The Republic from Columbus, Indiana (2024)

THE REPUBLIC, COLUMBUS, INDIANA, SATURDAY, MAY 9. 1970. PAGE NINE Business N. Y. Stocks (Cont.) Mentally 111 Get Short Changed? (Continued from Page 8) Soles 100s High Low Close Cng Soittlhdt) High Lew Last Ch.

By GEORGE THOMAS Business News Editor assimilated and conclusions announced at a future date, Mr. Anderson said. mental problems may be 1100 13' 13'. 13'. 10 9 1114 42 32 3le 3I 40 19 II 21 44 404 474 1 1.72.

774 72-l'4 47 33, 30, 31. 1W 142 I3' lit 12 39 24 26 26' 1- 14 20 13 -I2'4 I2'4 4 42 234 27'4 27 1 V9 43 4l' 42 XJ47 34'4 33' i 34' 4 292 21 19' 204 34 45 44t 44J 4 266 IS' 4 15'4 1A 304 14 I2 Indiana citizens with getting short-changed. 72U 19 24 41 134 19' 19 24' 244 25to 261 31 44 12'4 24 214 20 35V 21 724 to 25 1 41 -1' 35 to 20 1 1911'. 25 I 214-1 i J6'4 to 27H to 37'- 4 13H Ito 2IVi-2'4 20 35'-1to 4r-i 28- 12! 724 170 I9H 412 2to Hl31 354 131 204 220 27 254 II 31 SI 274 434 2I'4 3442 35' 1 250 47to 161 14' 270 29 94 304 150 20'4 I 35' 450 434 363 29'4 USPiCpt US Shoe II USSmlt Mt USSm pt 5'4 USSteel 2 40 US Tab 1.10 UldUtillt .92 1'4' 'UnUffdSl lto UnvLeot 1 Unlv Oil Unlv Compt Uplohn 1.60 UrisBldg .40 USLIFE JO USMCp 1.60 USM pf I' USM pt 21 UtahCon .60 UtohPL 192 The committee's preliminary report indicates the group favors payment for those mental patients who have out-of-hospita! therapy. "To say that these people must be institutionalized just to get the bills paid is unfair and uneconomical," said Dr.

Charles Rushmore of the Indiana Bell Telephone company. Employer responses will be 41 4J' 5' 1, 1 3. imf.ti 21'i 21W-1H VU l'4 I'l4 30' i 1V- 43 44H 'i W-i 18W IMi 10' II1 4 JV-- 13 134 4't 25' J2'K I 22 a i'i 13' 14 4 23' 23- J7 21 1H exhibit at the Design Engineering Show Monday through Thursday at the International Amphitheatre in Chicago. Actually, Jhe conference, sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, will take place at the Palmer House and will run concurrently with the Design show. Mr.

Fuetterer will speak on "Developing Seals to Conform to Dynamic Movement of Diesel Engine Shafting." Arvin will Stokely pf I Stone CC .36 Stone I.M StorerBr 50 StudeAort I Stuoe Wpt StuW pi 1.40 SutmrbC .64 SubPrG 1 60 SuCrest .10 Sun Chm .40 SunOI Co I SunOllpt 2'4 Suntm .10 Sumtrpt S'i Sunstrnd SunshM .529 Sup Oil 1.40 SuprGen .40 Sup Vat 1.10 SurvFd Mi Swank 60a Swltt Co Swinglin .40 Sybron .60 Sybrnpf 2.40 Systron Don This is a finding by a committee headed by William R. Anderson of the Repp and Mundt Construction company here. LOCAL FIRMS INV OLVED IN CHICAGO SHOW G. Fuetterer, accessories manager at Cummins Engine company here, will be a conference speaker, and Arvin Industries, here will have an 45 115 46 21 106' 111''. 2' TO1.

20 I. 22 4 try itself were, doing to research the problem." 41 23 674 i' 171 17 5'4 5 Mr. Anderson is chairman of the insurance committee of the Indiana Mental Health association which has released some "observations made by 75 leading 154 1' 1 234 25' 14 417 27 1294 33 324 3314 14 2l'i I4-I 440 29', 31 display new product? from its Electronics and Automotive di-I visions. 27 21'-2 55 55 -34 31 39i-5'-i 70 57 39'i 201 II. 12 -3 0 4 To 474 78 31 74 fl- 454 4J 51 1 02 4A It 1 J74 12V 3t 33 134 111 J5V, 3 33' 4 43 iUi 11 J4 32 14 11 4r 215 2S 744 23'i 34 J2H 343 44' 4 32'- i 34 14 172 I' 91 1I1 231 79 46 34 181 Vi 9 66 5363 2V 16 11 15 587 21 683 57i 3 59Vi 19 J314 461 46' i 1590 51 468 29 64 11 167 l.

X2157 4t't 839 38' X2275 54 399 571, employers in Indiana in respon-1 se to a questionnaire bearing on insurance protection for those suffering mental illness. The inquiry was generated by I THISA AND THATA 1 OF AREA BUSINESS Vorlan Asso 474 114 17 VCA Cp .40 303 32' 27' 4 Veedrlnleo 1197 51 42'1 4l'l4'i VendoCo 29 144 13' 1 I3J4-I VF Corp 1 51 28to 26' 26l4-2'4 VktorCC 50 50 17 I4'a U'e-2'i Vllloqer Ind 210 5'i 5'i 51 4 VoElecl.12 52 21'4 19' 207414 VoEPpf4 12 1400 54 54 54 VaEPpf 4 20 160 57 57 57 VoElpf 4 80 2130 62 61' 4H4-I' 4 VoEIPw pf 1380 46 44 45 1 VoEl pt 7.72 1320 IVi 94'4 96 lto Vornado Inc 527 12'i 10' i 11 -l'i VSICorp .48 42 24. 23 244 i Vulcan I 69 19 18'i 18'i'. VWR Un .72 30 13' 124 13'4 i 134 20'i 1i. 450 4lt 31 779 214 19' 688 13'.

1H 190 154 144 170 164 154 54 5'. 4'j 110 414 35 112 43' 39' Sunmnt 40 SrmpPol SingerC 1 40 Smoerpt 31 Sfctlly OH I SkilCcrp SkyhnCp Sm A 1.40 Smiminl .40 SmittiKlF I Smucktr Solo Bot .50 Soo Lin Id SOSCont .44 Cor El I 26 SCorEpI JV, Souttidn Inc Sdwnpf I I.M SoJ Ind 14 SoColEd HV SoothCo I.M SolnOE I 70 SoNotO I 40 Sou Poc I.M SouttlRlwy 1 So Rwy pf I SwMAIrm 31 SowitPS .70 Sportln SperryHut 1 Sparton .40 SpartlnA .40 SperryHpf 1 SpRand Sprog El .40 SprlnoMIII 1 SqureO .100 Squibb SqulbbBpf Staler 1.40 St Brnd 1 60 SldBrpf 3 50 StBPalnt .34 Sid Intl Std Kollsmn StOICI i.Mg StdOInd 1.30 Std NJ I.IOd StdOhlo 1 70 Std Pack Cp StdPkpf 1.60 Std PrStl .44 Std Prud .64 StdPrupi .10 Stanray .60 StanWk 1.40 Storrett Stoutfer I.M Stlfr pr I.JO SterchlB .48 SterlDra .75 SterlDpf Stevem J.40 StewWn 1.80 Stokely Vn I 2 4'i 49 1H 131,1 13 15 15'4 llrl II '4- 9'i 9't 44 t4 9 V4 64 65 41 7'i 281. 15' 14'i 14t 20'4 JVt-l S31 55 3' 58' ij 32J4 3244- '4 44t 50 II 4 26'4 10V WT-e i 7' 7Vj-1 39 40' -1 2511 18'i 15. 70" 70'i 74'i 72 2 9 110 57 56 II' 402 20' 54 45'4 431 19 34 194 4'i 4l 401 12'i 9i 35 375i 7. 53 53 54'i 5eJ i 14205 20.

17 70 19 1113 204 194 66 77 75'4 XJ376 254 24' i x232 254 24'i 217 32 294 53 29', 1353 164 14'. X14 234 23 1396 104' 90' 209 4534 42 36 I6V4 15' 4 325 54'j 52 520 2 1 '4 I9'4 45 291 274 83 214 20' 52 15' Ui 15 37- 35 141 60'i 58to 201 i'l 5J4 29 28 2 197 49 331 32Vi 29 10 i if- 1 T'- "t- I I WtmvVJW1 iVV WIIIWWKIiiV MMM44WMMi. Kivv fuMtU A A- VmttM 8 9n Richard Willmore of 2624 Chestnut street has opened his" own accounting business after being with tho computer-data processing department at Cummins Engine company for 11 years. A part-time accountant for the last 12 years, Mr. Will-more said he would operate the business for the present in his home Richard Fleming and Robert Piers of Richard Fleming Associates here attended the recent annual meeting of the.

Association of Management Consultants in Chicago. Willis Repp of Repp and Mundt Construction company has been selected for a post on the insurance industry-AGC joint cooperative committee of the Associated General Contractors of Indiana, Inc. William J. Tackett, president of Creditors Protective Bureau, of Columbus was the speaker this week at a meeting of the Minnesota' unit of the American Collectors association 33 10' 4 42 264 25'. Xl8 12' 11'.

95 194 19'i 113 13'i 11'4 22' 2 2234 "4 12' 124 45 45 -1H 1514 15H- 29ii 30'4 40-4U4 II'. 388 9'. I', 3 13 36'i 34'. 24'4 231 IS 144 41 31 31 52 17 16' 13 23 95 123 221 47 26 I6 204 7 3Ht 22 10 941 36k 5 6Vi 153 39 30 30' 69 21' 5 II 29 TattBcst 60 Tondy- Corp TompaE .80 Tolley Indst Takott 1.10 Tappan .40 Tech Mat 21 Technlcon Tektronx In Teledyne 31 Teledyn pf 6 Teledypl 31 Telex Corp Templel 25 Teneco 1.32 Tenec pi S't Texoco 1.60 TexETr 1.40 TxGosT 1.41 TxGsTpf I'j TxGuSul .60 Texas Ind I Texlnstr .80 TexasOII .05 Tx PLT TlxUtil 1.80 Textron .90 Textrpf 2.08 Textrpf 1.40 Thlokol .40 ThBetts 1.04 Thomlnd .40 Tho JW ThrlftyD .60 I Cp 1.40 Time In 1 90 Times .50 Timken 1.80 Tlshmon .40 TobinPack 1 ToddSh 1.20 TolEdls 1.72 TootsRI TraneCo .90 Traniom .55 Trans pt 4'i TronsLn .40 Trans invst Transltron TranUn 1.16 Trans Air 3" Acvpt 2 TrniWFIn 51 Travlers .80 Travlrs pf 2 TrlCon 2.03d TriCtlpf Vrlangle .80 TRW Inc 1 TRW pf TRW pf TRW pr 4 40 TucsonG .72 20thCen Fox Tyler Corp 28 20i 39'j-P 20' 1'A 13'. 1514 'i 154-1 41 36 -44 39l-4 17'.

-4 70' i 74', 34 i 19' V. 19Vj- 4 74 -2 254 25'i 29''-2'4 14' 1 234- 4 42'4-3'4 1514- Vi 53'-1 19H-1H 28' 74 20 4- 35V4-1H 164 '4 214 '4 14'4- V. 23'j 294-1 '4 30-lV. 29V3 i 19' 1' 14" 24'4-l'2 29'. 15i-2'4 60' Vi 16'i 1 10 i 7'i- 41 14 283i i 144 4 22 Vi 87.

Vi 30V4 1 404 4 2741V4 33'l' 14 Vi 314 72'a i 191'224 76 4'4 164 Vi 12'A- 14 8V4 V. 33't 47 10'i 10 Wachovia 1 Walgreen 1 WakHIM.20 Wall Murr I Walworth WordFds 3k Warnoco .90 WarnCo 144 WarLm 1.20 WarnrS 1.60 WoshGs 1 80 Wash Stl .70 Wash 1.21 Watklns Jsn Wayne .76 Waynpf 1.40 WeonUn Inc Weanpf 1.26 Weathhd 50 WebbDel Cp WelsMkt .84 WelblltCp 21 Wells 1.60 WescoFIn 51 WstCTr WPeP pf 41 WPE 4.10 WstP'tP West Air WsBanc 1.30 Wst Md 1.60 Wst Pac RR WUnlon 1.40 WestUn pf 6 WsUnpf 4.90 WsUnpf 4.60 West El 1.80 WstElpf 3.80 X99 144 134 94 Ito 341 increasing concern that some plans to do not give recognition to the widespread incidence of cost of mental illness and treatment procedures which have changed radically the last few years. Though the committee made no evaluation of the responses and will not until more evidence is at hand, some of the employers' statements about company plans were revealing in that: Provision is made for only ai relatively short term of hospital- i The pay or repayment schedule is substantially beneath what is allowed for some purely physical ailments. Little-provision is made to compensate for such things as night only or day only hospitalization, creative or palliating drugs, treatment in the physician's office and home therapy. The insurance committee was formed' some time ago by the Mental Health association.

No member is a vendor of professional medical services or insurance. A "consumer" approach was taken to get to the heart of the matter more quickly and to identify more clearly those for whose benefit the inquiry was being made. The orientation also was toward private enterprise involvement rather than government. Mr. Anderson says, "We asked leaders of business, industry, the media and others to get 64'i 34 38 38 IV4 29', 20 21'( 56' 4- to 18'-1 434 to 19' 4' i- Va 11V4 1V.

144 to 35 2' 584 IVa 32Va 7i 25'i V. 12'4 to. 19' to 12'4- 4 11'- to 23' 1 I'4. 15 104 Va 14...:. 304- to 4to-Vt 364-1 16 to- 17 Va' 59 -Ito 53 184- to 12'4- to 374- to 184-14 16' V.

39'-24 78 2Va 90 -1 4 79 -3'4 66 1 58 2' 214- to 25 Va 14 45to-lto 106 -Ito 14'. to 65 41 31V. 30 71 5'i44 53 374 364 190 164 14i 16 174 17 2750 60'! 59 zlOO 53 53 184 62 194 X76 244 234 254 304 28' i 123 32 29H 17 30 28. 76 20 17'4 21 15' 14'. 60 25'i 23'i 288 27'4 27 174 15Ji 119 62Vi 60'4 1550 17' 14'.

3 122Vi 121'j 52 104 10 1416 8'i 7'4 214 4'. 4' 4 308 29V4 284 '666 15'. 14' 4 125 11 261 38' 344 99 19'. 184 Partial Anicricaii Stock Suminary WEEKLY AMERICAN STOCKS NEW YORK (UPt) selected stocks on the American Exchange this week. Sales 100s High Low Clot Cho 16 39 114 167 884 42 16 80 78 in Minneapolis.

Mr. Tackett is the president-elect of the national association. 12 13 1,. of the building at 1250 National road here. The Armco steel, building was built by Force Construction company of Columbus.

CELEBRATION Thomas Mueller," right, general "manager, of WUson Olds-Cadillac automobile agency, serves a customer, Fred Yentz, 2740 Lucas way, at grand opening 35 22'4 214 1'. 11 924 891 257 82 71 X996 664 42'4 X1150 58 541 212 224 21Va 14 27 25to 1407 47Vi 45 75 107V 104Vi 137 15to 14to 93 9 1166 '31 28'! 34 40s 39' 499 29 27V. 12 34' 4 331 34 141 X451 32 14 30 Dark Cloud Over Wall Street 53 51'- to 14, a4 34'a- to 31 -to 2Va-1 111, 44 2420 45 63 1750 544 524 509 52 5lto 439 154 14Va 5 39 34 4 31 Va 301 1 33 32' 36 llto 10'4 174 19' U'A X47 73 72 xl 1911 19l'j X27 804 76 70 16'i 16' 576 13V. 114 141 144 7 Robert Hollander of Jonesville recently attended a 2-day workshop held for company feed distribution managers at the Moorman Manufacturing company home office in Quincy, 111. Mr.

Hollander's Jonesville plant distributes Moorman feed products to a 26-county area' in southeast Indiana Edward Herr of 2000 Cherry street was among more than 15,000 distributors attending the international -onvention of the Amway corporation recently in Grand Rapids, Mich. The company distributes household products as well as automotive and cosmetic items. By HOWARD LUXENBERG UPI Business Writer NEW YORK (UPI)-A storm of adverse reaction to President between business and predicted that inflation will continue at a rate of 4.5 per cent this council's private econom u- together and talk about what was being done to assist the mental patient. Medical costs Wstvac 1.05 WeyenS 1.20 Weyerhas .80 Weyerpf 64 WhelPittStl WhIPItS pf 6 WhIPItS pf 5 Whlrlpl 1.60 Wh Cons .40 WhltCpf A 3 WhltCpt 3 WhltCpf 3 WhCross .44 WhMot 50d Whittokr" Cp Wlckes Cp 1 Wlebldt WIMRoss .36 Williams Br WIIIB pf .80 WlnnDX 1.62 WlnnDx CIB WIsElP 1.40 WIscPS 1.10 Witco Ch .92 Wltcopf 2.65 WoivWW .50 Wometo .42 WoodsCp .48 Woolwh 1.20 Wool pf 2.20 World Alrw WrlgleyC 3o Wurltier .80 451 9to 84 111 5to 32 44 B'a 7'4 X166 48' 45to 212 20'A 18 9 18 17 170 294 28 8 30 29Va 167 20to 20Vi Nixon's game plan on Cambo are an increasingly severe burden on all. Mental illness can dia cast a dark cloud over Wall ists also forecast that interest rates would remain high despite sagging profits and sluggish Street this week.

bring on insurmountable debt Nixon assured Congress that 19' lVi 94-to 32 3to Vi, 474- 4 19V 18 to 2914 V. 30 2074 Vi 15to- Va 53 9 184- to 13'4-lto 29i-l'A 50 2 7Vi- to 90 -5 S8' 4V 5''. 9i 15 25'4 2J4 224 14 15'4 I 12'4 10 10. 54 11 93'4 7' 8'. 5 19V4 26'A 11 10'4 72' 11V.

42 I 14V4 3'4 20' 4'j 15'-. 15V4 54 13 II 4' 4 74 12'. 9'. 7'4 5. 2 26'4 9 58'i-l v.

6'4 10 14 154 27'4-IV4 2V. 26'j- 4 251 1'4 16'. 4 34 13V4 4 11 '4 Ill I 6'4 12'4- 99 14 IV. 93i- 'i S'4- V4 2V4-1 264 I I8V4-IV4 I2V.IV1 77-7'4 i 45V4-1W 14 15' yi- 21 'A 5'44 16'4 V. 53Vi 1 17V4 4 54- 44 841 12'4- 4 24 '4 9'42s4 7' 4 6 Vi 2' i 13' 4 '4 264 94 4 economic activity.

Soviet Premier Nikita Kosy- U.S. troops would leave Cambo 120 164 15to 13 194 II 6 53 53 163 94 l'4 36 18to 17a 120 15 13' gin, in his first news conference Ala Pow pf z50 5834 All Am Eng 27 4'i Allegh wts 106 7 Alld Con 15 10'i Alloys Unl 261 16'. Am Pet 294 30 AO Ind 426 3' Ar La Gas 385 26'i Atlas Cons 223 25' Atlas wts .203 2 Austral Oil 233 I6V4 Bishop Ind 171 4 Broscan Ltd 309 14 Buttes Gas 685 11't CmpM Chib 452 VH Can Grdloll 78 6'4 Cdn Javelin 423 12 Carnation Co 68 99 Chelsea Ind xl52 1'e Chrstna Oil 616 l(Pi Clary Cp 81 SM Computes! 99 22 Creole Pet 136 Crwn Pet 32 19Vi Day Mn 123 13't Digital Eq 2829 83'i Dixilyn 258 14 Dome Pet S33 4t'i Eicor Chen 60 Electronics 97 16 Equ Cp 315 Fnny Frwr II Fed Resour 298 5'4 Felmont Oil 82 9. Fischer 98 Ford Can XZ2560 544 Fresnlllo 57 17 Frontier Air 91 0 GCA Cp 106 16i Gen Battery 251 12'. Gen Plywd 162 4J Giant Yellkn 286 9H Glenm Dlst 11 13'4 Gt Am Indus 295 Greer 15 Hastings Mfg.

27- 7H Helnlcke 248 63i Holly Cp 178 2'4 Home Oil A 461 134 Hormel GA 11 263i Husky Oil 197 T0'4 Hygrade Fd 294 25 imp Oil 1131 -Wi Kaiser Indus 724 Kalvex Inc 195-S34 Kirby Ind 59 18'i. Lake Sh 214 was conducting a "constitutionally unauthorized, Presidential war in Indochina." One view was that Wall Street feared U.S. action in Cambodia might increase its military involvement in Indochina, and possibly trigger an ugly constitutional crisis where Congress would try to force the President to pull back on his policies in Southeast Asia. A question which popped up frequently and appeared to add to the gloom was: Will concentration on the expanded war effort disrupt the administration's program on inflation and monetary policy? High interest rates and inflation have weighed heavily on the market for over a year. And only recently top government officials have been quoted as saying that interest rates 29to 47 534 31 15 50 76 7V4 since he succeeded Nikita S.

Khrushchev, called the U.S. action in Cambodia a "crude violation" of the Geneva agreements on Indochina. 711 17 94'4 90 X28 J0A lOto XYZ- 19J 20'j xl9 28'i 106 244 17 124 22 94 5 24Vj 2289 294 X10U 35 104 7V. 503 18'A 250 45 2100 53 2180 60' 250 601 2170 834 706 2774 263 394 638 39'. 67 3514 37 6'4 57 444 483 "ltVV 21150 994 230 32' 838 30 i 242 94 111 10'i X244 36' 55 6' 163 24' ,252 12V4 171 34 37- 281 1076 21 '4 292 554 56 31 576 1714 408 264 95 28 V4 20V4- Vi 274 Va 23'4-l4 122 Vi 9 Vi 24 27 -24 34' 6V2- to 18 Vi 45 Va 53 40Vj '4 6V2-IW 134 a4 27Va- 382i-l'4 31 14 344 Va 4'4 Vi 44141 161 l'i 99 4 304 2" 30 'a 9'4 94 V.

32 -3' 4', to 23V4-1V4 12 '4 3V2 4 277, 1, 53'i- to 31 1714 4 26 V. to 27V4- '1 19 274 23'. 12'4 9 24 26'i .34 6'. "174 45 53 594 60' 1 26'a 31. 37' 34 64 43' 14'4 91 '274 28' 9' 4 14 29Vi 54 11 3 27? 174 52Va 30 16 2534 264 UAL In Uarco 1.10 UGI Cp 1.20 UMC Ind .72 Unarco I .40 UnllNV Un Comp 1 UnCarblde 2 Union Corp Un Elec 1.28 Un El p3V UnElec pf 4 UnEI pf 4' Unlpf4.56 UnEI pf 6.40 UnOCal 1.60 UnOICpf 21 UnPoc Cp 2 UnPacRr Id UPacpf Unamr 1.40 Unlroyal .70 Uniroyalpf 8 Unlshops .40 Alrcr 1.80 UtdCrp Un Fin Corp UnFrult 1.40 Utd Ind UtdMM 1.30 Un Nuclr 4k Utd PkC Mn USFoS 3 21d US Frht 1.40 USGypm 3a USG pf 1.80 US Indus 50 USPIyCh 184 USPI pr 1.20 Indiana Stocks Week Ending May 1, 1970 Furnished by J.J 8.

Milliard. W.L. Lyonj Co. dia in a matter of weeks and that withdrawals from South Vietnam would continue unabated. But the investment community feared the action might turn out to be more than a temporary venture "The market's response' to temporary is show me," Herman Roseman, vice president of Argus Research investment advisory service, said- He added that people would like the President to be correct, but there were too many disappointments in the past rom this administration and from the previous administration.

"As a result," Roseman concluded, "many investors are gun shy about believing any Y. for many and we found that even though hospitalization plans did provide some relief it was frequently a case of too little, too late." He also said that the committee was puzzled about the disparity that seemed to exist in the minds of many the feeling, for example, that a 50 per cent payment for treatment of mental illness was as good as an 80 per cent or even 100 per cent payment for physical illness. The committee emphasizes that representatives-of insurance companies and those of the treatment professions have been cooperative. "We found them much concerned," Mr. Anderson said.

"They all seemed to feel that a review of procedures used in funding treatment was needed. The insurance people took it upon themselves to find out what their companies and the indus- Bid am cnongt l2i-2'4 18'4 2Va 18 Ito 30'A-3to 26 to 134-12 29 -1 24' to 294 i 204-2to 6V4 to 204- 4 164 4 29V4- to 42 to 13 -to 21V4 Va 494-2'4 77to in 18 30to 26 12' 28' 234 27 204 6 194 I6V4 29to 404 12' 21 to 48' 5390 84'i 369 204 33 19'4 196 334 I 26 1143 Uto 22 30 119 254 716 29to 551 23to 139 6V4 150 21 45 17 44 2974 121 42' 374 1374 1 21to 010 51' XeroxCp .40 XTRA Inc YoStlOr 1.20 ZaleCorp .64 ZoleCppf .80 Zapata Nor ZapataNpf 2 Zayre Corp ZenlthR 1.40 Zurn Ind .21 Publlckr 5k Pueblo In .28 PuerRC 1.10 PugtSP 1.76 Pullmn 2.80 PurexCp .84 Purexpf 1.35 Pyrolat 1.60 Vi iTVt American Fletcher 21'4-3'i 20 Va 16 16'l 4 144 164-1 Robert Miller Gordon Miller Ins. Robert A. Smith Agencies 2905 State St. 379-4483 Buehler Hamilton Cosco Ind Gaj Ind National Bank Irwin Un Bk ft Tst Lilly (Ell) Clasi 8 Marsh Supermarket Schwab Soft Sap'i Foods 26 Mi 3 764 47 4'A have peaked and Washington is winning the battle against inflation.

Private economists, meantime, were not in complete agreement with the government On the topic of inflation. The prestigious Business 3Vi 'A Vi Lee Entpr Lee Nat LTV Alt 1 Lynch Cp McCulloch Mlloo Elect 31 154 147 14 114 2' 88 4''. 971 4509 32 125 4'4 327 35'4 54 V4 4 34 Mi 15'4 4 74- 4 24 Vi Vj 234 30 -4 4V4 '4 34 Vj 64 '4 3'- V4 54 44 'l 17 1 14'4 7 24 3 21 27V4 44 314 3 54 4 thing." The Senate Foreign Relations Committee charged that Nixon Council, which provides liaison Soil Stewardsmb Mohowk Airl Mlybdenm Nat Alt 11 4'i Nat Bell Hess 113 No Cdn Oils 435 Noeast Air 12 3Mi 6H 4. 3' schools on a conservation tour of By prochmation of the cover IF YOU BUY FROM BILL'S MOBILE HOMES What Can You Expect? 3'7 Vj 3 Nuclear Cp 334 Oofap Co ZN0 101 105'4 10S'4 '4 Ormand Ind 79 34 2'. 3' 4 46 15' 4 144 144 Mi, 3 234 :2" 54 5 5V4- '4 94 8' '-4 Vi 97 211 111 f.

'v. 20 174 20 339 Poc Nw Tel Pcntron Phoenix Stl Pneum Dyn Pyle Nat Roth Pack Rem Arms Ruerve 08.G Resort Int A Scurry Rain Shattuck Dn Slick Cp Solltron MTm 4'i S'i 5'i 134 124 12'i '4 74 6'il 6'-V4. 74 t'4 74 4 17H 14 I7'4 4 4'i 4i V4 14'4 124 12A-1 264' 22'4 25 104 51 433 262 218 17 916 1246 jmi'w i m' Nth lit A Mobile Home offers wall to wall elegance with the finest materials, featuring: Quality carpeting, top grade insulation paneling, delightful appointments and luxurious house type furniture. You can also expect friendly after-the-sale nor this week is Soil Stewardship week in Indiana, as well as in the nation, and Woodrow Beauregard has been getting the word on good conservation practices to youngsters in local schools. Mr.

Beauregard, work unit conservationist for the U.S. Soil Conservation service, has talked to youngsters at the Parkside, Schmitt, Smith and Richards elementary schools and Southside and Central junior high schools in Columbus. Also in the past two weeks he led bus tours of youngsters from Jackson and Ohio township LLhliAISuS 1 Bartholomew county, In the proclamation signed by Gov. Edgar D. Whitcomb is written In part: "Whereas, in this day of rapid population explosion, changing land use and environmental pollution, full consideration must be given to the orderly development and improvement of Indiana and water resources "It is time for all men and women with resource knowledge and a sense of stewardship responsibility to help with the key issues which must be resolved in order to bring conservation progress." Sid Metal 88 Syntex X1197 Technicolor 171 1" it 4'4 4'4 4' '4 31 14 i29' 29i IV4 134 It' 124 Ml 604 60 40 514 11' 11 U'4 14 2 13 162" 14 242 164 15'4 154 124 12'4 12'! Vi 104 84 9 S1) 34 4'4 V.

7'A 64 Vk Trlcont wts un Stk Yds Unlv Marlon Utah-Ida Sug Vernltron Visual El Wstn Nuclr Wright Hrg Wyle Lob jit 71 137 363. 192 2'4 2 4 i', 44 5 14 ora no SHOPPER'S SPECIAL Complete Furnishings For Your New MOVE UP TO THE LEADER Aw OFFICIALLY OPEN Open house for the new Redbud Terrace shopping center in Naihville held last week end, with several new businesses participating. The building is owned, by Mr. and Mrs. John Steinbeck of Nashyilie, who, alscftoperafe the Yesterday shop.

Other businesses include Candlelight Cottage interior design studio operated by Mrs. Gene, Wilson; a sewing supply shop operated by Miss Anna Adsit; Calico Closet owned by Misses Nancy and Diana Taylor; and the Unicorn jewelry and gift shop operated by Mrs. Belvia Pol-ley and Mrs. J. B.

Schenk. (Photo by Jack Bond) I Ml I PRICES START AT 86.95 Home At No Extra Charge Mm mm Flintwood Addition (Flintwood Drive) Saturday Sunday 1 P.M. 'til 5 P.M. Come see this extra nice 4 bedroom brick ranch-style home. Has lots of extras.

90 financing available. ICafydid Homes Arnold Moir Builder POR A BUCK THIRTY-NINE Delivered and Set-Up FREE DEEP. ic'Vi SALAD POTATO VIGETASLI BEVERAGE ROIL AND CUTTER 4 flnrtrtlp tUrtlof txcluihr horn o'piantjr rtu baaing ytm ftntrtlp h4jr aduttmfit rtri lrf muffltr MainaIKu 9 marimtutn tloy dacki tht (metM Utm Boy 4311111141 dlf rwd tckirtf for powat mowlnc LAWIM-BDY wnin's Repair Shop l. Bill's Mobile Home Sales ANN TIlOMiBY STOP CAFETERIA COLUMBUS CENTER Open 9 to 9 Daily, Sun. 12 to 6 p.m.

North 3 1 379-4914 Phone 372-1011 18th Home Ave. S72-4S61 i.

The Republic from Columbus, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.