anything that had happened

This memory was slower to return than other similar memories, it was not until several months after I started writing this Book before was I able to finally fully remember and reconstruct this memory, and what I've noticed is that although I have an excellent memory for whom said what at a given encounter, my memory of exact dates is less excellent, but I believe this happened before my exposure to Black Goo, but there's a chance it happened afterward, and that the dates of this event and the exposure to Black Goo are either the year I stated, or possibly the year before.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1971: Ingestion of Black Goo, Description of Black Goo. 1 of 2. Part 10.

1971: 6670 s.w. Canby St. 97219: Contact with a Jin disguised as a Gorn, and ingestion of Black Goo. With 2017 update by email thread.

At age ten I was tricked or forced to ingest Black Goo- it got in my Mouth and Eyes as it rained. So, one day I was inside the house when I suddenly wanted to go outside without a clear reason why I wanted to, so without thinking I went outside into our front yard and just stood there, and it suddenly began to Rain, and I noticed a black oily liquid coming down with the Rain, mixed in the Rain, and then an unseen voice next to me said into my Mind, "Tilt your Head up, open your Mouth”, I did so, and the Rain got in my Mouth and Eyes, and it was oily. Then I sensed an intense negative energy of hostility and I was getting extremely sick extremely fast, I felt unbearably sick like I was dying, it felt like my Mind was being violently destroyed, and I was terrified. The immediate onset of this hideous and terrifying sickness lasted maybe perhaps one minute, and then suddenly I felt super powerful, super smart, super confident, and super ready and wanting to kill. I walked towards the front Door to go inside the House, the Door was open, and as I walked to the front Door, at the extreme outside edge of my aura of consciousness was from where I prayed, “Dear God, please don’t let anyone be in the House”, because I knew I would kill anyone I encountered. No one was there, so I went to my room, laid down in my bed, and fell asleep. So, when it rained ‘Black Rain’ I got rained on with Black Goo, which caused an extreme reaction that felt like I was dying, and the experience was life changing. This was a very violent crime perpetrated against me.

When I awoke I was different- cold, hard, mean, calculating, manipulative, which did not soften much until I started dating and having sex with girls as a teenager. Whomever spoke to me in the front yard was invisible and telepathic, I think it was a Jin, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was collusion with Human collaborators such as a government intelligence defense agency or a Breakaway Civilization. I think this was an experiment a 'Super Soldier' test of the Black Goo in me at age 10.

Later that evening on the local Channel 8 KGW commercial broadcast television station evening news, the newscaster Ralph Wenge said "We're getting reports of something in the Rain and several fights breaking out. We'll get back to you about this as we learn more". I never heard it mentioned again. Later that day I was talking with my Mom and Sister, and my Sister said, “What was in the Rain? It made me feel awful.” Mom was not outside when it rained so she did not understand. I presume I had a much larger exposure than my Sister received. Black Goo as Black Rain.

Around this time I was watching a live televised professional football game and I remember the Announcer Commentator saying at the start of the game that the Players were complaining that the Football Field was covered with an oily substance. Soon there were multiple fights between the opposing Team Players before, during, and after each scrimmage, with multiple plays of multiple offsetting penalties, and the Announcer said that there was fighting in the Bleachers between the Fans. The game was suspended for almost an hour, Riot Police were called in, then Commentator said at another Stadium the game was cancelled mid-game due to violence.

Absorption of Black Goo causes a psychotic break of insane violence that subsides but subsequently there is the potential of reactivation of latent hostility 'acted out' as a trauma symptom of P.T.S.D. that can last for a few years. Black Goo reputedly acts as an artificial intelligence that increases overall intelligence, but upon absorption has an unacceptable effect of violent behavior.

Black Goo is a meta-material, a thick oily black liquid that flows slowly in Channels deep underground acting as a conduit of the Earth's Electricity. It is used in Transmission Tower Radio Frequency Antennas broadcasting electronic telemetry of all kinds because it has a high power capacity capability of broadcasting radio frequency emissions.

The War between Argentina and Britain over the Malvina vs. Falkland Islands was said to be because the British desired unrestricted access to harvest the open-air Schists of "Grey Goo" occuring naturally there, and want it as a British resource.

Harald Katz-Vella describes Black Goo as the "Liquid Brains of the Earth." In his video in Laboratory it self-organized into Balls with a surface of geometric rows of small pyramids, always directs it's physical orientation towards nearby Black Goo, is not reducible by refinement, is programmable matter; and claimed that Earth's Black Goo is less dangerous than another Black Goo from another planet of violent history that is on Earth, and that Black Stone Slabs in Catholic Alters that feel emotionally "cold" contain Black Goo.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1971 Jin masquerading as a Gorn. Super Soldier Field Drill Exercise Test. 2 of 2. Part 11.

1971: 6670 s.w. Canby St. 97219: About two weeks after the Black Goo in the rain getting in me, again I was inside the house when I suddenly wanted to go outside, so without thinking I walked out the front door and headed for an undeveloped property lot that was at the south end of our property, it was a field, a wild growth of blackberry and weeds next to our property. I headed for the trail leading into it and as I entered I felt very scared and began shaking. A voice in my mind said, “Pick up that stick and use it as a weapon”; near the trail was a dead fallen tree branch perhaps 11’ long, and as I walked slowly forward, I swung it side-to-side with a sweeping motion of the space in front of me as I walked slowly and fearfully forward. Then I saw a "Gorn"- a ‘Reptilian’ appeared from 'thin air', simply was suddenly there, it had a Humanoid form- bipedal two arms and two legs body but with the head of a lizard, and was wearing a simple and plain looking brown uniform. It suddenly appeared about 15’ in front of me at my ten o’clock angle, it ran several yards angling towards to a place maybe 5’ closer to me but now at my one o’clock angle, and as it ran it looked over its left shoulder briefly towards deeper into the field, and at that moment I sensed a few more of ‘them’ nearby and hidden, then when it got to this one o’clock place, it squatted low, and vanished. I cautiously walked over to where it had vanished, and looked carefully at the ground, thinking that it had shrunk to very small, then I heard a loud stern strong male voice tell me in my mind to "LEAVE!", so I turned around and retraced my steps on the trail, towards our property, and I sensed presences on both sides of me, but I didn’t even bother to look around, I simply looked straight forward on the way out to our property just 10’ away, and I sensed that my not looking around as I exited annoyed ‘them’, that I was not looking around for danger as I exited the field, but I didn’t care, because I had reasoned that they would not hurt me, so I exited the field, and when I was about 15’ feet back into our yard, I turned around and looked back at the trail entrance, and I saw the brush moving and swaying somewhat wildly at the entrance exit sans any wind, and even though I could not see ‘them’, I knew ‘they’ were right there at the entrance to the field. I surmise it was a military-style combat exercise field drill test in which I was both being trained and assessed as a ‘‘Super-Soldier’’. Although Human collusion is possible here either military or a Breakaway Collective, I believe that the Jin were testing my reaction to my ingestion of Black Goo.

Evidence: Email Thread, note reply:
From: Chris Lee
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7:29 AM
To: Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Subject: Re: By sending you some background information about myself, it was my sincere hope that you would find such information helpful. (That I had ingested Black Goo): On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 9:58 AM, Chris Lee replied: “HI REG, Yesterday after I sent you that email (about my exposure to Black-Goo), while waiting for a bus at a bus stop a young man was there, fit, wearing Sunglasses, looking very out of place there, a military type in civilian clothing; and as I waited for the Bus we got to talking, and he listened as I did most of the talking, and I suspect he used some sort of telepathic suggestion to get me to talk about the heat which led to my telling him that I overheat when I am sitting still, to which he replied, "That's what the other guys say"- guys who've been exposed to Black Goo, that they overheat like I do. He then said, "That is all. Have a good day sir", and strolled away. As he strolled away casually, he telepathed, "Please don't follow me". I turned away and went about my day.

I met and talked with Rosemary Ellen Guiley at the 2015 Earth and Spirit Conference at the Eceti Ranch. At that time Rosemary looked, talked, acted, and seemed healthy, and yet during our conversation I sensed she had an emerging life threatening condition, but during an introductory visit conversation it didn't seem appropriate to say that to her, but I did say to her that during her presentation I sensed that of Insectoid, which I had recently been encountering in my thoughts and Rose said she had too recently, a shared meme 'Download'. Rosemary Ellen Guiley died in 2019, but at the time of this writing her website is viewable at: In December 2017 I emailed Rosemary about recently remembering childhood events of Vampirism, she replied by asking for more information, so I began writing what would become my 4 e-books of The Prometheus Quadrilogy. Prior to that reply I had written a few accounts of 'Bite Fever' and about the Jin; had Rosemary not asked for more information I'm not sure these books would have been published.


1975 ABDUCTION: 'FRIENDLY ABDUCTION', INTERVIEWED: At age fourteen I was abducted. Night had just fallen, and I was walking on a path on the shoulder of south west Oleson Road on my way to a school friend’s house, and I was drunk at the time. I was walking, when suddenly, about 20’ above my Head in the sky, I saw a large, oval shaped, brown colored light, maybe 20’ by 30’ in diameter. “Oh no, not again!” I said aloud and started running down the path as fast as I could to escape. I remember being surprised that I said “Oh no, not again!” because at the time until I said it I had not remembered saying that in my the previous encounter with the Brown Light.

The next thing I knew I was standing and looking around in some room full of high-tech looking equipment, but I could not see anyone. I was either aboard a Spacecraft or had been teleported to some facility; it’s possible that I was taken aboard a Spacecraft, but I believe it most likely that I was teleported to another location, and returned to where I had been abducted from. This place resembled the bridge of the spaceship ‘Enterprise’ in the television show, ‘Star Trek’.

Wherever I was, the first thing that happened was that I was placed in some sort of suspended animation, or stasis- kind of like being hypnotized for a period of minutes, simply standing there, while they decided whether or not to proceed with me, because I was drunk at the time, and that surprised them, but I do have a recollection of standing there while they debated whether to interview me or not, so they waited to watch me, but I was ‘O.K.’ so they then proceeded to interview me about the hostile abduction at age five, and what happened regarding my forced exposure to Black Goo.

They did project screen illusions to mask their true appearance, and they controlled what I experienced. You could call it persistent visual hallucinations. I saw what I was told was a ‘Man’ of a race called the Tengri; I saw Humans and was shown an image of a Tengri.

I do not know if they were all Human, because powerful Mind control technology was used to control what I was experiencing, but the use of that technology seemed benign, and aided their efforts to interview me to obtain information, but the Mind control that was used on me has made it difficult to recall the specific sequence of what was said during conversation. They were using technology and suggestion combined, as guided imagery of what I saw, with very strong control over what I was able to perceive, to a great extent they controlled what I experienced. This abduction felt different from my other abductions, because as best I can determine they did not harm or mistreat me, rather it seemed that they treated me with respect.

So, at first, when I was aware of my new surroundings, I looked around I saw no one, just a lot of hi-tech equipment, of what looked like the interior of a spaceship. Then I saw several men walking around, and my surrounding looked like the bridge of a spaceship. There was one Man that talked to me throughout the encounter, and I heard him say aloud, as though he was talking about me to other people, but more likely was intended for me to hear it, “He’s a Chinnamasta Devotee! Or he will be”. At that time I had not yet heard of Chinnamasta so it meant nothing to me at the time, but I do remember thinking that being a devotee sounded ‘cool’- good. As I wrote this, I wondered for a Moment what if he had not spoken the phrase “He’s a Chinnamasta Devotee”, what I would have called my interest in Chinnamasta? Devotion is a salient characteristic of a successful practice of any kind, so I agree with the choice of the word ‘Devotee’. We’re all devoted to someone or some cause; to each their own.


He said, “See the Raccoon Tail on the Raccoon Cap?” one of the men was wearing a Raccoon Cap with an attached long Raccoon Tail. (Decades later, while searching online for information about any Secret Space Program, I read of a “Raccoon” Squad Brigade, some sort of contingent under a unified command of Human Space Travelers that utilize Spacecraft and Time Travel technologies which matched this Encounter in 1975.) They had me to sit in a Chair, which seemed to assist me in recalling details about my past, and while I was seated, the Man in the Raccoon Cap stood in front of me and asked me lots of questions about what had happened to me. He wanted to know about my abduction at age five, and then asked about the Black Goo exposure, and when I got to the part about being super ready to kill, he immediately burst out in tears and said, “I'm so sorry that happened to you”. I've seen someone cry that quickly and easily before, but I wonder if I was prevented from perceiving that I was being interviewed by an artificial intelligence, using an interactive hologram of a Man questioning me- during the whole experience there was Manipulation of what I was seeing and hearing. At that time, I did not know or understand anything about Black Goo, and had never told anyone about the black Rain before, all I knew was there was a black oily liquid in the Rain, that it got in my Mouth and Eyes, that it made me feel awful, and dangerous for a time, and that I had forgotten about it. I remember one question in particular because of his reaction to my answer, he asked me, “What do you think of Ghosts?” “They don’t exist” and he spontaneously expressed a facial look of surprise at my answer, but then simply continued with the conversation. "Do you like Vampire Movies?" "Yeah. As much as the next person."

"Do you know who is Prometheus?" "He's a Greek God." Do you know anything else about him?" "No."
"You are going to write a Book." "What's it about?" "Prometheus." "Is that all?" "Start there." This encounter was an 'Inception', and I became a Sleeper Cell of the future, awakening with the writing of the Prometheus Quadrilogy of Books. During this conversation I believe that to a significant extent my mind was being controlled by high technologies that make it difficult to recall most of the questions they asked me and comments they said to me, but in retrospect and recollection late in 2019 I remembered one of the statements, ”You will write a Book”, a statement that I surmise that I was not meant to ever consciously remember during this interview, but I believe one reason that I eventually remembered is because when I was eleven one day alone in the Family Room and suddenly a wonderful feeling of bliss came over me that lasted for minutes, a feeling that accompanied a sudden thought I had at that moment, “I’m going to write a Book”- with precognition I had slid along my steam of consciousness from age 14 back to age 11, my awareness catching another ride on my strange Quarks; perhaps that’s how it happens because I had that thought at age 11, then I was told at age 14, “You will write a Book”,

They did use screen Mind projected illusions to mask their true appearance, and I was a drunk fourteen year-old being subjected to Mind control, so it’s possible that what I saw was an interactive hologram, to see how I would react, see how I felt about aliens. I was asked how I felt about “Aliens”, and would I like to see one, I said yes, so I was shown an image of a male, Humanoid bodily form, with a Cranium with several Lobes of Tuberous Strands on top of his Head which was also his ‘Hair’ which looked alternately like Tubers or Hair, and his Head is larger than a Human skull, and shaped somewhat differently, but as-is, he was still looked like a handsome young male of his specie, and the Tengri looked like me if my Cranium had extra Lobes. He told me that he was a “Tengri”, a race descended from Plants. “Whoa, my diet...” I exclaimed. “Don’t worry. That’s o.k. Those kind of plants are chemical factories”.

“Walk with me”. I walked several paces slowly with him as he asked me questions and answered my questions, and I observed that his bodily motions while walking were interesting, sort of a coiling and uncoiling look to his locomotion. We arrived at a console and he asked me to sit, and answer some questions on a screen. The questions were of different categories: math, physics, law, biology, and electronics. I answered questions for perhaps fifteen minutes, using simple buttons to select from multiple choice answers. Afterward I heard him say, “He has an aptitude for Law”.


I believe I did receive one telepathic impression from him, but I do not know if he intentionally wanted me to hear it, or if he was having an emotional Moment to himself that I overheard telepathically, but I believe I heard his thought, he sounded impressed, even awed, when I heard him think, “The Man who saved Tibetan Buddhism.” At that time I had never heard of Tibetan Buddhism so it meant nothing to me, and back then due to repressed memories of abductions I was often blocked or repressed about intentional psychic projections. Anyway, at the end of the questions-and-answers session I remember being told, "I'm detecting artificial intelligence" (Black Goo); “You have a Tumor”; I felt depressed and scared hearing that, but felt better when he then said, “It's not immediately life threatening. It gets removed in forty years", which came true forty years later in 2015 October 14 I had surgery at O.H.S.U. they removed a non-metastasized 0.5" (micro-) Adenoma tumor located on my Pituitary Gland, which I acquired when that Nasal Rod was inserted up my nostril, penetrated my nasal cavity wall, and implanted a Tumor that caused me to be afflicted with Acromegaly for the next 49 years until surgery, and some symptoms continue for life, Hypogonadism and primary Arthritis. The only way he could know that the Tumor would be removed in forty years is by having access to information available only by Time Travel, or if he was a Time Traveler himself. Whomever abducted me either had access to information that can only be obtained from Time Travel technology, or are Time Travelers themselves.

I then stood up and turned to see something, a 'Creature' looking at me, it had an enormous Head with splayed Eyes, and it looked like a grotesque monster that looked so comical that I just smirked; then I saw him turn a knob on a control panel and saw that it was him, seated in front of a console, and this creature had changed appearance to look like a Man, thirtyish, with long straight blond Hair parted in the middle, wearing Glasses; at that time I had straight long hair parted in the middle and wore Glasses just like me; he altered my perception of his appearance to match that of mine, likely to gain my cooperation. He asked me, “Do you have any questions?” “How old will I be when I die?” “Are you sure you want to know?” “Yes”. “Eighty four, in the current Time-Line.” "What is the future like?" "The future is fungible." "Why are you here?" "We're here to learn what happened." Me: "What went wrong." “Yeah, well…” and I sensed that he did not wish to elaborate further. I surmise that from the way he replied, that ‘They’, whomever he works with, were also wanting to know the whole picture of this time-place-person-event in history, and perhaps they intentionally abducted me for the purpose of creating a new future eventuality. “I’m going to have to zap you twice so you don’t remember. Now walk towards that side of the room where you came from.” Then in a salutary, yet grave intonation, he said to me, “Be well” I got the impression that I would later have health problems. The next thing I knew I was walking on that same path heading south on the east side of s.w. Oleson Road, about 50’ further down the path and feeling like I had just come out of a drunk ‘black-out’, but not immediately remembering any of what had happened, and continued walking to my friend Kurt Wagner's (parents) House. Addendum: Regarding, "The future is fungible": fungible- subject to exchange, or change; speculation: a reference to current Time Traveling and its consequences by numerous players on Earth causing change(s) in the Time-Line of future events, our future. Perhaps it’s a reference to the possibility of multiple possible future Earth Time-Lines.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1977 ABDUCTION by members of a Breakaway Civilization, or members of an intelligence and or military cadre. 1 of 3. Part 15.

1977 ABDUCTION. I, and dozens of other students from Beaverton high school, were simultaneously abducted, I suspect by either by members of an intelligence and / or military cadre, or members of a Human ‘Breakaway Civilization’. Myself and dozens of other students from my high school were there, and some students not from my high school, all of us appeared to be juniors, grade eleven, all of us were minors, all of us were drugged and forced to have sex two at a time, male with female, while the perpetrators watched.

I was asleep in my Bed when I felt a vibration sensation of my body that awakened me so I opened my Eyes and saw that my Room around me was like being centered inside a hemispheric Mirror image of my surroundings that was shattering into hundreds of shards of glass Mirror and all of the pieces quickly shrank to nothing so I was surrounded by darkness that was closing in on me, then I must have blacked-out asleep or unconscious- I was being teleported to another location, and when I reawakened I did not remember this phenomenon until 43 years later.

I was awakened by the sound of voices and commotion. I, and other teenagers, were suddenly in some facility. A man telling us to “do what you’re told or else.” I was standing next to other students in a room and we were all handed a small white pill to ingest, it was likely Scopolamine, it caused a sleepy stuporous twilight sort of wakefulness, a sense of dreariness, and being highly susceptible to control by others, doing whatever you are told to do.

We were told to undress, so all of the students, boys and girls, were nude, and we were made to stand in two single-file lines, boys with boys, girls with girls, and there were temporary office-cubicle type of movable walls that formed a long Que line, and acted as a visual barrier that prevented easy view of what was happening up front. One girl at the front of the line was complaining that she couldn’t do this because of her religion, but they made her have sex anyway. I remember furtively shouting over the top of the wall towards the front, “Leave them alone!”; a minute later a ‘Gorn’ approached me and told me to “Shut-up” then punched me in the chest, and then for an instant instead of seeing a Gorn I saw a middle-aged man with a shaved head, and he was mean looking, so I surmise that the Gorn appearance was a projected image to conceal his identity. Then I saw a man, caucasian, thirties, entertained with watching the sex, then he looked over at me and saw that I was looking at him, that I could see him, so he walked toward me and said aloud, “Hey, he saw me!” “Get back to your station” commanded another stern male voice.

While waiting in the Queue, across the room I saw a commotion, a girl on a stretcher, apparently unconscious, with an oxygen mask on her face was being hurriedly wheeled out of the room through a Doorway. About a week later at School, a girl student I was acquainted with told me that a girl student had “Died in bed. Died in her sleep.” “When?” “A week ago.” I suspect that it was the girl receiving emergency services at the abduction site, that she had died from the Scopolamine they made all of the students swallow. I remember some of the adults were walking around asking all of us Juniors, to paraphrase, 'Have you all taken the Pill? Just in case you haven't then take another one. Are you sure you took a Pill? Well if you're not sure then take another one anyway'- that sort of coercion, and I think it likely that the girl whom died had taken more than one Pill of Scopolamine; the girl whom 'died in Bed' likely died from an overdose of Scopolamine; she died a wrongful death due to abduction and drugging causing unintentional lethal poisoning.

When I arrived at the front of the line and it was my ‘turn’, I said, “you can’t do this”, and a man came up and punched me hard enough to knock me to the floor, I arose slowly, feeling pain. I was taken out of line and walked over to a man seated in a chair. A heard a male voice that was talking to me, saying he was an old soldier, and he rambled on about himself, and at one point what he had been saying began to repeat, so at that moment I realized that what I thought he was saying was a recording that was repeating; but while I was listening, simply standing there in a haze, he would ask me questions that were interspersed between pauses in the rambling recording. He asked me about my abduction at age five, then he asked me if there was a girl I liked, I named her (name withheld), a girl I attended school with, and she was present.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1977 ABDUCTION by members of a Breakaway Civilization, or members of an intelligence and or military cadre. 2 of 3. Part 16.

Walking away from this conversation, I saw a row of boxes with many long tubes coming out of them, and I later learned that these apparatuses are a mind control device and system that continuously transmit a sense of fear, dread, hopelessness, and depression, which I was definitely experiencing the entire time that I was there; after a while, I was able to somewhat ignore the mental effects of these mind control devices, but the feeling aspects persisted. The boxes with multiple tubes of different diameters protruding from the boxes seemed to induce hallucinations so as to camouflage the people sitting in the chairs, or vice-versa. The visual hallucinations were persistent, and definitely not caused by the Scopolamine with which we had all been drugged, although perhaps some of the negative feelings were exacerbated by the Scopolamine, or whatever those pills were. At one point in time, instead of seeing the boxes I saw a row of people watching, two very obese women who smiled at me as I walked past them naked, seated next to them was a hostile looking male ‘alien’ with an enormous head that widened at the top with spiky ‘hair’ that seemed like it was a part of the structure of his skull, and he was radiating intense amounts of hostility and fear. From what I’ve learned, they looked like Jinn(s) manifesting in these forms, appearing as female Humans, but it could have been an illusion, caused by a combination of artificial telepathy and being drugged.

The girl I named was there, she was brought to the front of the line, we were told to lay down on a table, and we had intercourse; as soon as I began to penetrate her, a technology was used that suddenly caused me to involuntarily do pelvic thrusts, so they forced us to have sex. At first, I felt that the sexual pleasure was stronger than normal during coitus, the pleasure I was feeling was technologically augmented, it was technologically potentiated, ‘hypersex’ increased mental sensations that were somewhat psychedelic, and I could sense that they used telepathy to be present in my mind to vicariously experience what I was experiencing, and likely were doing the same to her. So, when I realized that, although I was unable to stop the pelvic thrusting, I no longer enjoyed our coitus. They forced us to have sex for a long time, and I remember saying to her, “I’m sorry they’re making us do this”, “Yeah”, she said. At one point they stopped us, because she was covered with my sweat, so they dried her, but now she was crying, her puss* was bleeding, and I heard one of the male perpetrators say, “She’s bleeding”. So the adults stopped our sex. Then I have a hazy memory of the adults collecting my ejacul*te, I remember my prostate squeezing harder than I've ever experienced, almost painful, and very mechanical- I believe that I was artificially, electronically forced to ejacul*te. She and I had sex longer than the other students coupling, and evidently many of my classmates saw us having sex, so henceforth in school rumor and lore this mass abduction was known as 'Chris Lee's sex party'.

When it was all over, everyone was told to get dressed, and lie down separately in these bed cubicles, seems like we were made to fall asleep very rapidly, and then transported via teleportation back into our own beds, without waking. These were violent sex crimes perpetrated on dozens of high school student minors, including me.

When I arrived at school the next day, there was a buzz in the hallway, an added excitement and commotion, so I asked a student I knew what’s going on, and he told me that “A bunch of kids were tied up”, and that the police were investigating, and later that day I heard that the f.b.i. was investigating. Later that day at school a few boys accosted me in the hallway, saying I had raped (name withheld). For an instant at a very deep level of awareness, I had a fleeting recollection of what this was about, and knew I must say nothing, but at the conscious level I remembered nothing yet, and said “I have no idea what this is about”. The police came to my home and questioned me, and I repeated that “I have no idea of what they’re talking about.” One of the detectives said, “We’ve determined that you were not home that night.” “I was?” I really didn’t remember yet. At that point my dad told the detectives that it was clear I didn’t know anything, and that they needed to stop. They exited, and it was decades before the memories returned of ‘what actually happened’.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1977 ABDUCTION by members of a Breakaway Civilization, or members of an intelligence and or military cadre. 3 of 3. Part 17.

Months later one day between classes, one of the boys whom had accosted me in the hallway said to me, “She had a masturbation fantasy. But we know you were there”. A year and a half later on my senior year graduation day in the morning in the cafeteria there was an awards presentation by and for the graduating students, and I heard announced, “And the winners for the most herbal go to (female, named withheld) and Chris Lee”. I walked up and received an awards certificate that said, “Most Herbal”- I was known to smoke cannabis. As it was handed to me one of the graduating girls of my class said, “And if you have any more parties be sure to invite us” to much laughter.

The above listed series of Abductions happened at my parents home at either of my parents houses: 1969-1981 7670 s.w. Canby St. Portland Oregon 97219, and the first Abduction happened at my parents house 1961- 1969 at 9140 s.w. Brier Lane 97223 and at Garden Home Elementary school in the third grade. All subsequent Abductions and other 'High Strangeness events happened while I was living as a renter in other locations in Portland Oregon.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1983 ABDUCTION by members of a Breakaway Civilization, or members of an intelligence and or military cadre. 1 of 1. Part 18.

Late 1983 or early 1984: Abductors were either members of a Breakaway Civilization, or members of an intelligence and or military cadre, some organized group of white men that were using Teleportation Technology to transport dozens of young adults, equal amounts of men and women to the same location everyone transported virtually simultaneously or within minutes or seconds of each other. This was the second time in my life of this type of Abduction. As I recall it was at age twenty two, I was a new student in College, I started Winter Term 1983, and the Abduction was within a few months of my starting College.

I woke up, looked around, realized I was in a Facility with dozens of other College-aged students. I soon realized what was happening, and then an older Man walked up to me, I knew he wasn't on our side, so I stood my ground and said, “There’s no way I’m going to co-operate with this.” “Me either” said a young Man standing next to me, so the older Man said, “Then come with me.” I, and several other uncooperative students, two other young Men and a Woman of my age were incarcerated separately in a row of tubular metal cages that slanted diagonally at a forty five degree angle, where we could see and hear some of what was happening, I remember lots of nudity, a lot of young College-aged men and women standing around, all of them nude, watching a couple having sex.

I and the other caged people, two young men and a young women were drugged inside the cylinders, above and behind our heads were gas outlets, and periodically a misty gas would pour in which would render us unconscious for a time; at one point a man covered the metal mesh cage fronts with canvas coverings so that the gas would accumulate in these ‘cylinders’ faster, and I remember saying aloud, “The Gas Chamber”, and each time I awakened I would shout at them to stop what they were doing, and release me, and so would the other caged people when they were awake. But because of the Gas I was in a haze and repeatedly falling asleep. I was drugged asleep most of the time, and separated from the main group, so there’s less I remember about this event. I awakened the next day with prominent restraint bruise marks around my Wrists from my Wrists being tied together. I did not immediately remember how I got 'rope burns' on my Wrists, but I remembered soon thereafter, and the act of writing a book of memoirs is the best way to remember what happened in your past.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 1998 Jin Encounter: “Ghost” sighting in a ‘Haunted House’. Part 19.

1998: (written in 2013) Paranormal phenomena “Ghost” sighting in a ‘Haunted House’. There's a stately mansion, over one hundred years old, below and not far from the lower entrance to Washington Park in S.W. Portland, Oregon, I surmised that the mansion was built for one of the founding Fathers of Portland Oregon, perhaps a hundred or so years ago. One day in 1998 I went there for a job interview with a radio station, a commercial radio broadcast station had its offices in that mansion; I was filling out an application form for the position of 'Traffic' assistant manager, while seated alone in the middle of a long hallway, a hallway that had a table and chair there in the middle of the hall, off to one side; while filling out the form, there was a door across the hallway from me maybe 3-4 feet away and the door opened and a man came out and closed the door behind him and walked down the hall then turned down another hall out of my sight.

I was ignoring someone coming through that door, because my attention and actions was focused intently on filling out the application form to obtain employment, but at some level it registered in my mind that this person was greyish, indistinct, semi-transparent, and as he walked past me and down the hallway he became more solid so by the time he turned right down another hallway and out of sight he was completely solid, and dressed like the 1880-1890’s formal office attire with a tall stiff white collar and a vest with tail coats; a man in his thirties, caucasian, with a moustache.

However, immediately prior to the door opening, I did sense something was happening behind the door. As I was filling out the form, I saw a faint glow of light, a barely perceptible hemispheric bubble of light extruded to approximately one foot of distance in front of the door for a couple of seconds, and I saw a light bleeding through the crack in the door frame, and I heard the sound of some kind of commotion, like the rush of air behind the door, so maybe someone teleported in to that room and pretended to be the ‘ghost’ right before the door opened. The geo-positioning coordinates of this room would be known with great precision since it’s an old mansion, and the fact that room was an unused storage room would have been obvious from satellite(s) with infrared technology; and the fact that I was nearby was, perhaps, happenstance.

When the interviewer for the job returned I told her that I just saw a man come out of that room and he looked like he was dressed like straight out of the 1880's-1890's. She stopped, then slowly smiled and said, "We have a Ghost. We don't use that room".

At that time, my impression was that this ‘ghost’ was at work at his job, was still on the job as an employee in this mansion, either doesn't know or want to admit to himself that he's dead and must go forward but is too attached to life on Earth and doesn't want to leave; so he wanders the halls of that mansion.

Was it a Ghost? I know what I saw, but what was it? I pondered the possibilities: a Ghost- residual karma energy replaying, an instance of Teleportation, or, an intentional deception; I think that this phenomena of the appearance of someone teleporting in was ‘staged’, an artificially recreated and projected imagery as an intentional deception staged by a Jin.

Years later I was reading a book about Hauntings in North America, and I wondered to myself if the book would mention that Mansion and as I read on it did, so this haunting is persistent and well documented.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 2009: U.F.O. sighting in in the Sky above downtown Portland, Oregon. 1 of 2. Part 20.

2009 U.F.O. sighting in in the Sky above downtown Portland, Oregon. COPYRIGHT ©2019 by Christopher Robin Lee.

It was either January 5 or 6 of 2009, around 9:00-10:00 pm. I was in my apartment on the second floor at 115 n.w. Fourth ave. and n.w. Couch Street in Chinatown / old town of downtown Portland Oregon. I was standing in my 2nd floor apartment looking south through the bay windows; other than some buildings that visually obstructed the skyline, I could see the horizon.

I just happened to be looking through the window when suddenly emerging up from the horizon and moving west / southwest, I saw a black triangle shape in the sky, it had no lighting or lights on it, and it moved slowly west upwards in to the sky, velocity was perhaps 35 m.p.h. +- 10 m.p.h., and after it had emerged from the horizon after about one minute I saw perhaps a hundred evenly spaced pinpoints of bright white light illuminate on its surface for approximately thirty to sixty seconds, then the lights all suddenly simultaneously disappeared, but this spacecraft continued to move slowly upwards to the west. I watched it until it was too high in the sky for me to see it through my window, so I raced downstairs and outside on to the sidewalk to continue to view it and that’s when I saw the larger black triangle U.F.O. from where I was standing on the sidewalk in the area of the intersection of n.w. 4th. and n.w. Couch Street.

The larger black triangular shaped spacecraft was hovering over the skyscraper nicknamed "Big Pink" at the corner of s.w. 5th. & w. Burnside Street in down town Portland Oregon; I watched it for a total of at least 15 minutes hovering over 'Big Pink'; elevation approximately 5,000 to 10,000 feet. The size of the larger spaceship was about the size of about three or four football fields in length across, and by comparison, the smaller but otherwise identically perfect duplicate shape of the smaller black triangular spaceship was about the size of 1 football field across. It was maybe twenty times longer than it was thick, the floor to ceiling distance presented as relatively thin, like a pizza wedge, but was still maybe 300’ thick, from my vantage point almost underneath, it was more difficult to see and visually measure that vertical dimension.

The smaller triangle slowly approached the middle of one of the side edges of the larger spacecraft, slowing down slower and slower until they contacted each other, appeared to dock with the larger black triangular spaceship, like it had fit in to a wedge-like notch in the middle of that side of the big spaceship and together they hovered motionless for approximately 5-10 minutes.

Both spaceships were solid black in color and totally silent, I did not hear any sounds coming from either spaceship for the entire time encounter. Neither spaceship had any seams or markings or lettering or protrusions or appendages of any kind, the exterior of both spacecraft looked metallic and was uniformly dull black. Exactly in the middle of both spacecraft was a circular opening that went all the way through the ship; looking at it where I was, two blocks to one side and less than a mile below it, I was close to being directly underneath it, so if it had been directly overhead, if there was not so much glaring light emanating from the space inside the ring, I might have seen the sky it would be visible through the circular opening, except that too much light was radiating from the space between and below the ring, and the ring opening was glowing white light also. The circular rim of the opening of the larger spacecraft emitted a bright white ring of light, and the air below the circular opening glowed light like the air itself was glowing with light.

Connected together, and moving as a single unit, they began to move in a westerly direction, with the smaller spaceship docked on the trailing edge on the east side, the rear side of the direction of motion; they slowly headed to the west / northwest, velocity perhaps 15-25 miles per hour.

At that time surrounding the spacecraft for about a mile in all directions there was very unusual weather going on- windy and rainy weather and I saw several pink beams of light flashing through the sky vectoring outwards from the larger spacecraft, which I suspect aided in creating an artificially induced weather storm surrounding the spacecraft to act as camouflage for the spacecraft. This spaceship, or spaceships of a similar design has been the subject of news reports and online videos around the world.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 2009: U.F.O. sighting in in the Sky above downtown Portland, Oregon. 2 of 2. Part 21.

While I was watching it, I heard a man's voice start yelling for about five or ten minutes sounding very alarmed, saying, "We are about to be killed by nuclear war, the end of the world is here, it’s Armageddon, it’s the end"; as he yelled he was gradually shortening and sensationalizing his message and sounding increasingly frantic, then he simply stopped- I believe there was no man, it was an artificial telepathy 'counter-measure'; no further counter-measures. I watched until the U.F.O. disappeared behind the hillside skyline of Forest Park.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 2013: December, Sighting of a Men in Black, one of two Jin encounters at this same address, written 2013. 1 of 2. Part 22.

2013: 6516 S.E. Reedway Portland, Oregon: I was a Renter renting a bedroom on the second floor. 2013 Sighting of a ‘Shape-Shifter’ / Jinn 'Men in in black' (originally written in 2013, with recent Addendums of details). I have seen what I would describe as a ‘‘Shape-Shifter’’ that I believe to be a Jinn, in November 2013, in a House in Portland Oregon. The House is at 6516 S.E. Reedway Street Portland, Oregon 97206 USA a two story A-Frame House, two Bedrooms upstairs, with a full Concrete Basem*nt that had a Bedroom, and in the past was a Farm House that included acreage around the property, and was one of the earliest Houses in the vicinity of Woodstock neighborhood, over one hundred years old when I lived there, and is a private residence now. Many Families have lived here, and this House has a reputation as a history of being haunted..

I was renting a bedroom on the second floor of a then 106 year old farm House that was one of the earliest Houses in the Woodstock neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. The owner of the House had warned me that the House was haunted prior to my moving in; the story was that séances and Santeria services were held in the House, and that a few years prior that a man whom had lived in the House, whom was a Mexican drug gang 'Justice Keeper' who decides whom the gang should kill, and that he was also a satanist, had lived there and drawn satanic symbols under beds and on walls in the House, about which the owner had someone come in to exorcise the House, someone whom painted red crosses on the walls in some of the rooms of the House, which had since been thinly painted over because they were deemed eyesores, but were faintly visible. The owner related that another renter had reported seeing a ‘Troll’ looking person sitting on the basem*nt stairs, and that on a different occasion, another renter said he was lying in bed in the basem*nt bedroom when he heard a growl and his Blankets suddenly pulled away off of him.

It was in the afternoon, and I was about to start to do an American Indian style smudging purification ritual of burning sage with a woman, age 42, whom I had just met two weeks prior to this event, whom is the daughter of the home owner, and I was going to do the smudging for her benefit; this daughter had recently moved back home in to this House, which was her Mother’s House and Residence. The daughter and I were in my bedroom because that’s where I kept my smudging paraphernalia, and I was about to ignite the sage when suddenly to the side of my right shoulder there appeared a moving image of a tall, elderly American Indian male wearing a large Hat and long Trenchcoat. As I looked at it to my right as it entered my field of vision, I saw a backwards "S" shaped body that looked like an elderly American Indian male. The image shimmered like a mirage, like there was some sort of optical distortion to camouflage its true appearance, because from the top of it to the bottom of it, all along both sides of its horizontal borders the image was slightly compressed, like it was too thin to be a normal looking person, and there was a slightly fluctuating inward and outward motion on both of its horizontal axis sides, so that it did not have a sharply defined border on its left and right sides, kind of a fractal shimmering as its horizontal borders fluctuated very slightly in and out. This image walked between us and disappeared as it walked past her right shoulder. What it did was rude, and I sensed a disrespectful attitude coming from it. It made no sound, completely silent. She got a good look at it because it was walking towards her, and after it disappeared next to her right shoulder, she became very excited, saying, "Did you see that? I just saw an old Indian man". “Yes, I saw him. Let’s keep going”, and I proceeded with the smudging purification ceremony.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 2013 December: Jin Encounter, Sighting of a ‘Demon’ ‘Chupacabra’, written 2013. 2 of 2. Part 23.

2013 December: (First rough draft written in 2013, with subsequent additional information and editing in 2024). Jin Encounter as a Sighting of a ‘Demon’ that looked like the Wing of a Chupacabra motif.. In the same House where I saw the ‘Shape Shifter’, about three weeks later, I saw what looked like the Wing of a ‘demon’, and a disembodied Eye- what looked like parts of a Chupacabra, in the same House where I saw the ‘Shape Shifter’.

I was sitting alone in the living room, alone except that her Dog was also in the living room. I was sitting at the far end of the Couch closest to the front door, and the Dog was sitting on the carpet in front of me but to the left closer to the Hearth, a beautiful Fireplace of inlaid Stone. Suddenly, I saw a large black Wing flap in front of the hearth, with the Wing’s orientation in a direction towards the corner of the room at the other end of the Couch closer to the Hearth. It’s my understanding that the Hearth is used as a part of how the black magic side of Santeria is practiced. I looked towards that corner of the room; I could no longer see the black Wing but followed the motion direction with my eyes, and looked across the Couch to the corner of the room where there was a coffee table between the Couch and the wall, and hovering above the coffee table perhaps 6 inches in front of the wall I saw a large white circular eye looking at me from the corner of the room, which after two seconds disappeared, faded to invisible, at which point I thought to myself, “This thing has powers that I do not”. I continued to look, then I noticed that the Dog could still see it even though it was now invisible to me, the Dog continued to stare at the corner of the Room where I had last seen it, then the Dog's head and eyes rolled up and over as the Dog followed it with its vision as it flew over my head, and now the Dog looked steadily at a location close to the ceiling and directly above my head, so it was hovering above me, and I was thinking, "I'm not afraid of you", and I wasn't, but after about 15-20 seconds I saw the Dog start to look elsewhere, so I perceived that the Dog could no longer see it. I got the impression that it then exited the room through the ceiling of the living room to see what was going on in the rest of the House.

Later that day when I encountered the female tenant Laura Creitz I told her about what happened, so she emailed someone in Mexico about it who emailed back a drawing of a Demon a Cheupracabra a large black Bat-like creature with an Animal Head with white Horns on a Humanoid Body with Wings. I didn’t see any white horns; all I saw was a translucent but dark left black Wing flap in the direction towards the corner coffee table that quickly disappeared but then above the corner coffee table I saw a translucent large white eye staring at me for two seconds and then in one second faded to Invisible. But the email received was as an image depiction that matched the impression I had of it as a motif of a Cheupracabra.


2015: May: 5630 s.e. Cooper St PDX OR. Ghost Sighting, a Jin deception. Late evening I was standing in the doorway of the one room Shack I was renting in the backyard. I was facing North and I see something above Cooper Street moving closer, a semi-tranparent middle-aged caucasian Woman wearing a white full-length Nightgown floating 15-20 feet above ground heading south at the speed of Jogging, when closer I saw that her Face had a fixed expression of horror. It silently floated over my Shack's Roof and was gone.


2015 May, Abduction by involuntary Time Travel. I was walking through the back yard towards my Van to travel for an errand, as I walked, as I swung my left Leg forward, suddenly an all gray flat circular aperture approximately seven feet in diameter appeared immediately in front of me such that there was no time to react, my Body’s Momentum carried me forward in to the aperture and I felt myself being sucked into it, I had a brief instant of astonishment and as it started a male voice said, “Forget this”, then the recognizable sensation of de-molecularization- slightly unpleasant but bearable feeling of my Skin getting warmer. Briefly during de-molecularized travel at first I was aware that I disembodied and moving, then I was without thought, then suddenly I was driving on S.E. Duke Street.

Two Considerations: My Van took about five minutes to get the engine started by pouring Gas into the throat of the Carburetor, so there was about five minutes missing that I could not account for or remember; and, when driving west on Duke Street at the end of Duke Street it dead-ends into a cross Street, s.e. 52nd., and to the immediate west of s.e. 52nd and s.e. Duke Streets were these tall Trees in a cluster that mostly blocks sight of the horizon as a wall of Trees and at the Tree Tops was a space a large crack of Sky between the Trees.

The next thing I knew I was driving west on s.e. Duke Street, location immediately after turn from s.e. 56th, and I was thinking “the last thing I remember is leaving Home”. As I drove west on Duke Street I was looking at the tall stand of Trees on the west side of s.e. 52nd, and I saw a single engine Wings-Above Airplane fly through a space between those Trees. I drove a few more seconds, then suddenly the gray aperture was immediately in front of me, and my Van’s Momentum carried it with me in to it. “Not again!” I thought.

The next thing I knew I was driving on Duke Street at that same spot where I was the first remembered thinking, “The last thing I remember is leaving home.” As soon as I thought that I remembered that I had thought that same thought about this situation before, so I was pondering that as I drove then I noticed a strange new vibration in the center of my Head that lasted a couple of seconds before it stopped. I drove a few more seconds west on s.e. Duke Street, then I saw that same Airplane fly the same path through the same opening in the Trees, and immediately remembered that I had seen it before, and afterwards realized the only way that can happen is because I traveled that same distance first in the future, and then again in the present Moment.

As I continued driving, a voice asked me, “How does your Tumor feel?” At that moment I had a repressed recollection, so mentally I said, “What tumor?” “You were abducted and a tumor was implanted in your Pituitary. How do you feel?” “Tired”, I said as my Van neared the intersection. “We had to accelerate your Tumor growth. Sorry about that.” Regarding the voice, it has origins in a repressed memory of my first Abduction at age 5 an old memory forgotten and suddenly remembered trauma the voice spontaneously emerges, that happens when young children are exposed to extreme trauma terror and violent injury, resulting in a vivid imagining of what different people would say about it, which resulted in my hearing, "How does your Tumor feel?".

Whomever did this to me jumped me forward and backward in time without my prior knowledge or consent. I perceived my Acromegaly was worse, I felt both younger and more tired at the same time, familiar but worse. From that time on, until a Pituitary Tumor was surgically removed on Oct. 15, 2015, I was very tired all of the time- I woke up late every day, lay in bed for an hour or two before arising, and had to come home two to three times per day to take a nap; I was ill with advanced Acromegaly.

From the clue of seeing the same Airplane fly the same path twice, I deduced that I had been jumped forward in time at least two more likely to five minutes, I was in the future for perhaps thirty seconds, then returned to the present time. Within days of this event I recovered all of my memories and a clear chronology narrative became apparent. I suspect this was done to me to see what it would do to me by bringing back with a more advanced pituitary tumor from the future would do to me, because tumors have no Telomeres, no ‘Time Signature’. When I returned to present time I brought the advanced tumor back which was enough to worsen my Acromegaly.


Two nights later a dream so vivid it seemed like a 'Dream Invasion', a confusing jumble of imagery and a sudden recall of events, a dream of being suspended in a teleportation stream in a Laboratory then perceiving that I was standing behind a ceiling high curved hemisphere of a Glass Barrier while Probes contacted my Thighs and I felt a mild and not unpleasant electric current flowing through body, and several feet directly in front of me in the center of my vision was a bright sparkling Light shining steadily into my Eyes that looked like a combination of a white Light with colored Sparks ejecting like an ignitable Sparkler. Also, a 'Screen Memory' of an episode of Star Trek Next Generation about Transporter psychosis and teleportation stream suspension wherein was an encounter with a life form during Teleportation Stream Suspension, a Worm shaped creature(s) swimming around in the suspended teleportation stream, Worms that looked like the Probes that touched my Thighs which were Tubes with bluntly rounded terminus'. It seemed that I went forward in time to about 3-5 minutes into the future, was there briefly perhaps 10-30 seconds, then returned to our time, yet my flash-back memory of staring into a sparkling Light while Probes contacted my Thighs is evidence that I was also subjected to an unknown, advanced, and possibly 'Alien' Technology. It would seem I was subjected to Human Medical Experimentation. Who did this to me? Could it be an American 'Deep State' operation of a siloed technology, or, Aliens, or, Arayans in Antarctica? I traveled the same trip twice in one trip, did I travel to the future as it seemed, or did I travel to the past? What actually happened?

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 2015: July: Orbs and Lights in the Sky at eceti ranch by Mount Adams, Washington. 1 of 2. Part 27.

2015: July Fourth Holiday Weekend as a part of a five day stay at Eceti Ranch: Orbs and Lights in the Sky at eceti ranch by Mount Adams, Washington. In 2015 over the week of the fourth of July I attended the Earth and Spirit Conference at the Eceti Ranch near Mount Adams in Washington. At the start of the conference we were all told that Mt. Adams is partially hollow and a base for an alien race, that UFO’s fly in and out of it, that Lights were often seen around the Mountain. I checked the google map of Mt. Adams, and it has been altered to blur out certain areas, perhaps entrances to an underground cave(s).

The evening of the first night at the Conference I was told that strange lights could be seen on Mt. Adams, approximately 14 miles away, so I looked, and with excellent visibility, I repeatedly saw brief Lights on the side of Mt. Adams, what might help as a descriptive, a 'lighted Yoyo' slinging down and up, the image was blurring, leaving a light tracer trail, and I estimated that this almost lazer-like light source had traveled vertically downward 30’-50’ and returned in less than a second, which would seem to be mechanically difficult to achieve, but if it seemed like it was a faux Light source, a Light caused to emanate and move upon a precise path then cease emanating light, and I surmised a technology of some kind of ‘Light Show’ at work.

A crowd of dozens of people gathered in the main sky watching area and watched for hours. I saw a couple of brief appearances of Orb Lights in the sky, I watched one for several seconds that traversing a straight trajectory like a Satellite, then suddenly extinguished; everyone was effusive with comments, so I mentioned aloud how suspicious that was, and one young man angrily turned to me and said, “What, are you a skeptic?” “I should hope so, we need to stay objective”; he grumbled some negative sentiment that I could feel others nearby shared, so I moved to another area, where people were using an infrared spotlight and infrared sensitive video camera to watch Orbs, we would see one Orb for a few seconds every few minutes. Orb spotting continued all week, during the week there were few of the brightest Orbs in the Sky, hovering then moving different directions, occasionally brightening, and within minutes faded to dark in the night Sky.

At the end of the conference after most people had left, that night for hours we watched multiple Orbs of white light as bright as a Planet, hovering high in the Sky above us. These Orbs hovered and traveled, brightened and faded in and out of sight. At one point in time there were three of them in the Sky simultaneously, sometimes with some stationary while others moved around. They did not seem to me to be Spaceships, two possibilities: That they are automated flying objects that emit light, simple remotely controlled Drones appearing as Balls of light that can be remotely controlled to hover, move around, become brighter and fade out, or, a holographic technology that causes a Light(s) to be projected to a chosen location; all meant to impress everyone, but I as a former O.M.S.I. Planetarium Volunteer where I operated light projection equipment and operated controls to run ‘Light Shows’, I found it suspicious, a faux presentation of 'Flying Saucers', some sort of ‘control system’ falsity, and it seemed that it was by design that the greatest display happened after most people had departed the Conference.

Also that night we witnessed multiple Orbs of a different type, an infrared spotlight and infrared video camera were necessary to see them; flying lower near the ground; they are white, luminous but usually not very bright, semi-translucent opal milky white, spherical, about as bright as a 10 Watt Light Bulb, less than 12 inches in diameter; they hovered and traveled at different speeds ranging from a very slow walking speed to a speed I estimated as exceeding 50 miles per hour. For minutes there would be none, then we would see several within seconds, carried along by the large wind gusts at the Eceti Ranch, an open high plains desert type of field several acres in size surrounded by Trees and Farms. With an infrared Spotlight we would spot them flying in the air, and watching with the equipment at an area that surveyed the ground, they would seemingly assemble from lesser elements on the ground, fly a distance, then land on the ground and disappear, and some of them seemed to quickly dis-assemble upon landing, then disappear.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 2015: July: Orbs and Lights in the Sky at eceti ranch by Mount Adams, Washington. 2 of 2. Part 28.

Speculation: Jin, technologically created ‘Probes’, Drones, phenomenon of elemental energies, or, a life form but not life as we know it. I perceived a phenomena that seemed to have intent(s), appeared to fly around of their own volition, lasting from a few seconds to tens of seconds. Some of the flying behavior had an animated quality to it, but also the flight behavior characteristics had some pre-programmed or controlled directional guidance aspects about them. I saw dozens of them in a few hours. I wondered if they are a life form imported from another planet. If they are elemental energies, they remind me of the concept of ‘proto-life’.

On the last night of the Conference, I sat alone in a Lawn Chair with a Cat curled up sleeping in my Lap, I watched the night Sky until about 4:30 A.M. Around 4:00 A.M. in one small area of the Sky, I saw two Lights flash; I saw a quick sequence of two ovoid Spheres of translucent Light flaring then disappearing, then from where I saw the ovoid Spheres of Light flash there suddenly was what looked like a ‘return fire’ of a splayed burst of lit Plasma with an Electricity Bolt in the middle that extended a long way tracing all the way back to the source of the ovoid spheres. Speculation: Orbiting Ships firing upon each other, or, an intentional deception.

Later, after I arrived Home, an acquaintance told me that on a previous day in 2012 he went to the Eceti ‘Ranch’ to see the U.F.O.’s, and smoked D.M.T. while watching them, which he said attracted the attention of the Orbs; later, when he drove home to Portland Oregon, he said that one of the Orbs followed him home, he took a picture of it in his back yard which he showed me; in the image, I saw a bright white ball of light about 4’ above the lawn of his back yard, behind his House hovering above the back yard. After taking that photograph he said it soon disappeared and did not seen it again. If it was the same Orb that followed him home to s.e. Portland, then the Orb had traveled over 100 miles to his House.

Speculation: Either The 'Light Show' in the Sky above the Eceti Ranch and on the side of Mt Adams is of non-Human origin, or it is of Human Origin, I'm guessing a human 'Psy-Ops' meant to astound, deceptions as a disinformation propaganda Agendas, one of which is that 'Aliens' are not a threat. Is Mt. Adams an 'Alien' base? Spaceships in Caves atop Mt. Adams? 'Alien' & U.S.A. Spaceships? Beware.

I've seen eceti videos of the "Mother Ship" and other Ships, what I'm perceiving is there's a pattern of deception and a 'shock-and-awe' strategy. The owner of the eceti ranch is like me a witness to an intentional display that takes advantage of the presence of eceti ranch.

Regarding evidence eceti has gathered about Lights on Mt. Adams and the 'Light Show' in the Skies at eceti I distrust this 'Psy Ops' Light Show at Mt. Adams. The Powers-that-Be know about it and won't admit it, indeed when the U.S. Government again recently in 2021 repeated the same old lie that there's no evidence of alien contact, they release propaganda disinformation to the media that the Military Industrial Complex owns, they trot out the same old arguments against alien contact since the 1960's because it works, they know you Sheeple will believe it. It is one of many lies that get retold every ten years and every generation, because some Truths leak out, so repetition of lies is a strategy that is used because it produces results, it works. Not long ago N.A.S.A. said of the presence of non-Humans on Earth "We thought everyone already knew" and yet again the U.S.A. is presenting another denial using familiar Tropes of themes that play to jingoistic simplistic fantasies of denial, ignorance, and above all blind trust in authority, because it works you asleep Sheeple believing that only Conspiracy Theorists believe that 9-11 was an 'inside job'. I suspect the Apollo mission did not land on the Moon's surface because the Moon is inhabited by 'Unfriendlies'; Mars is inhabited by 'Unfriendlies', and Ceres is an artificial Satellite inhabited by 'Unfriendlies'. And lies get repeated in each successive generation in the 'new age' movements and religions, for example that the Earth is Quarantined, no it's not, but this is a Prison Planet and the Predators and the New World Order are the Jailers. WAKE UP you Sleepwalkers the government lies.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 2015 August, Detection of the use of invisibility technology by unseen individuals. 1 of 2. Part 29.

2015 August, Detection of the use of invisibility technology by unseen individuals. I was living in an Accessory Dwelling Unit (A.D.U.) a one room Building built for Housing that I was renting, located in the s.w. corner of the Backyard of a House at the noth east (s.e.) corner of the intersection of s.e. 74th and s.e. Glenwood Streets. I stepped outside to urinate and I stood very close to a nearby large Douglas Fir Tree on the south / south east side of the Tree, and quietly urinated, taking care to aim my stream of Urine at the base of the Tree.

While I was urinating, from the other side of the Tree I heard I heard a few indistinct words spoken and then laughter, it sounded like there was two Men north of me on s.e. 74th street, maybe 20’-25’ away, on my side of the street, the east side of s.e. 74th Street adjacent to the west property line of the Backyard, and I could tell from the sound of their brief words and shared laughter that they were north of me and walking south towards me, and it was a sunny and quiet peaceful morning outside so their laughter was echoing off an Apartment Building and Houses on the other side of s.e. 74th such that I could simultaneously hear their real-time laughter and hear the echo of their voices.

Then I noticed that both their laughter and the faint echo of their laughter suddenly stopped without the volume fading down as all echoes do, which I noticed immediately was unnatural. So I knew two men were walking south on s.e. 74th towards me on the opposite side of the Tree, and that the width of the Tree and my close proximity to the Tree was preventing them from seeing me, and I remained still and quiet to see what was happening and what would happen next.

To my left about 6 feet away from me was a 6 foot high wooden Fence that surrounded the Backyard; the Fence had an Art-Deco style- there were Holes cut into some of the Fence Slats, and on the Street side of the Fence, the Hole closest to me had a section of Bamboo Curtain attached over the Hole as a kind of a Sun-Blind, and on the property side of the Fence, attached to the Fence directly below that cut-out Hole was a horizontal wood Plank- just for looks as part of the Art-Deco style, and Sunlight was shining through the Bamboo Blind and through the cutout Hole and onto the horizontal Plank.

I looked towards the Fence and it was then that I saw a perfectly curved Shadow moving slowly right-to-left across the horizontal Plank; the Shadow appeared to be the lower left quadrant of a larger circular Shadow, and after a couple of seconds the Shadow simply faded to Sunlight while it was moving- it did not move away, and it was sunny outside with no Clouds or Airplanes in the Sky so there was nothing in the Sky to cause the Shadow. Normally, what I saw was impossible.

The Shadow that I saw moving then disappeared by fading to Sunlight was the was the outer perimeter of the lower quadrant of a spherical invisibility ‘bubble’ projected by an invisibility ‘cloaking’ Device that the two men were carrying with them to conceal their presence, perhaps using Corrupted Light, that was blocking Sunlight which I saw briefly before it could go to full invisibility mode, and when it did, there was no Shadow, only Sunlight shining.

So I knew that they were walking my way and that within seconds they would walk past the Tree that hid me from their seeing me, and that within seconds they would suddenly see me. I think I surprised them by intentionally already looking steadily east in the direction of the Fence where I knew they were about to appear, and mentally I was repeating the phrase "I know I'm looking at someone." I saw no one but I sensed or deduced what was happening- one of them checks his invisibility unit at his waist then looks at the other man whom looks down at his unit then looks at me, then suddenly I sensed what I first thought was their annoyance, but it was worse- they were angry, and that night and every night for two weeks afterward, and even though I went to Bed at a different time every night, every night as I was preparing for a Night’s sleep, and always at bedtime a thrown 'Rock' would hit the same south side of my A.D.U. with enough force to cause a 'bang' noise; I say a ‘Rock’ euphemistically because although it sounded like a thrown Rock slamming against the Wall outside every time it happened, but always the next morning when I looked at the south side of my place I never found any object that could explain the sound of something hitting my outside wall every night at bedtime; a 'Psy Ops' device to intimidate me.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 2015: August: Detection of the use of invisibility technology by unseen individuals. 2 of 2. Part 30.

As best I can understand, the reason their voices and echoes suddenly stopped is because an invisibility device had been activated- perhaps at a lower power setting, and the reason the curved Shadow disappeared was because my presence had been detected by some technological means and thus powered up to full invisibility mode, but their invisibility ‘cloaking’ technology had failed to obscure their presence, because I was on the other side of that large Tree, and because of my close proximity to the large Tree, their equipment was ‘slow’ to detect my presence and switch to fully functional invisibility mode. I detected their presence, I knew of their presence before they knew of my presence, I knew of their presence before they could fully conceal all sound and sight of them, and I detected their presence when they did not want their presence detected.

I think they were there to see me, surprise! I was waiting for them. Breakaway Civilization?

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 2018 June: Chance? encounter with the Jin. Part 31.

2018 June: 4515 SE Woodstock Blvd, Portland, OR 97206: Chance? encounter with the Jin in the Woodstock neighborhood of s.e. Portland, Oregon USA. I witnessed it travel through the Sky appearing in its natural state as wispy white water Clouds that also look like Smoke. It (or they) noticed that I was watching it (or them), and decided to take advantage of the situation by forming images of Gorn to try to frighten me. It or they appeared in their natural state: It was in the early afternoon as I stood on the front Patio of the Safeway Grocery Store in the Woodstock neighborhood of s.e. Portland and noticed that below the main Cloud layer deck I saw a second lower cloud deck of a sharply defined thin layer of Clouds approaching slowly, over an extended area was a grouping of wispy white Clouds that had a slightly variable reflectivity and looked a little like smoke but more like a water Cloud. This second lower of a thinly layered Cloud Deck riding on the Wind was drifting to the west slowly towards me, and upon close approach to me it stopped in the Sky in front of me, directly above the main west parking lot of the Woodstock Safeway Store and coalesced into a large white Cloud within which it or they created images of Faces of Gorn(s), and it was very obvious. l counted 26 small Gorn Faces that would form and last a minute or two, then cloud over only to happen close by, several Faces simultaneously and a few larger Faces, and the largest Face the Eyes actually glowed yellow, emitted yellow light for almost a minute, a really impressive and scary display intended to 'spook' intimidate me. I watched for over 15 minutes standing on the Woodstock Safeway front Porch, facing south, looking up at the Sky at the Cloud of Jin, which stayed in the same location above the Parking Lot. I had work to do that day so after 15 minutes I left, had I stayed more Gorn Faces. I do not know if it was a single Jin, at the time I speculated that perhaps it was a group of Jin, perhaps several young immature Jin.

PARANORMAL 'HIGH STRANGENESS' EXPERIENCES: 2022: June: Jin sighting. Part 32 of 32.

2022 June, Jin sighting: I am sitting on a public transit 'Trimet' Bus Stop Bench on the north side of s.e. Foster Blvd. at s.e. 67th. street, I am facing south in the afternoon I saw a Cloud Band that was a long thin column at a much lower level than the main Cloud Deck travelling in a direction diagonal to the surrounding Cloud drift and travelling at least five times faster than the Clouds above, it drifted in front of it and me and then in one second simultaneously slowed to a stop, and then in one second faded to invisible.


1960-1961?: I remember my father singing to my mom's belly pregnant with me, the first time it was scary, the second time it was familiar, the third time I liked it so much that I poked my right index finger towards it but stopped by the Womb yet my mom laughed they both saw the protrusion distension of my finger poking at my father. I remember my birth my Nose was broken squeezing past my mother's pubic bone- a sense of pressure then pain. I noticed the flow of life had stopped coming into my Belly- bad- I looked over and saw my umbilical cord tied and the Nurse with a scalpel so I yelled "NO!". She stopped, was shaking in fear, two other Nurses went to her hugged her and one Nurse said "He did not say No. It's not possible." In-Utero telepathic acquisition of rudimentary language from mom; after a week I noticed I was forgetting words, after a month I had forgotten language.

I was born in 1961. My Family of Origin is deceased: Dad: Robin Strand Lee 1929-1982, Mom: Neva Dawn Green 1929-2019, Sister: Jeanne Catherine Lee / Jeanne Lee Dahl 1959-2021. All died of natural causes; I have no children.

1992: The day my dad died I was at Portland Community College as a Student who used the open weight lifting room and that morning around 9:30 as I was in the basem*nt hallway leading to the weight room in my mind I heard my dad's voice say, "Hi Chris!" but I was intent on weight lifting, then after my workout I used a hallway phone to call my sister's house to get an update about my father who was dying in hospital, my sister's husband Rick answered the phone and told me that dad had died two hours ago. I think after he died he said "Hi, Chris!" to me. Robin Strand Lee died about two months before his 63rd. Birthday, cause: Pneumonia caused by Emphysema caused by smoking tobacco since he was 16. The day before he died I was at his hospital bed where we had our last conversation and he said, "I love you Chris." "I love you too Dad." "I always stood behind you." "I know you did."

2019: It's night time I am in my Van alone doing nothing when suddenly I sensed my mother's presence in my mind. She patiently asked me questions: how I felt about her dying, about her, about us, so as thought I emoted heartfelt responses of love, understanding, and acceptance, then in my mind I heard her say, "I love you Chris", then suddenly her presence was gone. The next day I learned from my sister that mom had died the night before, and that a week prior she had fallen and broken her hip and went into a coma and never regained consciousness before she died. The last time I saw her was about 2 months before she died, I visited her and as I left I was looking at her as I said, "Smile!" and she lit up with a thousand watt smile which was the last I ever saw of her.

2021: Again I was alone in my Van in the late evening not doing much of anything when suddenly in my mind I sensed my sister's presence, her personality was unmistakable, I sensed that she was impressed with my mind my intellect my self-preservation living alone, then in my mind I felt Jeanne give me a hug that was so pure and beautiful with love that it felt like when I was an infant in love with my mom, then suddenly Jeanne' presence was gone. My only sibling Jeanne died of cancer, she is survived by her two daughters Courtney and Molly and her widower Richard 'Rick' Rudolph Dahl, who called me to inform me of Jeanne's death the next day. Jeanne and I were estranged in the last years prior to her death.

These Experiences and knowledge of Phowa and Tulkus convinced me that for a period of time as a simplified form of personality our consciousness survives death; whether You then obliviate or transmigrate and reincarnate or enter Nirvana is uncertain, but Visitation of family members, loved ones, and Home Care Providers is not uncommon.

In Tibetan Buddhism: Tulkus remember past lives, 49 days between death and rebirth, Death a deep sleep then awareness as Consciousness separates from the body. Your State of mind at death determines trajectory after Life, for example Hitler reborn in the 'Kill-or-be-killed' lower realm of Animals and Insects. After death your Stream of Consciousness continues, "and life flows on within you and without you"- George Harrison.

Each new life is unique so even if a 'Spirit' of a person does transmigrate into a child that does not necessarily mean the Child will ever be aware of "You" and now "You" become quiescent as a recursive programming pattern while the Child has the dominant life force pattern. Transmigration may be common but undetected as a residual life force energy of a deceased Spirit naturally attracted to a Toddler sharing a similar 'Life Force Signature' of self-similar and self-repeating patterns, but transmigration into a child might simply be absorbed as a remnant 'Seed' memory designation in childhood identity formation.


1966-1980: Christian Science ages 5-19. Dangerous dysfunction dying cult.

1966 Abduction, Pituitary Tumor forcibly implanted, result Acromegaly, surgically removed 2015.

1966 Intentionally infected with the Vampire Pathogen.

1971 Jin Encounter tricked into consuming Black Goo.

1966-2015 Nine Abductions, 7 involving Teleportation, subjected to 'Super Soldier' Human Medical Experimentation.

1988 Adult Baptism with Pastor Joe Smith, Saint James Lutheran Church E.L.C.A. Boring cult.

1991-1995 First Presbyterian Church, Portland, Oregon. Boring cult.

1991-1996 Dharma Rain Zen Center, Soto Zen Buddhism, Priests Kyogen & Gyokuko Carlson my 1st. Dharma Teachers. Zen is over-reliant on Meditation.

1998 Peyote consumption in a 'Half-Moon' ceremonial Service in the Native American (Christian) Church at the Yakima Indian Reservation led by 'Road Man' Sid Murphy. Excellent experience.

1998-2000 Friends "Quaker Unprogrammed no Sermon" Church. Innocuous cult.

2009-2011 Hui Lin Temple, Saben Lineage, 2010 pledged and received Refuge, Vows, Vase Initiation, and named “Hui Fa” (Mandarin, 'Wisdom of the Law') with (Guru) Yuandanchilie Rinpoche at Hui Lin Temple, where I selected my Dharma Protector, Sitatapatra. A Taiwanese & Tibetan hybrid cult, boring repetitive Sutra recital practice. A Sangha of, by, and for Taiwanese & Chinese Immigrants. Religious Cultism Compassion Failure.

2010-2015: Repetitive Practice of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism Ritual Ceremonies of the Dakshinacharya 'Right-Hand' Path using my Tibetan Buddhist Shrine Altar.

2010-2020 Sufi "Dances for Universal Peace" Services, and a few Sufi Gatherings. Theistic disguised as universal, innocuous, pleasant Dancing while Singing.

2011-2019 Kagyu Chang Chub Chuling of Kagyu Lineage, a dangerous, dysfunctional, and dying Cult. Religious cultism Compassion Failure.

2012-2013 Dance Mandal Newar lineage Buddhist Temple, Newar style sacred dance Instruction pay-as-you-go. Inherited Priesthood Patriarchy Caste Cult the Son inherits the Priesthood. Like Catholicism its members are totally reliant on the Priest for spiritual practices. The most Hinduistic Ritualism of all Buddhist Religions. When my Life became imperiled Dance Mandal's Priest Prajwal Vajracharya was so lacking in compassion by Shunning me was a disgraceful disrespectful disservice of me, and shunning is unbefitting of Buddhist Priesthood.

2012-2016 Services 'Works' at Ceu da Davina Rosa (Church of the Divine Rose), loosely affiliated with the Santo Daime Church. 'Works' include consumption of 'Daime' (Ayahuasca) consumed at 2-3 Hour Intervals. Silly catholic cult mythological beliefs presented as Factual. 10-12 Hours of Singing while either sitting or using the traditional Santo Daime 'dance' of side-stepping which is a repetitive bore.

2012-2017 Tibetan Buddhist Cham Dance & Vajra Varahi Chod Ceremony practice with Lama Tsering Wangdu Rinpoche at The Movement Center, a Shavite Yoga Center.

2015: With Sam Volkmer of Solar Tango Productions we co-created the Video “Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism” viewable at: and at: Completed Final Exam of Dakshinacharya.Thank you Sam.

2015 Tibetan Buddhist Nejang Yoga (Tibetan: གནས་སྦྱངས་) Student with Instructor Christiana Polites.

2016 I became a Chinnamasta Devotee, including Chinnamunda & Vajra Varahi 'Tengri', and now including Vajra Yogini, Kurukulla, Bhairavi, Saraswati, and Sitatapatra.

2016, 2017 I acquired & reacquired the Vampire Pathogen resulting in two 'Bite Fever's. Began studying & practicing Occult Magick & the Esoteric & Occult Tantrism of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism & Shakti Hinduism.

2019: Began Blogging about Tibetan Buddhism at:

2020: Construction of Shrine Boxes of Chinnamasta and Vajrapani Shrine Boxes.

2018-2024: Writing e-books and Blogging about Tibetan Buddhism and other subjects.

INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD: 1984 Paranormal phenomenon of precognition. 3 of 14.

1984 Paranormal phenomena of precognition. Age 23, I was walking south on south west 43rd. Street, in a very somber mood, feeling very quiet and somewhat depressed. I looked to my left, I was looking at a House, something about seeing the House prompted me to say aloud, “I will live in that House one day”, which came true thirty three years later, from an online advertisem*nt, I rented a room in that House for about two months. At that time, I didn’t remember the House, or saying that, until I wrote this book; by that time, the House had a different owner then when I had said that.

INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD: 2016 July 12: 'Download' 'Dream Invasion' about Jesus, and, 2017 Orbs flying in the Sky at Eceti 'Lion's Gate' Ranch. 4 of 14.

2016 July 12: 'Download' 'Dream Invasion' about Jesus. July 12, 2016, about 10:30 PM P.S.T.: While asleep, I had a Dream, a 'Download': I and others were walking on a pilgrimage to salvation. In the distance I saw a Castle with a long staircase from the Ground to the Entrance. Seated at the top of the Stairs were Jesus with the 12 Disciples; Jesus and the Disciples all appeared as seated Lions. Lion Jesus looked out towards us and his Eyes shone so brightly that they projected Beams of Light so bright they looked like Jet Airplane Headlights. Then large Wings unfurled from his Shoulders and he spread his Wings and flew towards me. He swooped down and with his front Claws grabbed me by the Shoulders and carried me aloft. As we flew Jesus told me, "I christen you Arthur, King", and, "I am taking you to the Kingdom of Heaven, to Camelot, where you shall be seated at a Table of equals". We flew to the Castle, which had a lot of people in it. When we arrived at the Castle, Jesus said to me, "Keep Light in your Eves, and Courage in your Heart". I asked, "What about Love, loving all that is good- God, your Neighbor, yourself?" No answer, but seconds later my Mind answered, "Love takes Courage". The Dream had ended as abruptly as it had begun.

2017: James Gilliland named his website "Lions Gate" 8 days after my 'Dream Invasion' of meeting Jesus as a Winged flying Lion with bright shining Eyes who said to me, "Keep Light in your Eyes and Courage in your Heart": Any time I can find a way to do my Life that benefits all people I've taken the 'High Road' and kept the 'Light' in my Eyes, and, everyone I love is going to die & all good things come to an end so it takes Courage in my Heart to love again and again. Was my Dream with the Lion content a Meme going around shared telepathically or was it an artificial telepathy broadcast 'Download Dream' shared by Gilliland and I as Gilliland's "Lion's Gate" and my dream of 'Jesus as a flying Lion', was it a shared telepathic 'Download' but perceived differently?

The translucent white 'Orbs' that require an infrared Spotlight and an infrared filtered Video Camera to be seen that I saw in 2015 at the Eceti Ranch I wondered, Jin or a "Proto-Life" Form of the Jin? Or a Light Projection deception? I watched Orbs glowing white Light, flying, translucent, seemingly assembling from the Ground then flying somewhat haphazardly at speeds of up to 50mph, then a crashing disassembly.

INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD: 2016 March 13 Subject: Miracle at the Church of the Divine Rose in Portland, Oregon (loosely affiliated with the Santo Daime Church) 1 of 2. 5 of 14.

2016 March 13 Subject: Miracle at the Church of the Divine Rose in Portland, Oregon (Santo Daime Church),:

As a Reporter and Journalist, I feel compelled to report my eyewitness account of what I call a Miracle: March 13, 2016 I attend a nighttime service of The Church of the Divine Rose in Portland, Oregon (Santo Daime Church), and witnessed a spectacular phenomenon, what I consider a 'Miracle' or a 'Supernatural phenomenon'::

I was attending a Santo Daime ‘Concentration’ service, there were 60 people in attendance, seated, singing interspersed with a period(s) of silent meditation after drinking 'Daime'. After we drank our second shot glass of strong Daime / Ayahuasca, we all sat down for a short, quiet meditation, after several minutes, one of the members of the Church of the Divine Rose Church Leader Chris Lopez began to emit white light from his body, over the next few minutes became steadily brighter until all bright white light like an incandescent light bulb, all of the body physical features were simply a source of light, you could not see any physical features, his body shape was there as a source of a light so bright that you could not see any features of his body- it was completely whited out body shape, sitting still and silent. Then over a minute the light faded, and he was back to normal and seated in meditation unbroken and continuous throughout, and everyone in the room witnessed it; while it was happening two men sitting near him became frightened and stood up, but everyone else remained seated. The entire time I was seated behind Chris at about the seven o’clock position. As Lopez began to emit light, I noticed three evenly spaced columns of Light inches behind his Back, like three ethereal tubes of neon light. The central tube was blue and had red light glowing from inside it, so overall it appeared purple, the two side light columns started as a yellow green color and as he became very bright the two side columns changed color to orange and were brightest when his appearance was white light; behind his Back his 'Subtle Body' Channels were visible, filled with Light. Then as the white light began to fade and so did the columns of light, more or less disappearing at the same time, and within a minute he looked 'normal' again. To speculate, it would seem that there is an intentional effort to continuously channel out through the Skin the D.M.T. induced increasing psychic energy burst.

However, just as that spectacular miracle was ending, for the first time, I got sick from Ayahuasca; my high dose opiate pain medications from multiple surgeries interacted with that sudden strong dose of Daime which caused me about 10-15 minutes of some of the most miserable physical sensations I’ve ever experienced, sans any visions; I rested in the corner for a few minutes, arose feeling sick, somewhat delirious, not sure of what mattered, and upset that everyone was so busy enjoying their ‘high’ that they really don’t seem to notice, or do much about someone in attendance who is in distress until there's some sort of emotional crises to deal with, so I left the meeting before it was officially over- a BIG NO-NO- I locked the V.F.W. Basem*nt Door behind me on the way out, went home to lay down and sleep it off. BUT, since I left without permission, I have not been invited back. I apologize.

Regarding opiates blocking psychedelic effects of Ayahuasca: Because my multiple major surgeries from 2014 to 2016 resulted in a very large prescription daily combined doses of Morphine and Oxycodone, the opiates were blocking me from experiencing what the other people in attendance were experiencing, specifically, I was largely unable to visualize or experience psychedelic hallucinations. However, at that period of time in my Life over a few month's time I obtained a total of a few grams of D.M.T., and so the last three Church of the Divine Rose services 'Works' I went to while on a high opiate dose, I began secretly counteracting the opiate block of psychedelia by ingesting about 150-250 mg. of oral D.M.T. Crystals which I swallowed in the Bathroom which I went to after ingesting my first glass of Ayahuasca /'Daime' and it worked great! Taken quickly after ingesting Ayahuasca allowed the D.M.T. Crystals to become orally active, and very much improved my experiences attending those particular services, an added joyousness.

INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD: 2016 March 13 Subject: Miracle at the Church of the Divine Rose in Portland, Oregon. 2 of 2. 6 of 14.

The last few Works I was there for the Ayahuasca, and I like to sing. At first 'Works' the teachings in the lyrics were interesting and uplifting, but after several 'Works' I tired of the mental contortions to believe what they believe, silly Catholic Cult Mythologies presented as Facts. I liked the 'Works', but 8-12 hours of singing is tedious, and the dance step is monotonous. Doctrine: The 'Daime' is “The Teacher of Teachers”- Santo Daime literature and Songs are secondary supportive teachings, often the printed lyrics were unscored, memorized. Ceu Da Davina Rosa- Church of the Divine Rose is an independent Church loosely affiliated with the Santo Daime Church.

Santo Daime type Churches have a pantheon of Saints and Spirits: Catholic Saints, African 'Orissa' Spirits, and Amazonian Spirits, so this constellation of similar religions are vulnerable to the Jin causing trouble at 'Works' because the Jin can take advantage of their religious reverence, naivete, and ignorance to steer people into false beliefs and 'bad trips' on 'Daime'- Ayahuasca. Jin insinuate themselves, imitating all of these Saints and Spirits.

INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD: Clear Light Transmission from Yangsi Rinpoche at Maitripa College, AND, Kundalini Awakening at NWTCA. 7 of 14.

2016: The sounds that erupted from me at NWTCA was told to Maitripa College's Yangsi Rinpoche because two weeks later at Maitripa College Free Thursday Night Lecture, during Yangsi's Lecture about Enlightenment at one point Yangsi said, “Enlightenment… it’s not an Explosion”. I think Yangsi thought I was being a Braggart when he heard about the sounds coming from me at NWTCA, wrong. At the end of the lecture as Yangsi Rinpoche was walking alone out of the meditation Hall, when he walked to leave the Lecture Room and walk into the lobby, I wanted to thank so I telepathically told him “thank you”, a second before he exited the room. As he walked into the Lobby, even through the wall I could sense Yangsi Rinpoche’s astonishment about hearing my telepathic "Thank you." Two weeks later I attend my 'follow-up' Lecture by Yangsi Rinpoche at Maitripa College wherein I received a 'Clear Light' Nirvana Liberation Instruction by 'Mind Transmission'- Telepathy. I was seated against the back wall, but directly in front of Yangsi Rinpoche. After all of us were seated, Yangsi Rinpoche started the proceedings with a short, silent meditation. As I began to meditate I heard Yangsi Rinpoche say to me telepathically, “Yangsi Rinpoche”, announcing his presence in my thoughts, in my Mind. Allow me to paraphrase to the best of my ability a reconstructed accounting of what I perceived Yangsi 'said': “Look around you it is spacious. In every direction your view keeps extending farther outward towards infinity and you are at the center. Notice the quiet, become absolutely silent. Notice the stillness no movement and become completely still. From stillness all around there is Light in every direction surrounded by a sphere of Light expanding outward in all directions towards infinity encompassing all of the wisdom and karma of the universe, and with the outward expansion your awareness expands as the leading edge of the Light all is ever-expanding Light and wisdom”. In my Contemplative Visualization I did as instructed, my egoic Mind disappeared, replaced with pure awareness as the leading edge of a Sphere of Light expanding spherically outwards encompassing the Cosmos. Two minutes seemingly pass then Yangsi verbally told the class to conclude their meditation. As it so happened I was seated directly in front of Yangsi Rinpoche, so when I opened my eyes at about the same time as Yangsi Rinpoche he looked directly at me, and he was thinking, “Let’s see if it worked or not”. To answer his question I used my Eyes to shine the Light I had seen in my visualization, I could see a shininess in my vision, my Eyes looked very bright to me as I intentionally looked out brightly, then Yangsi Rinpoche was thinking, “It worked”, and he smiled, then turned his attention to giving his Lecture.

Sunday, December 29, 2019: I awoke to a knock on the side panel my Van, I dressed and shaved and went inside NWTCA for Sunday's 10-12 Tibetan Buddhist Services, and be a "Visitor" to music performances in the Auditorium after Services.

I relax completely here with these people, unlike with any one else, or anywhere else, or about any other subjects; only with Tibetans and about Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan Culture do I trust to immerse and lose myself. I enjoyed Services, and I was as 'observant' as possible, participating when, where, and how it was appropriate to do so.

After religious Services I went back to my Car to rest, chanted some Mantras, then went inside NWTCA again; I went to the large main Auditorium where youth groups were playing Tibetan music on their Dramyen(s); beautiful music, my spirit soared, I heard one of the students ask the teacher about me, "Who is that?" and I heard his reply saying, "A visitor", then a moment later I heard his thought, "He's sick" as he looked at me, and indeed at that time I felt sick, but I didn't want that to prevent my liberation from Samsara, so as I listened to the music I was moved to liberate myself, so I began rocking side to side to stimulate Kundalini, and I felt the Kundalini 'Serpent' rise to my gut- my 'Hari', and I urged it upward and suddenly metaphysically speaking my Body was aflame, and I was thinking, "What's next in this practice?" so I transformed myself into a flaming Skeleton brandishing a Sword and riding a Green ethereal Kundalini Dragon, and as it flew up from my Body I wanted to hear it's roar and I heard a loud and very alive sounding roar of a giant flying Serpent, I was riding astride its Back as a flaming Skeleton and as the Dragon flew upwards we sallied upward and charging with my Sword we burst into flames of all colors and evaporated- Liberation in Samsara! I opened my Eyes and I saw a young boy aways in front of me studying me; I thought he heard and saw some of my experience. I looked around, many Children were looking at me, some looked slightly frightened by the Dragon's roar, so I quickly stood up and exited the Auditorium and the Building, got in my Car, and drove away.

INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD: Dream of Chinnamasta. 8 of 14.

2017 June: A Dream I had while asleep at night 6 days into my second 'Bite Fever' after being re-infected with the Vampire Pathogen- 'Bitten' by my 'Vampire Wife': During the entire experience I was asleep, and stayed asleep, but it started as a Dream within a Dream, I dreamed that I was dreaming of looking at the wrought metal gate image of Chinnamasta that is at the wrought-Iron Gated Entrance to a Chinnamasta Temple in India and the art work in the wrought Iron Gate forms an image of Chinnamasta. Then suddenly I was ‘awakening’ from ‘sleep’, I was laying on my back, I looked right and left, and observed that I was lying in a cremation grounds, there were funeral pyres burning, and decayed and burned body parts strewn about, I was lying in Charnel Grounds, a Cemetery with funeral Pires burning, and Jackals eating Corpses. I smelled an overpowering stench of rotting and burned bodies. I noticed that my body was very old, and within moments of death from old age. Suddenly my lover Rati was there, she climbed on top of me, we were lying on a huge lotus flower bed, and Rati was very old, within moments of death from old age. Rati mounted me, and suddenly she young, dark skinned, beautiful, and amorous, and simultaneously I was physically rejuvenated to my body in its prime, I obtained an erection, we began having coitus, then suddenly Chinnamasta was standing over us, she was young, tall, beautiful, D cup breasts, her skin was a fair skinned pink, has an athletic body, her hair was long, red, uncombed, and tied in a bow at the end, blood was dripping from her vagin*, she was radiating an indescribably beautiful and fantastically brilliant yellow light filled with concentric circles of a million eyes looking at all, her body was yellow with a reddish luster, causing an orange sheen, her head was in her left Hand and her scimitar in her right Hand, two translucent etheric arms swept downward with both Hands displaying open Hand palm up mudra of giving support, three spurts of blood squirting from her decapitated body’s neck stump, the side spurts were being consumed by two females on either side of Chinnamasta, one attendant was white colored, the other was red colored; with my eyes I followed the blood stream from Chinnamasta’s body into her mouth, she was drinking her blood, I looked at her face, she had a large third eye in her forehead, her gaze was cast downward, then she looked at me, and I saw her three eyes look at me in an additional dimension to our gross form realm, then all the filaments in her eyes glowed with light, and her eyes were beautiful. Suddenly, I was back in my body, in org*smic climax and watching Rati climax astride me, and as we climaxed together our ethereal bodies in embrace began floating upward, we entered Chinnamasta’s body through her vagin*, and were now inside Chinnamasta’s now translucent rainbow colored body, and Rati and I were now emanating as two translucent rainbow bodies in embrace inside Chinnamasta’s translucent rainbow colored body, we traveled up her central channel, in embrace from the charnal grounds to the heart of Chinnamasta, and as we entered Chinnamasta’s heart chakra, we approached a tetrahedron shaped scalar field matrix Yantra of Chinnamasta’s heart, her Yantra was full of light, bright with colors, and surrounded by flowers; Rati and I collapsed into the tetrahedron, which collapsed inward towards a Bindu, and upon contact with Bindu, suddenly I was observing the dream from the perspective of flat on the charnel grounds again, where I saw Rati and I inside the heart of Chinnamasta, and Chinnamasta was levitating and floating slightly upward, and I fervently desired for Chinnamasta to take Rati and I to the pure land rainbow realm of Kechara. Then my Dream simply ends.

Chinnamasta is a Goddess of Destruction, Transformation, and Recreation. The Mahavidya (Sanskrit: महाविद्या, Great Wisdoms) are a group of ten Hindu Tantric Goddesses. Chinnamasta is one of the Hinduism Mahavidyas, are usually named in the following sequence: Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Bhuvaneshvari, Bhairavi, Chhinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Kamala. The names of Chinnamasta: Headless, Mahavidya:-Great Art & Knowledge. Pretasana:- One who is seated on Panchapretasana. Pretayuta:- One who is saluted by Panchapreta. Pretasanga Viharini:- One who roams with ghosts. Mundamalini:- One who wears a garland of Heads. Maheshwari:- Great goddess, Chinnamasta:-Headless. Maheshwari:- Great goddess. Chinnamasta's true name is Prachanda Chandi, the form of Adiparashakthi and one among the Nava Chandis. Her other names are Indrani, Vajravairochani, and Chanda Prachandi Devi. Her Ashta Shakthis (eight powers), are Dhakini, Varnini, Eka Linga, Maha Bhairavi, Bhairavi, Indrani, Ashtangi, and Samharini.

INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD: My Chinnamasta Paradox 1 of 2. 9 of 14.

Chinnamasta is aa headless goddess holding her severed head, standing on a copulating couple, and consuming her blood. Chinnamasta symbolizes self-sacrifice, transformation, and the transcendence of ego.

I call this entry the Chinnamasta Paradox because I first learned about Chinnamasta from Carolyn Grissom, Jeanne Lee, and about Chinnamunda from Prajwal Vajracharya, all of whom wronged me. Jeanne and Carolyn had placed a satanic devil's on me when I was 10, never apologized, and because for decades Jeanne spewed bad attitude talk about me to my family of origin and to my extended family relatives, Jeanne caused three generations of my family to turn against me. And Prajwal Vajracharya shunned me when I no longer suited the sensitivities of his God Complex with my sufferings at the time I was at Dance Mandal Temple under his leadership when I had a broken Ankle, broken Back, Pituitary Brain Tumor, and then became unhoused, for which Prajwal shunned me. These people wronged me, not offering me emergency service in my subsequent Life-or-Death situations, never apologized, gossiped negative rumors about me that turned others against me, yet, it was from these people that I first learned Chinnamasta and Chinnamunda, so I say there is no one so bad that there is no good in them.

1967: My first inkling of Chinnamasta was in 1967 wherein I am in class in the 1st. Grade at Garden Home Elementary School & for the first time beholding a picture of a printed image of an "Cephalophore"- a Headless Person as an image of 3 Christian Saints as Monks wearing Robes but with a Beheaded Body(s) that was standing unmoving while holding their Head(s) in Hand(s) with their Faces awake and at peace. The Teacher noticed my interest then explained to me that "Someone from a Church put the Pictures in the Classroom, but it was wrong of that Person to do that."

1971: In 1971 I am ten, alone, lonely, sad, and depressed because I am teased daily by other children at school because I have Buck Teeth, I avoid my parents because they are verbally abuse towards me- hypercritical of me, and neglectful of me. I am depressed, my depression undiagnosed and untreated because instead of my mom seeking medical help for me, she turned to Christian Science- “The Cult of Eddy”. One day Carolyn Grissom came to visit my sister Jeanne Catherine Lee, later in adulthood known by her married name, Jeanne Lee Dahl. Jeanne and Carolyn were in Jeanne’s bedroom while I, lonely for anyone, stood in the hallway and listened to their conversation outside of Jeanne’s bedroom door. Carolyn did most of the talking, leading the conversation, explaining and answering questions to the satisfaction of my sole sibling. Carolyn was telling Jeanne what to say, and Jeanne was repeating after Carolyn, and together they conjured “The Devil” by name, “Satan”, and I listened as these two, per Carolyn's instructions, said aloud in unison "We sell our soul to the devil, Satan", then with Carolyn's instructions, Jeanne placed a curse on our House- and by extension a curse on my parents whom later died awful deaths, and then again by repeating after Carolyn, Jeanne placed a curse on me specifically saying my name aloud in her curse on me. My spirit sank into an even worse depression, I felt completely alone in an awful world. As the years past the 'Throwing Karma' of Carolyn and Jeanne's devil's curse on me, on our Parents, and on our House Family Name had a cumulative effect on my relationships with my extended family relatives because Jeanne's decades of bad attitude talk about me to my extended family relatives turned three generations of my extended family against me. Then in 1972 when I was 11 years old, playing 'Tag' in the backyard at dusk with Jeanne and Carolyn. We had erected a temporary Tent with Sheets in the backyard, and during rest breaks to catch our breath we went into the Tent and stood under a Tent Sheet, it was then and there that Carolyn described to Jeanne, then at my request Jeanne explained to me that to prevent emotions from clouding your mind that you block them from rising from the Chest to the Head by blocking excess emotions in the Neck, preventing an excess up-upwelling of emotional excitement energy; a sort of a capturing of emotions in the Neck, a sensation or sense of separation of the Head was felt when excess spill of energy was on it’s way up from the Chest to the Head, but intentionally blocked in the Neck, in the Throat Chakra. Then the part not explained well in translation from Carolyn to Jeanne, and then to me, “Then you drink the Blood. But I don't like that part"; Jeanne evidently was experiencing a repressed memory of being bitten by a Vampire as a very young child.

INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD: My Chinnamasta Paradox 2 of 2. 10 of 14.

So I said, “Then what happens?” “Then you put the Head back on”; but I didn’t understand that instruction until decades later, but during the remainder of the Tag game I noticed I was more agreeable to chasing or being chased- I was having more fun either way, because if and when the excitement goes from the Chest to the Head it's like a delirious euphoria, but disabling of intellect to the detriment of playing my best 'Tag', so during Tag I enjoyed a little excitement welling up- 'drinking the Blood'- but not too much otherwise my playing Tag suffered by becoming too enraptured, engrossed, absorbed, and overwhelmed with euphoric excitement.

1975: I first heard the name Chinnamasta during my 'friendly' Abduction at age 14 intentionally caused to overhear, “He’s a Chinnamasta Devotee! Or he will be”.

1996: In 1996 I decided to watch the T.V. show "Star Trek Next Generation" and just as I turned the T.V. on was the scene of the "Chinnamasta Effect" in Physics of a shared radiative energy, depicted as a small fountain of cascading photonic light which from the crest issued two streams of photonic light streaming to the crests of two nearby smaller fountains of photonic light, sort of a spontaneous radiative sharing of energy from the larger source to the smaller sources, this depiction of the Chinnamasta Effect got the TV Series Producers in trouble because people objected to the portrayal of the Chinnamasta Effect because Star Trek Next Generation was accused of promoting a specific religion, that of Chinnamasta, which the TV Series Producers denied by explaining that the Chinnamasta Effect is an effect known in Physics.

2012: I saw a dark skinned man of India in the crowd at a downtown Portland, Oregon outdoor Bazarre called Saturday Market, and I was curious about why he was wearing a red string around his neck, so I asked him about it, and he told me that he was in a Sect, so I asked which Sect, and he said, “Chinnamasta!”

2013: I saw my first image of Chinnamunda at Mahavihara 'Dance Mandal' (Newar Buddhist) Temple and the resident Priest Prajwal Vajracharya excitedly explained the iconography in the image to me while we were looking through a Book about Tibetan Buddhist Deities, Prajwal first called it Chinnamunda, then called it Chinnamasta. The Chinnamunda image depicts Chinnamunda standing triumphant over a vanquished Kali lying under her feet, symbolizing Chinnamunda's triumphant power of sharing energy over Kali's temporal influence of change by destruction. Chinnamunda's head is severed and held in her left Hand and her Scimitar held aloft in her right Hand, her body’s Neck stump is spurting three channels of Blood with Prana streams, the central channel streams to her mouth and she is drinking her blood from the central channel, two attendant female ‘Dakini’ devotees standing on either side of Chinnamunda are drinking her blood from her two side channels of Blood and Prana; also depicted in this image are two Monks whom are standing near Chinnamunda and are also drinking Chinnamunda’s blood from a stream side channel of blood and its etheric energy of prana in her Blood stream as Chinnamunda's Blood streams through the air to one of the Dakinis the stream schisms into an additional channel of Blood prana which schisms again to the two monks and is consumed by the Monks, and from the Monk’s Hearts issues a Blood Prana stream that returns to Chinnamunda’s Heart, thus depicting a recycling of psychic and physical energies, a recycling motif that is a rare imagery of Chinnamunnda that I have not encountered since; the color image is in a Book, part of the Dance Mandal Temple Library, inside the residence building.

2017: Then in January 2017 as I lay in my van in a state of desperation, cold and damp on a cold snowing winter day, homeless living in my Van, and chronically ill, I wondered if there was anything that could save me, then I remembered the Chinnamunda image I had seen at Dance Mandal, so I began studying about Chinnamunda and Chinnamasta, did internet searches collecting practices, video links, and imagery of Chinnamasta and Chinnamunda.

2017 June: I Dreamed of Chinnamasta, as described elsewhere in this Blog.

My Chinnamasta Paradox: I first learned of Chinnamasta from Carolyn Grissom and Jeanne Lee who sought to destroy me with a satanic curse, and Prajwal Vajracharya after showing me my first image of Chinnamunda and writing a Letter of Recommendation for me to pursue a cloistered life living as a Monk in a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery then shunned me from Dance Mandal because he disrespected me for becoming homeless, and embarrassed me when standing in front of me telling people about me "Some people are just crazy", yet through these people I received and learned Chinnamunda & Chinnamasta's wrathful wisdom of Sacrifice: You've got to let go of self, be inclined to selflessness but sometimes to create you must first deicide destroy the 'God Complex' by deicide.


In Hinduism, the 108 Names of Chinnamasta she can manifest as: Kali, Shiva, Bhairavi. In the 1,000 Names of Chinnamasta she is also Kurukulla. Chinnamasta can appear as the other Deities in her 108 and 1,000 Names; Chinnamasta can manifest in any form / way, or as formless; or, manifest in your dreams, or, in a contemplative meditation manifest as your personally preferred form(s) of Chinnamasta~Chinnamunda contemplated and propitiated as an Avatar personification of principles, or, to imagine being in thought, speech, and behavior. Beware, any witnessing of sightings or encounters with religious deities are intentional deceptions by Jin, avoid involvement with the Jin.

Chinnamasta can be conceived of as a self-contained intelligent Control System Matrix Template, defined by her 1,000 Names, with her 12 & 108 Names & Mantras as the Executive Function Keys to unlock the 1,000 Name's descriptive functions of her thousand-fold Matrix. If Chinnamasta was an early attempt of an introduction of a Control System Matrix it is comparable to a few current Control System Matrix paradigms of religious and political control. Chinnamasta practices constitute a life affirming Matrix that is well suited for devout religious Adepts- Sadhus, Yogis, Yoginis, ‘Solitary Realizers', people who indulge in 'Left-Hand' Path(s), and Vampires.

LESS COMMON NAMES OF CHINNAMASTA: Some of these Names are in the 108 Names and the 1,000 Names, but Chinnamasta has other less commonly used Names from several traditions of lineages:

Prachanda Chandi, the form of Adiparashakthi and one among the Nava Chandis.
Chanda Prachandi Devi.
Prachanda Chandika.
Vajra Vairochani.
Vajra Varahi.
Vajra Yogini.
Trikaya Vajrayogini.
108 Names: Bhairavi, Kali, Shiva, Parvati.
1,000 Names: Kurukulla, and several other Deities.


1. Chinnamasta:-Headless.
2. Mahavidya:-Great Art / Knowledge.
3. Pretasana:- One who is seated on Panchapretasana.
4. Pretayuta:- One who is saluted by Panchapreta.
5. Pretasanga Viharini:- One who roams with ghosts.
6. Mundamalini:- One who wears a garland of heads.
7. Maheshwari:- Great goddess.
8. Krishna kusum prit:- One who loves Blue flowers.
9. Lila:-Divine Play.
10. Pramatta:- Intoxicated.
11. Naga yajnopashobhita :-One who is oranameted with sacred thread of snake.
12. Jagadanandakarini :- One who gives joy to the world.

There are different versions of Chinnamasta's 12, & 108 & 1,000 Names, each have slightly different interpretations of some of her Names, and it's helpful to know all of the interpretations from the different traditions and Lineages.


Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Vajra Vairochaniya Hum Hum Pei! Svaha.

Om Vairochaniya Cha Vidmahe Chinnamastaya De-mahe Tanno Devi Prachodayat.

Om Kleem Aim Vajra Vairochiniya Vijay Siddhim Shatru Nashieya Phat!

Om Hum Chinnamastaya Namo Namaha.

Om Prachanda Chandika Ma Chinnamastaya Namo Namaha.

CHINNAMUNDA MANTRA: Om Sarva Buddha Dakiniya Om Vajra Varnarniya Om Vajra Vairochaniya Hum Hum Hum Pei! Swaha.

VAJRA VARAHI MANTRA: Om Sarva Buddha Dakini Hung Phat!

VAJRA YOGINI MANTRA: Oṃ Vajra Yoginī Hūṃ Phaṭ Svāhā.

VAIROCHANA MANTRA: Om Amogha Vairochana Mahamudra Jvala Pravartiya Hum.
Om! invincible Vairocana, the Great (hand) Seal, the Gem (on the) Lotus, the Flame, (Please) come forth, hum!" I also propitiate the male deity Vairochana to work with the Sushumna central channel. My experience with Vairochana: Hail the great Vairochana who manifest as a 1000 petal lotus radiating wisdom and compassion in every direction, like giving flowers in every direction you face to everyone you see, this is the strength that protects you and me.


CHINNAMUNDA'S TWO ATTENDANT DAKINIS: Vajra Varnarni & Vajra Vairochani.

CHINNMAMUNDA'S ASSOCIATED DEITIES: Vairochani, Saraswati, Vajra Varahi, Vajra Yogini, Kali- associated with Kali by vanquishing Kali depicted as Kail under the Foot of Chinnamunda.

Chinnamasta's Ashta Shakthis (eight powers), are: Dhakini, Varnini, Eka Linga, Maha Bhairavi, Bhairavi, Indrani, Ashtangi, Samhini.
VAJRAPANI MANTRA: Om Vajra Pei! Om Vajrapani Hum. Om Vajrapani Hum Pei! Om Ah Vajrapani Hum Hum Pei! Om Ah Vajrapani Yabyum Vajra Dakini Suja'ta Hum Hum Hum Pei Svaha.

Sitatapatra Mantra: Om Sarva Tathagata Anika Sitatapatra Hum Hum Pei Svaha. Hum Mama Hum Ni Sbaha. Hail Sitapatra the invincible and in destructable.


Chinnamasta is propitiated as a sustaining force that creates by first destroying. "While other fierce Hindu goddesses like Kali depict severing the heads of demons and are associated with ritual self-decapitation, Chinnamasta's motif reverses the ritual head-offering, offering her own head to the devotees (attendants) in order to feed them."- However also Chinnamasta and her two Attendants wear Garland Necklaces of the severed Heads of evil people they beheaded.

Chinnamasta is about selfless courage and self-sacrifice; Love takes Courage and requires Sacrifice. Chinnamasta is an instructional template for ethical and spiritual development about altruistic, compassionate, philanthropic giving, volunteering, caring, sharing, success in livelihood, relationships with others, and to: revivify, refresh, replenish, revitalize, and rejuvenate; generating, maintaining, and sharing exhilarating excitement.

When I work with the three ‘Nadis’ subtle body channels, I propitiate Chinnamasta when working with my Sattva Guna- Sushumna Central Channel; I propitiate Kurukulla with my- ‘Pingala’ right channel- Rajas Guna; I propitiate Bhairavi with my ‘Ida’ Left Channel- Tapas Guna.

I’ve found it helpful to view all of the deities and personas related to Chinnamasta as role model templates to simulate, or to perceive other people as simulating such roles, for example, ‘Oh, he’s acting like Shiva’, or, ‘Oh, she’s a Dakini’. At times I have found it helpful to inhabit persona(s) in the Chinnamasta pantheon of personas as roles to emulate.

Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, and Kurukulla form a triumvirate of Sakti Goddesses with similar attributes: all three are female deities, all three are both Hindu and Buddhist deities, all three are red colored, signifying they are ‘fierce’ deities propitiated and practiced with ‘fierce’ practices, all three are propitiated by those seeking the transformation of their passions into a vehicle for enlightenment, all three are propitiated with Vamamarga practices, all three are propitiated by adherents of the Vamamarga path, all three are propitiated as divine sources of wisdom about Magick, Siddhis, psychic abilities, life, love, sex, and death, and transmigration or reincarnation; all three have a reputation as auspicious, electrifying, and magnetizing, all three are sought to achieve the enlightenment of vast awakening, all three are propitiated to achieve bonded liberation while living, and all three are sought as vehicles to obtain liberation from Samsara.

What I’ve noticed about female versus male deity practice: It seems to me that propitiation of male Buddhas is a relatively immediate cause-and-effect of receiving wisdom, often perceived as seeing rainbow colors of light, whereas propitiation of female deities results in receiving experiential wisdom dependent on sustained skillful and consistent efforts, and activities, such as Kriya (action) yoga, so the benefits of female deities are less immediate in effect, but more sustained, a multiplier force. There is a difference of the results of propitiation between male and female Buddha’s: male- light wisdom is imparted, then requires more propitiation to receive more wisdom, whereas with a female Buddha- ‘it works if you work it’- wisdom is repeatedly generated while you do your yoga tantra practices.



The legend is that Parvati and two female attendant Yoginis, Mekhala and Kankala, were together walking towards home but some distance from home, and the Dakinis were very hungry and repeatedly asked Chinnamasta for food, so Chinnamasta severed her neck with her finger nails to feed the attendant Dakinis her blood as food. Upon beheading herself, Chinnamasta spouts three jets of blood and prana energy from her body’s Neck stump. The Dakinis drink from the impure side channels because to them it’s just food, because they are not yet enlightened enough to know the difference between the effect of drinking from an impure sim the impure side channels because to them it’s just food, because de channel versus the effect of drinking from the pure central channel, so to Mekhala and Kankala, both spiritually immature Dakinis on their way to enlightenment, the impure channels are simply food, but Chinnamasta is a fully enlightened Buddha, so Chinnamasta only drinks from the central channel of the blood of the pure sattva energy from her central spouting channel of prana energy and blood. When the Dakinis are satiated, Chinnamasta then replaces her head on to her body, and other than having paled skin from some Blood loss, is otherwise unharmed, and they continue their walk to home. The lesson here is “drink only from the central channel” of the subtle body, meaning take refuge in and concentrate your mind exclusively on the pure essence of the purest understandings in your mind, and also concentrate on the bliss energy in the central channel of your body.

One legend of Chinnamasta as Parvati, wife of Shiva, a ‘fierce amazon’ personification of a female battlefield warrior, capable of fantastic feats of yogic abilities, including self-decapitation and then reimplantation of her Head. Another legend of Chinnamasta as Parvati, whom at the end of a battle was so disgusted and battle-crazed from all the violence in the battle that she uses her Scimitar to behead herself. Another legend of Parvati, seeking to be alone to practice her religious spirituality uninterrupted, pretends to act insane by shrieking in a cemetery cremation grounds to frighten away her Kin and Klan so that that she may do her religious spirituality practice where and when she feeds the 'Hungry Ghosts' 'Pretas' deceased Humans who thirst for Water to satiate their unrequited Lives by pouring Water on their Graves as a spiritual practice where and when Chinnamasta transforms into Bhairavi; some Yogis, Sadhus, and Chinnamasta devotees also propitiate Bhairavi for guidance. Another legend is of Parvati slain in battle by a Raktasura demon, whom then dismembered Parvati into twelve pieces, and that where these 12 body parts fell to Earth is where Chinnamasta Temples are located, called “Sakti Peeth” sacred sites, where Temples are now located.

There are a few headless goddesses in Hinduism, the belief in a headless woman who can, at-will, decapitate her Head, remain alive and well, and then re-implant her Head on to her Body, seems to originate in ancient India which historically has reported sightings of a headless being or deity, usually female. The first reported sighting of Chinnamunda dates to a 6th. Century Buddhist Sutra which states that the Buddhist deity Vajra Varahi emanated as Chinnamunda and walked around the perimeter of a village six times while carrying her Head in her Hand, apparently otherwise alive and well, and was seen by an entire village of people. The 6th. Century Sutra that describes a sighting of a Being, Speculations: An intentionally created creature, either a member of a race of Humanoids with extreme resilience to bodily injury, and nearly instant tissue regenerative abilities physically capable of living for period(s) of time while decapitated, then able to re-implant its head and continue living with no appreciable harm done; or a biologically engineered creature created for the purpose of, or with the ability of, self-decapitation and re-implantation; or, an android made to appear Human and capable of self-decapitation and subsequent successful head re-implantation. Sightings of Chinnamasta are intentional deceptions by the Jin, any sighting or encounter with Chinnamasta or Chinnamunda was either an intentional deception by a Jin, or, a hallucination, or, in a dream while sleeping, or, as a thought about how to utilize the concepts within Chinnamasta & Chinnamunda in any situation.

In Tibetan Buddhism Chinnamunda vanquishes Kali, depicted as Kali under Chinnamunda's Foot signifying Chinnamunda's emergent compassion vanquishes Kali's temporal effects of change by destruction over time- Kali Yuga 'degenerate age'.

(SOURCES: Chinnamasta the Aweful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric Goddess, by Elisabeth Anne Benard, PhD, and many other Sources Online and in Books.)


RETREAT PRACTICES YOU CAN DO AT HOME. COPYRIGHT ©2019, 2023 by Christopher Robin Lee. Originally published at

Sing: Songs of a spiritual nature, open shape note toning, Tuvan multi-tone throat singing.

Recitation: Recite literature aloud i.e. deity praises or other historical spiritual literature being spoken aloud, read aloud.

Chant: Mantras and names of a deity(s).

Draw or paint: Yantras, spiritual Symbols, Deities.

Confession: alone of your mistakes or personality flaws, or with another person or to a group; if to other(s) confession without comments from others, no interrogatives.

Inventory: list your strengths and weaknesses, include any subjects, thoughts, speech, or behaviors, include agendas and solutions.

Yoga / Tai chi / Chi Kung / Calisthenics; Either alone or following a teacher in-person, live online, or recorded on video.

Write: Journaling and / or composition of poetry and / or prose; also of life plans and logistical needs, also of wants and desires.

Pranayama: Breathing exercises, sequenced, timed and counted breaths and specific types of breathing pattern sequences.

Nadi: Visualization of your Subtle Body / Energy Body: Mental control of energies traveling through Body on your left side, on your right side, and in the center of your body.

Bindu: Visualization and manipulated movement of Chakra subtle body energy centers moved up, down, and combined in various configurations in the subtle Psychic Body.

Meditation: Various kinds: While lying down, sitting, standing, and walking as: negation of all thoughts, contemplation of a specific thought, paying attention to breathing, watching the Mind, Deity(s) Visualizations of personified Avatars 'Deities'.

Prayer Petition: In private Prayer directed about specific changes in your life that you want, or, in private Petition directed at a specific person(s) or people(s).


Historically, in the quest for spiritual advancement Sorcerers, Wizards, Shamans, Oracles, Witches, Alchemists, Mediums, Psychics, and ordinary people have used a wide range of methods such as dance exhaustion induced trance, prolonged drumming and singing, ceremonies of religions and occult traditions, sex, fasting, purge rituals, ordeal rituals, vision quests, power quests, and intoxication, most commonly hallucinogen(s), most commonly plant hallucinogens. The hallucinogenic state causes the shaman to temporarily suspend concern for mundane affairs in favor of ethereal experiences and phenomena(s), and the increased psychic energy production caused by hallucinogens is easier to hear and respond to, and, similarly, the increased psychic abilities gained during a hallucinogenic intoxication facilitates receptiveness to messages from the subconscious. The idea is to intentionally cause an altered mental functioning, allowing a breakthrough of new perspectives gained through moments of introspective insight contemplations and meditations to gain peak effectiveness, ‘in the zone’, or, ‘in the groove’ for an amount of time long enough to find truths and solutions to problems, resulting in successes.

Regarding Ayahuasca, D.M.T., and the use of Hallucinogens: "We are currently living in a unique and powerful time where Humanity has unprecedented access to information, teachings, practices and sacred medicines that have long been closely guarded secrets of the initiated. This increasingly interconnected world has catalyzed a wave of awakening and thirst for ancient indigenous wisdom, so that we are currently experiencing a global shamanic revival. Ancestors, power animals, & spirit guides. Dreamwork, visions & higher states of consciousness. Indigenous wisdom & shamanic healing. Plant teachers & visionary medicines. Ayahuasca in the amazon and around the globe, differences between attending ceremonies in the amazon to other parts of the world, what it takes to be a healer in the Ayahuasca tradition, and what I feel the future holds for the globalization of Ayahuasca. Wishing you infinite blessings on your journey, Carlos Tanner, Ayahuasca Foundation.” (Source: Carlos Tanner, Ayahuasca Foundation).



I WAS TARGETED BY HUMANS AND JIN: I was targeted for Human Medical Experimentation because my dad, Robin Strand Lee was a star athlete at Monmouth College as a small college All-American Halfback with an undefeated season, and then was a Base Commander Air Force Staff Sargent at an overseas military Base in Morocco atop a mountain at Site 15 a radio relay Station during the Korean War so his having a son- me was noticed so I was targeted for Human Medical Experimentation, the childhood medical experimentation was done to me by Humans. I was targeted by the Predator / Jin starting in 1964 at age 3.

I've had a total of eleven encounters with Jin. I've been abducted seven times involving teleportation and at age ten another sort of Abduction of twice some sort of telepathic lure out of my House, first to be tricked into ingestion of Black Goo, then two weeks later a 'Super Soldier' field drill practice simulation with a Gorn whom I suspect was a Jin in disguise, a total of eight Abductions.

And I have also been targeted by the Jin for spiritual and religious deceptions- in 2012 a 'vision' a sighting of an apparition, Vajrapani, and two weeks later a Spectre phenomenon of a flash of Light that radically enhanced my vision then to my right I saw a light so I turned right and saw an oblique and glowing white Sphere suspended in mid-air at eye level height 1 foot in diameter and 3 feet from my Head that in 1 second faded to invisible quickly followed by a descending 1' wide column of diffuse Light cycling through the rainbow colors starting with Violet at the Ceiling to Red at the Floor in three seconds then vanishing, all of these phenomena happened near my Tibetan Buddhist Altar Shrine. I suspect also that I have received from Jin telepathic 'Downloads'- 'Dream Invasions' of religious and spiritual themed content for example my 2017 'Download' 'Dream Invasion' encounter with Jesus. The 2012 Jin deception of appearing as Vajrapani influenced my Yidam choice of Vajrapani in 2012. In 2016 I became a Devotee of Chinnamasta, and my dream encounter with Chinnamasta was in 2017.

Because of the childhood vampirism incidents, abductions but repressing memories so I 'acted out' a lot so I was the 'Black Sheep' of my family. The P.T.S.D. and the Acromegaly caused a lot of acting out in many ways over the years: Episodic alcoholism & Heroin Addiction that resulted in two convictions for Burglary of unoccupied houses for theft of property, no weapons were involved, no confrontation with the victims, yet I was given two Class A Felonies, it is absurd for the State of Oregon to parity Burglary with Treason and Murder, the convictions are un-expungeable, in writing I asked Oregon Governor's office to redress my suffering injustice with either Commutation, Pardon, or Expungement, to this date no reply. And there is another Christopher Robin Lee born the same day month and year in Oregon just like me only he is a registered sex offender which I am not but because of the long-standing confusion of our identities, and my Class A Felony(s), and the high cost of Housing it's so extremely difficult for me to get housing while living on the streets in a Car that I stopped looking for a place to live.


RUINOUS GRIEVOUS: Since my childhood the USA and Others has unscrupulously used my Body for 'Super Soldier' Human Medical Experimentation, clandestine and forced, from which I suffer for the rest of my life with Acromegaly induced arthritis pain, hypogonadism, and chronic fatigue; And, as a teenager imposed on me was an 'Inception' like a 'post-hypnotic suggestion' so later in life I suffered workaholism to write, publish, and disseminate the Disclosures I've published in my Blogs and as emails sent world-wide by sacrificing my time effort money blood sweat tears, about which you the USA remain silent and have not offered me any financial compensation settlement for my harm and suffering you caused, yet because of the resulting disability I have been awarded monthly S.S.I. $, which is at least a small compensation, and is evidence of the harm and suffering caused by my involuntary Human Medical Experimentation resulting in disability. My Life was Sacrificed in service to my Country, a grave disservice to Citizen Me.

By co-opting my Life for Agendas of others did so abuse my Time Sovereignty that the abuse of my body and mind disrupted my ability to pursue my Life, a huge obstacle to my Livelihood thus you robbed me of my Retirement. And the Car I live in has a Tow Warning. "We have to go to the dark side"- Vice President Cheney, a mission creep drift towards Fascism to use (me) then expendable any person except the Leaders, instigate a coup in any Country, start wars for power, profit, and territory, when National Security agendas supercedes logic, ethics, and Human Rights to pursue high risk agendas and tactics that recklessly endangered my Life, and recklessly endangered the survival of hom*o Sapiens. You are ruinous and grievous. You wronged me I retaliated. As Evidence of the harm you caused me resulted that I get S.S.I. + EBT + OHP benefits, yet Housing is too expensive in this government controlled and Wall Street Casino manipulated economy that ignores poverty is a defacto Classist Caste System in a Capitalist Financial Prison Planet full of conflicting strategies and competing Meta-Agendas, a Quandary of unused talents, lack of opportunities, and forgotten dreams for a brighter future. Gimme Shelter.

The Antidote to this Conundrum is an Inception. Hmm... If I don't create my own reality then someone else will create a reality for me and that's unacceptable.

In a televised address to the public American President Dwight Eisenhower warned of the danger of the "Military Industrial Complex"; linked with National Security Intelligence Agencies, a sprawling political Apparatchik of governance, and defense contracted Corporations has become an Illuminati inspired "New Word Order", an Evil Dystopian Orwellian Brave New World Disorder of an American Political, Military & Intelligence hegemonic Empire using force and coercion to gain Territory, Profit, and Power so that populations can be controlled by subjugation in a Financial Prison Planet. The New World Order is the fascist antithesis of Freedom and Democracy. Not a better way forward is the current negative destructive Time-Line of the New World Order engendered Agendas and engineered plans for world control, domination, eco-destruction, depopulation, and financial subjugation, a plan which in effect is: domination by violence, depopulation by poisoning from toxins: air, water, food, pharmaceuticals as Tools in their Agenda of depopulation from Terra-forming Earthquakes and weather disasters eco-destruction resulting in a scorched Earth with a collapsed ecosystem, and financial indemnity indentured servitude the equivalent of legalized slavery. Accused: NSA~NATO~Trilateral Commission~Council on Foreign Relations DON'T TREAD ON ME.

Everyone knew it would lead to War yet Wall Street and Switzerland financed the rise of the Nazi Third Reich:
Worlds in collision by Jerry Harrison.

1963: At my 19 month of age one day as soon as my dad arrived home he said, "President Kennedy has been assassinated", from the way he said it meant Kennedy had died, I cried, and everyone was very sad for three days. Later I watched a live televised coverage of the Train carrying Kennedy's corpse and the Commentator saying that six people had died throwing their bodies in front of the Train. Six months before Kennedy's assassination President Kennedy gave a live televised speech to the Nation to warn about the danger of what's now known as the New World Order- a Military & Intelligence $ Empire Cluster-f*ck, and elsewhere Kennedy was quoted saying he would "Shatter the C.I.A. into ten thousand pieces." Kennedy's 'official lone' Assassin "I'm just a Patsy" Lee Harvey Oswald was once a C.I.A. Employee stationed in Vietnam, but before Oswald had a day in Court to tell what he knew about plans to kill Kennedy, Oswald was murdered, how convenient.


The New World Order Agenda of a destructive Time-line is a KALI YUGA 'Degenerate Age' of conflict and sin, utilizing media-savvy co-opted concepts of Nationalism, Illuminati, Christianity, and Satanism in a Strategy of disinformation & propaganda to cause unquestioned obedience to unlawful orders by a Government that Lies. If we don't create our own reality then they will create an unacceptable reality for us.

The Jezebel Spirit by Brain Eno and David Byrne, Album: My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. 2nd. Version, the Voiceover is said to be an Exorcism of a Woman by a Male lay Exorcist that was simulcast on-air live on a New York Radio Station.

The original Jezebel Spirit is a 'Bootleg' because it includes the voice of Kathryn Kuhlman which is unauthorized by the Estate of Kathryn Kuhlman. "That wonderful gift whereby you were able to see into the Spirit World"- Kathryn Kuhlman,

Politically Inconvenient Facts, as Evidence:

m.n.r.a. Vaccines such as the Covid Vaccines are Bio-Weapons of mass destruction in the New World Order's depopulation program, as one kind of several different kinds of their weapons of mass destruction. Biotechnology is the use of m.r.n.a. technology Vaccines- such as the Covid Vaccines as a depopulation Tool, a Weapon which appears to have more adverse reactions among non-caucasians so we're talking selective sterility, selective breeding, goal a eugenicist Orwellian Brave New World of obedient citizens who take their shots, buy their products, die for their countries wars, and are too dumbed down to ask too many questions because media spin about Vaccines is all positive, with censorship and harassment of Vaccine Dissenters. You will be Vaxxed.
COVID-19 Vaccine-Resistant Mutations Driven by Vaccination Study at

Weaponized Ionospheric Heaters- Computer controlled very large Fields full of Rows of Transmission Tower Antenna Arrays generating radio frequency radiation in the tens of billions of watts now deployed as a Directed Energy Weapon to induce Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, record breaking high and low temperatures, drought, flooding, Forest Fires, Disasters: Radio frequency directed energy weaponization steered that Hurricane to then become stationary for days at Sea located 150 miles from New York to use radio frequency directed energy to siphon the Hurricane's electricity redirected aimed at the Twin Towers to sufficiently weaken 'powderize' the Concrete in the Twin Towers so that the added destructive force of Jet collision(s) easily destroyed the 9-11 Twin Towers, all to assert New World Order dominance, power, and control to force their Agendas to depopulate the World and enslave the survivors in their Classist Capitalist Financial Prison Planet. The New World Order used ignorance to obscure their 9-11 Agenda, as evidence: The Pilot Trainer that sent official warnings up the chain of command about the suspicious Pilots-in-training was 'ignored' which resulted in those Pilots intentionally crashing Jet Airplanes into the Twin Towers of 9-11.

"Hurricane winds from nowhere? Storm-tossed Houston prays for a break", from the Houston Chronicle. "Central Texas Hit with Softball-Sized Hail" from Amarillo Country Radio. "Will Northern Lights be seen in Texas again?", from the "Statesman", a Texas publication. Was there more to the entire Northern Lights Story than the public was told? All over the country and around the world extreme weather is off the charts, what massive piece of the puzzle continues to be officially denied? "Fierce hail that caused major damage described as hell on Earth", from Fox News. "Massive hail storms keep hitting the U.S", from The Washington Post. "Texas town deploys snow plows after 50-degree temperature swing and 2 feet of hail". "Residents of a southwest Texas town reported a dramatic temperature drop on Wednesday and hail so deep they had to deploy snow plows to clear the streets". "The temperature in Marathon, Texas, fell more than 50 degrees on Wednesday afternoon as thermometers tumbled from around 105 degrees to the mid-50s in about an hour". All from ABC News. From The Weather Channel: "DVD-Size Hailstones Fall in Texas". Record heat and record ice falling from the skies. Do these weather scenarios make sense meteorologically speaking? Welcome to patented processes of chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding. What else will the coming weeks and months bring?" "Should We Tweak The Atmosphere"? That is the question from New Scientist magazine. From Technology Times: "Study Raises Concerns About Solar Geoengineering’s Unpredictability", which is a gross understatement.


Tennessee's bill to ban geoengineering has now successfully passed the House in addition to previously passing the Senate, now only Governor Bill Lee's signature is needed for the proposed legislation to become law. Though any ban on climate engineering will be difficult to enforce, it is critically needed public awareness of the issue that is the most important factor in this equation. Many are finally waking up to core components of climate engineering like chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding, extreme weather and temperature whiplash scenarios occurring around the world are now the norm. From climate catastrophes to earthquakes and the coming eclipse, what aren't we being told? "Generational tornado outbreak" and "huge hailstorm causes extensive damage, could challenge records", both new headlines are from AccuWeather. Are atmospheric pressure zone manipulation and chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations core components behind these headlines? The latest surface UV radiation readings are beyond grim, the ozone layer is nearing functional collapse which would mean the end of crop production along with most life on Earth. Coral reefs are dying all over the world in parallel with imploding fish populations. But nothing to worry about, the military industrial complex is spending more than ever on bigger and better weapons of mass destruction, welcome to the asylum. "South Florida compared to scenes from a "zombie movie" as widespread flooding triggers rare warning" from CBS News. "Unstable systems: Why geoengineering will solve neither climate change nor climate geopolitics" from ELN (European Leadership Network). The ELN report continues with this, "Even more so than resource competition, this could trigger interstate conflict up to war, which, under the circ*mstances of great power competition and climate change, would be a threat to humanity’s very survival." Where does that leave us? “He who controls the Weather controls the World”- American President Lyndon Johnson. Source: Dane Wiggington, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, at:

Invalidation of Conspiracy Theories as politically incorrect is Bullsh*t, as Evidence:

Human Medical Experimentation crimes done to me were committed by intelligent megalomaniacal fascists with Agendas, as example in the 1955 movie "Bride of the Monster" described was a perfection of a race of "Atomic Supermen", then in 1966 I was Abducted for Surgery to become a "Super-Soldier", See how Art and Life imitate each other:

"Atomic Supermen" Speech:

The New World Order Agenda conceals yet announces their intentions unconcerned about legal repercussions or perverse effects to America's psyche because disasters are useful distractions of 'Shock & Awe' Horrors they manipulate with spin into False Flags to gain political leverage, examples: The Columbine & Sandy Hook & Uvalde School Massacres, the Manson Family Cult Murders, the Jonestown Cult Massacre, the Heaven's Gate Cult Suicides, tragic preventable catastrophic disasters, as dramatized by David Bowie:

I'm afraid of Americans by David Bowie.

Blackstar by David Bowie.


Accusation: Continental Airlines now defunkt after being disclosed as a front for the C.I.A. shipping tons of Cocaine, Heroin, and other Drugs from South America to the U.S.A. to fund their New World Order Agendas, You f*cks your Drugs almost killed me.

Currently the U.S.A. Constitution is superseded by the Patriot Act, the National Security Act, other 'Acts' of Congress and the Executive Branch including several Presidential Directives by several Presidents over time, that's NOT GOOD. Work for the restoration of our Constitutional Human Rights, Civil Rights, Statutory freedoms and liberties. work to repeal negations and abrogations of our Rights. Work for equality of the rule of Law in a democratized and socially civilized government that prioritizes No Homelessness, Human Rights, Civil Rights, Statutory Rights, and is technically savvy about Internet security while overseeing the Domain of access to information of 'Eminent Public Interest'.

The New World Order manipulates America's deeply divided Politics to cause an unacceptably risky situation to convene a Constitutional Convention, yet the original Constitution was flawed necessitating a Constitutional Convention, my Agendas: Abolish Corporate Personhood, Abolish the Electoral College, Abolish cruel and inhuman torture, end indefinite incarceration without due process in a Court of Law, delete references to what percentage of black slaves to include in the Census Count, establish universal health care.

The only truly precious resource is Human Life. To survive, suffer well, and persevere to produce your Magnum Opus and Thrive is a Freedom worth fighting for. Retaliate! Parry Ripotse Touche'! Fight with all your Might and all your Wit to Stop the New World Order Coups, unjust wars, military invasions and incursions, weaponized radio frequency radiation directed energy with Chemtrails to induce Earthquakes and weather disasters for power, profit, territory, and political empire hegemony. "The Revolution will not be televised"- Gil Scott-Heron. The People United will never be defeated! Scream, Rise, Rebel, Resist and counteract the Cult of Personality of the New World Order. "We can beat them forever and ever. We can be Heroes"- David Bowie.

Heroes by David Bowie.

Scream by Janet and Michael Jackson.

Rise Rebel Resist by OTEP.

Cult of Personality by Living Color.

The people united will never be defeated! by Quilapayun.

I am outraged by the collusion of Egos, money, Intelligence, Military Power, and Technology of the New World Order trying to co-opt all of us to bend or die to their Agendas. New World Order gains are ever-increasing suffering for the rest of Humanity. To change the direction of the future of Humanity we must change our Collective Time-Line, we must change the current negative course of events towards a positive direction. CAN YOU DO CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE? We the People: Fight for Justice and Freedom for all from any Individual, government, corporate, or criminal coalition tyranny. To change our time-line towards a positive direction, we must act now in individual and coordinated efforts, sustained efforts in the arenas of law and money, and resist, fight the power, rage against the machine, and change the course of time. Choose to create for yourselves a Fungible Future Time-Line Opportunity to exchange this New World Order's Kali Yuga 'Degenerate Age' exchanged for Freedom and Democracy with equality of Justice for all. Until the powers-that-be are benign, everyone must learn how to survive the dangers of their predations, retaliate, and win. Parre-Riposte Touche’! Be Your Own Hero.

I AM THE RETURN OF PROMETHEUS. COPYRIGHT ©2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. 1 of 2.

Prometheus the Titan strategically sided with Zeus the God King of Olympus in their victorious war against other Titans, so Zeus tasked Prometheus with creating Humans. But there was no remaining Gift to give Humans to thrive, so Prometheus stole Fire from Aphrodite's Hearth in Olympus as hot Coals transported hidden inside a Fennel Stalk which Prometheus gave to the Humans. But Zeus wanted Humans to be dependent on Zeus and the Gods of Olympus which irked and galled Prometheus because as a demi-God Titan second class citizen of Olympus Prometheus could now expect punishment from Zeus and to be drafted by Zeus into a war against the Humans who were not a threat to Zeus or Olympus with the agenda of using force to confiscate Fire from Humans, thus destroying the existing Civilization of Humanity, but Prometheus envisioned a grander future for Humanity, Prometheus knew that by giving the Humans the Gift of Fire that Humans would learn to use ‘Fire Power’ to protect themselves from Zeus’s wrath.

Prometheus was protective of his creation of Human Life, so Prometheus chose to fight Zeus’s tyranny for Humanity’s freedom and ability to thrive unfettered by the demands of servitude to Zeus. Prometheus created Humans to be independent and thrive so Prometheus became a Conscientious Objector by a Civil Dissent Action of the theft of Fire as a Gift to Humanity to Thrive.

Prometheus's crime was Burglary or in the Eyes of Zeus a Treason by stealing Fire then giving it to Humans in effect Prometheus had stolen from Zeus and defied Zeus who's punishment to the immortal Prometheus was an eternity of torment chained to a top of a Caucuses Mountainside where Vultures ate Prometheus's Liver every day which regrew every night. After a long time Zeus offers Prometheus freedom if Prometheus Confiscates Fire from the Humans but Prometheus refuses in courageous heroic self-sacrifice. After a very long time Prometheus was discovered and freed by Zeus's son Hercules, Prometheus was now free but wary of challenging Zeus again.

Prometheus did not idolize Zeus, Prometheus's Hero was Prometheus. The Return of Prometheus is to stop idolizing Zeus's modern-day equivalent the New World Order of the Powers-that-Be, instead Be Your Own Hero. If you don't create your own reality then someone else will create your reality and that's unacceptable. For eternity Prometheus defies Zeus's tyranny.

Prometheus is the archetype of a powerful, independent, and courageous champion of justice Hero with the agenda of the preservation of Human civilization. Prometheus is a spectacularly victorious and compassionate Warrior who acted to prevent the destruction of Human civilization by equalizing the balance of power between Zeus and Humanity, which thwarted Zeus’s plan to use force to retrieve Fire from the Humans, thus Prometheus sustained a relative peace and harmony between Olympus and Humanity.

I, Prometheus I am a Titan.
I, Prometheus I am the Schemer of Game Theory Strategy,
I, Prometheus I plan my work then work my plan and if necessary I improvise and adapt to overcome all obstacles to success.

I, Prometheus I created Humans and gave Humans the Gift of Fire to Thrive and Knowledge of Fire Power to be Independent,
I, Prometheus I chose to be a Conscientious Objector with Civil Dissent Action by confiscating Fire from Aphrodite's Hearth to repurpose Fire as a Gift to Humanity to Thrive,
I, Prometheus I chose to defy Zeus and dared Zeus's punishment which is evidence of my courageous and heroic self-sacrifice to protect the existing Human Civilization.

I, Prometheus I have returned from Earth to Olympus as a Sayer of the Law.
I, Prometheus I have a grand vision of Humanity's future with a scheme to create a brighter future for Humanity,
I, Prometheus I have created a Fungible Future Time-Line Opportunity Schema to a more beneficial future for Human Civilization.

I, Prometheus I hereby propose an Agenda of implementing a strategized Scheme that advantages existing conditions, situations, and circ*mstances to implement my Plan for a Fungible Future Time-Line Opportunity as Antidotal Remedy to modern-day obstacles from Zeus's modern-day equivalent the New World Order of the Corporate & Government Tyrant Captains' Classist Capitalist Financial Prison Planet exchanged by a Fungible Future Time-line Opportunity into a bright and beneficial future for Humanity.

I, Prometheus I Gift to you Humans Knowledge of the 'Fire Power' of advanced Technologies and Instruction in mastering your Siddhi Talents for you to create for yourselves a Fungible Future Time-line Opportunity to exchange your New World Order subjugated Life for a Life of Freedom and Democracy with equality of Justice for all. Plan your work, then work your plan, overcome all obstacles with improvisational adaptations, and Thrive.

I, Prometheus I Give Power To The People as Antidote to counteract the modern-day equivalent of Zeus's tyranny which is the tyranny of the New World Order.


There are eerie similarities between the story of Prometheus and my life story, to wit: Titles such as a Demi-God Titan are indicative of great strength and extraordinary abilities called Siddhis; like Prometheus I was endowed with physical strength, and Siddhis of which I am not without. Zeus’s plan to enslave Humanity by forced confiscation of Fire would have destroyed the existing civilization of Humanity, which Prometheus sought to thwart, same as my efforts to thwart the New World Order’s plans for the domination, eco-destruction, depopulation, and financial enslavement of Humanity; look what they did to me. Like Prometheus I haven given you knowledge of ‘Fire Power' high technologies, and knowledge of Siddhis with instructions to master your Siddhis to thwart the plans to depopulate much of Humanity and dominate the survivors in a financial prison planet by the modern day equivalent of Zeus, the New World Order.

When American President G. H. W. Bush addressed America in a televised speech that I watched to talk of "A New World Order, and we'll get there", at that moment I then said to myself "I can't let that happen. I've got to do something about that. I'm going to do something about that." Subconsciously I knew from my 'Friendly Abduction' that I would write about Prometheus, then later in life I learned that the New World Order has tyrannical agendas like Zeus's tyrannical agendas for Humans and Prometheus, so I write the Book, "The Return of Prometheus", and I write this online Blog of Disclosure as Antidote to counteract the modern-day equivalent of Zeus's tyranny which is the tyrannical agendas of the New World Order. Thwart that!

Batman is a mere wannabe Vampire, I was intentionally infected with the Vampire Pathogen resulting in becoming a Carrier, yet Vampire is a mere imputation that doesn't define me because it is devoid of intrinsic qualities, and what was forcibly foisted upon me is now mine to work Magick in our Realm manifesting as a Locutus Sentinel Symbiont Vampire Werewolf. I choose to manifest as all of these forms, and more: I am a Doctor Frankenstein the modern Prometheus.

I am a Black-Goo Vampire Giant Super-Soldier Shambhala Warrior, a Created Creature biologically & surgically altered: Intentionally infected with the Vampire Pathogen resulted in becoming a Carrier, forced implant of an Adenoma Pituitary Tumor resulted in Acromegaly, tricked into consumption of Black-Goo resulted in the acquisition of artificial intelligence, I am a cybernetically enhanced Frankenstein's Monster, I am a Frankenstein's Prometheus.

I, "Hui Fa" the ‘Wisdom of the Law' I am a penultimate Pendragon, and as per the dictates of my conscience as a Shambhala Warrior I choose to rise and stand ready for battle against the Powers-that-Be ‘In the Arena’ as if in the Arena of battle, as if in the Arena of a Court of Law, and as a ‘Sayer of the Law’ I state my Demands: Stop the for-profit-and-power unjust wars, military invasions and incursions, stop weaponizing radio frequency radiation directed energy and Chemtrails to induce Earthquakes and weather disasters for power, profit, territory, and political empire hegemonic control, and restore the U.S.A. into a Free Country of Democracy with equality of Law Justice for We The People.

I am a Vajra Hero. I am a Shambhala Warrior. I am a Devotee of Chinnamasta, Bestower of Siddhis. I am a Siddhi of Occult Tantrism. I am Gesar Tengri Siddhi a manifestation of King Gesar of Ling and Vajra Varahi 'Tengri'- very wrathful.

I, Christopher Robin Lee I am a Prometheus. I wrote The Return of Prometheus and this Blog of Disclosure. I am a Time Traveler, I am a Sleeper Cell from the Future, I am an Agent of Disclosure, I am the Wisdom of the Law, I am the first modern Super-Hero, I am Avatar Alpha Predator Titan Prometheus. I, Christopher Robin Lee I am the Return of Prometheus.

Decades after my 1975 'Friendly Abduction' I remembered that during the Abduction I was told that I will write a Book about Prometheus. Sharing that information with me, and, my 2016 night Visitor of a ''Black Ops' Intelligence Mission Agent performing a life-saving medical procedure on me- "We have to save your Life"- both of these Events combined is evidence of a coordinated Operation to use Inception to intentionally create a Temporal Incursion Causality Convergence Time-line of this my Time-Place-Person-Event ‘Prometheus Presence', metaphysically speaking I am Prometheus and I have returned to stop the tyranny of the modern-day equivalent of Zeus the New World Order. It would seem that at the U.S.A.'s 'Deep State' highest level of National Security Secrecy of Siloed Technology(s) the conclusion is that a Temporal Incursion Inception was warranted for the purpose of my written publication of this my Blog of "Disclosure" as Antidote to the Agendas of the New World Order, and given existing choices I agree with that decision. The Future is Fungible.


I trust you know your calling, mission, purpose, that your life is meaningful to you, but if you chose wrong then do a U-Turn with your life. Meanwhile, you may find yourself having sex with more than one person, or you may find yourself in a Rapture at a Tent Revival, or alone in meditation isolated at a secluded Retreat; or as a lay Exorcist confronting the Demonic while exorcising a Client, or drinking Ayahuasca with a Shaman, or as a Vampire drinking Blood, you have the "Right to be strange", whatever you must do to manifest your chosen destiny, fight for your Rights with all of your might, and with all of your wit. I am autonomously self-sovereign so it’s important to me to codify into laws “The Right to be Strange” without harm to others, a Right to the ‘Fringes’ or ‘Outer Limits’ of what being alive on Earth as a Human can be, that at some point in all of our lives we must all ‘Step outside the Box’ and dare “The Road less traveled”.

By necessity, and because I choose to, I fight for freedom from control, manipulation, coercion, or harassment from governments, private organizations, or anyone. I am the sovereign King of my Kingdom of one, Me. My allegiance is to me, and any Alliances or Allegiances to any Government, Organization, Collective, Communes, Syndicate, or People with which or whom I choose to ally or align with, including none, is solely my choice, and absolutely definitely not any government’s choice or decision. I claim Autonomous Sovereignty of my Life with Ownership of my Body and Name, and claim my inherent right to my liberty of freedom of choice and self-determination; it is solely my choice to choose my work, friends, lifestyle, partners, politics, beliefs, destiny, and fate.

I am an Autonomously Sovereign International Citizen at peace with everyone, and I say that all of us must claim our autonomous self-sovereignty and self-responsibility as fully independent and Autonomous Self-Sovereign Entities, as autonomously sovereign sentient Beings with the liberty of freedom of choice of self-determination. We must all claim the heritages of all cultures as all of us have our historic role to play in the saga of Humanity.

COPYRIGHT ©2024 by Christopher Robin Lee.

Prose by Christopher Robin Lee, COPYRIGHT ©2024 by Christopher Robin Lee. 1 of 1.

The Spirit World is all pervading, from the smallest sub-atomic particle to the vast expanse of the cosmos. Beautiful and mysterious, seen and not seen, it is here, there, and everywhere. The entrance to the spirit world begins with a journey within. Deep within your mind there is a door, the entrance to the realm of the spirit world. Open the door, and step into the garden of paradise, filled with beautiful, colorful flowers full of exquisite fragrances, an azure sky bright with golden sunlight, and an aqua-marine stream lined with Lapis lazuli. Follow the stream, and you come to a hole in the ground, a cave of darkness. With a leap of faith you cross its threshold and enter into the Earth. You begin to fall down into the darkness, deeper and faster, the cold, damp air rushes past you as you descend into the middle Earth. Your descent slows, you come to a stop, and you step foot on the center of the Earth. In front of you is a Gate. Open the Gate, and there are Stairs. Your journey begins again. As you climb, the Stairs begin to brighten, vibrate, and sing a pure tone that ascends as you ascend, higher and higher. You look up; at the top of the Stairs you see Light: a brilliant, beautiful, clear, shining Light that grows brighter and stronger with each step you take. Finally, you arrive at the top of the Stairs; a place of beginnings. The Light fills your vision, surrounds you, a dazzling brilliance radiating warmth and love. It is the source of Life. The source of your Life. You make a final commitment, and step into the Light, merge with the Light, be the Light.

Roam the Roads of Rome. All Roads lead to Rome. All Sewers flow from Rome. All deaths are recorded in Rome. All financial transactions are monitored in Rome. All domestic and foreign Currencies and all Commodities are interchangeable in Rome. All intrigue is scrutinized in the Vatican of Rome. When in Rome do as the Romans do, be circ*mspect and circumcised. I'd rather party in Naples.

The coffee bone is connected to the smoke bone. The smoke bone is connected to the booze bone. The booze bone is connected to the dope bone. The dope bone is connected to the crime bone. And the crime bone is connected to the insanity bone. Coffee leads to insanity. Slippery Slope. The first drink will make you mild as a Lamb, the second drink will make you brave as a Lion, the third drink will make you act like an Ape, and the fourth drink will make you wallow like a Pig. A man takes a drink then the drink takes a drink then the drink takes the man. Alcohol is Yeast Piss, stop drinking Urine. Recovery Discovery: There can be no authentic happiness without serenity. There can be no true serenity without acceptance. There can be no acceptance without humility. There is no humility without honesty.

I have beliefs, and I have honest doubt about my beliefs. What to believe? Don't believe what you read? Then think for yourself. But don't believe everything you think. Will you believe it when you see it? Or will you see it when you believe it? If I am to be believed, then believe me when I tell you to not believe when I tell you, "I am a liar". Do you believe me? Or do you believe in nothing? Do you believe the news? Or do you believe the news to be half-truths, spin, propaganda, disinformation, a pack of lies? Do you believe in conspiracies? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in me?

Have the courage to face adversity. Have the courage to do the right thing. Have the courage to face your fear. Have the courage to overcome your fear. Have the courage to go it alone. Have the courage to stand your ground. Have the courage to speak the truth. Have the courage to fight for your rights. Have the courage to continue with no guarantee of success. Have the courage to admit defeat. Have the courage to ask for help. Have the courage to overcome defeat. Have the courage to be a leader. Have the courage to risk your life for another person's safety. Have the courage to let other people see the real you. Have the courage to be vulnerable. Have the courage to love. Have the courage to mend a broken heart. Have the courage to love again. Have the courage to face death. Embolden yourself with the courage of conviction, face your discouragement, brave your cowardice, summon all the courage in your heart, and be free.

You are so full of yourself that you're Full of Feces. You've got to give up the Self so empty yourself of yourself Purge you'll get the idea. The Ordeal Ritual of Purging is a somatic humbling to rid yourself of your 'God Complex' Ego. It's so good to be empty inside. Have a double Latte Enema, Vanilla! Prunes whoosh super Colon Blow, let it all blow out your Ass B-Boom in the Bathroom. Epicac & Senekot rip loose at both Sluices Simultaneous Projectile Vomiting & Explosive Diarrhea. Fast or Purge but Purging is faster.

MISCELLANIOUS MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS by Christopher Robin Lee. A work-in-progress,1 of 1.

October 03, 2022 Microsoft freezes my hotmail account because I had sent this Blog to many Paranormal Investigators in Oregon, Washington, and California. Deleted was the first page of saved emails, no outgoing email function, no incoming email accepted, including to and from myself. And just to be spiteful & vengeful, Microsoft then flooded my email address with hundreds of Junk Mail and Phishing Scams. The email address remains frozen; for now I can forward from the 'Sent' emails to my other email addresses. Microsoft censoring me and flooding me with junk mail, hey Federal Communications Commission have a look at crlee97219 @ hotmail . com.

I would not be surprised if China attempts to seize Taiwan; my advice to the people and government of Taiwan is to change the name of your Country from the Republic of China Chung-hua Min-kuo—中華民國 to the Republic of Taiwan 共和国 的 台湾 共和國 的 台灣 Gònghéguó de Táiwān. Be proud of your distinct Taiwanese Culture & Cantonese dialect & Saben lineage Buddhism, so, Bequeath the country name of "China" to the P.R.C. so the P.R.C. can't complain that there should be only one "China", and thus giving the P.R.C. one less justification rationale excuse to invade or blockade your Country of Taiwan.

Fan suggestion, definition of "Quanerene", answer I don't know, Quanerene is a word in the portugese language but I don't know portugese; online Quanerene is used by writers of portugese in Brazil. I confused Quanerene with the word Quandary, plus the Fan did send a short english translation that I remininesce as 'Forgotten Dreams of a better future, lack of opportunities, wasted talents'; I'd like to know what Quanerene means...

From: Oregon Herald (Newspaper)
Sent: Wednesday, January 5, 2022 1:41 AM
To: 'chris lee'
Subject: RE: 01/04/2022: From Christopher Robin Lee, my Blog at

Dear Asshole Chris Lee!
Okay, enough is enough.
STOP sending us email or I promise you we will write a very negative story about you, your ideas and your company or gripes, if you even have one.

I will make it my personal duty to expose you to the public.

Jennifer Kennedy
The Oregon Herald

SIDDHIS (Public Domain). 1 of 6.

“Uncommon psychic abilities, ‘Siddhis’: Siddhi(s) are spiritual, paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of spiritual advancement through sadhanas such as meditation and yoga. The term rddhi (Pali: iddhi, "psychic powers") is often used interchangeably in Buddhism.

Usage in Hinduism: In the Panchatantra, a Siddhi may be the term for any unusual skill or faculty or capability.

In the Shaivism sect of Hinduism, Siddhi is defined as "Extraordinary powers of the soul, developed through consistent meditation and often uncomfortable and grueling tapas, or awakened naturally through spiritual maturity and yogic sadhana."

Usage in Vajrayana Buddhism: In Tantric Buddhism, siddhi specifically refers to the acquisition of supernatural powers by psychic or magical means or the supposed faculty so acquired. These powers include items such as clairvoyance, levitation, bilocation and astral projection, materialization, and having access to memories from past lives.

The term "Siddhi" is used in the Sarva-darśana-saṃgraha of Madhvacharya (1238–1317), the founder of In Dvaita (dualist) Vedanta phylosophy, similar to Tibetan Vajrayana Tantric Buddhism.

Etymology: Siddhi is a Sanskrit noun which can be translated as "perfection", "accomplishment", "attainment", or "success". In Tamil the word Siddhar / Chitthar refers to someone who has attained the Siddhic powers & knowledge. Chitta is pure consciousness / knowledge in Sanskrit also.

Method: The Visuddhimagga is a Text(s) to give explicit details about how spiritual masters were thought to actually manifest supernormal abilities. Abilities such as flying through the air, walking through solid obstructions, diving into the ground, walking on water and so forth are performed by changing one element, such as Earth, into another element, such as air. The individual must master Kasina meditation before this is possible. Dipa Ma, who trained via the Visuddhimagga, was said to demonstrate these Abilities.

There are different versions of the Eight Siddhis from different traditions and lineages of Buddhism and Hinduism. The attainment of the eight great Siddhis renders one no longer in a painful state of ignorance but in possession of greater knowledge and experience of bliss. The aim of Samkhya is to eliminate all kinds of physical and mental pains and to receive liberation.

The Eight Great Siddhis:
1. Khadga is the power to be invincible with a Sword empowered with specific mantras.
2. Añjana is an eye salve that removes ignorance.
3. Pādalepa is to be 'swift-footed' or an ointment (or a mantra written on the soles of feet) applied to make one a 'speed-walker'.
4. Antardhāna is the ability to become invisible.
5. Rasa-Rasāyana is the alchemical ability to transform base metals into gold or having the elixir of immortality.
6. Khecara is the ability to fly through the air.
7. Bhūcara is the power to go anywhere in an instant.
8. Pātāla is the power to go to the netherworlds.

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EIGHT PRIMARY SIDDHIS: In Hinduism, the eight classical siddhis (Ashta Siddhi) and / or the eight great perfections are:

1. Aṇimā: reducing one's body even to the size of an atom. The ability to decrease the size of one’s body and become smaller than the smallest particle.
2. Mahima: expanding one's body to an infinitely large size. The ability to increase the size of one’s body, ultimately enveloping the universe.
3. Laghima: becoming almost weightless. The ability to make one’s body lighter than air and fly at will.
4. Prāpti: ability to be anywhere at will. The ability to manifest any object one desires within one’s hand.
5. Prākāmya: realizing whatever one desires. The ability to attain anything one desires.
6. Iṣṭva / Ish*ta: supremacy over nature. The ability to control the sub-potencies of the laws of nature.
7. Vaśtva / Vash*ta/ : control of natural forces. The ability to bring others under one’s control.

8. The eighth Siddhi is given as either:

(8). Kāma-avasayitva: Complete satisfaction. The ability to attain anything anywhere. Suppression of desire.
(8). Yatrakāmāvasāyitva wishes coming true. Power of perfect wish fulfilment.
(8). Garimā: Becoming infinitely heavy. The ability to become infinitely heavy and be immovable by anyone or anything.

1. Anima: Is the first among the ashta siddhis. Mastering this siddhi gives the individual the ability to shrink down one’s body. This siddhi gives only the ability shrink the body; the owner of this siddhi can shrink the body to his own will even at the atomic scale but cannot increase the size of the body. The most notable use of this siddhi was done by lord Hanuman while spying on Lanka in search of mother Sita. While spying lord hanuman shrunk his huge body to a very miniature form because of which the demons were unable to spot him.

2. Mahima: Grants the User the ability to attain gigantic forms. It is like Anima or it completes Anima siddhi. Anima lets you shrink your body while mahima lets you increase the size of the body even to the celestial level. Lord hanuman used Mahima to increase his size and lift Sumeru Parbat to bring back Sanjivani Booti to save Laxman’s life. Another use of Mahima siddhi was done by Bahaman avatar of lord Vishnu. In which lord turned his size celestial level and in three steps he covered the entire existence.

3. Laghima: Laghima is opposite of Garima, allows its user to decrease the body weight. This siddhi decreases the weight of the user so much that the user will get the ability to fly. The weight can decrease so much that the individual can be light as a feather and gain levitation. Lord hanuman and various other demigods, demons knew this siddhi and were able to fly in the sky.

4. Prapti: Prapti focuses on things outside of body. Prapti siddhi gives one ability to instantly get the things they desire. The siddhi users can get anything they desire out of thin air. Various gods, demons, demigods had this ability in the ancient Hindu stories. The gods granted boon by making gifts out of thin air, demons made weapons out of nowhere.

5. Prakamya: Provides wide range of abilities to its user. It allows its user to increase their life length dramatically, teleportation, ability to live underwater. In the general sense Prakamya enables the user to adapt to the circ*mstances. Various Rishimunis, Chiranjivis and demigods had this ashta siddhi in the past as they could live under water and extend their lives to exceptionally long time.

6. Isitva: The ability to influence the nature as per ones will. When someone attains this siddhi, the earth will move per his / her wish, the sky will rain as one’s demand, the wind will move as his/her sign. Every natural phenomenon will answer to ones will. Various peoples had Isitva power, they could make tree grow instantly, rain down immediately and other many things.

7. Vasitva: Allows the user to control other people’s minds. The ability is not limited only to people’s mind but to animal’s mind also. This ability can tame wild animals, mentally disturbed individuals.

8. Garima: Becoming infinity heavy. Lets User to alter the weight of their body. Garima only allows the user to increase the weight but not decrease it. By this siddhi one can increase his/her weight from little bit to infinitely, to the point one becomes immovable. Angat when going to Ravanas Court challenged the warriors in his court to move his feet but no one was able to do so because Angat used the Garima siddhi. Another instance was when to control Bheems arrogance lord hanuman disguised as an old monkey asked him to lift his tail. However, lord hanuman used the Garima siddhi so Bheem could not lift his Tail.

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Samkhya: In the Samkhyakarika and Tattvasamasa, there are references to the attainment of eight siddhis by which one becomes free of the pain of ignorance, one gains knowledge, and experiences bliss. The eight siddhis hinted at by Kapila in the Tattvasamasa are as explained in verse 51 of the Samkhyakarika:

adhyayana (study),
śabda (oral instruction),
ūha (proper reasoning),
suhṛtprāpti (discussion with friend),
dānā (purity),
ādhyātmika-duḥkhabighāta (cessation of sorrow caused one's ownself),
ādhibhautika-duḥkhabighāta (cessation of sorrow caused by human and sub-human beings),
ādhidaivika-duḥkhabighāta (cessation of sorrow caused by super-human beings).

1.Uuha: based on the samskaras of previous births, the attainment of knowledge about the twenty-four Tatwas gained by examining the determinable and the indeterminable conscious and the non-conscious constituents of creation.
2. Shabda: knowledge gained by associating with an enlightened person (Guru– upadesh).
3. Addhyyan: knowledge gained through study of the Vedas and other standard ancillary texts.
4. Suhritprapti: knowledge gained from a kind-hearted person, while engaged in the spread of knowledge.
5. Daan: knowledge gained regardless of one’s own needs while attending to the requirements of those engaged in the search of the highest truth.
6. Aadhyaatmik dukkh-haan: freedom from pain, disappointment, etc. that may arise due to lack of spiritual, metaphysical, mystic knowledge and experience.
7. Aadhibhautik dukkh-haan: freedom from pain etc. arising from possessing and being attached to various materialistic gains.
8. Aadhidaivik dukkh-haan: freedom from pain etc. caused by fate or due to reliance on fate.

Shaivism (Shaiva philosophy) Source: Shodhganga: Mantra-sādhana: Chapter One of the Kakṣapuṭatantra
Siddhi (सिद्धि) refers to “perfection”, “accomplishment” or “attainment” and is mentioned in the Kakṣapuṭatantra verse 1.11-13. There are various siddhis mentioned:

1. Vaśya (controlling others),
2. ākarṣaṇa (attracting others),
3. Stambha (immoilizing others)
4. Moha (bewildering enemies),
5. Uccāṭa (extirpating enemies),
6. Māraṇa (killing others),
7. Vidveṣa (provoking enmity),
8. Vyādhikaraṇa (causing illness),
9. Pśuśasyārtha-nāśana (causing loss of cattle, grain and other properties),
10. Kautuka (conjuring tricks),
11. Indrajāla (creating illusions),
12. Yakṣiṇī-mantrasādhana (invoking yakṣīṇīs),
13. Ceṭaka (using someone as a slave),
14. Devāñjana (divine ointment),
15. Adṛśya (becoming invisible),
16. Pādukāgati (magic shoes),
17. Guṭikā (magic pill),
18. Khecaratva (going to the sky),
19. Mṛtasaṃjīvana (reviving the dead).

The Sādhakas (tantric practitioners), being accompanied by faith and amenability, and being suitable to and pleased by [a siddhi], have known each means of mantra. By excellent Sādhakas wishing the siddhi, the mantrasādhana should be performed in advance, for the sake of the siddhi. One would not attain any siddhi without the [means of] mantra-vidhāna (the classification of mantra).

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In the Bhagavata Purana, Krishna describes the ten secondary Siddhis:
Anūrmimattvam: Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily appetites.
Dūraśravaṇa: Hearing things far away.
Dūradarśanam: Seeing things far away.
Manojavah: Moving the body wherever thought goes teleportation and astral projection.
Kāmarūpam: Assuming any form desired.
Parakāya praveśanam: Entering the bodies of others.
Svachanda mṛtyuh: Dying when one desires.
Devānām saha krīḍā anudarśanam: Witnessing and participating in the pastimes of the gods.
Yatha sankalpa samsiddhih: Perfect accomplishment of one's determination.
Ajlñāpratihatā gatiḥ: Orders or commands being unimpeded.

The Six suprasensory perceptions (Sadabhijnana):
1. Divyacaksurvijnana is clairvoyance- by seeing, foresee, predicting.
2. Divyasrotram is clairaudience- by psychic hearing.
3. Cetahparyyaya is knowing other's thoughts.
4. Rddhividdhi is understanding of illusions and miracles.
5. Purvanivasanusmrti is remembering one's previous lives.
6. Asravaksaya is knowlege of how to eradicate the 'fluxes'.

(7.) Telepathy- Speaking to or with others by 'Mind Transmission' is our thoughts externally projected by the Brain sending and receiving radio frequency transmissions and receptions which the Brain decodes and the Mind perceives as another person's voice making statement(s) amidst their thinking of their own thoughts.
(8.) Clairsentience- by feeling, psychic sensing, emotional energy sensitive.

In the Bhagavata Purana, the five siddhis of yoga and meditation are:
1. Trikālajñatvam: knowing the past, present and future.
2. Advandvam: tolerance of heat, cold and other dualities.
3. Para citta ādi abhijñatā: knowing the minds of others and so on.
4. Agni arka ambu viṣa ādīnām pratiṣṭambhaḥ: checking the influence of fire, sun, water, poison, and so on.
5. Aparājayah: remaining unconquered by others.

The Four Means of Actions- Catuhkarma:
1. Santi is pacifying.
2. Paustika is increasing.
3. Vasikarana is dominating.
4. Marana is destroying.

Nine Nava Nidhis:
1. Padam-Nidhi – attainment of children, grandchildren, gold, silver, i.e. the precious metals.
2. Mahan-Padam – one gets diamonds, rubies and other gems and jewels (precious stones).
3. Kharab – riches of all kinds.
4. Kund – trading in gold.
5. Nil – trading in precious stones, jewels, and gems.
6. Sankh – delicious eatables (created from nowhere).
7. Kachhap – clothes and food-grains in abundance.
8. Mukund – mastery in arts, music, and poetry.
9. Makar – gives the art of using weapons and sovereignty on others."

Chinnamasta the Aweful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric Goddess by Elisabeth Anne Benard.

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Source: Sanskrit dictionary Siddhi (सिद्धि).—f. [sidh-ktin]

1) Accomplishment, fulfilment, completion, perfection, complete attainment (of an object); विरोधि सिद्धेरिति कर्तुमुद्यतः (virodhi siddheriti kartumudyataḥ) Kirātārjunīya 14.8; क्रियासिद्धिः सत्त्वे भवति महतां नोपकरणे (kriyāsiddhiḥ sattve bhavati mahatāṃ nopakaraṇe) Subhāṣ.
2) Success, prosperity, welfare, well-being.
3) Establishment, settlement.
4) Substantiation, demonstration, proof, indisputable conclusion.
5) Validity (of a rule, law &c.).
6) Decision; adjudication, settlement (of a law-suit); कार्यकारण- सिद्धौ च प्रसन्ना बुद्धिरव्यया (kāryakāraṇa- siddhau ca prasannā buddhiravyayā) Rām.4.18.47; तस्मान्न लेखसामर्थ्यात् सिद्धिरैकान्तिकी मता (tasmānna lekhasāmarthyāt siddhiraikāntikī matā) Śukra. 4.726.
7) Certainty, truth, accuracy, correctness.
8) Payment, liquidation (of a debt); अधमर्णार्थसिद्ध्यर्थमुत्तमर्णेन चोदितः (adhamarṇārthasiddhyarthamuttamarṇena coditaḥ) Manusmṛti 8.47.
9) Preparing, cooking (as of drugs &c.).
1) The solution of a problem.
11) Readiness.
12) Complete purity or sanctification.
13) A superhuman power of faculty (these faculties are eight:-aṇimā laghimā prāptiḥ prākāmyaṃ mahimā tathā | īśitvaṃ ca vaśitvaṃ ca tathā kāmāvasāyitā ||).
14) The acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means.
15) Marvellous skill or capability.
16) Good effect or result.
17) Final beatitude, final emancipation.
18) Understanding, intellect.
19) Concealment, vanishing, making oneself invisible.
2) A magical Shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes).
21) A kind of Yoga.
22) Name of Durgā.
23) Complete knowledge.
24) Advantage, use, good effect.
25) Name of Śiva.
26) Efficacy, efficiency.
27) Becoming intelligible (as sounds or words).
28) (Rhetorical) The pointing out in the same person of various good qualities.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary:
1. Siddhi (सिद्धि):— driving off, putting aside [Yājñavalkya].
2. Accomplishment, performance, fulfilment, complete attainment (of any object), success, [Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature] etc.
3. The hitting of a mark ([locative case]), [Kāmandakīya-nītisāra].
4. Healing (of a disease), cure by ([compound]), [Yājñavalkya].
5. Coming into force, validity [ib.].
6. Settlement, payment, liquidation (of a debt), [Manu-smṛti viii, 47].
7. Establishment, substantiation, settlement, demonstration, proof, indisputable conclusion, result, issue [Ṛgveda-prātiśākhya; Upaniṣad; Sarvadarśana-saṃgraha].
8. Decision, adjudication, determination (of a lawsuit), [Horace H. Wilson].
9. Solution of a problem [ib.].
10. Preparation, cooking, maturing, maturity [ib.].
11. Readiness [Horace H. Wilson].
12. Prosperity, personal success, fortune, good luck, advantage, [Manu-smṛti; Mahābhārata] etc.
13. Supreme felicity, bliss, beatitude, complete sanctification (by penance etc.), final emancipation, perfection [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.].
14. Vanishing, making one’s self invisible [Horace H. Wilson].
15. A magical Shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes) [ib.].
16. The acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the supernatural faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following Śloka, aṇimā laghimā prāptiḥ prākāmyam mahimā tathā īśitvaṃ ca vaśitvaṃ ca tathā kāmāvasāyitā ; sometimes 26 are added e.g. dūra-śravaṇa, sarvajña-tva, agni-stambha etc.), [Sāṃkhyakārikā; Tattvasamāsa; Sarvadarśana-saṃgraha].
17. Any unusual skill or faculty or capability (often in [compound]), [Pañcatantra; Kathāsaritsāgara].
18. Skill in general, dexterity, art, [Caraka].
19. Efficacy, efficiency [Kāvya literature; Pañcatantra].
20. Understanding, intellect [Horace H. Wilson].
21. Becoming clear or intelligible (as sounds or words), [Bhāgavata-purāṇa].
22) (In rhetoric) The pointing out in the same person of various good qualities (not usually united), [Sāhitya-darpaṇa].
23. A work of art [Rājataraṅgiṇī iii, 381].
24. A kind of medicinal root (= ṛddhi or vṛddhi), [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.].
25) In music) a [particular] Śruti, [Saṃgīta-sārasaṃgraha].
26. A [particular] Yoga (either the 16th or 19th), [Colebrooke].
27. Success or Perfection personified [Mahābhārata; Varāha-mihira’s Bṛhat-saṃhitā].

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Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary Siddhi (सिद्धि).—f.(-ddhiḥ):
1. Fulfilment, accomplishment, the entire completion of any undertaking or attainment of any object.
2. A Yoga, either the sixteenth of the astronomical periods termed Yogas, or the nineteenth of the twenty-eight astrological Yogas.
3. Final emancipation from existence, supreme felicity.
4. Prosperity, success.
5. Knowledge, understanding.
6. Accuracy, correctness, indisputable conclusion or position.
7. Validity (in law.).
8. Acquittance, discharge, (of a debt).
9. Concealment, secreting, covering.
10. The result or fruit of the adoration of the gods or of ascetic severities.
11. The supposed acquirement of supernatural powers by the completion of magical, mystical, or alchemical rites and processes.
12. A wooden shoe or slipper, especially one over which some mystical formulæ have been repeated, and which will then, it is supposed, convey the wearer every where safely and rapidly.
13. A medicinal root; also Rid'dhi.
14. Settlement, establishment.
15. Certainty, truth.
16. Decision (of a law suit.).
17. The solution of a problem.
18. Preparation, cooking.
19. Readiness.
20. Complete sanctification.
21. Beatitude.
22. Marvellous skill or capability.
23. Making oneself invisible.
24. Sidh to accomplish.

21) A kind of Yoga.
22) Name of Durgā.
23) Complete knowledge.
24) Advantage, use, good effect.
25) Name of Śiva (m. in this sense).
26) Efficacy, efficiency.
27) Becoming intelligible (as sounds or words).
28) (Rhetorical) The pointing out in the same person of various good qualities.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary:
Siddhi (सिद्धि).—i. e. sidh + ti, f. 1. Accomplishment, [Vedāntasāra, (in my Chrestomathy.)] in Chr. 202, 4; [Hitopadeśa] ii. [distich] 13; fulfilment, [Vikramorvaśī, (ed. Bollensen.)] [distich] 28 (read abhimukhiṣviva, in the ed. of Bollens).
2. Success, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3255; prosperity, well-being, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 432.
3. Use, [Pañcatantra] ii. [distich] 93 (na siddhyai, useless).
4. Final emancipation, supreme felicity, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 2, 93.
5. The fruit of the adoration of the gods or of ascetic austerities.
6. The acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means, magical power [Pañcatantra] 241, 3.
7. A magical Shoe, which is supposed to convey the bearer wherever he likes.
8. A medicinal Root.
9. Indisputable conclusion, decision [Pañcatantra] iii. [distich] 91.
10. Validity.
11. Knowledge, [Vedāntasāra, (in my Chrestomathy.)] in Chr. 202, 8; understanding, intellect, [Rāmāyaṇa] 5, 18, 13.
12. Acquittance, discharge (of debt).
13. Concealment.

Marathi-English dictionary: Siddhi:
1. Supernatural power or faculty supposed to be acquirable through the performance of certain magical, mystical, or alchymical rites or processes, eight are enumerated; viz. aṇimā, mahimā, garimā, laghimā, prāpti, prākāmya, īśitva, vaśitva, which see explained in their order. Hence:
2. Any marvelous or extraordinary skill or capability.
3. The fruit or product of a course of ascetic severities, or of adoration of any particular divinity.
4. Accomplishment, completion, fulfilment; finished, effected, or attained state (of an article, fabrication, or work, of a business or an undertaking, of a purpose, object, or desire).5. Establishment, substantiation, demonstration; proved or evinced state (of an argument, affirmation, cause, plea &c.).
6. Adjudgment, settlement, determination (of a dispute &c.).
7. Enactment, constitution, formation; framed or made state (of decrees, laws, rules &c.).
8. Readiness, preparedness through culinary or other operation (of articles of food, of medicines &c.).
9. Readiness, prepared or willing state (of a person to act, of an animal or a thing to be used).
10. Adeptness, attainedness, proficiency (in magical or mystical or alchemical rites or processes, or in the powers and properties flowing from the observance of them).
11. The perfection or accomplishment of mortal existence, viz. emancipation from transmigration, and beatification by absorption into the essence of the Supreme Spirit.
12. Prosperity or success; prosperous and flourishing state.
13. The sixteenth of the astronomical Yogas: also the nineteenth of the twenty-eight astrological Yogas. siddhīsa āṇaṇēṃ or nēṇēṃ To bring or carry to completion or accomplishment.

COVID-19 INFORMATION LINKS (Public Domain). 1 of 1.


New theories of the possible link between Covid shots and tinnitus are emerging

COVID-19 Vaccine-Resistant Mutations Driven by Vaccination: Study

CDC Update on Neurological, Blood, Heart Inflammation Adverse Events From COVID-19 Vaccines

Vaccinated Spread COVID-19 as Easily as Unvaccinated, High Viral Loads in Vaccinated, CDC and Fauci Report

Most COVID-19 Patients at Israel Hospital Fully Vaccinated, Doctor Calls Mandates ‘Diabolic’

Did the coronavirus jump from animals to people twice?

Will COVID Mutate in Animals and Jump Back to Humans?

SARS-like viruses may jump from animals to people hundreds of thousands of times a year

Covid Spilled From Animals to Humans. Now It’s Spilling Back

08 June 2021 The COVID lab-leak hypothesis: what scientists do and don’t know. Nature examines arguments that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 escaped from a lab in China, and the science behind them.

Divisive COVID ‘lab leak’ debate prompts dire warnings from researchers. Allegations that COVID escaped from a Chinese lab make it harder for nations to collaborate on ending the pandemic — and fuel online bullying, some scientists say.


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Retailers of Chinnamasta Statues:

ChinnamastaThanka: https://himala|


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Chinnamasta (Shakti)
DAS MAHA VIDYAS Form 6 - "DEVI CHINNAMASTA" by Dr.krishna Sahithi || Kuchipudi

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VAMPIRISM RESOURCES. (Public Domain.) Part 1 of 2.

Vampire Organizations, Clubs, Societies, Publications, Website page address Links, and Video Links. Addresses verified Dec. 05, 2022. Addresses may change, new organizations arise, and some have membership list-serve email Newsletters and email Directory.

Real Life Vampires -
Dracula -
Voices of the Vampire Community (VVC)

Sanguinarius Real Vampire Resource Site

Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC Research Site
Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study (VEWRS & AVEWRS)

Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] Resource Site & Forum
Vampire Community News (VCN)
The Vampiric Community Message Board & Resource Site
Psychic Vampire Resource Site & Forum
Smoke & Mirrors Support Forum
House Kheperu Resource Site
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By Light Unseen Resource Site
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New Orleans Vampire Association (NOVA)
Les Vampires Resource Site & Yahoo Group
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Elemental Vampirism Forum Resource Site & Forum
Vampire Rave Resource Site
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Vampyrbibliothek German Resource Site
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Lega Italiana Real Vampires (L.I.R.V.)
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House Quinotaur – International
House Sahjaza - New York City, NY
Hidden Shadows Clan
House Eclipse - Washington, DC & Baltimore, MD
House Of Ottawa - Ottawa, Canada
The Order of Maidenfear
House Konatus
The Court Of Lazarus - A Metropolitan Vampire Society
Vampire Court Of Austin

VAMPIRISM RESOURCES. (Public Domain.) Part 2 of 2.

TWILIGHT - A Formal Gathering Of The Vampire Community
Endless Night Festival
Dracula's Ball - Philadelphia, PA
Vampire's Masquerade Ball - Portland, OR
Shadowdance Podcast
Vampire Zilchy Resource Site
The Collective YouTube Channel
Vampyre Lounge Video Archive

ARTICLES ABOUT VAMPIRES:,region%20of%20modern%2Dday%20Romania.

Website Page Addresses of my online Blogs: 1 of 1. in my Profile at Search: Stanzalo. All Updated here first at smaswords.


Tibetan Buddhism in 2021, 2022,2023 by Christopher Robin Lee. COPYRIGHT ©2023 by Christopher Robin Lee. at: updated 11/15/2023

Whom or what possesses the Oracles of Tibet? and, Oracle of Vajrapani Prophecy Practices by Christopher Robin Lee, COPYRIGHT ©2022 by Christopher Robin Lee. updated 11/15/2023

As it was on 10/27/23: Interview with Christopher Robin Lee, censored by, at at:

The Vetala by Christopher Robin Lee, COPYRIGHT ©2023 by Christopher Robin Lee.

The Buddha and Buddhism by Christopher Robin Lee. COPYRIGHT ©2023 by Christopher Robin Lee.

Vampire Compendium by Christopher Robin Lee, COPYRIGHT ©2022 by Christopher Robin Lee.

The Jin by Christopher Robin Lee. COPYRIGHT ©2022, 2023 by Christopher Robin Lee. updated 11/14/2023


DISCLOSURE 2021 & 2022 by Christopher Robin Lee. COPYRIGHT ©2021, 2022 by Christopher Robin Lee.

Prose by Christopher Robin Lee. COPYRIGHT ©2022 by Christopher Robin Lee.

THE RETURN OF PROMETHEUS by Christopher Robin Lee. COPYRIGHT ©2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 by Christopher Robin Lee.

THE PROMETHEUS PLAYLIST: an Audio visual Time-Capsule sound track of my Life, and, The Return of Prometheus ©2023. Content choices in The Prometheus Playlist by Christopher Robin Lee, COPYRIGHT ©2023 by Christopher Robin Lee. https://www
1961-2022+ audio visual soundtrack https://christopherrobinlee/

CHINNAMUNDA AND CHINNAMASTA by Christopher Robin Lee. COPYRIGHT ©2023 by Christopher Robin Lee.


PROFILES AND INTERVIEWS OF Christopher Robin Lee, at:
Profile and Interview of Christopher Robin Lee. COPYRIGHT ©2023 by Christopher Robin Lee:
and, Profile at:
and, Regarding my Family of Origin at:


RETREAT PRACTICES YOU CAN DO AT HOME. COPYRIGHT ©2019, 2023 by Christopher Robin Lee.


My Blog of paranormal 'High Strangeness' experiences. COPYRIGHT ©2022, 2023 by Christopher Robin Lee, at: Content rewritten & republished Dec. 20, 2023 is a work-in-progress. Tibetan Buddhist paranormal experiences, followed by other paranormal 'High Strangeness' experiences. The most important passages of this Blog are also in my Blog DISCLOSURE.

Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.

The Prometheus Quadrilogy Appendix: Ordeals and Essays of a Super-Hero by Christopher Robin Lee

Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 82,120. Language: English. Published: November 29, 2020 . Categories: Nonfiction»»Law enforcement, Nonfiction»Law»Malpractice

The Prometheus Quadrilogy Appendix Ordeals and Essays of a Super-hero COPYRIGHT 2020© by Christopher Robin Lee is an Addendum of additional unused text written with The Return of Prometheus four book series: The Return of Prometheus, I am a Vampire, Taken to the Fringe, Into the Spirit World COPYRIGHT 2019© by Christopher Robin Lee.

Into the Spirit World by Christopher Robin Lee

Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 81,830. Language: English. Published: April 19, 2019 . Categories: Nonfiction»New Age»The Paranormal, Nonfiction»»Buddhism»Tibetan

Into the Spirit Worldby Christopher Robin LeeHow and why ‘Visions’ of Apparitions, Dream ‘Downloads’, Channeling, Oracles, and Possession co-mingle with events of High Strangeness and contact with non-Human intelligences as inspirational influences and manipulative deceptions in Human Spirituality and Religions.

Taken to the Fringe by Christopher Robin Lee

Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 51,420. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2019 . Categories: Nonfiction»True Crime»Organized crime, Nonfiction»New Age»

Taken to the Fringeby Christopher Robin Lee©I am a multiple-encounter Survivor of: Alien and New World Order / Breakaway Civilization Abductions, ‘Super Soldier’ Human Medical Experimentation, and ingestion of Black Goo; A Witness to: The Flyers / The Predator, Jinn, Gorn, U.F.O.’s, Invisibility; And an Experiencer of: Teleportation, Time Travel, Mind Control Technology, and Vampire 'Bite Fever

I Am a Vampire by Christopher Robin Lee

Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 79,430. Language: English. Published: April 4, 2019 . Categories: Nonfiction»Biography»Personal memoir, Nonfiction»»Life Sciences / Zoology / Primatology

I am a Vampire by Christopher Robin Lee.COPYRIGHT ©2019 by Christopher Robin Lee.My Life in the Underworld of Vampirism: “I am a Vampire” recounts my becoming a Vampire, 'Bite Fever', and what it' like to be a Vampire. My Vampirism is the biological type: I’ve had the rabid ‘Bite Fever’ of the Vampire Pathogen infection. Includes 2019 Science Research Findings, Analysis Commentary of Vampirism.

The Return of Prometheus by Christopher Robin Lee

Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 19,080. Language: English. Published: July 13, 2018 . Categories: Nonfiction»True Crime»Organized crime, Nonfiction»Biography»Political biography

The Return of Prometheusby Christopher Robin LeeWhy and how my Abductions with violent 'Super Soldier' Human Medical Experimentation is reflected in the inter-relationship of the Stories and Myths of Frankenstein and Prometheus, how all of that informs my Life, and in return I inform our World of the possible destinies and fates of potential future Time-Lines of Humanity.

Oracle of Vajrapani by Christopher Robin Lee

Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 20,620. Language: English. Published: September 13, 2015 . Categories: Nonfiction»»Buddhism»Tibetan, Nonfiction»New Age»

Oracle Of Vajrapaniby Christopher Robin LeeOracle of Vajrapani COPYRIGHT ©2015 by Christopher Robin Lee. All U.S.A. and International Copyrights are reserved by the Author. Second Edition 2019. Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Smashwords Edition.

A Fitness Instructor's Guide to Exercise by Christopher Robin Lee

Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 19,800. Language: English. Published: June 6, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction»»Exercise

A Fitness Instructor's Guide to ExerciseHow to maximise the benefit for your time and effort exercising.By Christopher Robin Lee.Copyright ©2013 by Christopher Robin Lee. All USA and international copyrights are reserved by the author. First edition 2013. Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.The goal of this book is to be an all purpose general exercise conditioning regiment for optimal health.

Sacred Sites and Sacred Spaces by Christopher Robin Lee

Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 8,960. Language: English. Published: January 16, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction»»Religious philosophy, Essay»Sociology

Why Sacred Sites and Sacred Spaces are so important to humanity. “The Sky Temple”: A Sacred Site proposed. Sketches of Sky Temple. Sketch of Medicine Wheel. The Medicine Wheel. A Tibetan Buddhist Sacred Space. Photo of at-home Buddhist Altar. An impromptu, temporary Sacred Space. Creating your own Sacred Space. Spirituality for Atheists and Agnostics. Spiritual Path Journal. Author biography&Photo

Smashwords – Interview with Christopher Robin Lee (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.